Chapter 4. Pattern Matching

At first glance, pattern-matching expressions look like the familiar case statements from your favorite C-like language. In the typical C-like case statement you’re limited to matching against values of ordinal types and triggering trivial expressions for matches. For example, “In the case that i is 5, print a message; in the case that i is 6, exit the program.”

With Scala’s pattern matching, your cases can include types, wildcards, sequences, regular expressions, and even deep inspections of an object’s state. This deep inspection follows a protocol that allows the type implementer to control the visibility of internal state. Finally, the exposed state is easy to capture to variables for use. Hence, the terms “extraction” or “destructuring” are sometimes used for this capability.

Pattern matching can be used in several code contexts. We’ll start with the most common usage, within match clauses. Afterwards, we’ll show other uses. We saw two relatively simple examples of match clauses in our actor example in “A Taste of Concurrency”. We also discussed additional uses in “Partial Functions”.

A Simple Match

To begin with, let’s simulate flipping a coin by matching the value of a Boolean:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val bools = Seq(true, false)

for (bool <- bools) {
  bool match {
    case true => println("Got heads")
    case false => println("Got tails")

It looks just like a C-style case statement. As an experiment, try commenting out the second case false clause and run the script again. You get a warning and then an error:

<console>:12: warning: match may not be exhaustive.
It would fail on the following input: false
                bool match {
Got heads
scala.MatchError: false (of class java.lang.Boolean)
  at .<init>(<console>:11)
  at .<clinit>(<console>)

From the type of the list, the compiler knows that there are two possible cases, true and false. So, it warns that the match isn’t exhaustive. Then we see what happens when we try to match on a value for which there is no matching case clause. A MatchError is thrown.

I should mention that a simpler alternative is an old-fashioned if expression in this case:

for (bool <- bools) {
  val which = if (bool) "head" else "tails"
  println("Got " + which)

Values, Variables, and Types in Matches

Let’s cover several kinds of matches. The following example matches on specific values, all values of specific types, and it shows one way of writing a “default” clause that matches anything:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

for {
  x <- Seq(1, 2, 2.7, "one", "two", 'four)                           1
} {
  val str = x match {                                                2
    case 1          => "int 1"                                       3
    case i: Int     => "other int: "+i                               4
    case d: Double  => "a double: "+x                                5
    case "one"      => "string one"                                  6
    case s: String  => "other string: "+s                            7
    case unexpected => "unexpected value: " + unexpected             8
  println(str)                                                       9

Because of the mix of values, the list is of type Seq[Any].


The x is of type Any.


Match if x equals 1.


Match any other Int value. Safely cast the value of x to an Int and assign to i.


Match any Double, where the value of x is assigned to the Double variable d.


Match the String “one”.


Match any other String, where the value of x is assigned to the String variable s.


Match all other inputs, where unexpected is the variable to which the value of x is assigned. Because no type annotation is given, Any is inferred. This functions as the “default” clause.


Print the returned String.

I lined up the => (“arrows”) to make things a bit clearer. Here is the output:

int 1
other int: 2
a double 2.7
string one
other string: two
unexpected value: 'four

Matches, like all expressions, return a value. In this case, all clauses return strings, so the return type of the whole clause is String. The compiler infers the closest supertype (also called the least upper bound) for types of values returned by all the case clauses.

Because x is of type Any, we need enough clauses to cover all possible values. (Compare with our first example that matched on Boolean values.). That’s why the “default” clause (with unexpected) is needed. However, when writing PartialFunctions, we aren’t required to match all possible values, because they are intentionally partial.

Matches are eager, so more specific clauses must appear before less specific clauses. Otherwise, the more specific clauses will never get the chance to match. So, the default clause shown must be the last one. The compiler will catch the error, fortunately.

I didn’t include a clause with a floating-point literal, because matching on floating-point literals is a bad idea, as rounding errors mean two values that appear to be the same often differ in the least significant digits.

Here is a slight variation of the previous example:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

for {
  x <- Seq(1, 2, 2.7, "one", "two", 'four)
} {
  val str = x match {
    case 1          => "int 1"
    case _: Int     => "other int: "+x
    case _: Double  => "a double: "+x
    case "one"      => "string one"
    case _: String  => "other string: "+x
    case _          => "unexpected value: " + x

We replaced the variables i, d, s, and unexpected with the placeholder _. We don’t actually need variables of the specific types, because we’re just going to generate strings. So, we can use x for all cases.


Except for PartialFunctions, matches must be exhaustive. When the input is of type Any, end with a default match clause, case _ or case some_name.

There are a few rules and gotchas to keep in mind when writing case clauses. The compiler assumes that a term that starts with a capital letter is a type name, while a term that begins with a lowercase letter is assumed to be the name of a variable that will hold an extracted or matched value.

This rule can cause surprises, as shown in the following example:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

def checkY(y: Int) = {
  for {
    x <- Seq(99, 100, 101)
  } {
    val str = x match {
      case y => "found y!"
      case i: Int => "int: "+i


We want the ability to pass in a specific value for the first case clause, rather than hard-code it. So, we might expect the first case clause to match when x equals y, which holds the value of 100, producing the following output when we run the script:

int: 99
found y!
int: 101

This is what we actually get:

<console>:12: warning: patterns after a variable pattern cannot match (SLS 8.1.1)
If you intended to match against parameter y of method checkY, you must use
backticks, like: case `y` =>
             case y => "found y!"
<console>:13: warning: unreachable code due to variable pattern 'y' on line 12
             case i: Int => "int: "+i
<console>:13: warning: unreachable code
             case i: Int => "int: "+i
checkY: (y: Int)Unit
found y!
found y!
found y!

The case y actually means, “match anything (because there is no type annotation) and assign it to this new variable named y.” The y here is not interpreted as a reference to the method argument y. So, we actually wrote a default, match-all clause first, triggering the three warnings that this “variable pattern” will capture everything and so we won’t reach the second case expression. Then we get two warnings about unreachable code. The “SLS 8.1.1” refers to Section 8.1.1 in the Scala Language Specification.

