
I’ve been fortunate in my career to have lived through most generations of Microsoft component technologies. In the mid-1990s, I developed dynamic link libraries and exported their functions, and I used Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) extension DLLs to expose classes. I experienced firsthand the enormous complexity involved in managing a set of interacting applications comprised of 156 DLLs and deployed as a single unit, as well as the maintenance and versioning issues raised by their use of ordinal numbers. I helped design COM-like solutions to those problems, and I remember when I first heard about COM and when I generated my first GUID using a command-line utility.

I learned how to write class factories and IDL interfaces long before the release of ATL, and I tried to use RPC before DCOM abstracted it away. I designed component-based applications using COM and experienced what it takes to share design ideas with other developers who aren’t familiar with its requirements. I programmed with MTS and learned the workarounds involved in its use, and I marveled at the elegance and usefulness of COM+ when it came to architecting large-scale enterprise frameworks.

My understanding of component-oriented programming has evolved and grown over that time, just as the component-based technologies themselves have done. I have often asked myself what the fundamental principles of using components are, and in what ways they differ from traditional object-oriented programming. I have tried to learn from my mistakes and to abstract and generalize the good ideas and techniques I have encountered or developed on my own. I believe that I have identified some core principles of component-oriented design that transcend any technologies available today and that result in components that are easier to reuse, extend, and maintain over the long term.

With the advent of the .NET Framework, Windows developers finally have at their disposal a first-class technology that aims at simplifying the task of developing and deploying component-based applications. .NET is the result of much soul-searching by Microsoft, and in my view it improves on the deficiencies of previous technologies—especially COM. It incorporates and enforces a variety of proven methodologies and approaches, while retaining their core benefits.

To me, .NET is fundamentally a component technology that provides an easy and clean way to generate binary components, in compliance with what I regard as sound design principles. .NET is engineered from the ground up to simplify component development and deployment, and to support interoperability between programming languages. It is highly versatile, and .NET components are used for building a wide range of component-based applications, from standalone desktop applications to web-based applications and services.

Of course, .NET is more than just a component technology; it’s actually a blanket name for a set of technologies.


In the context of this book, whenever I use the term “.NET,” I’m referring to the .NET Framework in general and the component technology it embodies in particular.

.NET provides several specialized application frameworks, including Windows Forms for rich Windows clients, ADO.NET for data access, ASP.NET for web applications, and web services for exposing and consuming remote services that use the SOAP and other XML-based protocols. Visual Studio 2005 supports the development of .NET applications in C#, Visual Basic, Managed C++, and J#, but you can use more than a dozen other languages as well. You can host .NET applications in Windows or in SQL Server 2005. Microsoft server products will increasingly support .NET-connected applications in the coming years, and future versions of Windows will be heavily based on .NET.

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