Chapter 17. Debugging PHP

Debugging is an acquired skill. As is often said in the development world, “You are given all the rope you should ever need; just attempt to tie a pretty bow with it rather than getting yourself hanged.” It naturally stands to reason that the more debugging you do, the more proficient you will become. Of course, you will also get some excellent hints from your server environment when your code does not deliver what you were expecting. Before we get too deep into debugging concepts, however, we need to look at the bigger picture and discuss these programming environments. Every development shop has its own setup and its own way of doing things, so what we’ll be covering here reflects the ideal conditions, also known as best practices.

PHP development in a utopian world has at least three separate environments in which work is being done: development, staging, and production. We’ll explore each in turn in the following sections.

The Development Environment

The development environment is a place where the raw code is created without fear of server crashes or peer ridicule. This should be a place where concepts and theories are proven or disproven; where code can be created experimentally. Therefore, the error-reporting environmental feedback should be as verbose as possible. All error reporting should be logged and at the same time also sent to the output device (the browser). All warnings should be as sensitive and descriptive as possible.


Later in this chapter, Table 17-1 compares the recommended server settings for each of the three environments as it relates to debugging and error reporting.

The location of this development environment can be debated. However, if your company has the resources, then a separate server should be established for this purpose with full code management (e.g., SVN, a.k.a. Subversion, or Git) in place. If the resources are not available, then a development PC can serve this purpose via a localhost-style setup. This localhost environment can be advantageous in and of itself in the sense that you may want to try something completely off-the-wall, and by coding on a standalone PC you can be fully experimental without affecting a common development server or anyone else’s code base.

You can create localhost environments with the Apache web server, or Microsoft’s IIS, as a manual process. There are a few all-in-one environments that can be utilized as well; Zend Server CE (Community Edition) is a great example.

No matter what setup you have for raw development, be sure to give your developers full freedom to do what they want without fear of reprimand. This gives them the confidence to be as innovative as possible, and no one gets “hurt.”


There are at least two alternatives to setting up a local environment on your own PC. The first one is, as of PHP 5.4, a built-in web server ( This option saves on downloading and installing full Apache or IIS web server products for localhost purposes.

Second, there are now hosts (pun intended) of sites that allow for cloud development. Zend ( offers one for free as a testing and development environment.

The Staging Environment

The staging environment should mimic the production environment as closely as possible. Although this is sometimes hard to achieve, the more closely you can mimic the production environment, the better. You will be able to see how your code reacts in an area that is protected but also simulates the real production environment. The staging environment is often where the end user or client can test out new features or functionality, giving feedback and stress-testing code, without fear of affecting production code.


As testing and experimentation progress, your staging area (at least from a data perspective) will eventually grow more distinct from the production environment. So it is a good practice to have procedures in place that will replace the staging area with production information from time to time. The set times will be different for each company or development shop depending on features being created, release cycles, and so on.

If resources permit, you should consider having two separate staging environments: one for developers (coding peers) and the other for client testing. Feedback from these two types of users is quite often very different and very telling. Server error reporting and feedback should be kept to a minimum here as well, to duplicate production as closely as possible.

The Production Environment

The production environment, from an error-reporting perspective, needs to be as tightly controlled as possible. You want to fully control what the end user sees and experiences. Things like SQL failures and code syntax warnings should never be seen by the client, if at all possible. Your code base, of course, should be well mitigated by this time (assuming you’ve been using the two aforementioned environments properly and religiously), but sometimes errors and bugs can still get through to production. If you’re going to fail in production, you want to fail as gracefully and as quietly as possible.


Consider using 404 page redirects and try...catch structures to redirect errors and failures to a safe landing area in the production environment. See Chapter 2 for proper coding styles of the try...catch syntax.

At the very least, all error reporting should be suppressed and sent to the logfiles in the production environment.

php.ini Settings

There are a few environment-wide settings to consider for each type of server you’re using to develop your code. First, we’ll offer a brief summary of what these are, and then we’ll list the recommended settings for each of the three coding environments.

