Project ProVB_VS2012

The Design view opens by default when a new project is created. If you have closed it, you can easily reopen it using the Solution Explorer by right-clicking MainWindow.xaml and selecting View Designer from the pop-up menu. Figure 1.12 illustrates the default view you see when your project template completes. On the screen is the design surface upon which you can drag controls from the Toolbox to build your user interface and update properties associated with your form.

Figure 1.12 New WPF project Design view


The Properties pane, shown in more detail in Figure 1.13, is by default placed in the lower-right corner of the Visual Studio window. Like many of the other windows in the IDE, if you close it, it can be accessed through the View menu. Alternatively, you can use the F4 key to reopen this window. The Properties pane is used to set the properties of the currently selected control, or for the Form as a whole.

Figure 1.13 Properties for Main Window


Each control you place on your form has its own distinct set of properties. For example, in the Design view, select your form. You'll see the Properties window adjust to display the properties of MainWindow (refer to Figure 1.13). This is the list of properties associated with your window. If you want to limit how small a user can reduce the display area of your form, then you can now define this as a property.

For your sample, go to the Title property and change the default of MainWindow to “ProVB 2012” Once you have accepted the property change, the new value is displayed as the caption of your form. In addition to your window frame, WPF has by default populated the body of your window with a Grid control. As you look to customize your new window, this grid will allow you to define regions of the page and control the layout of items within the window.

Tear-Away Tabs

You may have noticed in Figure 1.12 that the Code View and Form Designer windows open in a tabbed environment. This environment is the default for working with the code windows inside Visual Studio, but you can change this. As with any other window in Visual Studio, you can mouse down on the tab and drag it to another location.

What makes this especially useful is that you can drag a tab completely off of the main window and have it open as a standalone window elsewhere. Thus, you can take the current source file you are editing and drag it to a monitor that is separate from the remainder of Visual Studio—examples of this are the Project Properties shown earlier in this chapter in Figures1.4 through 1.11. If you review those images you'll see that they are not embedded within the larger Visual Studio frame but have been pulled out into their own window. This feature can be very useful when you want to have another source file from your application open either for review or reference while working in a primary file.

Running ProVB_VS2012

You've looked at the form's properties, so now is a good time to open the code associated with this file by either double clicking the file MainWindow.xaml.vb, or right-clicking MainWindow in the Solution Explorer and selecting Code view, or right-clicking the form in the Design view and selecting View Code from the pop-up menu. The initial display of the code is simple. There is no implementation code beyond the class definition in the MainWindows.xaml.vb file.

So before continuing, let's test the generated code. To run an application from within Visual Studio, you have several options; the first is to click the Start button, which looks like the Play button on any media device. Alternatively, you can go to the Debug menu and select Start. Finally, the most common way of launching applications is to press F5.

Once the application starts, an empty form is displayed with the standard control buttons (in the upper-right corner) from which you can control the application. The form name should be ProVB 2012, which you applied earlier. At this point, the sample doesn't have any custom code to examine, so the next step is to add some simple elements to this application.

Customizing the Text Editor

In addition to being able to customize the overall environment provided by Visual Studio, you can customize several specific elements related to your development environment. Visual Studio's user interface components have been rewritten using WPF so that the entire display provides a much more graphical environment and better designer support.

Visual Studio provides a rich set of customizations related to a variety of different environment and developer settings. To leverage Visual Studio's settings, select Tools ⇒ Options to open the Options dialog, shown in Figure 1.14. To match the information shown in Figure 1.14 select the Text Editor folder, and then the All Languages folder. These settings apply to the text editor across every supported development language. Additionally, you can select the Basic folder, the settings (not shown) available at that level are specific to how the text editor behaves when you edit VB source code.

Figure 1.14 Visual Studio Options dialogue


From this dialogue, it is possible to modify the number of spaces that each tab will insert into your source code and to manage several other elements of your editing environment. Within this dialogue you see settings that are common for all text editing environments, as well as the ability to customize specific settings for specific languages. For example, the section specific to Visual Basic includes settings that allow for word wrapping and line numbers. One little-known but useful capability of the text editor is line numbering. Checking the Line numbers check box will cause the editor to number all lines, which provides an easy way to unambiguously reference lines of code.

Visual Studio also provides a visual indicator so you can track your changes as you edit. Enabling the Track changes setting under the Text Editor options causes Visual Studio to provide a colored indicator in places where you have modified a file. This indicator appears as a colored bar at the left margin of your display. It shows which portions of a source file have been recently edited and whether those changes have been saved to disk.

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