Chapter 5. A Different Approach Using IoT Core and API.AI

So far we have built a Raspberry Pi–based AVS and created our very first lambda function to support a custom Alexa skill. It’s safe to say, we have accomplished quite a bit in the past few chapters. In this chapter, we are going even further, but with a twist. Rather than further extending our custom Alexa skill, we will bring another platform into the mix to keep things fun and interesting. We are going to build an Alexa-like device using Windows IoT Core running on a Raspberry Pi. On top of all that, we will leverage Google’s API.AI as our cloud-based NLU/NLP. Pretty exciting, eh? Why are we doing this, you might ask? Well, in addition to having fun, we want to expose you to another platform and demonstrate the benefits of experimenting with different AI systems. Kick the tires, so to speak. We already know that Alexa is an amazing intelligent voice platform, but API.AI is powerful in its own right and we want to introduce you to some of its core features.

We’ll be building another “Hello, World” project using API.AI as the NLU/NLP. In addition, we’ll build a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app that will handle the voice interactions (record and playback) between you and API.AI. While our app will not have the power and sophistication that Alexa offers out of the box, we will be able to create robust, highly customized voice interactions using our UWP and API.AI. Lastly, the most important takeaway from this effort is that you will have an understanding of how to build intelligent interactions using API.AI, not to mention you will have learned how to create a cool little voice-activated app on IoT Core.

Chapter 2 briefly introduced API.AI, but here we will dive a little deeper and demonstrate how to create an API.AI custom agent, intents, and responses. Then we will outline how to integrate your API.AI agent into a custom UWP app running on IoT Core. Figure 5-1 illustrates what we will build in this chapter.

Figure 5-1. Voice interface on IoT Core + API.AI

We will be moving away from Node.js at this point, and instead will create a UWP using C#. We’ll touch more on API.AI as we move through the build process.

IoT Core

Before we get started we should probably talk a little about Windows IoT Core. IoT Core is Microsoft’s OS for IoT. Consider it a scaled-down version of Windows 10 that will run on x86/x64 and ARM devices, like a Raspberry Pi. It doesn’t come with all the bells and whistles of Windows 10 for the desktop; there isn’t a task bar or personalized desktop, for example. In fact, there is just a main dashboard, shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2. Windows IoT Core main dashboard

Microsoft is very serious about IoT Core and is committed to expanding its reach into the world of IoT devices. It even offers a version of Windows IoT for the Enterprise. As you will learn in this chapter, IoT Core is a very capable OS for IoT, especially for those of you who are well versed in C# or other MS platform languages.

Tools and Things

The good news is that you can reuse all the same hardware from Chapter 3 (refer back to “Tools and Things”). However, we recommend using a separate SD card so you don’t overwrite the AVS project we created in Chapter 4. For this exercise, you will also need a workstation/laptop running Windows 10, as the tools provided by MS to provision IoT Core are currently only available for Windows. Of course, once you have installed IoT Core onto your Raspberry Pi, you will be able to control most of its features from any web browser.

As mentioned in Chapter 3, you will need a way to write to a micro SD card. If your workstation has an SD card reader, great; otherwise, you will need to buy a USB SD card reader and adapter. These are currently available on Amazon for as low as $8.

Once you have all of the necessary components, you will need to prepare your Pi. The following section will help you do just that.

Preparing Your Pi

Let’s get connection logistics out of the way first. We recommend connecting your Pi 3 to an HDMI monitor as well as a USB keyboard and mouse. Then hook up your Pi with a power adapter, a microphone, and a speaker. With your SD card in hand, follow these steps to set up a new instance of a IoT Core on Raspberry Pi:

  1. To create a new IoT Core Pi from scratch, you will need to download a copy of IoT Core onto your Windows workstation.

  2. Once you have downloaded the IoT Core Setup.exe file, double-click it to launch the IoT Dashboard Tools. If you have any existing IoT Core devices running on your network, you will see them listed here. We are creating a new IoT Core device, so go ahead and click the “Set up a new device” option on the left menu (Figure 5-3).

    Figure 5-3. IoT Core dashboard
  3. Make sure you have a formatted SD card inserted into your workstation (your SD drive letter may be different than the one shown in our screenshots). If you need help formatting the SD card, refer to “Preparing Your Pi”. We’ve named our device “winPI,” but you can choose any name you prefer. Next, create a password for the administrative user, which you will need later in the process for authenticating and connecting to your device via a browser. You can leave the Wi-Fi Network Connection unchecked; we will configure that at a later point. At this point, you are ready to flash IoT Core to your SD card. Accept the license by checking the box and click the “Download and install” button; progress bars will appear to indicate that the download and flash have commenced (see Figure 5-4).