The first error message tells us what to do: use “back ticks” to indicate we really want to match against the value held by y:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

def checkY(y: Int) = {
  for {
    x <- Seq(99, 100, 101)
  } {
    val str = x match {
      case `y` => "found y!"           // The only change: `y`
      case i: Int => "int: "+i

Now the output is what we want.


In case clauses, a term that begins with a lowercase letter is assumed to be the name of a new variable that will hold an extracted value. To refer to a previously defined variable, enclose it in back ticks. Conversely, a term that begins with an uppercase letter is assumed to be a type name.

Finally, sometimes we want to handle several different matches with the same code body. To avoid duplication, we could refactor the code body into a method, but case clauses also support an “or” construct, using a | method:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

for {
  x <- Seq(1, 2, 2.7, "one", "two", 'four)
} {
  val str = x match {
    case _: Int | _: Double => "a number: "+x
    case "one"              => "string one"
    case _: String          => "other string: "+x
    case _                  => "unexpected value: " + x

Now, both Int and Double values are matched by the first case clause.

Matching on Sequences

Seq (for “sequence”) is a parent type for the concrete collection types that support iteration over the elements in a deterministic order, such as List and Vector.

Let’s examine the classic idiom for iterating through a Seq using pattern matching and recursion, and along the way, learn some useful fundamentals about sequences:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val nonEmptySeq    = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)                              1
val emptySeq       = Seq.empty[Int]
val nonEmptyList   = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)                             2
val emptyList      = Nil
val nonEmptyVector = Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)                           3
val emptyVector    = Vector.empty[Int]
val nonEmptyMap    = Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3)       4
val emptyMap       = Map.empty[String,Int]

def seqToString[T](seq: Seq[T]): String = seq match {                5
  case head +: tail => s"$head +: " + seqToString(tail)              6
  case Nil => "Nil"                                                  7

for (seq <- Seq(                                                     8
    nonEmptySeq, emptySeq, nonEmptyList, emptyList,
    nonEmptyVector, emptyVector, nonEmptyMap.toSeq, emptyMap.toSeq)) {

Construct a nonempty Seq[Int] (a List is actually returned), followed by the idiomatic way of constructing an empty Seq[Int].


Construct a nonempty List[Int] (a subtype of Seq), followed by the special object in the library, Nil, that represents an empty List of any type parameter.


Construct a nonempty Vectors[Int] (a subtype of Seq), followed by an empty Vector[Int].


Construct a nonempty Map[String,Int], which isn’t a subtype of Seq. We’ll come back to this point in the discussion that follows. The keys are Strings and the values are Ints. Then construct an empty Map[String,Int].


Define a recursive method that constructs a String from a Seq[T] for some type T. The body is one four-line expression that matches on the input Seq[T].


There are two match clauses and they are exhaustive. The first matches on any nonempty Seq, extracting the head, the first element, and the tail, which is the rest of the Seq. (Seq has head and tail methods, but here these terms are interpreted as variable names as usual for case clauses.) The body of the clause constructs a String with the head followed by +: followed by the result of calling seqToString on the tail.


The only other possible case is an empty Seq. We can use the special object for empty Lists, Nil, to match all the empty cases. Note that any Seq can always be interpreted as terminating with an empty instance of the same type, although only some types, like List, are actually implemented that way.


Put the Seqs in another Seq (calling toSeq on the Maps to convert them to a sequence of key-value pairs), then iterate through it and print the results of calling seqToString on each one.

Here is the output:

1 +: 2 +: 3 +: 4 +: 5 +: Nil
1 +: 2 +: 3 +: 4 +: 5 +: Nil
1 +: 2 +: 3 +: 4 +: 5 +: Nil
(one,1) +: (two,2) +: (three,3) +: Nil

Map is not a subtype of Seq, because it doesn’t guarantee a particular order when you iterate over it. Hence, we called Map.toSeq to create sequences of key-value tuples. Still, the resulting Seq has the pairs in the insert order. That’s a side effect of the implementation for small Maps, but not a general guarantee. The empty collections show that seqToString works correctly for empty collections.

There are two new kinds of case clauses. The first, head +: tail, matches the head element and the tail Seq (the remainder) of a sequence. The operator +: is the “cons” (construction) operator for sequences. It is similar to the :: operator we saw in “Precedence Rules” for Lists. Recall that methods that end with a colon (:) bind to the right, toward the Seq tail.

I’m calling them “operators” and “methods,” but actually that’s not quite right in this context; we’ll come back to this expression a bit later and really examine what’s going on. For now, let’s note a few key points.

First, this case clause only matches a nonempty sequence, one with at least a head element, and it extracts that head element and the rest of the sequence into immutable variables named head and tail, respectively.

Second, to reiterate, the terms head and tail are arbitrary variable names. However, there are also head and tail methods on Seq for returning the head and tail of a sequence, respectively. Normally, it’s clear from the context when the methods are being used. By the way, calling either method on an empty sequence results in a thrown exception.

Because Seq behaves conceptually like a linked list, where each head node holds an element and it points to the tail (the rest of the sequence), creating a hierarchical structure that looks schematically like the following for a four-node sequence, an empty sequence is the most natural marker at the end:

(node1, (node2, (node3, (node4, (end))))

The Scala library has an object called Nil for lists and it matches all empty sequences, which is why we used it. We can use Nil even for collections that aren’t a List because of the way equality for sequences is implemented. The types don’t have to match exactly.

This variant adds the parentheses. We’ll just use a few of the collections this time:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val nonEmptySeq    = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val emptySeq       = Seq.empty[Int]
val nonEmptyMap    = Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3)

def seqToString2[T](seq: Seq[T]): String = seq match {
  case head +: tail => s"($head +: ${seqToString2(tail)})"           1
  case Nil => "(Nil)"

for (seq <- Seq(nonEmptySeq, emptySeq, nonEmptyMap.toSeq)) {

Reformatted to add outer parentheses, (…).

