The .NET Remoting Architecture

The .NET remoting architecture is a modular and extensible architecture. As shown in Figure 10-9, the basic building blocks on the client side are proxies, formatters, and transport channels. On the host side, the building blocks are transport channels, formatters, and call dispatchers. In addition, .NET provides a way to uniquely locate and identify remote objects. This section provides an overview of the remoting architecture’s building blocks and how they interact with each other.

.NET remoting architecture

Figure 10-9. .NET remoting architecture

Client-Side Processing

The client never interacts with a remote object directly. Instead, it interacts with a proxy, which provides the exact same public entry points as the remote object. It’s the proxy’s job to allow the client to make a method call or access a property on it, and then to marshal that call to the actual object. Every proxy is bound to at most one object, although multiple proxies can access a single object. The proxy also knows where the object is. When the client makes a call on the proxy (Step 1 in Figure 10-9), the proxy takes the parameters to the call (the stack frame), creates a message object, and asks a formatter object to process the message (Step 2 in Figure 10-9). The formatter serializes the message object and passes it to a channel object, to transport to the remote object (Step 3 in Figure 10-9). While all this is happening, the proxy blocks the client, waiting for the call to return. Once the call returns from the channel, the formatter deserializes the returned message and returns it to the proxy. The proxy places the output parameters and the returned value on the client’s call stack (just like the real object does for a direct call), and finally returns control to the client.

The proxy has actually two parts to it (see Figure 10-10). The first is called a transparent proxy. The transparent proxy, implemented by the sealed private class TransparentProxy, exposes the same entry points (as well as base type and interfaces) as the actual object. The transparent proxy converts the stack frame to a message and then passes the message to the real proxy. The real proxy knows how to connect to the remote object and forward the message to it. The real proxy is a class derived from the RealProxy abstract class; it has nothing to do with the actual remote object type. By default, .NET provides a concrete subclass (the internal class RemotingProxy). The advantage of breaking the proxy into two parts is that it allows you to use the .NET-provided transparent proxy while providing your own custom real proxy.

The proxy has two parts: a transparent and a real proxy

Figure 10-10. The proxy has two parts: a transparent and a real proxy

Server-Side Processing

Once the server-side channel receives the method, it forwards the message to a formatter (Step 4 in Figure 10-9). The formatter deserializes the message and passes it to the stack builder (Step 5 in Figure 10-9). The stack builder reads the message and calls the object based on the method and its parameters in the message (Step 6 in Figure 10-9). The object itself is never aware that a remote client is accessing it, because as far as it’s concerned, the client is the stack builder. Once the call returns to the stack builder, it returns a reply message to the server-side formatter. The formatter serializes the message and returns it to the channel to transport to the client.


Because the proxy and the stack builder serialize and deserialize messages, all they need to do is take advantage of the serialization mechanism described in Chapter 9. Out of the box, .NET provides a SOAP formatter and a binary formatter. The binary formatter requires much less processing time to serialize and deserialize than the SOAP formatter, so in intense calling patterns the binary formatter gets better performance. This is because it takes more time to compose and parse a SOAP message, as opposed to the binary format, which is practically used as-is. In addition, the message in binary format has a smaller payload and reduces overall network latency. However, SOAP is the format of choice for going through a firewall when HTTP is used as the transport protocol (although you can use a binary format, too). If there is no interoperability need, or no firewall is present between the host and the client, you should use a binary format for performance reasons.

Transport Channels

Once the message (either from the proxy to the stack builder or vice versa) is serialized, what protocol transports the message to the other side? Out of the box, .NET provides three transport protocols for remote calls: TCP, HTTP, and IPC. These are called transport channels . TCP and HTTP were available with .NET 1.0, and .NET 2.0 introduced the IPC channel. IPC stands for Inter-Process Communication and is based on named pipes. The main advantage of IPC is that because you can use it only for cross-process calls on the same machine, hosts that expose only IPC channels are inherently more secure than hosts that expose TCP or HTTP channels.