    Figure 5-4. Setting up a new IoT Core device
  4. Once the SD flashing process is finished, you will be presented with the screen shown in Figure 5-5. Take your newly minted IoT Core SD card, and insert it into your Raspberry Pi (be sure to power down your Raspberry Pi beforehand). Next, connect your HDMI cable and USB keyboard and mouse to your Pi and power the device back up. Finally, click the “My devices” button. Your device might not appear in the list at first, but you should see it once it is powered on and configured.

    Figure 5-5. New device SD card ready screen in IoT dashboard
  5. As your IoT Core Pi boots for the first time, you will see the screen shown in Figure 5-6. It may reboot a few times and this screen may appear for longer than you’d expect. Don’t panic; it’s just IoT Core running some installation housekeeping and configuration processes during the initial boot.

    Figure 5-6. IoT Core boot screen
  6. Once the initial boot sequence has completed, you will be prompted to select your language and choose a WiFi network. You will then be directed to the main IoT Core dashboard, which should like something like the screen shown in Figure 5-7.

    Figure 5-7. IoT Core dashboard
  7. Congratulations! You’ve completed the IoT Core setup. Before we move on to coding API.AI and our UWP, we need to update our device’s time zone. The following steps also demonstrate how to connect to your IoT Core device via a web browser, and show you where you can control the apps that run on your device.

  8. Open up a web browser of your choosing and in the URL box, type http://YOUR_DEVICE_IP:8080 and then hit Enter (make sure to replace YOUR_DEVICE_IP with the actual IP address of your IoT Core device). You will be prompted to authenticate before you can access the device. Type Administrator for the user and then enter the password you created for the administrative user in step 3. Once you are authenticated you will be directed to the IoT Core Device Portal for your Pi, shown in Figure 5-8.


    You can also access your device via a browser using the IoT Dashboard tool. In the IoT Dashboard tool, select My Devices from the menu, right-click your IoT device, and select Open in Device Portal.

    Figure 5-8. IoT Core web-based device portal
  9. Under the Device Settings section, scroll down until you see the time zone option. Update the setting to your local time zone and click Save. There are many other menu options and settings available to view and update but they are outside the scope of this chapter. IoT Core is a great operating system for IoT, so we encourage you to play around and learn all you can about it.


    To see performance metrics for your device, select the Processes→Performance menu options from the left menu.

  10. At this point, we need to familiarize ourselves with one other feature of IoT Core. Using the menu on the left, navigate to Apps→Apps Manager. This brings up a list of all the apps that are installed and/or running on your device (Figure 5-9). From here you can change which apps start at boot; you can restart, start, or stop an app; and you can even uninstall an app using the Uninstall option from the drop-down box. There are actually two ways to install a UWP app onto an IoT Core device. The first is to simply deploy the app from Visual Studio, which is the method we will be using. The second option is to build an installation package in Visual Studio and then upload that package using the tools available under the “Install app” section, just below the Apps list.

    Figure 5-9. IoT Core Apps list
  11. Finally, if you need to power down or restart the device, you can do so through the portal by simply selecting the Power menu option.

That wraps up the installation and configuration of IoT Core on Raspberry Pi. Now we can get back to doing some of the more fun stuff.

Welcome to API.AI

As we mentioned in Chapter 2, API.AI is combination NLP and NLU platform that allows developers to create rich, conversational human–computer interactions. At the core of API.AI are agents. Agents are discrete NLU modules containing a set of intents, slots (entities), and utterances. Agents can be connected to apps such as Facebook Messenger or Twilio to act as a bot. They can also be connected to devices like our IoT Core Raspberry Pi to provide natural conversational experiences via a custom UWP app. API.AI also provides numerous pre-built integrations that make it extremely easy to connect agents to popular external platforms like Twitter, Skype, and Slack. Figure 5-10 illustrates agents’ place in the API.AI model.

Figure 5-10. API.AI Agent

Figure 5-10 is, of course, a high-level view of the agent’s role within API.AI. There are other features available as well, but for our “Hello, World” example we need only focus on intents and responses.