The output of this script is the following, which shows the hierarchical structure explicitly, where each “sublist” is surrounded by parentheses:

(1 +: (2 +: (3 +: (4 +: (5 +: (Nil))))))
((one,1) +: ((two,2) +: ((three,3) +: (Nil))))

So, we process sequences with just two case clauses and recursion. Note that this implies something fundamental about all sequences; they are either empty or not. That sounds trite, but once you recognize simple patterns like this, it gives you a surprisingly general tool for “divide and conquer.” The idiom used by processSeq is widely reusable.

Before Scala 2.10, it was common to use a closely related idiom for Lists instead:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val nonEmptyList = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val emptyList    = Nil

def listToString[T](list: List[T]): String = list match {
  case head :: tail => s"($head :: ${listToString(tail)})"           1
  case Nil => "(Nil)"

for (l <- List(nonEmptyList, emptyList)) { println(listToString(l)) }

Replaced +: with ::.

The output is similar:

(1 :: (2 :: (3 :: (4 :: (5 :: (Nil))))))

It’s more conventional now to write code that uses Seq, so it can be applied to all subclasses, including List and Vector.

We can copy and paste the output of the previous examples to reconstruct the original objects:

scala> val s1 = (1 +: (2 +: (3 +: (4 +: (5 +: Nil)))))
s1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> val l  = (1 :: (2 :: (3 :: (4 :: (5 :: Nil)))))
l: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> val s2 = (("one",1) +: (("two",2) +: (("three",3) +: Nil)))
s2: List[(String, Int)] = List((one,1), (two,2), (three,3), (four,4))

scala> val m  = Map(s2 :_*)
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] =
  Map(one -> 1, two -> 2, three -> 3, four -> 4)

Note that the Map.apply factory method expects a variable argument list of two-element tuples. So, in order to use the sequence s2 to construct a Map, we had to use the :_* idiom for the compiler to convert it to a variable-argument list.

So, there’s an elegant symmetry between construction and pattern matching (“deconstruction”) when using +: and ::. We’ll explore the implementation and see other examples later in this chapter.

Matching on Tuples

Tuples are also easy to match on, using their literal syntax:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val langs = Seq(
  ("Scala",   "Martin", "Odersky"),
  ("Clojure", "Rich",   "Hickey"),
  ("Lisp",    "John",   "McCarthy"))

for (tuple <- langs) {
  tuple match {
    case ("Scala", _, _) => println("Found Scala")                   1
    case (lang, first, last) =>                                      2
      println(s"Found other language: $lang ($first, $last)")

Match a three-element tuple where the first element is the string “Scala” and we ignore the second and third arguments.


Match any three-element tuple, where the elements could be any type, but they are inferred to be Strings due to the input langs. Extract the elements into variables lang, first, and last.

The output is this:

Found Scala
Found other language: Clojure (Rich, Hickey)
Found other language: Lisp (John, McCarthy)

A tuple can be taken apart into its constituent elements. We can match on literal values within the tuple, at any positions we want, and we can ignore elements we don’t care about.

Guards in case Clauses

Matching on literal values is very useful, but sometimes you need a little additional logic:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

for (i <- Seq(1,2,3,4)) {
  i match {
    case _ if i%2 == 0 => println(s"even: $i")                       1
    case _             => println(s"odd:  $i")                       2

Match only if i is even. We use _ instead of a variable, because we already have i.


Match the only other possibility, that i is odd.

The output is this:

odd:  1
even: 2
odd:  3
even: 4

Note that we didn’t need parentheses around the condition in the if expression, just as we don’t need them in for comprehensions.

Matching on case Classes

Let’s see more examples of deep matching, where we examine the contents of instances of case classes:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

// Simplistic address type. Using all strings is questionable, too.
case class Address(street: String, city: String, country: String)
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, address: Address)

val alice   = Person("Alice",   25, Address("1 Scala Lane", "Chicago", "USA"))
val bob     = Person("Bob",     29, Address("2 Java Ave.",  "Miami",   "USA"))
val charlie = Person("Charlie", 32, Address("3 Python Ct.", "Boston",  "USA"))

for (person <- Seq(alice, bob, charlie)) {
  person match {
    case Person("Alice", 25, Address(_, "Chicago", _)) => println("Hi Alice!")
    case Person("Bob", 29, Address("2 Java Ave.", "Miami", "USA")) =>
      println("Hi Bob!")
    case Person(name, age, _) =>
      println(s"Who are you, $age year-old person named $name?")

The output is this:

Hi Alice!
Hi Bob!
Who are you, 32 year-old person named Charlie?

Note that we could match into nested types. Here’s a more real-world example with tuples. Imagine we have a sequence of (String,Double) tuples for the names and prices of items in a store and we want to print them with their index. The Seq.zipWithIndex method is handy here:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val itemsCosts = Seq(("Pencil", 0.52), ("Paper", 1.35), ("Notebook", 2.43))
val itemsCostsIndices = itemsCosts.zipWithIndex
for (itemCostIndex <- itemsCostsIndices) {
  itemCostIndex match {
    case ((item, cost), index) => println(s"$index: $item costs $cost each")

Let’s run it in the REPL using the :load command to see the types, as well as the output (reformatted slightly):

scala> :load src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/
Loading src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/
itemsCosts: Seq[(String, Double)] =
  List((Pencil,0.52), (Paper,1.35), (Notebook,2.43))
itemsCostsIndices: Seq[((String, Double), Int)] =
  List(((Pencil,0.52),0), ((Paper,1.35),1), ((Notebook,2.43),2))
0: Pencil costs 0.52 each
1: Paper costs 1.35 each
2: Notebook costs 2.43 each

Note that the call to zipWithIndex returned tuples of the form ((name,cost),index). We matched on this form to extract the three elements and print them. I write code like this a lot.

unapply Method

So, not only the Scala library types, but also our own case classes can exploit pattern matching and extraction, even with deep nesting.

How does this work? We learned already in “A Taste of Concurrency” that a case class gets a companion object that has a factory method named apply, which is used for construction. Using “symmetry” arguments, we might infer that there must be another method generated called unapply, which is used for extraction or “deconstruction.” Indeed there is such an extractor method and it is invoked when a pattern-match expression like this is encountered:

person match {
  case Person("Alice", 25, Address(_, "Chicago", _)) => ...

