


accounts payable, 22-3

accounts receivable, 22-3

amortization and depreciation, 22-522-6

asset, 22-2

balance sheet, 22-2

bond transaction, 22-3

capital employed, 22-5

dividend, 22-5

financial statements, 22-622-7

fixed assets, 22-5

goodwill, 22-5

intangible assets., 22-5

liabilities, 22-2, 22-5

owner’s equity., 22-2

paid-in capital, 22-5

paid-in capital., 22-2

retained earnings, 22-5

working capital, 22-5

AC-DC-AC converter, 28-928-10

AC reactor vs. DC link choke, 24-1824-19

Active crowbar topology, 28-828-9

Active filters for power conditioning

Akagi-Nabae theory, 26-326-5


frequency-domain and time-domain, 26-926-10

harmonic detection methods, 26-10

hybrid active/passive filters, 26-826-9

objectives, 26-626-7

by power circuit, 26-9

shunt active filters and series active filters, 26-726-8

energy storage capacity, 26-526-6

functions, 26-1

harmonic-producing loads

harmonic current and voltage sources, 26-226-3

identified loads and unidentified loads, 26-2

integrated series active filters

control circuit, 26-1226-13

experimental results, 26-1326-15

operating principle, 26-1126-12

system configuration, 26-1026-11

practical applications

48-MVA shunt active filter, 26-1626-18

present status and future trends, 26-15

shunt active filter for three-phase four-wire system, 26-16

Admittance matrix, 5-25-5

Air insulation, flashover characteristics

altitude, 14-6

effect of atmospheric conditions, 14-514-6

effect of insulator, 14-5

electrode configuration, 14-5

insulator contamination, 14-614-7

surge arresters, application of, 14-814-11

voltage waveshape, 14-314-4

Akagi-Nabae theory, 26-326-5

Amortization, 22-522-6

Analytical probabilistic power flow studies, 20-420-6

Artificial neural networks (ANN)

definition, 16-1

error back-propagation learning rule, 16-3

multilayer perceptron, 16-116-2

nodes, 16-116-2

online forecasting, 16-3

properties, 16-2

short-term load forecasting

ANNSTLF architecture, 16-416-5

holidays and special days, 16-616-7

humidity and wind speed, 16-5

performance, 16-716-9

short-term price forecasting

architecture, 16-9

performance, 16-916-10

Artificial neural network short-term load forecaster (ANNSTLF)

architecture, 16-416-5

holidays and special days, 16-616-7

humidity and wind speed, 16-5

performance, 16-716-9

ASCR, see Asymmetrical silicon-controlled rectifier (ASCR)

Asset, 22-2

Asset management, 22-1622-18

Asymmetrical silicon-controlled rectifier (ASCR), 23-4

ATC, see Available transfer capability (ATC)