Before we begin creating our agent on API.AI, I’d like to mention one other powerful API.AI feature: Smalltalk. Smalltalk is an out-of-the-box feature that allows you to create responses for commonly encountered phrases (e.g., “Who are you?”; “Are you a person?”; “Thank you”; “You’re welcome”; etc.). API.AI organizes common phrases into Smalltalk topics, making it easy for you to create responses to those questions. The folks at API.AI update the Smalltalk topics based on observations from conversational interactions that occur within their platform. This makes Smalltalk a very convenient, time-saving feature that can free you from having to create intents for every mundane question your agents might encounter. We’ll include a small example of Smalltalk in our “Hello, World” agent, just because we love it!

Now, let’s go build an agent for our UWP app!

Building an API.AI Agent

For our agent build, we will follow a simple step-by-step process (you’ll need a Google account to access API.AI, as the company was recently acquired by Google):

  1. Open a web browser and visit You should land on the page shown in Figure 5-11. Click GO TO CONSOLE at the upper-right section of the window.

    Figure 5-11. API.AI landing page

    You will then be directed to the login page, shown in Figure 5-12.

    Figure 5-12. API.AI login
  2. Go ahead and log in with your Google account credentials. You should then be redirected to the page shown in Figure 5-13. From there, click the CREATE AGENT button.


    If you are prompted to authorize API.AI due to insufficient permissions, simply grant the required access to continue the process.

    Figure 5-13. API.AI landing page
  3. You should now be presented with the Create Agent form (Figure 5-14). Give your agent a name and a brief description, and set your default time zone. We don’t need to provide sample data or create a Google project for our “Hello, World” example, so you can simply click Save to initialize our agent.

    Figure 5-14. API.AI’s Create Agent form
  4. Once your agent is successfully created, you will be directed to the page shown in Figure 5-15. This is where we can create the intents and entities for our agent. Let’s build our HelloWorldIntent now. Click CREATE INTENT.

    Figure 5-15. API.AI Agent console
  5. There are a lot of options on the “Create Intent” form (Figure 5-16), but we only need to focus on three tasks: naming our intent, defining “User says” utterances, and building a list of responses. First things first, let’s name our intent HelloWorldIntent. Next, enter the utterances we expect our users to say for our “Hello, World” example. For example, “Say ‘hello’ to the world” or “Say ‘Hello, World’”. As you can see, this is virtually identical to how we create utterances for Alexa in the Amazon Developer Portal. Next, let’s create a list of possible responses that can be returned whenever our HelloWorldIntent is triggered. This is one of the more powerful features of API.AI. As you’ll recall from Chapter 4, we had to create a lambda function to handle and build the responses for our Alexa skill. All of our skill logic was managed in code. However, with API.AI, we now have a code-free way to not only return a response but also to randomize the phrases returned. This makes our interactions more interesting and conversational, all without writing one line of code. As already mentioned, there are many other items available on the Create Intent form, but we won’t cover these here; however, we encourage you to experiment with each of the available options. For now though, just go ahead and save the work we did for the HelloWorldIntent.

    Figure 5-16. New Intent form
  6. After saving your HelloWorldIntent, you will be brought back to the main agent console where you should now see your HelloWorldIntent listed (Figure 5-17). Before we begin building our UWP app, let’s take our agent for a test run. Type Say 'Hello' in the “Try it now” box and hit Enter. This will trigger your agent. You should then see one of your HelloWorldIntent responses listed under Default Response. You should also see the name of the intent your agent triggered based on the Say ‘Hello’ utterance. If everything worked as expected, congratulations! You successfully created a custom API.AI agent. A quick note on the two default intents, which are included in every agent. The Default Fallback Intent is triggered whenever your agent can’t find an intent for a given user utterance. API.AI provides a nice list of canned responses as part of the “fallback” intent, but you can modify the list as needed. The Default Welcome Intent is triggered by Welcome Events, typically fired by social media platform bots, although it can also be triggered via the API.AI API. Our “Hello, World” example won’t utilize the Welcome Intent, but we wanted to explain its usage.

    Figure 5-17. Agent test
  7. There are just a few more things we need to do in preparation for our UWP app integration. First, click the COPY CURL link (Figure 5-18). This will provide a sample HTTPS call we can use to connect our UWP app to our API.AI agent.