Scala looks for Person.unapply(…) and Address.unapply(…) and calls them. All unapply methods return an Option[TupleN[…]], where N is the number of values that can be extracted from the object, three for the Person case class, and the types that parameterize the tuple match the values that can be extracted, String, Int, and Address, in this case. So, the Person companion object that the compiler generates looks like this:

object Person {
  def apply(name: String, age: Int, address: Address) =
    new Person(name, age, address)
  def unapply(p: Person): Option[Tuple3[String,Int,Address]] =
    Some((, p.age, p.address))

Why is an Option used, if the compiler already knows that the object is a Person? Scala allows an implementation of unapply to “veto” the match for some reason and return None, in which case Scala will attempt to use the next case clause. Also, we don’t have to expose all fields of the instance if we don’t want to. We could suppress our age, if we’re embarrassed by it. We’ll explore the details in “unapplySeq Method”, but for now, just note that the extracted fields are returned in a Some wrapping a Tuple3. The compiler then extracts those tuple elements for comparison with literal values, like our first clause that looks for “Alice,” or it assigns them to variables we’ve named, or it drops the ones we don’t care about when we use _.


To gain some performance benefits, Scala 2.11.1 relaxed the requirement that unapply return an Option[T]. It can now return any type as long as it has the following methods:

def isEmpty: Boolean
def get: T

The unapply methods are invoked recursively, if necessary, as in this case where we have a nested Address object in the Person. Similarly, our tuple example invoked the corresponding unapply methods recursively.

It’s no coincidence that the same case keyword is used for declaring “special” classes and for case expressions in match expressions. The features of case classes were designed to enable convenient pattern matching.

Before we move on, note that the return type signature, Option[Tuple3[String,​Int,Address]], is a bit wordy. Scala lets us use the tuple literal syntax for the types, too! The following type declarations are all equivalent:

val t1: Option[Tuple3[String,Int,Address]] = ...
val t2: Option[(String,Int,Address)] = ...
val t3: Option[ (String, Int, Address) ] = ...

The tuple literal syntax is easier to read. Extra whitespace helps, too.

Now let’s return to that mysterious head +: tail expression and really understand what it means. We saw that the +: (cons) operator can be used to construct a new sequence by prepending an element to an existing sequence, and we can construct an entire sequence from scratch this way:

val list = 1 +: 2 +: 3 +: 4 +: Nil

Because +: is a method that binds to the right, we first prepend 4 to Nil, then prepend 3 to that list, etc.

Scala wants to support uniform syntax for construction and destruction/extraction, when possible. We’ve seen this at work for sequences, lists, and tuples. These operations are dual, inverses of each other.

If the construction of sequences is done with a method named +:, how is extraction done with the same syntax? We just looked at unapply methods, but they could cheat; Person.unapply and TupleN.unapply already know now many “things” are in their instances, three and N, respectively. Now we want to support nonempty collections of arbitrary length.

To do that, the Scala library defines a special singleton object named +:. Yes, the name is “+:”. Like methods, types can have names with a wide variety of characters.

It has just one method, the unapply method the compiler needs for our extraction case statement. The declaration of unapply is schematically like this (I’ve simplified the actual declaration a bit, because we haven’t yet covered details about the type system that we need to understand the full signature):

def unapply[T, Coll](collection: Coll): Option[(T, Coll)]

The head is of type T, which is inferred, and some collection type Coll, which represents the type of the input collection and the output tail collection. So, an Option of a two-element tuple with the head and tail is returned.

How can the compiler see the expression case head +: tail => … and use a method +:.unapply(collection)? We might expect that the case clause would have to be written case +:(head, tail) => … to work consistently with the behavior we just examined for pattern matching with Person, Address, and tuples.

As a matter of fact, we can write it that way:

scala> def processSeq2[T](l: Seq[T]): Unit = l match {
     |   case +:(head, tail) => 
     |     printf("%s +: ", head)
     |     processSeq2(tail)
     |   case Nil => print("Nil")
     | }

scala> processSeq2(List(1,2,3,4,5))
1 +: 2 +: 3 +: 4 +: 5 +: Nil

But we can also use infix notation, head +: tail, because the compiler exploits another bit of syntactic sugar. Types with two type parameters can be written with infix notation and so can case clauses. Consider this REPL session:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/
scala> case class With[A,B](a: A, b: B)
defined class With

scala> val with1: With[String,Int] = With("Foo", 1)
with1: With[String,Int] = With(Foo,1)

scala> val with2: String With Int  = With("Bar", 2)
with2: With[String,Int] = With(Bar,2)

scala> Seq(with1, with2) foreach { w =>
     |   w match {
     |     case s With i => println(s"$s with $i")
     |     case _        => println(s"Unknown: $w")
     |   }
     | }
Foo with 1
Bar with 2

So we can write the type signature one of two ways, With[String,Int] or String With Int. The latter reads nicely, but it might confuse less experienced Scala programmers. However, note that trying to initialize a value in a similar way doesn’t work:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/
scala> val w = "one" With 2
<console>:7: error: value With is not a member of String
       val w = "one" With 2

There is also a similar object for Lists, :: What if you want to process the sequence elements in reverse? There’s an app… err… object for that! The library object :+ allows you to match on the end elements and work backward:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/
// Compare to

val nonEmptyList   = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val nonEmptyVector = Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val nonEmptyMap    = Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3)

def reverseSeqToString[T](l: Seq[T]): String = l match {
  case prefix :+ end => reverseSeqToString(prefix) + s" :+ $end"
  case Nil => "Nil"

for (seq <- Seq(nonEmptyList, nonEmptyVector, nonEmptyMap.toSeq)) {

The output is this:

Nil :+ 1 :+ 2 :+ 3 :+ 4 :+ 5
Nil :+ 1 :+ 2 :+ 3 :+ 4 :+ 5
Nil :+ (one,1) :+ (two,2) :+ (three,3)

Note that the Nils come first and the methods bind to the left. Also, the same output was generated for the first two inputs, a List and a Vector.

