Chapter 4. Scala Collections

In the previous chapter, we covered functional programming with Scala and how object-oriented and functional approaches complete each other. We also covered generic classes, which are often used with pattern matching. Finally, we covered how to create user-defined pattern matching and why it is useful.

In this chapter, we will cover the Scala Collection library. We will start by learning how to work with lists, which will make us familiar with some design principles of the whole collections library. Afterward, we'll generalize to sequences and cover some more relevant data structures. At the end, we'll look at how collections relate to monads and how we can use that knowledge to make some powerful abstractions in our code.

Scala's collection library is very rich, being comprised of data structures for very different use cases and performance considerations. It is particularly rich in immutable data structures, which we will be covering in greater detail during this chapter.

Collections available in the Scala collection library inherit from common high-level abstract classes and traits and, as such, share some common functionalities, which makes working with them easier once you become familiar with certain methods and design principles.

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Identify the Scala collections available in the standard library
  • Identify how to abstract sequences by using higher-order functions
  • Implement the important design principles for working with Scala collections

Working with Lists

Lists are probably the most commonly used data structures in Scala programs. Learning how to work with lists is important both from a data structure standpoint but also as an entry point to designing programs around recursive data structures.

Constructing Lists

In order to be able to use l ists, one must learn how to construct them. Lists are recursive in nature, and build upon two basic building blocks: Nil (representing the empty list) and :: (pronounced cons, from the cons function of most Lisp dialects).

We will now create Lists in Scala:

  1. Start the Scala REPL, which should provide you with a prompt:
    $ scala
  2. Create a list of strings using the following:
    scala> val listOfStrings = "str1" :: ("str2" :: ("str3" :: Nil))
    listOfStrings: List[String] = List(str1, str2, str3)
  3. Show that the :: operation is the right associative by omitting the parentheses and getting the same result:
    scala> val listOfStrings = "str1" :: "str2" :: "str3" :: Nil
    listOfStrings: List[String] = List(str1, str2, str3)
  4. Create lists of different types.
  5. Show that the apply method of the List companion object offers a convenient way to create a list from a variable number of arguments:
    scala> val listOfStrings = List("str1", "str2", "str3")
    listOfStrings: List[String] = List(str1, str2, str3)


If you are wondering how is it possible for the :: operator to be right-associative, note that the associativity of an operator is determined by the operator's last character. Operators ending in a colon : are right-associative. All other operators are left-associative. Since :: ends with a colon, it is right-associative.

Operations on Lists

The List class provides the head, tail, and isEmpty methods. head returns the first element of the list, while the tail method returns the list without its first element. The isEmpty method returns true if the list is empty, and false otherwise. head and tail are only defined for non-empty lists and throw an exception on empty ones.


Calling head and tail in empty lists (such as Nil.head and Nil.tail) throws an exception.

To implement the evenInts method with the following signature, use the following code:

def evenInts(l: List[Int]): List[Int]

The method should return a list with all even integers of list l. Use the head, tail, and isEmpty methods of List. A possible solution for this problem is the following:

def evenInts(l: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
  if (l.isEmpty) l
  else if (l.head % 2 == 0) l.head :: evenInts(l.tail)
  else evenInts(l.tail)

Pattern Matching on Lists

Pattern matching is a powerful mechanism for checking a value against a pattern in Scala and provides an idiomatic way to decompose lists. You can pattern match on ::, which mimics the list structure, or on List(...) to match all of the list's values.

Let's experiment with pattern matching in the Scala REPL. Make sure to show examples of both pattern matching with List(...) and with ::.

One possible example to show is:

val l = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
List(a, b, c, d, e) = l
val h :: t = l

Using pattern matching is generally more idiomatic than using if and else to structure programs.

Now, we will implement the method evenInts again. This time, we will not use the head, tail, and isEmpty methods of List:

  1. Open the file where we have written the evenInts method.
  2. Do not use the head, tail, and isEmpty methods of list.
  3. A possible solution for this problem is the following:
    def evenInts(l: List[Int]): List[Int] = l match {
      case h :: t if h % 2 == 0 => h :: evenInts(t)
      case _ :: t => evenInts(t)
      case Nil => Nil

First-Order Methods on List

The List class provides various helpful first-order methods. A first-order method is one that does not take a function as an argument. We'll cover some of the most-used methods in the following subsection.