Available transfer capability (ATC), 20-620-8

“a” Vector, properties of, 2-6

Average System Availability Index (ASAI), 19-8


Balanced three-phase fault, 4-44-5

Basic impulse insulation level (BIL), 7-1

Basic per-unit scaling equation, 1-1

Basic power flow equations, 3-73-8

Brokerage Company (BROCO), 15-815-9

Bulk power system reliability

characteristics of, 17-2

continuity of supply, 17-1

deterministic reliability criteria, 17-217-3

reliability objectives, 17-117-2

Bus admittance matrix, 3-3

Bus ducts, 10-710-8

Bushings, 10-17

Business essentials


accounts payable, 22-3

accounts receivable, 22-3

amortization and depreciation, 22-522-6

asset, 22-2

balance sheet, 22-2

bond transaction, 22-3

capital employed, 22-5

dividend, 22-5

financial statements, 22-622-7

fixed assets, 22-5

goodwill, 22-5

intangible assets., 22-5

liabilities, 22-2, 22-5

owner’s equity, 22-2

paid-in capital, 22-2, 22-5

retained earnings, 22-5

working capital, 22-5

asset management, 22-1622-18


capital structure, 22-9

time value of money, 22-722-9

financial ratios

dividend yield, 22-16

earnings per share, 22-16

net profit margin, 22-14

operating profit margin, 22-14

payout ratio, 22-15

price-to-book, 22-16

price-to-earnings, 22-1522-16

profitability ratios, 22-14

return on assets, 22-1422-15

return on capital employed, 22-15

return on equity, 22-15

financial risk

capital asset pricing model, 22-1122-12

diversification, 22-922-10

financial options, 22-1222-13

portfolio theory, 22-1022-11


Capacitor bank switch opening, TRV for, 12-612-10

Capacitor-based passive filters

low-pass broadband filter, 24-2124-22

series passive filter, 24-20

shunt passive filter, 24-2024-21

Capacity expansion problem, 15-1115-12

Capital asset pricing model, 22-1122-12

Capital employed, definition, 22-5

Cascaded H-bridge inverter

five-stage, 25-1025-11

neutral point clamped inverter, 25-7

three-stage, 25-825-9

topology, 25-8

Centralized inverter topology, 28-20

Circuit breakers, 10-8

Cloud-to-ground flash, 6-2

Common stock equity, 22-5

Complex electrode shapes, transmission system

analytical treatment of, 11-911-10

numerical treatment of, 11-1011-11

Component power flows, 3-103-11

Computational methods, electric power systems

optimal power flow

basic objective of, 5-13

dependent variables, limitations on, 5-225-24

independent variables, limitations on, 5-215-22

Lagrange multipliers, 5-14

steepest descent algorithm, 5-155-21

power flow

admittance matrix, 5-25-5

mismatch equations, 5-2

Newton–Raphson method, 5-55-13

power flow equations, 5-1

principle, 5-1

state estimation, 5-255-31

Computerized auction market structure, 15-915-11

Contingency enumeration, reliability assessment, 17-817-9

Continuity of supply, 17-1

Controlled rectifier

average output voltage, 24-42

gate circuit requirements, 24-3624-37

HVDC transmission systems, 24-4524-46

single-phase H-bridge rectifier circuits with thyristors, 24-3724-40

three-phase controlled AC to DC rectifier systems, 24-4024-41

three-phase thyristor AC to DC rectifier systems, 24-4624-47


gate current injection, 24-35

increasing applied voltage, 24-34

rectifier circuit vs. single diode rectifier circuit, 24-3524-36

temperature, 24-35

v-i characteristic of, 24-36

virtual representation and operation, 24-3324-34

thyristor-based inverters, 24-4224-45

Cost-benefit analysis, 18-10

Cost curve development

coincidence factor–load factor relationship, 21-2221-23

flowchart, 21-2121-22

unit demand cost components, 21-2321-26

Cost-of-service study

cost assignment step, 21-521-6

cost classification step, 21-5

cost functionalization step, 21-5

net operating income, 21-6

principal cost analysis, 21-421-5

return on equity, 21-6

return on investment, 21-6

12-CP allocation factor, 21-12

Critical flashover (CFO) voltage, 7-1

Current-fed PWM inverter, 26-9

Current-limiting reactor faults, TRV for, 12-1312-14

Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI), 19-8

Customer reliability indices, 19-8


Darlington transistor, 23-423-5

DC link choke, 24-1724-18

Demand and energy loss analysis

annual unitized load duration curves, 21-1421-16

34.5 kV subsystem, 21-1621-17

load-and no-load-related losses, 21-1421-15

methodology for, 21-1821-21

transformer’s energy load loss, 21-1721-18

Dependent variables, limitations on, 5-225-24

Depreciation, 22-522-6

Deterministic power flow studies, 20-220-3

Deterministic reliability criteria, 17-217-3

DFIG, see Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)