    Figure 5-18. Test output

    The copied curl statement looks similar to this:

    	curl '
    	-H 'Authorization:Bearer

    We’ve highlighted the important bits. API.AI requires certain parameters for query calls. Specifically, we will need to provide the following query string parameters:


    The actual utterance spoken by our user


    A random string (we will use a GUID)


    The language of the response (because we are working with one language in our example, we’ll pass “en” for English)


    The version of API.AI API we wish to use

    Time zone is not required, and while Bearer token (Client Access Token) is mandatory for each request, it will be passed as part of the HTTP request header. We’ve reformatted the request to give us a base URL, which we will use in our UWP app (take note of this URL, you will need it later in the chapter):

    //our modified base URL for API.AI

    You will need your Client Access Token for our UWP app. To retrieve it, simply click the gear icon next to your agent name at the top-left of the main agent console (see Figure 5-19). Your Client Access Token will be listed under the API Keys section.

    Figure 5-19. Click on the gear icon to retrieve your access token
  8. The second item we need to cover is the response object returned from API.AI. If you click the SHOW JSON button shown in Figure 5-18 it will reveal the response JSON returned from our HelloWorldIntent (Figure 5-20). The element we are most interested in is contained within the fulfillment object. The speech element contains one of the response phrases we entered in the HelloWorldIntent. This is the value our UWP app will need to parse from the JSON object. (There is also a speech element within the messages array. This is a text value supporting line breaks to support Facebook Messenger, Kik, Slack, and other messaging services. You can certainly use this value, but it’s not required.) You don’t need to take any action at the moment; this image is provided simply as a reference to the API.AI response object. Full details regarding the response object can be found at

    Figure 5-20. API.AI HelloWorldIntent response JSON
  9. At this point, we’ve completed all of the API.AI requirements for our “Hello, World” example, but we want to quickly show you how easy it is to add Small Talk to your agent. Select Small Talk from the left menu and you will be presented with the screen shown in Figure 5-21. As you can see, API.AI provides a fairly comprehensive list of Smalltalk topics to choose from.

    Figure 5-21. API.AI Small Talk dashboard
  10. Click the “About agent” topic and under “Who are you?” (Figure 5-22), and enter a list of random response phrases you want your agent to return for that question. When you are done, click Save. That’s it! Now your agent will respond with one of your provided phrases whenever it receives the “Who are you?” question. Obviously this greatly simplifies our agent’s ability to handle commonly encountered phrases. Pretty powerful stuff!

    Figure 5-22. API.AI Small Talk “About agent” configuration

OK, that’s a wrap on our API.AI effort. We were able to create a rich set of intents and responses all without writing one line of code. We were even able to add a bit of Small Talk handing to the mix. As mentioned earlier, API.AI is a very capable NLU/NLP engine, and we highly recommend it for any voice-based project. It’s especially handy for building codeless bots using API.AI’s pre-built integrations. Experiment with API.AI—you won’t be sorry you did.

Now, let’s go build our UWP app and tie it all together.

Building Our UWP App

We’re now ready to build our custom UWP app. This section assumes you are familiar with developing apps in Visual Studio (VS) and have some experience with C#. In addition, you will need Visual Studio 2015 or above (Community Edition is fine).

The Plan

The overall plan is to have fun creating a voice-activated UWP app. To help us achieve this goal, our app will leverage Microsoft’s Windows.Media namespace. Specifically, the Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis and Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition classes.

The SpeechSynthesis class will be used as our audio playback engine, playing the responses we receive from API.AI. The SpeechRecognition class will be used to listen and capture our user’s voice requests (utterances). We will then forward the utterances to API.AI for processing and parse and play the received responses.

Let’s get started!

The Code

This section breaks the build into simple steps and explains the critical elements of the code. For convenience sake, we’ve made the code for this project available on GitHub. Clone this project locally. We will demonstrate how to create and configure a new UWP project, but you can leverage our existing code to get you up and running quickly. Here are the steps you’ll need to follow:

  1. Go ahead and open VS and create a new project. Select Blank App (Universal Windows). Name your project and solution and click OK (Figure 5-23).

    Figure 5-23. New UWP app
  2. When creating a UWP, you will be prompted to select a target and minimum version of Windows 10. You can leave all the defaults and select OK (Figure 5-24).

    Figure 5-24. UWP targets
  3. Your project should look similar to Figure 5-25. We need to do a little configuration housekeeping so double-click the Package.appxmanifest file.