You should compare the implementations of seqToString and reverseSeqToString, which implement the recursion differently. Make sure you understand how they work.

As before, you could use this output to reconstruct collections (skipping the duplicate second line of the previous output):

scala> Nil :+ 1 :+ 2 :+ 3 :+ 4 :+ 5
res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

For List, the :+ method for appending elements and the :+ object for pattern matching both require O(n) time, because they have to traverse the list from the head. However, some other sequences, such as Vector, are O(1).

unapplySeq Method

What if you want a bit more flexibility to return a sequence of extracted items, rather than a fixed number of them? The unapplySeq method lets you do this. It turns out the Seq companion object implements apply and unapplySeq, but not unapply:

def apply[A](elems: A*): Seq[A]
def unapplySeq[A](x: Seq[A]): Some[Seq[A]]

Recall that A* means that elems is a variable argument list. Matching with unapplySeq is invoked in this variation of our previous example for +:, where we examine a “sliding window” of pairs of elements at a time:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val nonEmptyList   = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)                             1
val emptyList      = Nil
val nonEmptyMap    = Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3)

// Process pairs
def windows[T](seq: Seq[T]): String = seq match {
  case Seq(head1, head2, _*) =>                                      2
    s"($head1, $head2), " + windows(seq.tail)                        3
  case Seq(head, _*) =>
    s"($head, _), " + windows(seq.tail)                              4
  case Nil => "Nil"

for (seq <- Seq(nonEmptyList, emptyList, nonEmptyMap.toSeq)) {

Use a nonempty List, Nil, and a Map.


It looks like we’re calling Seq.apply(…), but in a match clause, we’re actually calling Seq.unapplySeq. We grab the first two elements and ignore the rest of the variable arguments with _*. Think of the * as matching zero to many, like in regular expressions.


Format a string with the first two elements, then move the “window” one over by calling seq.tail. Note that we didn’t capture this tail in the match.


We also need a match for a one-element sequence or we won’t have exhaustive matching. Use _ for the nonexistent “second” element. We actually know that this call to windows(seq.tail) will simply return Nil, but rather than duplicate the string, we take the extra performance hit by calling the method again.

Note the sliding window output:

(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, _), Nil
((one,1), (two,2)), ((two,2), (three,3)), ((three,3), _), Nil

We could still use the +: matching we saw before, which is more elegant:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val nonEmptyList   = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val emptyList      = Nil
val nonEmptyMap    = Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3)

// Process pairs
def windows2[T](seq: Seq[T]): String = seq match {
  case head1 +: head2 +: tail => s"($head1, $head2), " + windows2(seq.tail)
  case head +: tail => s"($head, _), " + windows2(tail)
  case Nil => "Nil"

for (seq <- Seq(nonEmptyList, emptyList, nonEmptyMap.toSeq)) {

Working with sliding windows is actually so useful that Seq gives us two methods to create them:

scala> val seq = Seq(1,2,3,4,5)
seq: Seq[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> val slide2 = seq.sliding(2)
slide2: Iterator[Seq[Int]] = non-empty iterator

scala> slide2.toSeq
res0: Seq[Seq[Int]] = res56: Seq[Seq[Int]] = Stream(List(1, 2), ?)

scala> slide2.toList
res1: List[Seq[Int]] = List(List(1, 2), List(2, 3), List(3, 4), List(4, 5))

scala> seq.sliding(3,2).toList
res2: List[Seq[Int]] = List(List(1, 2, 3), List(3, 4, 5))

Both sliding methods return an iterator, meaning they are “lazy” and don’t immediately make a copy of the list, which would be expensive for large sequences. Calling toSeq converts the iterator into a collection.immutable.Stream, a lazy list that evaluates its head eagerly, but only evaluates the tail elements on demand. In contrast, calling toList evaluates the whole iterator eagerly, creating a List.

Note there is a slight difference in the results. We don’t end with (5, _), for example.

Matching on Variable Argument Lists

In “Inferring Type Information”, we described how Scala supports variable argument lists for methods. For example, suppose I’m writing a tool for interoperating with SQL and I want a case class to represent the WHERE foo IN (val1, val2, …) SQL clause (this example is inspired by a real project, not open source). Here’s an example case class with a variable argument list to handle the list of values in this clause. I’ve also included some other definitions for the WHERE x OP y clauses, where OP is one of the SQL comparison operators:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

// Operators for WHERE clauses
object Op extends Enumeration {                                      1
  type Op = Value

  val EQ   = Value("=")
  val NE   = Value("!=")
  val LTGT = Value("<>")
  val LT   = Value("<")
  val LE   = Value("<=")
  val GT   = Value(">")
  val GE   = Value(">=")
import Op._

// Represent a SQL "WHERE x op value" clause, where +op+ is a
// comparison operator: =, !=, <>, <, <=, >, or >=.
case class WhereOp[T](columnName: String, op: Op, value: T)          2

// Represent a SQL "WHERE x IN (a, b, c, ...)" clause.
case class WhereIn[T](columnName: String, val1: T, vals: T*)         3

val wheres = Seq(                                                    4
  WhereIn("state", "IL", "CA", "VA"),
  WhereOp("state", EQ, "IL"),
  WhereOp("name", EQ, "Buck Trends"),
  WhereOp("age", GT, 29))

for (where <- wheres) {
  where match {
    case WhereIn(col, val1, vals @ _*) =>                            5
      val valStr = (val1 +: vals).mkString(", ")
      println (s"WHERE $col IN ($valStr)")
    case WhereOp(col, op, value) => println (s"WHERE $col $op $value")
    case _ => println (s"ERROR: Unknown expression: $where")

An enumeration for the comparison operators, where we assign a “name” that’s the string representation of the operator in SQL.


A case class for WHERE x OP y clauses.


A case class for WHERE x IN (val1, val2, …) clauses.


Some example objects to parse.


Note the syntax for matching on a variable argument: name @ _*.

The syntax for pattern matching on a variable argument list, name @ _*, is not that intuitive. Occasionally, you’ll need it. Here is the output:

WHERE state IN (IL, CA, VA)
WHERE state = IL
WHERE name = Buck Trends
WHERE age > 29

Matching on Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (or regexes) are convenient for extracting data from strings that have a particular structure.