Diode conduction mechanism, 24-224-3

Diode rectifier

with capacitive load, 26-3

with inductive load, 26-2

Direct lightning strokes

corona under lightning, 7-167-17

definition, 7-1

effects of induction, 7-157-16

ground impedance, 7-167-17

illustration of, 7-2

outage rates by

definition, 7-11

shielded lines, 7-147-15

unshielded lines, 7-117-14

to shielded lines

advantages, 7-5

effective surge impedance, 7-5

insulator voltage profile, 7-6

shielding design, 7-77-9

significant parameters, 7-97-11

to unshielded lines, 7-27-4

Disconnectors and breakers, 10-1610-17

Distribution Company (DISTCO), 15-7

Distribution reliability indices, 19-719-9

Distribution system reliability, 19-6-19-7

Diversification, 22-922-10

Dividend, 22-5

Dividend yield, 22-16

Double phase-to-ground fault, 2-3, 4-7

Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), 28-2, 28-5, 28-6, 28-828-14

Dynamic security assessment, 19-5


Earnings, 22-3

Earnings per share (EPS), 22-16

Electric cost-of-service study, 21-321-4

Electricity pricing

cost curve development, 21-2121-26

cost-of-service study framework, 21-421-7

demand and energy loss analysis, 21-1421-21

electric cost-of-service study, 21-321-4

electric rate designs, 21-21

fundamental components, 21-121-2

large commercial or industrial rate, 21-221-3

load diversity analysis, 21-1021-14

minimum distribution system analysis, 21-721-10

rate design methodology, 21-2621-29

residential or small commercial rate, 21-2

Electric rate designs, 21-21

Energy Management Company (EMCO), 15-715-8

Energy Mercantile Association (EMA), 15-815-9

Energy Service Company (ESCO), 15-715-8

Energy Service Supplier (ESS), 15-715-8

Energy storage capacity, 26-526-6

Error back-propagation learning rule, 16-3

Expected energy not served (EENS), 19-4

Externally gapped line arrester (EGLA), 13-213-3

External transients

computation of

bus ducts, 10-710-8

circuit breakers, 10-8

gas-to-air bushings, 10-9

power transformers, 10-9

spark dynamics, 10-810-9

surge arresters, 10-8

three-phase models, 10-910-10

on overhead connections, 10-6

transient electromagnetic fields, 10-610-7

transient enclosure voltages, 10-410-6


Fast decoupled power flow solution, 3-93-10

Fault, 4-1

Fault analysis

causes of faults, 4-1

definition, 4-1

interruption process, 12-112-2

simplifications, 4-24-4

study, examples, 4-74-14


balanced three-phase fault, 4-44-5

double phase-to-ground fault, 4-7

phase-to-phase fault, 4-64-7

single phase-to-ground fault, 4-54-6

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), 15-7


capital structure, 22-9

time value of money, 22-722-9

Financial ratios

dividend yield, 22-16

earnings per share, 22-16

net profit margin, 22-14

operating profit margin, 22-14

payout ratio, 22-15

price-to-book, 22-16

price-to-earnings, 22-1522-16

profitability ratios, 22-14

return on assets, 22-1422-15

return on capital employed, 22-15

return on equity, 22-15

Financial risk

capital asset pricing model, 22-1122-12

diversification, 22-922-10

financial options, 22-1222-13

portfolio theory, 22-1022-11

Fixed assets, 22-5

Fixed or mechanically switched capacitors, 27-4

Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS)

