Use Atoms for Uncoordinated, Synchronous Updates

Atoms are a lighter-weight mechanism than refs. Where multiple ref updates can be coordinated in a transaction, atoms allow updates of a single value, uncoordinated with anything else.

You create atoms with atom, which has a signature similar to ref:

 (atom initial-state options?)
 ; options include:
 ; :validator validate-fn
 ; :meta metadata-map

Returning to our music player example, you could store the current-track in an atom instead of a ref:

 (​def​ current-track (atom ​"Venus, the Bringer of Peace"​))
 -> #​'user/current-track

You can dereference an atom to get its value, just as you would a ref:

 (deref current-track)
 -> ​"Venus, the Bringer of Peace"
 -> ​"Venus, the Bringer of Peace"

Atoms don’t participate in transactions and thus do not require a dosync. To set the value of an atom, just call reset!.

 (reset! an-atom newval)

For example, you can set current-track to "Credo":

 (reset! current-track ​"Credo"​)
 -> ​"Credo"

What if you want to coordinate an update of both current-track and current-composer with an atom? The short answer is, “You can’t.” That’s the difference between refs and atoms. If you need coordinated access, use a ref.

The longer answer is, “You can...if you’re willing to change the way you model the problem.” What if you store the track title and composer in a map and then store the whole map in a single atom?

 (​def​ current-track (atom {:title ​"Credo"​ :composer ​"Byrd"​}))
 -> #​'user/current-track

Now you can update both values in a single reset!.

 (reset! current-track {:title ​"Spem in Alium"​ :composer ​"Tallis"​})
 -> {:title ​"Spem in Alium"​, :composer ​"Tallis"​}

Maybe you like to listen to several tracks in a row by the same composer. If so, you want to change the track title but keep the same composer. swap! will do the trick:

 (swap! an-atom f & args)

swap! updates an-atom by calling function f on the current value of an-atom, plus any additional args.

To change just the track title, use swap! with assoc to update only the :title:

 (swap! current-track assoc :title ​"Sancte Deus"​)
 -> {:title ​"Sancte Deus"​, :composer ​"Tallis"​}

swap! returns the new value. Calls to swap! might be retried, if other threads are attempting to modify the same atom. So, the function you pass to swap! should have no side effects.

Both refs and atoms perform synchronous updates. When the update function returns, the value is already changed. If you don’t need this level of control and can tolerate updates happening asynchronously at some later time, prefer an agent.

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