Scala wraps Java’s regular expressions.1 Here is an example:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val BookExtractorRE = """Book: title=([^,]+),s+author=(.+)""".r     1
val MagazineExtractorRE = """Magazine: title=([^,]+),s+issue=(.+)""".r

val catalog = Seq(
  "Book: title=Programming Scala Second Edition, author=Dean Wampler",
  "Magazine: title=The New Yorker, issue=January 2014",
  "Unknown: text=Who put this here??"

for (item <- catalog) {
  item match {
    case BookExtractorRE(title, author) =>                           2
      println(s"""Book "$title", written by $author""")
    case MagazineExtractorRE(title, issue) =>
      println(s"""Magazine "$title", issue $issue""")
    case entry => println(s"Unrecognized entry: $entry")

Match a book string, with two capture groups (note the parentheses), one for the title and one for the author. Calling the r method on a string creates a regex from it. Match a magazine string, with capture groups for the title and issue (date).


Use them like case classes, where the string matched by each capture group is assigned to a variable.

The output is:

Book "Programming Scala Second Edition", written by Dean Wampler
Magazine "The New Yorker", issue January 2014
Unrecognized entry: Unknown: text=Who put this here??

We use triple-quoted strings for the regexes. Otherwise, we would have to escape the regex “backslash” constructs, e.g, \s instead of s. You can also define regular expressions by creating new instances of the Regex class, as in new Regex("""W"""), but this isn’t very common.


Using interpolation in triple-quoted strings doesn’t work cleanly for the regex escape sequences. You still need to escape these sequences, e.g., s"""$first\s+$second""".r instead of s"""$firsts+$second""".r. If you aren’t using interpolation, escaping isn’t necessary.

scala.util.matching.Regex defines several methods for other manipulations, such as finding and replacing matches.

More on Binding Variables in case Clauses

Suppose you want to extract values from an object, but you also want to assign a variable to the whole object itself.

Let’s modify our previous example matching on fields in Person instances:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

case class Address(street: String, city: String, country: String)
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, address: Address)

val alice   = Person("Alice",   25, Address("1 Scala Lane", "Chicago", "USA"))
val bob     = Person("Bob",     29, Address("2 Java Ave.",  "Miami",   "USA"))
val charlie = Person("Charlie", 32, Address("3 Python Ct.", "Boston",  "USA"))

for (person <- Seq(alice, bob, charlie)) {
  person match {
    case p @ Person("Alice", 25, address) => println(s"Hi Alice! $p")
    case p @ Person("Bob", 29, a @ Address(street, city, country)) =>
      println(s"Hi ${}! age ${p.age}, in ${}")
    case p @ Person(name, age, _) =>
      println(s"Who are you, $age year-old person named $name? $p")

The p @ … syntax assigns to p the whole Person instance and similarly for a @ … and an Address. Here is the output now (reformatted to fit the page):

Hi Alice! Person(Alice,25,Address(1 Scala Lane,Chicago,USA))
Hi Bob! age 29, in Miami
Who are you, 32 year-old person named Charlie? Person(Charlie,32,
  Address(3 Python Ct.,Boston,USA))

Keep in mind that if we aren’t extracting fields from the Person instance, we can just write p: Person => ….

More on Type Matching

Consider the following example, where we attempt to discriminate between List[Double] and List[String] inputs:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/
scala> for {
     |   x <- Seq(List(5.5,5.6,5.7), List("a", "b"))
     | } yield (x match {
     |   case seqd: Seq[Double] => ("seq double", seqd)
     |   case seqs: Seq[String] => ("seq string", seqs)
     |   case _                 => ("unknown!", x)
     | })
<console>:12: warning: non-variable type argument Double in type pattern
Seq[Double] (the underlying of Seq[Double]) is unchecked since it is
eliminated by erasure
                case seqd: Seq[Double] => ("seq double", seqd)
<console>:13: warning: non-variable type argument String in type pattern
Seq[String] (the underlying of Seq[String]) is unchecked since it is
eliminated by erasure
                case seqs: Seq[String] => ("seq string", seqs)
<console>:13: warning: unreachable code
                case seqs: Seq[String] => ("seq string", seqs)
res0: List[(String, List[Any])] =
  List((seq double,List(5.5, 5.6, 5.7)),(seq double,List(a, b)))

What do the warnings mean? Scala runs on the JVM and these warnings result from the JVM’s type erasure, a historical legacy of Java’s introduction of generics in Java 5. In order to avoid breaking older code, the JVM byte code doesn’t retain information about the actual type parameters that were used for instances of generic (parameterized) types, like List.

So, the compiler is warning us that, while it can check that a given object is a List, it can’t check at runtime that it’s a List[Double] or a List[String]. In fact, it considers the second case clause for List[String] to be unreachable code, meaning the previous case clause for List[Double] will match any List. Note the output, which shows that “seq double” was written for both inputs.

One ugly, but effective workaround is to match on the collection first, then use a nested match on the head element to determine the type. We now have to handle an empty sequence, too:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

def doSeqMatch[T](seq: Seq[T]): String = seq match {
  case Nil => "Nothing"
  case head +: _ => head match {
    case _ : Double => "Double"
    case _ : String => "String"
    case _ => "Unmatched seq element"

for {
  x <- Seq(List(5.5,5.6,5.7), List("a", "b"), Nil)
} yield {
  x match {
    case seq: Seq[_] => (s"seq ${doSeqMatch(seq)}", seq)
    case _           => ("unknown!", x)

This script returns the desired result, Seq((seq Double,List(5.5, 5.6, 5.7)), (seq String,List(a, b)), (seq Nothing,List())).

