
I can’t imagine anyone taking on a project like this alone. In the six years since I first considered putting my thoughts on paper, no one has been more supportive than my beautiful wife, Angel. Without her, I’d be lost and confused, mumbling incoherently about declarative metaclass implementations. She didn’t even flinch when I considered moving us from Michigan to California to work for Disney. There are no words to express how much help she’s been throughout this process. I’d also like to thank all my tech reviewers: Jacob Kaplan-Moss, George Vilches, Justin Abrahms and Gavin McQuillan. I’ve had four tech reviewers in just two editions of a single book, and their feedback and advice has been invaluable. I stake the quality of all the code in this book on the quality of their reviews, and I’ve had no qualms putting my success in their capable hands.

Most of all, I’d like to thank the Django community for their unending support over the years. Django itself originated at the Lawrence Journal-World, but once it was released to the world, thousands have stepped up and helped mold it into something remarkably better. It’s because of people like you that I decided to take on this challenge, in hopes of giving back in some small way to the community that’s given me so much already.

I’d like to call out one community member in particular, as one of my earliest mentors and greatest friends. Malcolm Tredinnick is responsible for more of the code used in this book than anyone else, and I owe my understanding of it to his patience and never-ending willingness to teach everyone who asked for his help. I can only hope to someday be the kind of man he was every day.

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