    Figure 5-25. A typical UWP project structure in Visual Studio
  4. Select the Capabilities tab and then ensure that both Internet (Client) and Microphone are selected under the Capabilities list (Figure 5-26). This grants our app access to the microphone hardware.

    Figure 5-26. UWP package manifest settings
  5. Now we need to set the Target platform from x86 to ARM (the Pi is an ARM-based processor). On the main toolbar, click the drop-down box adjacent to the build mode (debug/release) and select ARM. Next, click the arrow next to Local Machine and select Remote Machine (this will be our Pi), as shown in Figure 5-27.

    Figure 5-27. Set platform to ARM and select Remote Machine
  6. Upon selecting Remote Machine, you should be prompted to enter a Target Device, Remote Machine, and Authentication Mode. Ensure the settings are configured as indicated in Figure 5-28. Be sure to enter you Pi’s IP address for the Remote Machine setting.


    If you are not immediately prompted with a pop-up box when selecting Remote Machine, you can make the adjustments by navigating to Debug→Properties and then selecting the Debug menu option (see Figure 5-28).

    Figure 5-28. Set remote machine to our IoT Core Pi IP address
  7. Now that our app is configured correctly, let’s set it aside for a moment and open the solution you cloned from GitHub. This will give us an opportunity to review the code in detail. When we finish the remaining steps, you can either copy and paste our code into your new project, or simply run our cloned project.


    If you choose to copy and paste our code into your project, remember to replace the Client Access Token (APIKEY) to match your API.AI Token. If you choose to simply run our cloned project, you will need to update the Client Access Token as well the Remote Machine IP Address.

  8. Once the cloned solution is open, expand the MainPage.xaml item and then double-click the MainPage.xaml.cs file to reveal the source. We’ll start at the very top. First, we initialize an instance variable SpeechRecognizer object named recognizer, which will be used to start a continuous recognition session. The continuous session will listen for an invocation word (similar to how Amazon devices listen for “Alexa/Amazon/computer”). We also have a variable to hold the base URL to API.AI (we discussed this in step 8 of creating our API.AI agent). Next, we store our API.AI Client Access Token in a variable named APIKEY, which will be passed to API.AI in the request header. Finally, we created an invocation word and prompt. Our continuous session will listen for the word “Hal,” at which time we will respond with “Yes?”, letting the user know we are listening and awaiting her next utterance:

    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
        // Speech Recognizer
        private SpeechRecognizer recognizer;
        private HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        private readonly string baseURL = "
        private readonly string APIKEY = "092e4a9c21d34bed9e4f50e7ebf56d2d";
        private readonly string INVOCATION_NAME = "hal";
        private readonly string INVOCATION_PROMPT = "yes?";
        public MainPage()
  9. The following code illustrates what occurs when our app is navigated to (similar to “loaded” in a traditional Windows app). Here, we create the Authorization Header to the Client Access Token so it is passed on each call to API.AI. Next, we call InitializeSpeechRecognizer to initialize the continuous recognition session:

    async protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = 
          new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", APIKEY);
        await InitializeSpeechRecognizer();
  10. Let’s break down the InitializeSpeechRecognizer method. After we create a new SpeechRecognizer object, we attach a delegate handler to the ContinuousRecgonitionSession’s ResultGenerated event. Next, we create a constraint for the session to only fire when certain words or phrases are received. In our case, we only want the event to fire by our invocation word “Hal.” Finally, we compile our constraints, and if successful, start the session:

    async protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = 
          new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", APIKEY);
        await InitializeSpeechRecognizer();
  11. Taking a quick look at the RecognizerResultGenerated event delegate we see that if the spoken word isn’t empty, we simply pass the value to a custom handler called ProcessContinuousVoiceResult:

