Documenting a Project

You do document your code, don’t you? Crystal makes that easy: it allows for easy docs in Markdown format. It has no special doc syntax apart from #, so all your comments are documentation. First, read through the guidelines.[43] Now let’s add some doc comments to your mineral project (you did create the exercise, didn’t you?). Here’s an example:

 require ​"./mineral/*"
 module​ ​Mineral
  puts ​"app mineral is started!"
 module​ ​Hardness
 def​ ​data
  mohs = {​"talc"​ => 1, ​"gold"​ => 2.5, ​"calcite"​ => 3,
 "apatite"​ => 5, ​"corundum"​ => 9}
 def​ ​hardness
 # Every Mineral has **hardness** (see the `Hardness` module).
 # To create a standard rocky Mineral:
 # ```
 # min1 =
 # min1.to_s
 # ```
 # The above produces:
 # ```text
 # "This is a mineral with id 108 and is called rock"
 # ```
 # Checks the hardness with `#hardness`.
 class​ Mineral
 include​ Hardness
  getter id, name
  setter crystal_struct
 # Creates a mineral with given parameters
 def​ ​initialize​(@id : Int32, @name : String, @crystal_struct : String)
 # Creates a mineral with name "rock", 0 hardness and "unknown" structure
 def​ ​initialize​(@id : Int32)
  @name = ​"rock"
  @crystal_struct = ​"unknown"
 # Prints out a description of this mineral
 def​ ​to_s
  puts ​"This is a mineral with id ​​#{​id​}​​ and it is called ​​#{​name​}​​ "
  puts ​"It has ​​#{​crystal_struct​}​​ as crystal structure"
 # Returns object properties in csv-format
 def​ ​to_csv
 def​ ​==​(other : self)
  id == other.​id
 def​ ​==​(other)
 # Returns crystal structure of this mineral
 def​ ​kind_of_crystal
 # :nodoc:
 class​ Helper ​# no docs are created for this class
 end​ ​# neither for private or protected classes

Crystal comes with a built-in documentation generator, which is also used for the language’s own API.[44] To generate documentation for your project, start a terminal and go inside the project root folder. Then type the following:

$ crystal docs

This will create a doc folder containing your project’s documentation website. Start it up with doc/index.html. We show part of the class Mineral page in the figure.


Use the flag keywords BUG, DEPRECATED, FIXME, NOTE, OPTIMIZE, and TODO in your docs. These flags help indicate to yourself or others what still has to be done.

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