Sealed Hierarchies and Exhaustive Matches

Let’s revisit the need for exhaustive matches and consider the situation where we have a sealed class hierarchy, which we discussed in “Sealed Class Hierarchies”. As an example, suppose we define the following code to represent the allowed message types or “methods” for HTTP:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

sealed abstract class HttpMethod() {                                 1
    def body: String                                                 2
    def bodyLength = body.length

case class Connect(body: String) extends HttpMethod                  3
case class Delete (body: String) extends HttpMethod
case class Get    (body: String) extends HttpMethod
case class Head   (body: String) extends HttpMethod
case class Options(body: String) extends HttpMethod
case class Post   (body: String) extends HttpMethod
case class Put    (body: String) extends HttpMethod
case class Trace  (body: String) extends HttpMethod

def handle (method: HttpMethod) = method match {                     4
  case Connect (body) => s"connect: (length: ${method.bodyLength}) $body"
  case Delete  (body) => s"delete:  (length: ${method.bodyLength}) $body"
  case Get     (body) => s"get:     (length: ${method.bodyLength}) $body"
  case Head    (body) => s"head:    (length: ${method.bodyLength}) $body"
  case Options (body) => s"options: (length: ${method.bodyLength}) $body"
  case Post    (body) => s"post:    (length: ${method.bodyLength}) $body"
  case Put     (body) => s"put:     (length: ${method.bodyLength}) $body"
  case Trace   (body) => s"trace:   (length: ${method.bodyLength}) $body"

val methods = Seq(
  Connect("connect body..."),
  Delete ("delete body..."),
  Get    ("get body..."),
  Head   ("head body..."),
  Options("options body..."),
  Post   ("post body..."),
  Put    ("put body..."),
  Trace  ("trace body..."))

methods foreach (method => println(handle(method)))

Define a sealed, abstract base class HttpMethod. Because it is declared sealed, the only allowed subtypes must be defined in this file.


Define a method for the body of the HTTP message.


Define eight case classes that extend HttpMethod. Note that each declares a constructor argument body: String, which is a val because each of these types is a case class. This val implements the abstract def method in HttpMethod.


An exhaustive pattern-match expression, even though we don’t have a default clause, because the method argument can only be an instance of one of the eight case classes we’ve defined.


When pattern matching on an instance of a sealed base class, the match is exhaustive if the case clauses cover all the derived types defined in the same source file. Because no user-defined derived types are allowed, the match can never become nonexhaustive as the project evolves, since users are prevented from defining new types.

A corollary is to avoid using sealed if the type hierarchy is at all likely to change. Instead, rely on your traditional object-oriented inheritance principles, including polymorphic methods. What if you added a new derived type, either in this file or in another file, and you removed the sealed keyword on HttpMethod? You would have to find and fix all pattern-match clauses in your code base and your client’s code bases that match on HttpMethod instances.

As a side note, we are exploiting a useful feature for implementing certain methods. An abstract, no-argument method declaration in a parent type can be implemented by a val in a subtype. This is because a val has a single, fixed value (of course), whereas a no-argument method returning the same type can return any value of the type. Hence, the val implementation is more restrictive in the return type, which means using it where the method is “called” is always just as safe as calling a method. In fact, this is an application of referential transparency, where we are substituting a value for an expression that should always return the same value!


An abstract, no-argument method declaration in a parent type can be implemented by a val in a subtype. A recommended practice is to declare abstract, no-argument methods instead of vals in abstract parent types, leaving subtype implementers greater freedom to implement the member with either a method or a val.

Running this script yields the following output:

connect: (length: 15) connect body...
delete:  (length: 14) delete body...
get:     (length: 11) get body...
head:    (length: 12) head body...
options: (length: 15) options body...
post:    (length: 12) post body...
put:     (length: 11) put body...
trace:   (length: 13) trace body...

The HTTPMethod case classes are small, so we could in principle also use an Enumeration for them, but there’s a big drawback. The compiler can’t tell whether or not the match clauses on Enumeration values are exhaustive. If we converted this example to use Enumeration and forgot a match clause for Trace, we would only know at runtime when a MatchError is thrown.


Avoid enumerations when pattern matching is required. The compiler can’t tell if the matches are exhaustive.

Other Uses of Pattern Matching

Fortunately, this powerful feature is not limited to case clauses. You can use pattern matching when defining values, including in for comprehensions:

scala> case class Address(street: String, city: String, country: String)
defined class Address

scala> case class Person(name: String, age: Int, address: Address)
defined class Person

scala> val Person(name, age, Address(_, state, _)) =
     |   Person("Dean", 29, Address("1 Scala Way", "CA", "USA"))
name: String = Dean
age: Int = 29
state: String = CA

Yes, in one step we extracted all those fields from the Person object, and skipped a few of them. It works for Lists, too:

scala> val head +: tail = List(1,2,3)
head: Int = 1
tail: List[Int] = List(2, 3)

scala> val head1 +: head2 +: tail = Vector(1,2,3)
head1: Int = 1
head2: Int = 2
tail: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int] = Vector(3)

scala> val Seq(a,b,c) = List(1,2,3)
a: Int = 1
b: Int = 2
c: Int = 3

scala> val Seq(a,b,c) = List(1,2,3,4)
scala.MatchError: List(1, 2, 3, 4) (of class collection.immutable.$colon$colon)
  ... 43 elided

Very handy. Try some of your own examples.

We can use pattern matching in if expressions:

scala> val p = Person("Dean", 29, Address("1 Scala Way", "CA", "USA"))
p: Person = Person(Dean,29,Address(1 Scala Way,CA,USA))

scala> if (p == Person("Dean", 29,
     |    Address("1 Scala Way", "CA", "USA"))) "yes" else "no"
res0: String = yes

scala> if (p == Person("Dean", 29,
     |    Address("1 Scala Way", "CA", "USSR"))) "yes" else "no"
res1: String = no

However, the _ placeholders don’t work here:

scala> if (p == Person(_, 29, Address(_, _, "USA"))) "yes" else "no"
<console>:13: error: missing parameter type for expanded function
 ((x$1) => p.$eq$eq(Person(x$1,29,((x$2,x$3) => Address(x$2,x$3,"USA")))))
              if (p == Person(_, 29, Address(_, _, "USA"))) "yes" else "no"

There’s an internal function called $eq$eq that’s used for the == test. We’ve opened the magic kimono a bit. Because the JVM specification only allows alphanumeric characters, _, and $ in identifiers, Scala “mangles” nonalphanumeric characters to something acceptable to the JVM. In this case, = becomes $eq. All these mappings are listed in Table 22-1 in Chapter 22.

