Chapter 5. Framework Fundamentals

When you build a Flex application, you create an .swf file. Users can then run the application using Flash Player, just as they would any other .swf file that was created by any other means (e.g., by using the Flash authoring tool). Flex .swf files have two distinct characteristics:

  • When building Flex applications, the developer has access to and uses a vast library of ActionScript classes known as the Flex framework. The parts of the framework the developer uses are compiled into the resultant .swf file.

  • At runtime, the Flex framework code that is compiled into the .swf dictates a particular way in which the application will load, initialize, and run.

The Flex framework has been designed in such a way that it “just works” without you, the developer, needing to know too much about it. Yet, having a better understanding of the inner workings of the Flex framework will aid you in many ways. For example, the Flex framework provides built-in preloading functionality, and it uses a default progress indicator (unless you tell it otherwise). That means you get these capabilities for free, and they will work without any extra effort on your part. However, you can also customize the progress indicator, as well as customize what happens while the application is downloading and/or initializing, to suit your needs. Without a better understanding of the Flex framework, customizing Flex in this way may be difficult. This is also true of other scenarios, including customizing component creation policies, localizing applications, and using shared libraries.

In this chapter, we’ll take an in-depth look at the Flex framework. We’ll talk about some practical topics, such as how to localize an application using resource bundles. We’ll also talk about some things that you probably won’t feel are immediately and directly applicable to the work you do. For example, we’ll talk about something known as an application domain, which determines how content loaded at runtime is partitioned. However, don’t spend too much time worrying about whether you fully understand the more complex topics just yet. It’s likely that sometime after reading this chapter, you’ll be working on a Flex application that requires a customized solution that takes you into realms of code and framework knowledge you hadn’t had to venture into previously. At that time, you may want to return to sections of this chapter to review how the Flex framework handles initialization, component life cycles, or any of the other topics we’ll talk about in the following sections.

Understanding How Flex Applications Are Structured

How is a Flex application structured? At first glance, the answer to that question may seem obvious: every Flex application has an Application container object with lots of other components nested inside it. That is true, but it’s only part of the story. Behind the scenes, the Flex framework does more than just create instances of the components and the Application container you know about because you wrote the corresponding MXML code. The Application is clearly an important part, but it’s just one of the following three major pieces of a complete Flex application:

  • SystemManager

  • Preloader

  • Application

This breakdown of SystemManager, Preloader, and Application as the three most significant pieces of a Flex application is not something you’ll find anywhere in the Flex documentation. This is a purely subjective determination by the authors of this book. However, it is very helpful to focus on these three significant parts both to learn about their individual roles and to better understand how they relate to each other.

SystemManager Instance

The mx.managers.SystemManager class is arguably the most important class in a Flex application. Without SystemManager, no Flex application could run. However, despite its importance, you will see very few references to SystemManager in most works on Flex, including this book. Why is that? In part it’s because SystemManager does its job well enough that you don’t even have to know about it 99% of the time. Another reason you don’t hear too much about SystemManager is that you cannot do much to configure or change it. Yet, you shouldn’t overlook SystemManager; otherwise, you will not fully understand what a Flex application is.

It’s natural enough to assume that the root container or display object in a Flex application is the Application object created by the MXML application document. After all, you never write any code to create a parent for the Application object. However, behind the scenes the Flex framework does create a parent for the Application object, and that parent is an instance of the SystemManager class. You can verify this by outputting the description of the parent of an application using the test code in Example 5-1.

Example 5-1. Displaying the description of the parent of an application

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"
              import flash.utils.describeType;

              private function creationCompleteHandler():void {
                   textArea.text = flash.utils.describeType(parent);

    <mx:TextArea id="textArea" width="100%" height="100%" />

If you run this test, you’ll see a description of the application’s parent property type. In the description, you can see that the parent is of type SystemManager. The description contains a great deal of text. You can see the type of the application’s parent by looking at the base attribute of the top-level type tag.


SystemManager has a property called topLevelSystemManager. This is a reference to the SystemManager instance that is at the root of everything running in Flash Player at that time. For a Flex application loaded as the main application within Flash Player, this property will always be self-referencing. However, a Flex application loaded into another Flex application also has its own SystemManager, and that SystemManager object’s topLevelSystemManager will reference the SystemManager object of the parent Flex application rather than itself. For more information on loading Flex applications into other Flex applications, see the discussion of ApplicationDomain in Understanding Application Domainsˮ later in this chapter.

The SystemManager instance of an application is responsible for managing application startup, and it is also the container for not only the application, but also all the tool tips and pop ups in the application.


Although you don’t frequently need to reference SystemManager for an application, you can do so if necessary. All subclasses of UIComponents (including Application) have a systemManager property that references SystemManager for the application. The primary way in which developers are likely to use SystemManager is to listen for events that are dispatched by any display object in the application. When those events bubble up, the last object to have an opportunity to handle the event is SystemManager.

Preloader Instance

When the Flex application first starts it creates the SystemManager instance. The SystemManager instance needs to do a few internal things first, but one of its primary responsibilities is to create a Preloader instance. The Preloader object is responsible for monitoring the download progress of the main application, gathering the list of runtime shared libraries and starting to download them, as well as creating a progress indicator to display to the user.

Application Instance

When you create a Flex application, you must have a main application MXML document, usually with a root tag of Application. All components that you include in the application are added directly or indirectly to the Application instance (although when you programmatically add a pop up using PopUpManager, the component is technically added to the SystemManager instance, not the Application). For instance, in Example 5-1 the root tag is Application, and it contains a text area component nested within it. It is evident that the Application component plays a major role in all Flex applications. Much of this book is focused on code that you can write that has an effect on the Application component or its contents.

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