controller’s applications

Channel Tunnel Rail Link, 27-3627-37

Convertible Static Compensator in NewYork, 27-3927-40

500 kV Winnipeg-Minnesota Interconnection, 27-36

STATCOM “Voltage Controller,” 27-3727-38

unified power flow controller, 27-3827-39

hybrid compensation

interline power flow controller (IPFC), 27-3327-34

unified power flow controller (UPFC), 27-3227-33

unified power quality conditioner (UPQC), 27-3427-35

origin, 27-1

self-commutated shunt compensators

multilevel converters, 27-1227-15

principles of operation, 27-1127-12

semiconductor devices, 27-18

STATCOM design principles, 27-1527-18

VAR compensator topology, 27-10

series compensation

principles, 27-2127-22

static synchronous series compensator, 27-2727-32

shunt compensators

fixed or mechanically switched capacitors, 27-4

principles, 27-327-4

synchronous condensers, 27-4

thyristorized VAR compensators, 27-427-10

superconducting magnetic energy storage, 27-2027-21

thyristor-controlled series compensation, 27-32

thyristorized and self-commutated compensators, 27-1827-20

Forward market, 15-10

Four-bus power system, one-line diagram of, 3-4

Frequency-domain and time-domain, 26-926-10

Full-wave rectifiers

electrical schematic of, 24-5

industrial applications, 24-8

single-phase full-wave H-bridge rectifier, 24-624-7

soft-charge resistor-contactor arrangement, 24-824-9

waveforms for, 24-524-6

Futures market, 15-10


Gas-to-air bushings, 10-9

Gate turn-off thyristor (GTO), 23-3

Generation Company (GENCO), 15-7

Generator impedances, 2-3

Generator sequence circuit models, 4-2

GFD, see Ground flash density (GFD)

Goodwill, 22-5

Green’s function, 8-58-6

Grid-side converter control, 28-1428-15

Ground flash density (GFD), 6-46-5

GTO, see Gate turn-off thyristor (GTO)


Harmonic current-free AC/DC power conversion system, 26-11

Harmonic current sources, 26-226-3

Harmonic detection methods, 26-10

Harmonic limit calculations, 24-1324-15

Harmonic mitigating techniques, 24-15

Harmonic voltage sources, 26-226-3

High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) systems, 28-6, 28-17, 28-18

transmission systems

advantages, 24-45

schematic representation of, 24-4524-46

Hill climbing searching (HCS) control, 28-14

Hole, 24-2

Horizontally integrated industry, 15-615-7

HVDC systems, see High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) systems

Hybrid active filters, 26-826-9

Hybrid passive filters, 26-826-9


Identified loads, 26-2

IEEE and IEC standards

transmission system transients, grounding

IEEE Std 81.2-1991, 11-1611-17

IEEE Std 81-1983, 11-16

IEEE Std 367-1996, 11-17

IEEE Std 837-2002, 11-17

IEEE Std 524a-1993, 11-17

for improving the lightning performance, 11-18

for instrumentation and control equipment grounding, 11-18

for insulation coordination, 11-18

protection against lightning, 11-16

for protective grounding of power lines, 11-1711-18

for safety in AC substation grounding, 11-1511-16

IGCT, see Integrated gate-commutated thyristor (IGCT)