An on-off toggle that controls the display of any errors encountered by PHP. This should be set to 0 (off) for production environments.
This is a setting of predefined constants that will report to the error log and/or the web browser any errors that PHP encounters. There are 16 different individual constants that can be set within this directive, and certain ones can be used collectively. The most common ones are E_ALL, for reporting all errors and warnings of any kind; E_WARNING, for only showing warnings (nonfatal errors) to the browser; and E_DEPRECATED, to display runtime notice warnings about code that will fail in future versions of PHP because some functionality is scheduled to be ended (like register_globals was). An example of these being used in combination is E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE, which tells PHP to report all errors except the generated notices. A full listing of these defined constants can be found on the PHP website (
The path to the location of the error log. The error log is a text-based file located on the server at the path location that records all errors in text form. This could be apache2/logs in the case of an Apache server.
Sets the order of precedence in which the superglobal arrays are loaded with information. The default order is EGPCS, meaning the environment ($_ENV) array is loaded first, then the GET ($_GET) array, then the POST ($_POST) array, then the cookie ($_COOKIE) array, and finally the server ($_SERVER) array.
Describes the order in which PHP registers GET, POST, and cookie variables into the $_REQUEST array. Registration is done from left to right, and newer values override older values.
Determines whether assertions are run and throw errors. When disabled, the conditions in calls to assert() are never run (thus, any side effects they might have do not happen).
Determines whether the exception system is enabled. By default, this is on in both development and production environments, and is generally the preferred way to handle error conditions.

Additional settings can be used as well; for example, you can use ignore_repeated_errors if you are concerned with your logfile getting too large. This directive can suppress repeating errors being logged, but only from the same line of code in the same file. This could be useful if you are debugging a looping section of code and an error is occurring somewhere within it.

PHP also allows you to alter certain INI settings from their server-wide settings during the execution of your code. This can be a quick way to turn on some error reporting and display the results on screen, but it is still not recommended in a production environment. You could do this in the staging environment if desired. One example is to turn on all the error reporting and display any reported errors to the browser in a single suspect file. To do so, insert the following two commands at the top of the file:

ini_set("display_errors", 1);

The error_reporting() function allows you to override the level of reported errors, and the ini_set() function allows you to change php.ini settings. Again, not all INI settings can be altered, so be sure to check the PHP website ( for what can and cannot be changed at runtime.

As promised earlier, Table 17-1 lists the PHP directives and their recommendations for each of the three basic server environments.

Table 17-1. PHP error directives for server environments
PHP directive Development Staging Production
display_errors On Either setting, depending on desired outcome Off
error_log /logs folder /logs folder /logs folder
variables_order EGPCS GPCS GPCS
request_order GP GP GP

Error Handling

Error handling is an important part of any real-world application. PHP provides a number of mechanisms that you can use to handle errors, both during the development process and once your application is in a production environment.

Error Reporting

Normally, when an error occurs in a PHP script, the error message is inserted into the script’s output. If the error is fatal, the script execution stops.

There are three levels of conditions: notices, warnings, and errors. A notice that occurs during a script’s execution might indicate an error, but it could also occur during normal execution (e.g., a script trying to access a variable that has not been set). A warning indicates a nonfatal error condition; typically, warnings are displayed when you call a function with invalid arguments. Scripts will continue executing after issuing a warning. An error indicates a fatal condition from which the script cannot recover. A parse error is a specific kind of error that occurs when a script is syntactically incorrect. All errors except parse errors are runtime errors.

It’s recommended that you treat all notices, warnings, and errors as if they were errors; this helps prevent mistakes such as using variables before they have legitimate values.

By default, all conditions except runtime notices are caught and displayed to the user. You can change this behavior globally in your php.ini file with the error_reporting option. You can also locally change the error-reporting behavior in a script using the error_reporting() function.

With both the error_reporting option and the error_reporting() function, you specify the conditions that are caught and displayed by using the various bitwise operators to combine different constant values, as listed in Table 17-2. For example, this indicates all error-level options:


while this indicates all options except runtime notices:


If you set the track_errors option on in your php.ini file, a description of the current error is stored in $PHP_ERRORMSG.