It’s important to state that the question of what transport protocol to use is independent of the question of what format is used to serialize the message. You can use the SOAP or binary formats over either TCP, HTTP, or IPC. However, if you choose the default transport channel configuration, when you select TCP or IPC, .NET uses a binary format; when you select HTTP, .NET uses the SOAP format. This policy makes sense, because if there is no firewall between the client and the host, a binary protocol (TCP or IPC) with a binary format yields the best performance. If a firewall is present, a text-based protocol (HTTP) with the SOAP format is required to go through the firewall.

Both the host and the client app domains need to indicate to .NET which channels they intend to use. This is called channel registration. The host app domain needs to register the channels through which it’s willing to accept calls from remote clients. It can register any one channel, or all of them. The client needs to register the channels on which it wishes to accept callbacks (discussed later). The client can register one channel or multiple channels. If you have access to other custom channels, you can use them on both sides.

In the case of a remote call across two app domains in the same physical process, .NET uses the same architecture as with a call across processes or across machines. However, .NET doesn’t use the network-oriented channels or IPC, because doing so would be a waste of resources and would incur a performance penalty. Instead, for this case .NET automatically (as in Example 10-2) uses a dedicated channel called CrossAppDomainChannel. This channel is internal to the remoting infrastructure assembly and isn’t available to you. Because both client and server share the same physical process, the CrossAppDomainChannel channel uses the client’s thread to invoke the call on the object, and the thread pool isn’t involved.

Object Locations and Identity

Every remote object is associated with a uniform resource locator (URL). The URL provides the location of the remote object, and it must be mapped to an actual location in which a host app domain is listening for remote activation requests. The URL has the following structure:

    <protocol>://<host identifier>:<port number>

The URL tells .NET where and how to connect with a remote object; that is, what protocol to use to transport the call, to what host (which typically means which machine), and, in the case of TCP and HTTP, on which port of the host machine to try to connect. For example, here is a possible URL:


This URL instructs .NET to connect to a host on the local machine on port 8005, and to use TCP for the transport protocol.

The following URL instructs .NET to use HTTP for the transport protocol and to try to connect to port 8006 on the local machine:


When using IPC, there is no need to specify a port number. All the URL needs to contain is the pipe’s name:


A URL can also optionally contain an application name section:

    <protocol>://<machine name>:<port number>[/<application name>]

For example:


If a client wants to use a client-activated remote object, the information in the URL is sufficient for .NET to connect to the remote host, create an object on the remote machine, and marshal a reference back to the client. As a result, a URL is all that is required to identify a remote client-activated object.

The situation is different for server-activated objects. When the client tries to connect to a server-activated object, it must provide the server with additional information identifying which well-known object it wants to activate. For example, the host could have a number of singleton objects of the same type, servicing different clients. That additional identification information is in the form of a uniform resource identifier (URI). The URI is appended to the activation URL, like so:


Here are a few examples:


The URI can be any string, as long as it’s unique in the scope of the host app domain. The host is responsible for registering with .NET the well-known objects it’s willing to export, and the URIs have to match to those supplied by the clients. Note that the client supplies the URI, but it’s the host who decides whether the client gets a well-known singleton object identified by the URI or a single-call object, which is actually not a well-known instance at all (nonetheless, both server-activation types are called well-known objects).

Whenever you marshal a remote object reference across an app domain boundary, the reference carries with it the location of the object (in the form of a URL). This is required so that .NET will know where to hook up the proxy. The URL also enables .NET to correctly resolve object references when clients pass them around. Imagine a client in App Domain A that has a proxy referencing an object in App Domain B. When that client passes a reference to the proxy to another client in App Domain C, the client in App Domain C gets a reference to the object in App Domain B, and its proxy will point directly at the object, not at the proxy in App Domain A.

Error Handling

When a client has a direct reference to an object, exceptions thrown by the object wind their way up the call stack. The client can then catch the exceptions and handle them, or let them propagate up the call chain. With remote objects, the client has a direct reference only to a proxy, and the object is called on a different stack frame. If a remote object throws an exception, .NET catches that exception, serializes it, and sends it back to the proxy. The proxy then re-throws the exception on the client’s side. The resulting programming model, as far as the client is concerned, is very similar to that of handling errors with local objects in the same app domain as the client.

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