Independent contract administrator (ICA), 15-8

Independent system operator (ISO), 15-8

Independent variables, limitations on, 5-215-22

Indirect lightning strokes

components, 8-18-2

doubly infinite single-conductor line

Green’s function, 8-68-7

return-stroke-current, 8-78-10

effects of shield wires, 8-128-13

Green’s function, 8-58-6

illustration of, 8-2

induced voltage

of doubly infinite single-conductor line, 8-68-9

effects of shield wires on, 8-128-13

equivalent circuit of transmission line with, 8-48-5

Green’s function, 8-68-7

linearly-rising and falling return-stroke current, 8-178-18

on multiconductor lines, 8-108-12

inducing voltage, 8-38-4

linearly-rising and falling return-stroke current, 8-178-18

multiconductor lines, 8-108-12

outage rates caused by nearby lightning strokes, 8-148-17

stochastic characteristics, 8-138-14

total outage rates, 8-17

Inductive impedance

AC reactor vs. DC link choke, 24-1824-19

DC link choke, 24-1724-18

three-phase line reactors, 24-1524-17

Insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), 23-623-8

Insulation coordination

flashover characteristics, of air insulation

altitude, 14-6

effect of atmospheric conditions, 14-514-6

effect of insulator, 14-5

electrode configuration, 14-5

insulator contamination, 14-614-7

surge arresters, application of, 14-814-11

voltage waveshape, 14-314-4

flashover probability, 14-214-3

insulation characteristics, 14-2

nonself-restoring insulation, 14-114-2

self-restoring insulation, 14-1

Integrated gate-commutated thyristor (IGCT), 23-823-9

Integrated series active filters

control circuit, 26-1226-13

experimental results, 26-1326-15

operating principle, 26-1126-12

system configuration, 26-1026-11

Interline power flow controller (IPFC), 27-3327-34


application, 25-1

fundamental issues, 25-2

line-commutated, 25-125-2, 25-1125-12

modern, 25-2

multilevel, 25-725-11

single-phase, 25-225-3

three-phase, 25-325-6


Lagrange multipliers, 5-14

Least-cost planning, 18-9

Liabilities, 22-2

Lightning strike, 19-12

Lightning strokes

generation mechanism

correlation between lightning parameters, 6-66-7

first strokes, 6-26-3

subsequent strokes, 6-36-4

incidence of lightning, 6-76-8

lightning current parameters

for negative flashes, 6-3

for positive flashes, 6-6

parameters for electric power engineering

current peak values, 6-56-6

ground flash density, 6-46-5

Line-commutated inverters, 25-125-2, 25-1125-12

Line-fed faults, TRV for, 12-1012-13

Line (feeder or circuit) impedances, 2-3

Line sequence circuit models, 4-3

Load bus (P–Q bus), 3-7

Load diversity analysis

building production capacity, 21-12

coincidence factor, 21-1221-13

12-CP methodology, 21-12

customer’s peak demand, 21-1121-12

demand allocation factors, 21-1321-14

demand-related cost drivers, 21-1021-11

monthly load shapes, 21-1021-11

Local area reliability, 17-1217-14

Loss of load expectation (LOLE), 19-4

Low-pass broadband filter, 24-2124-22


Market Company (MARKCO), 15-815-9

Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV), 13-313-4

Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), 28-1428-16, 28-2028-22

Metal oxide surge arresters, 13-213-3, 13-513-6, 13-14

Mid-America Interpool Network (MAIN), 15-13

Minimum distribution system analysis

minimum-intercept or zero-intercept methodology, 21-8

primary feeder system, 21-7

protective devices, 21-8

regression analysis, 21-9

transformer classification analysis, 21-10

Mitigation, TRV, 12-1712-18

Module-integrated inverter topology, 28-21

Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI), 19-8

Monte Carlo power flow studies, 20-320-4

Monte Carlo simulation, reliability assessment, 17-917-10

Motor impedance, 2-3

MPPT, see Maximum power point tracking (MPPT)