Table 17-2. Error-reporting values
Value Meaning
E_ERROR Runtime errors
E_WARNING Runtime warnings
E_PARSE Compile-time parse errors
E_NOTICE Runtime notices
E_CORE_ERROR Errors generated internally by PHP
E_CORE_WARNING Warnings generated internally by PHP
E_COMPILE_ERROR Errors generated internally by the Zend scripting engine
E_COMPILE_WARNING Warnings generated internally by the Zend scripting engine
E_USER_ERROR Runtime errors generated by a call to trigger_error()
E_USER_WARNING Runtime warnings generated by a call to trigger_error()
E_USER_NOTICE Runtime notices generated by a call to trigger_error()
E_ALL All of the above options


Many PHP functions now throw exceptions instead of fatally exiting operation. Exceptions allow a script to continue execution even after an error—when the exception occurs, an object that’s a subclass of the BaseException class is created, then thrown. A thrown exception must be “caught” by code following the throwing code.

try {
 $result = eval($code);
} catch {ParseException $exception) {
 // handle the exception

You should include an exception handler to catch exceptions from any method that throws them. Any uncaught exceptions will cause the script to cease execution.

Error Suppression

You can disable error messages for a single expression by putting the error suppression operator @ before the expression. For example:

$value = @(2 / 0);

Without the error suppression operator, the expression would normally halt execution of the script with a “divide by zero” error. As shown here, the expression does nothing, although in other cases, your program might be in an unknown state if you simply ignore errors that would otherwise cause the program to halt. The error suppression operator cannot trap parse errors, only the various types of runtime errors.

Of course, the downside to suppressing errors is that you won’t know they’re there. You’re much better off handling potential error conditions properly; see “Triggering Errors” for an example.

To turn off error reporting entirely, use:


This function ensures that, regardless of the errors PHP encounters while processing and executing your script, no errors will be sent to the client (except parse errors, which cannot be suppressed). Of course, it doesn’t stop those errors from occurring. Better options for controlling which error messages are displayed in the client are shown in the section “Defining Error Handlers”.

Triggering Errors

You can throw an error from within a script with the assertion() function:

assert (mixed $expression [, mixed $message]);

The first parameter is the condition that must be true to not trigger the assertion; the second (optional) parameter is the message.

Triggering errors is useful when you’re writing your own functions for sanity-checking the parameters. For example, here’s a function that divides one number by another and throws an error if the second parameter is 0:

function divider($a, $b) {
 assert($b != 0, '$b cannot be 0');

 return($a / $b);

echo divider(200, 3);
echo divider(10, 0);
Fatal error: $b cannot be 0 in page.php on line 5

When a call to assert() is triggered, an AssertionException—an exception extending ErrorException with a severity of E_ERROR—is thrown. In some cases, you might want to throw an error of a type that extends AssertionException. You can do so by providing an exception as the message parameter instead of a string:

class DividerParameterException extends AssertionException { }

function divider($a, $b) {
 assert($b != 0, new DividerParameterException('$b cannot be 0'));

 return($a / $b);

Defining Error Handlers

If you want better error control than just hiding any errors (and you usually do), you can supply PHP with an error handler. The error handler is called when a condition of any kind is encountered, and can do anything you want it to, from logging information to a file to pretty-printing the error message. The basic process is to create an error-handling function and register it with set_error_handler().

The function you declare can take in either two or five parameters. The first two parameters are the error code and a string describing the error. The final three parameters, if your function accepts them, are the filename in which the error occurred, the line number at which the error occurred, and a copy of the active symbol table at the time the error occurred. Your error handler should check the current level of errors being reported with error_reporting() and act appropriately.

The call to set_error_handler() returns the current error handler. You can restore the previous error handler either by calling set_error_handler() with the returned value when your script is done with its own error handler, or by calling the restore_error_handler() function.

The following code shows how to use an error handler to format and print errors:

function displayError($error, $errorString, $filename, $line, $symbols)
 echo "<p>Error '<b>{$errorString}</b>' occurred.<br />";
 echo "-- in file '<i>{$filename}</i>', line $line.</p>";

$value = 4 / 0; // divide by zero error

<p>Error '<b>Division by zero</b>' occurred.
-- in file '<i>err-2.php</i>', line 8.</p>

Logging in error handlers

PHP provides the built-in function error_log() to log errors to the myriad places where administrators like to put them:

error_log(message, type [, destination [, extra_headers ]]);

The first parameter is the error message. The second parameter specifies where the error is logged: a value of 0 logs the error via PHP’s standard error-logging mechanism; a value of 1 emails the error to the destination address, optionally adding any extra_headers to the message; a value of 3 appends the error to the destination file.