Suppose we have a function that takes a sequence of integers and returns the sum and count of the elements in a tuple:

scala> def sum_count(ints: Seq[Int]) = (ints.sum, ints.size)

scala> val (sum, count) = sum_count(List(1,2,3,4,5))
sum: Int = 15
count: Int = 5

I use this idiom frequently. We saw a teaser example in “Expanded Scope and Value Definitions” that used pattern matching in a for comprehension. Here’s the relevant part from that example again:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val dogBreeds = Seq(Some("Doberman"), None, Some("Yorkshire Terrier"),
                    Some("Dachshund"), None, Some("Scottish Terrier"),
                    None, Some("Great Dane"), Some("Portuguese Water Dog"))

println("second pass:")
for {
  Some(breed) <- dogBreeds
  upcasedBreed = breed.toUpperCase()
} println(upcasedBreed)

As before, the output is the following:


A particularly convenient use of pattern matching and case clauses is to make function literals of complex arguments easier to use:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

case class Address(street: String, city: String, country: String)
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

val as = Seq(
  Address("1 Scala Lane", "Anytown", "USA"),
  Address("2 Clojure Lane", "Othertown", "USA"))
val ps = Seq(
  Person("Buck Trends", 29),
  Person("Clo Jure", 28))

val pas = ps zip as

// Ugly way:
pas map { tup =>
  val Person(name, age) = tup._1
  val Address(street, city, country) = tup._2
  s"$name (age: $age) lives at $street, $city, in $country"

// Nicer way:
pas map {
  case (Person(name, age), Address(street, city, country)) =>
    s"$name (age: $age) lives at $street, $city, in $country"

Note that the type of the zipped list is Seq[(Person,Address)]. So, the function we pass to map must have the type (Person,Address) => String. We show two functions. The first is a “regular” function that takes a tuple argument, then pattern matches to extract the fields from the two elements of the tuple.

The second function is a partial function, as discussed in “Partial Functions”. The syntax is more concise, especially for extracting values from tuples and more complex structures. Just remember that because the function given is actually a PartialFunction, the case expressions must match the inputs exactly or a MatchError will be thrown at runtime.

In both cases, the resulting sequence of strings is the following:

  "Buck Trends (age: 29) lives at 1 Scala Lane, Anytown, in USA",
  "Clo Jure (age: 28) lives at 2 Clojure Lane, Othertown, in USA")

Finally, we can use pattern matching on a regular expression to decompose a string. Here’s an example extracted from tests I once wrote for parsing (simple!) SQL strings:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/
scala> val cols = """*|[w, ]+""" // for columns
cols: String = *|[w, ]+

scala> val table = """w+"""       // for table names
table: String = w+

scala> val tail = """.*"""         // for other clauses
tail: String = .*

scala> val selectRE =
     | s"""SELECT\s*(DISTINCT)?\s+($cols)\s*FROM\s+($table)\s*($tail)?;""".r
selectRE: scala.util.matching.Regex = 
  SELECTs*(DISTINCT)?s+(*|[w, ]+)s*FROMs+(w+)s*(.*)?;

scala> val selectRE(distinct1, cols1, table1, otherClauses) =
     |   "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM atable;"
distinct1: String = DISTINCT
cols1: String = *
table1: String = atable
otherClauses: String = ""

scala> val selectRE(distinct2, cols2, table2, otherClauses) =
     |   "SELECT col1, col2 FROM atable;"
distinct2: String = null
cols2: String = "col1, col2 "
table2: String = atable
otherClauses: String = ""

scala> val selectRE(distinct3, cols3, table3, otherClauses) =
     |   "SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2 FROM atable;"
distinct3: String = DISTINCT
cols3: String = "col1, col2 "
table3: String = atable
otherClauses: String = ""

scala> val selectRE(distinct4, cols4, table4, otherClauses) =
     |   "SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2 FROM atable WHERE col1 = 'foo';"
distinct4: String = DISTINCT
cols4: String = "col1, col2 "
table4: String = atable
otherClauses: String = WHERE col1 = 'foo'

Note that we had to add extra backslashes, e.g., \s instead of s, in the regular expression string, because we used interpolation.

Obviously, using regular expressions to parse complex text, like XML or programming languages, has its limits. Beyond simple cases, consider a parser library, like the ones we’ll discuss in Chapter 20.

Concluding Remarks on Pattern Matching

Pattern matching is a powerful “protocol” for extracting data inside data structures. One of the unintended consequences of the JavaBeans model was that it encouraged developers to expose fields in their objects through getters and setters, often ignoring concerns that state should be encapsulated and only exposed as appropriate, especially for mutable fields. Access to state information should be carefully designed to reflect the abstraction exposed.

Consider using pattern matching for those times when you need to extract information in a controlled way. You can customize unapply methods, as we saw in “unapply Method”, to control the state exposed. These methods let you extract that information while hiding the implementation details. In fact, the information returned by unapply might be a transformation of the actual fields in the type.

Finally, when designing pattern-matching statements, be wary of relying on a default case clause. Under what circumstances would “none of the above” be the correct answer? It may indicate that the design should be refined so you know more precisely all the possible matches that might occur.

Along with for comprehensions, pattern matching makes idiomatic Scala code concise, yet powerful. It’s not unusual for Scala programs to have 10 times fewer lines of code than comparable programs written in Java.

So, even though Java 8 added anonymous functions (“lambdas”), which was an enormous improvement, tools like pattern matching and for comprehensions are compelling reasons to switch to Scala.

Recap and What’s Next

Pattern matching is a hallmark of many functional languages. It is a flexible and concise technique for extracting data from data structures. We saw examples of pattern matching in case clauses and how to use pattern matching in other expressions.

The next chapter discusses a unique, powerful, but controversial feature in Scala, implicits, which are a set of tools for building intuitive DSLs (domain-specific languages), reducing boilerplate, and making APIs both easier to use and more amenable to customization.

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