Multiconductor lines, 8-108-12

Multilayer perceptron, 16-116-2

Multilayer soil effects, 11-1111-12

Multilevel converters

optimized, 27-1427-15

with single-phase inverters, 27-1327-14

three-level neutral-point clamped topology, 27-13

Multilevel inverters, 25-725-11

Multi-objective decision analysis

trade-off analysis, 18-11

utility function methods, 18-1018-11

Multi-pulse rectifier techniques

active harmonic compensation, 24-3224-33

autotransformer, drawbacks, 24-3124-32

harmonic mitigation technique, 24-32

12-pulse techniques

autotransformer method, 24-2524-27

hybrid 12-pulse method, 24-2424-25

three winding isolation transformer method, 24-2224-24

18-pulse techniques

autotransformer methods, 24-2924-30

disadvantage, 24-2824-29

modified windmill construction of, 24-3024-31

schematic representation of, 24-28


Negative sequence networks, 2-112-12

Negative sequence voltage vectors, 2-8

Net profit margin, 22-14

Network reliability management company (NETRELCO), 15-13

Newton–Raphson method, 3-83-9

power flow, computational methods, 5-55-13

Nongapped line arrester (NGLA), 13-213-3

Nonself-restoring insulation, 14-114-2

North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), 19-2-19-3


Operating profit margin, 22-14

Operating voltage issue, 15-4

Optimized multilevel converters, 27-1427-15

OptiSlip wind turbine generators, 28-4

Outage rates

caused by nearby lightning strokes, 8-148-17

direct lightning strokes

definition, 7-11

shielded lines, 7-147-15

unshielded lines, 7-117-14


caused by indirect lightning strokes

components, 8-18-2

doubly infinite single-conductor line, 8-68-10

of doubly infinite single-conductor line, 8-68-9

effects of shield wires on, 8-128-13

equivalent circuit of transmission line with, 8-48-5

Green’s function, 8-58-6

illustration of, 8-2

inducing voltage, 8-38-4

linearly-rising and falling return-stroke current, 8-178-18

multiconductor lines, 8-108-12

on multiconductor lines, 8-108-12

outage rates caused by nearby lightning strokes, 8-148-17

stochastic characteristics, 8-138-14

total outage rates, 8-17

by direct lightning strokes

corona under lightning, 7-167-17

definition, 7-1

effects of induction, 7-157-16

ground impedance, 7-167-17

illustration of, 7-2

outage rates by, 7-117-15

to shielded lines, 7-67-9

significant parameters, 7-97-11

to unshielded lines, 7-27-4

Owner’s equity, 22-2


Paid-in capital, 22-5

Passive crowbar topology, 28-828-9

Payout ratio, 22-15

Penalty function, 5-22

Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) power pool, 15-13

Per unit quantities, 2-32-5

Per-unit scaling system

advantages and disadvantages, 1-1

circuit with elements in, 1-3

impact on transformers, 1-41-7

per-unit scaling equation, 1-1

three-phase systems, 1-81-12

Phase-to-ground fault calculation, 2-162-17

Phase-to-phase fault calculation, 2-122-13, 4-64-7

Photovoltaic (PV) power systems

basic concepts, 28-1828-19

inverters, topologies and control, 28-2128-22


centralized inverter topology, 28-20

module-integrated inverter topology, 28-21

string inverter topology, 28-2028-21

Planning and operational analysis, probabilistic methods; see also Power system planning