To save an error using PHP’s logging mechanism, call error_log() with a type of 0. By changing the value of error_log in your php.ini file, you can change which file to log into. If you set error_log to syslog, the system logger is used instead. For example:

error_log('A connection to the database could not be opened.', 0);

To send an error via email, call error_log() with a type of 1. The third parameter is the email address to which to send the error message, and an optional fourth parameter can be used to specify additional email headers. Here’s how to send an error message by email:

error_log('A connection to the database could not be opened.',
 1, '[email protected]');

Finally, to log to a file, call error_log() with a type of 3. The third parameter specifies the name of the file to log into:

error_log('A connection to the database could not be opened.',
 3, '/var/log/php_errors.log');

Example 17-1 shows an example of an error handler that writes logs into a file and rotates the logfile when it gets above 1 KB.

Example 17-1. Log-rolling error handler
function logRoller($error, $errorString) {
 $file = '/var/log/php_errors.log';

 if (filesize($file) > 1024) {
 rename($file, $file . (string) time());

 error_log($errorString, 3, $file);


for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++) {
 trigger_error(time() . ": Just an error, ma'am.


Generally, while you are working on a site, you will want errors shown directly in the pages in which they occur. However, once the site goes live, it doesn’t make much sense to show internal error messages to visitors. A common approach is to use something like this in your php.ini file once your site goes live:

display_errors = Off
log_errors = On
error_log = /tmp/errors.log

This tells PHP to never show any errors, but instead to log them to the location specified by the error_log directive.

Output buffering in error handlers

Using a combination of output buffering and an error handler, you can send different content to the user depending on whether various error conditions occur. For example, if a script needs to connect to a database, you can suppress output of the page until the script successfully connects to the database.

Example 17-2 shows the use of output buffering to delay output of a page until it has been generated successfully.

Example 17-2. Output buffering to handle errors

 <?php function handle_errors ($error, $message, $filename, $line) {
 echo "<b>{$message}</b><br/> in line {$line}<br/> of ";
 echo "<i>{$filename}</i></body></html>";


 ob_start(); ?>


 <p>Here are the results of your search:</p>

 <table border="1">
 <?php require_once('DB.php');
 $db = DB::connect('mysql://gnat:waldus@localhost/webdb');

 if (DB::iserror($db)) {
 } ?>

In Example 17-2, after we start the <body> element, we register the error handler and begin output buffering. If we cannot connect to the database (or if anything else goes wrong in the subsequent PHP code), the heading and table are not displayed. Instead, the user sees only the error message. If no errors are raised by the PHP code, however, the user simply sees the HTML page.

Manual Debugging

Once you get a few good years of development time under your belt, you should be able to get at least 75% of your debugging done on a purely visual basis. What of the other 25%, and the more difficult segments of code that you need to work through? You can tackle some of it by using a great code development environment like Zend Studio for Eclipse or Komodo. These advanced IDEs can help with syntax checking and some simple logical problems and warnings.

You can do the next level of debugging (again, you’ll do most of this in the development environment) by echoing values out onto the screen. This will catch a lot of logic errors that may be dependent on the contents of variables. For example, how would you be able to easily see the value of the third iteration of a loop? Consider the following code:

for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) {
 $sample[] = $j * 12;

The easiest way is to interrupt the loop conditionally and echo out the value at the time; alternatively, you can wait until the loop is completed, as in this case since the loop is building an array. Here are some examples of how to determine that third iteration value (remember that array keys start with 0):

for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) {
 $sample[] = $j * 12;

 if ($j == 2) {
 echo $sample[2];

Here we are simply inserting a test (if statement) that will send a particular value to the browser when that condition is met. If you are having SQL syntax problems or failures, you can also echo the raw statement out to the browser and copy it into the SQL interface (phpMyAdmin, for example) and execute the code that way to see if any SQL error messages are returned.

If we want to see the entire array at the end of this loop, and what values it contains in each of its elements, we can still use the echo statement, but it would be tedious and cumbersome to write echo statements for each one. Rather, we can use the var_dump() function. The extra advantage of var_dump() is that it also tells us the data type of each element of the array. The output is not necessarily pretty, but it is informative. You can copy the output into a text editor and use it to clean up the look of the output.

