Loading and Initializing Flex Applications

When you load a Flex application and run it, it may appear that not much is going on. As a user, you typically see a progress indicator until the application has loaded and initialized. However, behind the scenes an intricate process kicks off and runs its course until the application is ready to display to the user. As a Flex developer, you don’t often have to concern yourself with exactly what is happening behind the scenes, but this knowledge can help you to better understand how to build an application and how to diagnose problems.

As we mentioned earlier in this chapter, Flex applications are .swf files that run in Flash Player. Historically, Flash Player was created to play back vector animations. Therefore, although the capabilities of Flash Player have grown tremendously since its earliest stages, its historical roots remain, and Flash Player still uses a timeline metaphor when running .swf content. Flash Player supports the concept of frames—much like frames of a movie. These frames occur sequentially over time, and unless otherwise instructed, Flash Player will automatically play back the frames of an .swf file as they are available because the .swf format is a progressive download format. That means Flash Player doesn’t need to wait for an entire .swf file to download before it can begin to read the .swf content and play it back or run it. As we’ll see in just a moment, the Flex framework uses this fact to its advantage. Each frame can contain elements of the application, be they code or embedded assets. As soon as the contents of a frame are downloaded, they're available for use.

If you ran the test from Example 5-1, you may have noticed that the SystemManager class is a subclass of the flash.display.MovieClip class because the type attribute of the extendsClass tag is flash.display.MovieClip. The MovieClip class is used frequently when creating Flash content using the Flash authoring tool because MovieClip supports multiple frames, something that is useful when using the timelines of Flash authoring. On the other hand, Flex really doesn’t rely on timelines much. All Flex components have just one frame. Therefore, the MovieClip class isn’t used much in Flex development. The SystemManager class is one notable exception. The reason that SystemManager extends MovieClip is that SystemManager instances have exactly two frames: the first frame is very lightweight, containing only enough content to manage and monitor download progress. The second frame contains everything else, including the majority of the Flex framework, the Application instance, all custom classes, and embedded assets. Because of SystemManager’s two-frame nature, it can quickly display a progress indicator to the user (because the first frame downloads quickly) while the second frame continues to download and initialize.

The SystemManager instance is the only major part of a Flex application that exists for the entire application life cycle. The Preloader instance exists for the first frame and only for a brief time on the second frame while the application is initializing. The Application instance exists on the second frame only. Figure 5-1 shows the relationship of these three parts to the two-frame timeline.

The SystemManager, Preloader, and Application objects as they exist over time

Figure 5-1. The SystemManager, Preloader, and Application objects as they exist over time

The details of how an application downloads and initializes are as follows. This sequence is condensed and simplified. We’ve omitted many cumbersome details for the sake of clarity and readability.

  1. The first frame of the .swf downloads, and a SystemManager instance is automatically created.

  2. The SystemManager loads resource bundles.


    Simply put, resource bundles are collections of text or embedded resources that are accessible via keys. Resource bundles can be used at compile time or at runtime. You can read more about resource bundles later, in the Localizationˮ section of this chapter.

  3. The SystemManager stops the timeline on frame 1, preventing anything from frame 2 from running until later.

  4. The SystemManager creates a Preloader instance.

  5. The SystemManager registers the ResourceManager class (you can learn more about this in the Localizationˮ section of this chapter) to make it available in frame 1, and passes the ResourceManager any resource modules specified using a query string or FlashVars.


    FlashVars are variables passed into the Flex application via an HTML page. You can read more about FlashVars in Chapter 20.

  6. The SystemManager starts the Preloader sequence.

  7. The Preloader instance creates a preloader display.

  8. The Preloader starts to download runtime shared libraries.

  9. The Preloader monitors the progress of the main .swf download as well as the runtime shared libraries, dispatching events to notify the display when there is progress.

  10. When everything has downloaded (the runtime shared libraries and the main .swf), the Preloader instance dispatches an initProgress event, which notifies the SystemManager that everything is ready to start initializing the Application object.

  11. Once the SystemManager receives an initProgress event, it goes to the next frame, causing the Application object to instantiate.

  12. The Application object begins to start up, and it runs through its startup life cycle, including layout management.

  13. When the Application has initialized, it dispatches a creationComplete event, notifying the Preloader object.

  14. The Preloader dispatches a complete event notifying the SystemManager that it is complete.

  15. The SystemManager adds the Application instance to the display list and removes the Preloader and preloader display.

  16. Both the SystemManager and the Application objects dispatch an applicationComplete event.

At that point, everything is downloaded and initialized, the application is visible, and the user can start to interact with it.

One important point to remember is that the overwhelming majority of the code for a Flex application is placed on frame 2. That means that most of the Flex framework, including all the UI components and data components, is available only on frame 2. It also means that by default, all your custom classes and components are available only starting on frame 2.

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