analytical probabilistic power flow studies, 20-420-6

available transfer capability (ATC), 20-620-8

deterministic power flow studies, 20-220-3

expected financial income from transmission tariffs, 20-820-10

Monte Carlo power flow studies, 20-320-4

stochastic ATC, 20-8

stochastic power flow studies

solar photovoltaic energy resources, 20-11

wind energy resources for, 20-10

uncertainty, in power system engineering, 20-120-2

Planning environments

competitive framework

capacity expansion problem definition, 15-1115-12

computerized auction market structure, 15-915-11

economic evolution, 15-515-6

fully evolved marketplace, 15-615-9

market structure, 15-6

preparing for, 15-215-3

present view, 15-315-5

regulated environment, 15-1215-14

transmission planning, 15-14

Planning market, 15-11

Portfolio theory, 22-1022-11

Positive sequence networks, 2-10

Positive sequence voltage vectors, 2-8

Power bipolar junction transistor, 23-423-5

Power electronics

for PV power systems

basic concepts, 28-1828-19

PV inverters, topologies and control, 28-2128-22

topologies, 28-1928-21

for wind power systems

basic concepts, 28-128-2

for control and grid integration of wind turbine generators, 28-228-9

control of power electronic converters, 28-928-16

for wind power plants, 28-1628-18

Power flow

computational methods, electric power systems

admittance matrix, 5-25-5

mismatch equations, 5-2

Newton–Raphson method, 5-55-13

power flow equations, 5-1

principle, 5-1

optimal, computational methods

dependent variables, limitations on, 5-225-24

independent variables, limitations on, 5-215-22

Lagrange multipliers, 5-14

steepest descent algorithm, 5-155-21

Power flow analysis

basic power flow equations, 3-73-8

bus admittance matrix, 3-3

bus classifications, 3-7

component power flows, 3-103-11

four-bus power system, 3-4

generalized power flow development, 3-73-8

off nominal turns ratio transformer, 3-3

one-line diagram, power system, 3-2

power flow equations, 3-33-6

power flow problem, 3-13-3

P–V buses, 3-6

role of, 3-13-2

solution methods

fast decoupled power flow solution, 3-93-10

Newton–Raphson method, 3-83-9

Power flow development, generalized, 3-73-8

Power MOSFET, 23-523-6

Power semiconductor devices

asymmetrical silicon-controlled rectifier, 23-4

gate turn-off thyristor, 23-3

insulated-gate bipolar transistor, 23-623-8

integrated gate-commutated thyristor, 23-823-9

power bipolar junction transistor, 23-423-5

power MOSFET, 23-523-6

reverse-conducting thyristor, 23-4

thyristor, 23-123-3

triac, 23-123-3

Power signal feedback (PSF) control, 28-14

Power system planning

arenas, 18-2

assessment, 18-9

choice of

cost-benefit analysis, 18-10

to minimize revenue requirements, 18-10

multi-objective decision analysis, 18-1018-11

risk, 18-12

considerations, 18-1

description, 18-1

entities, 18-2

generation planning, 18-9

generation vs. transmission vs. least-cost planning, 18-2

least-cost planning, 18-9

long-term vs. short-term planning, 18-2

principal elements, 18-1


attributes, 18-718-8

demand management, 18-3

market and strategic options, 18-3

planning and operating criteria, 18-3

uncertainty, 18-418-7

setting standards or criteria, 18-8

transmission planning, 18-9

Power system reliability

annual variations in, 19-15

component reliability data, 19-1019-11

distribution reliability indices, 19-719-9

distribution system reliability, 19-6-19-7

economics, 19-1419-15

NERC regions, 19-2-19-3

overhead distribution fault, sequence of events, 19-7

probabilistic security assessment, 19-5-19-6

storms and major events, 19-919-10

system adequacy assessment, 19-3-19-4

system security assessment, 19-4-19-5

utility reliability problems

bears, bison, and cattle, 19-13

birds, 19-13

insects, 19-13

lightning, 19-12

mice, rats, and gophers, 19-14

snakes, 19-13

squirrels, 19-13

transformer failures, 19-1119-12

tree contact, 19-12

underground cable, 19-11

vandalism, 19-14

Power system single line diagram, 2-9

Power transformers, 10-9

Price-to-book, 22-16

Price-to-earnings, 22-1522-16

Pricing, see Electricity pricing Probabilistic reliability assessment methods

contingency enumeration approach, 17-817-9

contingency enumeration vs. Monte Carlo simulation, 17-10

Monte Carlo approach, 17-917-10

Probabilistic security assessment, 19-5-19-6

Profitability ratios, 22-14

12-Pulse techniques

autotransformer method, 24-2524-27

hybrid 12-pulse method, 24-2424-25

three winding isolation transformer method, 24-2224-24

18-Pulse techniques

autotransformer methods, 24-2924-30

disadvantage, 24-2824-29

modified windmill construction of, 24-3024-31

schematic representation of, 24-28

P–V buses, 3-6


Rate design methodology, 21-2621-29

RCT, see Reverse-conducting thyristor (RCT)