    // Recognizer generated results
    async private void RecognizerResultGenerated(
      SpeechContinuousRecognitionSession session, 
      SpeechContinuousRecognitionResultGeneratedEventArgs args)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Result.Text))
                await ProcessContinousVoiceResult(args.Result.Text);
        catch (Exception ex)
  12. Within ProcessContinuousVoiceResult we double-check that we received the invocation name, and if so, we respond with “Yes?”, letting our user know we are ready for her next phrase. Next, we stop the continuous speech recognizer session (temporarily) and call InitialIntentRecognizer to spin-up a second “burst” listening session:

    private async Task ProcessContinousVoiceResult(string target)
            if (target.ToLower() == INVOCATION_NAME)
                await this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(
                    () =>
                await recognizer.ContinuousRecognitionSession.StopAsync();
                await InitializeIntentRecognizer();
        catch (Exception ex)
  13. The InitialIntentRecognizer is where most of the magic happens. The first part of the method creates a new SpeechRecognizer object, compiles any constraints (in our case there are none), and then sets up our timeout values. The timeout settings inform the session to wait up to 10 seconds for speech (and ending the session) and to wait 5 seconds after speech is heard. Next, we start the recognition session by calling RecognizeAysnc(). When the session has completed, we grab the utterance from the session result, build our query string, and pass the data to API.AI. Once the response is received from API.AI, we parse the data and pass the response speech to the PlayResponse method:

    private async Task InitializeIntentRecognizer()
        string spokenWord = string.Empty;
            // Initialize recognizer
            using (var intentRecognizer = new SpeechRecognizer())
                var compilationResult = 
                  await intentRecognizer.CompileConstraintsAsync();
                // If successful, display the recognition result.
                if (compilationResult.Status == 
                    // change default of 5 seconds
                    intentRecognizer.Timeouts.InitialSilenceTimeout =
                    // change default of 0.5 seconds
                    intentRecognizer.Timeouts.EndSilenceTimeout =
                    SpeechRecognitionResult result = 
                      await intentRecognizer.RecognizeAsync();
                    if (result.Status == 
                        spokenWord = result.Text;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spokenWord))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spokenWord))
                    var result = await client.GetStringAsync(baseURL +
                      "&sessionId=" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + 
                            "&query=" + Uri.EscapeUriString(spokenWord));
                    var results = JObject.Parse(result);
                    var output = (string)results["result"]
                    await this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(
                      Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>   
        catch (Exception ex)
            //result the main recognition session to listen for trigger word
            await recognizer.ContinuousRecognitionSession.StartAsync();
  14. Finally, let’s review the PlayResponse method. This method simply builds an SSML string, selects one of the available synthesized voices, and plays the SSML value via the MediaElement object:

    private async Task PlayResponse(string text)
            MediaElement media = new MediaElement();
            SpeechSynthesisStream stream = null;
            string Ssml =
                @"<speak version="1.0">" +
                text +
            var voices = SpeechSynthesizer.AllVoices;
            using (var speech = new SpeechSynthesizer())
                speech.Voice = voices.First(gender => gender.Gender == 
                  VoiceGender.Male && gender.Description.Contains("David"));
                stream = await speech.SynthesizeSsmlToStreamAsync(Ssml);
            media.SetSource(stream, stream.ContentType);
        catch (Exception ex)
  15. Now that we have reviewed the critical elements of our code, we are ready to take it for test drive. As mentioned earlier, you can choose to simply deploy and run our project to your IoT Core Pi, or copy and paste our code into your project.


    If you choose to copy and paste our code into your project, remember to replace the Client Access Token (APIKEY) to match your API.AI Token. If you choose to simply run our cloned project, you will need to update the Client Access Token as well the Remote Machine IP Address.

Deploying and Testing

Whether you use our project or build your own, VS makes deploying and testing the UWP app simple. Before we begin, let’s make sure our hardware is ready for testing. Ensure that your IoT Core device is powered up and the microphone and speaker are connected. Next, from the toolbar in VS, click the Remote Machine button. This will compile and deploy the app to your IoT Core device. Once the app is deployed (the VS toolbar options will update to display the Continue and Stop icons), you are ready to test the app.


If you encounter issues with deployment, double-check that the Remote Machine IP address matches your device’s IP address.

While in debug mode, speak the word “Hal” into the microphone. You should hear a “Yes?” response from the device.  Once you hear “Yes?”, say the following into the mic: Say ‘Hello’. You should then hear the device reply with one of the response phrases created in API.AI. If everything worked as planned, pat yourself on the back—you just created a voice-activated app on IoT Core running on a Raspberry Pi!

What’s Next?

The UWP app we created can obviously be extended, and we invite you to experiment with it, perhaps even switching from API.AI to MS Cognitive Services as the NLP/NLU. Don’t stop here; really dig in and play with the various tools we discussed in earlier chapters. Above all, have fun with it!

In the next chapter we’ll pivot a bit and explore using other types of inputs and sensors and discuss security-related topics and going to production with your voice-enabled device.

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