
images  A



    retrieve data




    serialization (see Serialization)

Applied techniques, models


        contribute_to_class() method

        pickling and unpickling data

        storing raw data

        unpickling data


        configuration options

        first pass

        Python classes

Augmenting functions



        arguments (with or without)


        partial application of functions



        with extra arguments


    excess arguments

        argument collections passing

        keyword arguments

        mixed (positional and keyword) arguments

        positional arguments

images  B

Backend protocols. See also Database access




        passing information-custom backends

        storing user information

    base file class

        file objects



        cache backend


    context processors

    handling uploads


        income files

    session management




    storing files

        different set


    template loading


        load_template_source(template_name, template_dirs=None)

        load_template(template_name, template_dirs=None)

        template loading

    virus scanning

images  C

Common tools

    core exceptions (django.core.exceptions)









    data structures (django.utils.datastructures)






    functional utilities (django.utils.functional)

        allow_lazy(func, *resultclasses)



        lazy(func, *resultclasses)

        lazy_property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None)

        memoize(func, cache, num_args)

        partition(predicate, values)



        basic process

        capturing return values


        forcing strong references

        listener definition

        registering listeners

        send() method

    text modification (django.utils.text)



        get_text_list(items, last_word=‘or’)

        javascript_quote(s, quote_double_quotes=False)






        Truncating Text



        wrap(text, width)


    admin configuration






        model inheritance



        distinct situations


        get() and post () method

    URL configuration

images  D, E

Database access


        comparison operators





    structure creation


        DatabaseError and IntegrityError

        internal column types


Django. See also Python






        news and resources

        reusable applications


        documentation reading



        mailing lists

        version checking



        documenting rules



        loose coupling

        MVC pattern-interpretation

        Python distribution

        readability counts




        list of




        purposes and default behaviors

Duck typing protocols


        _call_(self[, . . .])


        _contains_(self, key)

        _getitem_(self, key)


        _setitem_(self, key, value)



        loose protocol

        read(self, [size])

        write(self, str)




        iter() method





        _setitem_(self, value)

images  F, G


    custom fields

        clean() method


        super() method



        widget control

    field-declare and identify

    HTML behavior definition





        compress() method

        customize, error display

        custom widgets



        decompress() method





        field access





        markup customization

        multiple widgets, data split




        posted data, values

        render() method





    techniques applied for

        business logic

        class based approach

        decorator module





        generic processing



        pend and resume



        post() method



        store values




    user input, bind

        behavior control methods

        bound form


        data attribute


        filesystem operation



        is_valid() method



        trust options of

        unbound form



        views, class-based

Function-based views


    CORS decorator



    view decorators


        name and documentation




    writing code


        default values

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    class and function attributes


    function signature


        value handling

    object type identification

        arbitrary object

        checking for



    in Python

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images  M, N

Models. See also Applied techniques, models

    class information

    configuration options

    field definitions






        cusotmization (see File class customization)

        delete_file(self, instance, sender)

        generate_filename(self, instance, filename)


        get_filename(self, filename)

        save_form_data(self, instance, data)


    model cache access


        application retrieve

        Django application

        individual models


        single application retrieve

    primary key fields

    processes model classes


        declarative syntax

        key features




        pre_delete and post_delete

        pre_init and post_init

        pre_save and post_save

    SQL goals

    standard Python classes

    subclass fields

        contribute_to_class (self, cls, name)

        contribute_to_class() vs. setattr()

        contribute_to_related_class(self, cls, related)

        database behavior

        Django model field




        to_python(self, value)

        validate(self, value, instance)

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    augmenting functions


        excess arguments

    class building

        base class, metaclass

        declarative syntax

        instance creation



        Python 2 style compatibility

        type(), warning

    descriptorsconversion of value

        data retreival

        _get_(self, instance, owner)

        instance data

        _set_(self, instance, value)


        value customize

    duck typing protocols







        class and function attributes


        function signature

        object type identification

        old style class


        plugin architecture

        subclasses tracking

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    Django’s serialization

    dumps() and loads() methods

    JSON serializer

    serialize() method





        get_dump_object() method



        handle_field(obj, field)

        handle_fk_field() method

        handle_fk_field(obj, field)

        handle_m2m_field(obj, field)

        many-to-many relationships

        PropertyFeature model



        retrieve field information




images  T

Techniques, Python

    plugin architecture

        initialisation of

        methods or attributes


    subclasses tracking


    content Tokens


        complex variable lookup

        HTTP request

        simple variable resolution

        vs. namespaces



    large process

    load and render

        render_to_response(template_name, dictionary=None, context_instance=None, content_type=None)

        render_to_string(template_name, dictionary=None, context_instance=None)







    Parser object

    Python expressions

    render() method







        shortcut (simple tags)

        simple tags

    template engine techniques

        compilation functions

        convert token to string

        custom template tag

        Jinja template

    user-submitted themes techniques





        setting up templates

        site-wide themes

        validating and securing themes

    variable filters


        common situations


        value accept

        value returns

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