Of course you can use echo and var_dump() in concert as the need arises. Here is an example of the raw var_dump() output:

for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) {
 $sample[] = $j * 12;

array(10) { [0] => int(0) [1] => int(12) [2] => int(24) [3] => int(36) [4] => int(48) [5] =>
int(60) [6] => int(72) [7] => int(84) [8] => int(96) [9] => int(108)}

There are two other ways to send simple data to the browser: the print language construct and the print_r() function. print is merely an alternative to echo (except that it returns a value of 1), while print_r() sends information to the browser in a human-readable format. You can think of print_r() as an alternative to var_dump(), except that the output on an array would not send out each element’s data type. The output for this code:

for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) {
 $sample[] = $j * 12;
<pre><?php print_r($sample); ?></pre>

would look like this (notice the formatting accomplished by the <pre> tags):

Array( [0] => 0 [1] => 12 [2] => 24 [3] => 36 [4] => 48 [5] => 60
[6] => 72 [7] => 84 [8] => 96 [9] => 108)

Error Logs

You will find many helpful descriptions in the error logfile. As mentioned previously, you should be able to locate the file under the web server’s installation folder in a folder called logs. You should make it part of your debugging routine to check this file for helpful clues as to what might be amiss. Here is just a sample of the verbosity of an error logfile:

[20-Apr-2012 15:10:55] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: size in C:Program Files (x86)
[20-Apr-2012 15:10:55] PHP Notice: Undefined index: p in C:Program Files (x86)end
[20-Apr-2012 15:10:55] PHP Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double
[20-Apr-2012 15:10:55] PHP Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double
[20-Apr-2012 15:10:55] PHP Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in C:Program
[20-Apr-2012 15:10:55] PHP Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in C:Program
[26-Apr-2012 13:18:38] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

As you can see, there are a few different types of errors being reported here—notices, warnings, deprecation notices, and a fatal error—with their respective timestamps, file locations, and the line on which the error occurred.


Depending on your environment, some commercial server space providers do not grant access for security reasons, so you may not have access to the logfile. Be sure to select a production provider that grants you access to the logfile. Additionally, note that the log can be and often is moved outside the web server’s installation folder. On Ubuntu, for example, the default is in /var/logs/apache2/*.log. Check the web server’s configuration if you can’t locate the log.

IDE Debugging

For more complex debugging issues, you would be best served to use a debugger that can be found in a good integrated development environment (IDE). We will be showing you a debug session example with Zend Studio for Eclipse. Other IDEs, like Komodo and PhpED, have built-in debuggers, so they can also be used for this purpose.

Zend Studio has an entire Debug Perspective set up for debugging purposes, as shown in Figure 17-1.

The default Debug Perspective in Zend Studio
Figure 17-1. The default Debug Perspective in Zend Studio

To get your bearings with this debugger, open the Run menu. It shows all the options you can try when in the debug process—stepping into and over code segments, running to a cursor location, restarting the session from the beginning, and just simply letting your code run until it fails or ends, to name a few.


In Zend Studio for Eclipse, you can even debug JavaScript code with the right setup!

Check the many debug views in this product as well; you can watch the variables (both superglobals and user-defined) as they change over the course of code execution.

Breakpoints can also be set (and suspended) anywhere in the PHP code, so you can run to a certain location in your code and view the overall situation at that particular moment. Two other handy views are Debug Output and Browser Output, which present the output of the code as the debugger runs through it. The Debug Output view presents the output in the format you would see if you had selected View Source in a browser, showing the raw HTML as it is being generated. The Browser Output view displays the executing code as it would appear in a browser. The neat thing about both of these views is that they’re populated as the code executes, so if you are stopped at a breakpoint halfway through your code file, they display only the information generated up to that point.

Figure 17-2 shows an example of the sample code from earlier in this chapter (with an added echo statement within the for loop so that you can see the output as it is being created) run in the debugger. The two main variables ($j and $sample) are being tracked in the Expressions view, and the Browser Output and Debug Output views display their content at a stopped location in the code.

The debugger in action with watch expressions defined
Figure 17-2. The debugger in action with watch expressions defined

Additional Debugging Techniques

There are more advanced techniques that can be used for debugging, but they are beyond the scope of this chapter. Two such techniques are profiling and unit testing. If you have a large web system that requires a lot of server resources, you should certainly look into the benefits of these two techniques, as they can make your code base more fault-tolerant and efficient.

What’s Next

Up next, we’ll explore writing Unix and Windows cross-platform scripts, and provide a brief introduction to hosting your PHP sites on Windows servers.

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