Appending and Concatenation

We've learned about :: to append an element at the head of a list. If we want to append an element at the end of a list, we can use the :+ operator. In order to concatenate two lists, we can use the ::: operator. Note, however, that the :+ operator has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the number of elements in the list. The ::: operator has a time complexity of O(n), n being the number of elements in the first list. Note that the ::: operator also has right-associativity, like the :: operator.

Example code:

scala> val a = List(1, 2, 3)
a: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> val b = List(4, 5, 6)
b: List[Int] = List(4, 5, 6)
scala> val c = a ::: b
c: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

scala> val d = b :+ 7
d: List[Int] = List(4, 5, 6, 7)

Taking the Length of a List

Taking the length of a list is a useful operation. All lists have a definite size and, as such, they provide the length method that returns their size. We'll be covering potentially infinite data structures in another topic.

Note that length is an expensive operation on lists, as it needs to traverse the whole list to find its end, taking time proportional to the number of elements in the list.

Reversing a List

If you require frequent access to the end of a list, it is convenient to reverse it once and work with the result. The reverse method creates a new list with the elements of the original list reversed. The reverse method has linear complexity.

Prefixes and Suffixes

The take and drop methods of List return arbitrary prefixes or suffixes of a list. They both take an integer as an argument: the number of elements to take or drop, respectively.

Example code:

scala> val a = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
a: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> val b = a.take(2)
b: List[Int] = List(1, 2)

scala> val c = a.drop(2)
c: List[Int] = List(3, 4, 5)

Element Selection

Even though it is not a common operation for lists, the List class supports random element selection through its apply method:

scala> val a = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
a: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> a.apply(2)
res0: Int = 3

Since apply is implicitly inserted when an object appears in the function position in a method call, we can also do:

scala> a(2)
res1: Int = 3


Use toString to get the canonical string representation of a list:

scala> val a = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
a: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> a.toString
res0: String = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

The mkString method is a bit more flexible as it allows you to specify the prefix to print before all elements, the separator to print between elements, and the suffix to print after all elements. The mkString method has two overloaded variants which allow you to drop the prefix and suffix arguments if they're empty strings. You can also call mkString without arguments if you want an empty string as a separator:

scala> a.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
res1: String = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
scala> a.mkString(", ")
res2: String = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

scala> a.mkString
res3: String = 12345


Refer to the Scaladoc for the scala.collection. immutable.List class at If you are interested in other useful methods, you can take a look at what the class has to offer.

Activity: Creating a New Mode for Chatbot Using Lists

In this activity, we will be building a new mode for the Chatbot that we created on the first day of this book. This new mode will be capable of keeping and updating a todo list of entries. We will be using lists as the primary data structure to hold our information, and we want to support at least the following commands:

  • todo list: Lists all current items the bot is currently aware of.
  • todo new <item description>: Inserts a new TODO item with the provided description.
  • todo done <item number>: Removes the item numbered <item number> from the list. The number of the item should be shown when using todo list.
  • todo done <item description>: Removes the item whose description matches <item description>.
  1. Start by defining a new class that extends ChatbotMode. It's enough to model our TODO list items as strings, so our new mode could just be defined as case class TodoList(todos: List[String]) extends ChatbotMode.
  2. Implement the required process method. Regexes might come in handy to parse the line argument. Depending on the provided input, we want to create a new instance of TodoList with the value of todos possibly modified. Return None in invalid inputs (unrecognizable commands or attempts to delete a non-existent item, for example).
  3. Experiment with your newly defined mode in the previously implemented Chatbot. See how well it plays with the other already defined modes.

In this section, we covered lists in the perspective of one of the major workhorses of Scala programs. We've learned the operations we can perform on lists and covered some idiomatic ways to handle lists in Scala code.

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