controlled rectifier

average output voltage, 24-42

gate circuit requirements, 24-3624-37

HVDC transmission systems, 24-4524-46

single-phase H-bridge rectifier circuits with thyristors, 24-3724-40

three-phase controlled AC to DC rectifier systems, 24-4024-41

three-phase thyristor AC to DC rectifier systems, 24-4624-47

thyristor-based inverters, 24-4224-45

definition, 24-1

uncontrolled rectifiers

average output voltage, 24-1124-12

capacitor-based passive filters, 24-2024-22

diode conduction mechanism, 24-224-3

full-wave rectifiers, 24-524-9

harmonic limit calculations, 24-1324-15

harmonic mitigating techniques, 24-15

inductive impedance, 24-1524-19

multi-pulse techniques, 24-2224-33

single-phase half-wave rectifier circuits, 24-324-5

three-phase rectification, 24-12

three-phase rectifiers, 24-924-11

variable frequency drive, 24-1224-13

Regional transmission organization (RTO), 15-8

Regulated business environmental model, 15-1215-14

Reliability, see Transmission plan evaluation

Renewable energy, power electronics

for PV power systems

basic concepts, 28-1828-19

PV inverters, topologies and control, 28-2128-22

topologies, 28-1928-21

for wind power systems

basic concepts, 28-128-2

for control and grid integration of wind turbine generators, 28-228-9

control of power electronic converters, 28-928-16

for wind power plants, 28-1628-18

Retained earnings, 22-5

Return on assets (ROA), 22-1422-15

Return on capital employed, 22-15

Return on equity, 22-15

Reverse-conducting thyristor (RCT), 23-4


Self-commutated shunt compensators

multilevel converters

optimized, 27-1427-15

with single-phase inverters, 27-1327-14

three-level neutral-point clamped topology, 27-13

principles of operation, 27-1127-12

semiconductor devices, 27-18

STATCOM design principles

coupling reactor design, 27-1527-17

dc capacitor design, 27-1727-18

VAR compensator topology, 27-10

Self-restoring insulation, 14-1

Series active filters

control circuit, 26-13

system configuration, 26-726-8

Series capacitor bank, 9-5

Series passive filter, 24-20

SF6 insulation, 10-16

Shielded lines

advantages, 7-5

effective surge impedance, 7-5

insulator voltage profile, 7-6

outage rates, 7-147-15

shielding design, 7-77-9

Short-term price forecasting, ANN

architecture, 16-9

performance, 16-916-10

Shunt active filters

on commercial base in Japan, 26-15

48-MVA, 26-1626-17

system configuration, 26-5, 26-726-8

for three-phase four-wire system, 26-16

Shunt capacitor bank, 9-5

Shunt compensators

fixed or mechanically switched capacitors, 27-4

principles, 27-327-4

synchronous condensers, 27-4

thyristorized VAR compensators, 27-427-10

Shunt passive filter, 24-2024-21

Shunt reactor, 9-59-6

SiC arresters, 13-113-2

Single-phase half-wave rectifier circuits

electrical schematic of, 24-3

modified circuit of, 24-4

voltage across load resistor, 24-424-5

waveforms, 24-324-4

Single-phase H-bridge rectifier circuits with thyristors, 24-3724-40

Single-phase inverters, 25-225-3, 27-1327-14

Single phase to ground fault, 2-2

Single phase-to-ground fault, 4-54-6

Slack bus, 3-7

Soil ionization, treatment of, 11-1311-14

Solar photovoltaic energy resources, 20-11

Spark dynamics, 10-810-9

Squirrel-cage induction generator (SCIG), 28-2, 28-3, 28-5, 28-828-10, 28-16, 28-17

Stability issue, 15-4

STATCOM design principles

coupling reactor design, 27-1527-17

dc capacitor design, 27-1727-18

State estimation, 5-255-31

State Public Utility Commission (SPUC), 15-7

Static synchronous series compensator (SSSC)

compensation strategies

boosting or in-phase compensation, 27-2527-26

magnitude of the compensated voltage, 27-23

minimum power injection, 27-26

power circuit design

coupling transformer, 27-31

PWM voltage-source inverter, 27-3027-31

secondary ripple filter, 27-31

reference signal generation

Pythagoras method, 27-2627-27

sequence components in synchronous reference frame, 27-2827-29

synchronous reference frame method, 27-2727-28

voltage-source converter, 27-2227-23

Steepest descent algorithm, 5-155-21

Stochastic ATC, 20-8

Stochastic power flow studies

solar photovoltaic energy resources, 20-11

wind energy resources for, 20-10

String inverter topology, 28-2028-21

Superconducting magnetic energy storage, 27-2027-21

Supply point reliability

assessment methods

cost of interruptions, 17-517-6

outage models, 17-617-7

reliability measures, 17-417-5

system indices, 17-5

types, 17-4

deterministic or probabilistic reliability criteria, 17-3

prediction of, 17-3

Surge arresters, 10-8

application of

effect of surge reduction techniques, 14-11

energy, 14-9

34.5-kV system application, 14-914-10

500-kV system application, 14-1014-11

MCOV, 14-814-9

TOV, 14-9

applications of

distribution transformer protection, 13-15

protection from lightning flashovers, 13-15

to protect overhead transmission lines, 13-14

at riser pole, 13-1513-16

station protection, 13-13

on transmission line towers, 13-14

and auxiliary equipment, 13-113-3

definition, 13-1

metal oxide surge arresters, 13-2


Cigre model, 13-10

frequency-dependent surge arrester models., 13-9

IEEE model parameters, 13-1013-11

SiC arrester, 13-12

ratings and tests, 13-313-6

selection by energy rating, 13-713-8

selection by TOV, 13-613-7

SiC arresters, 13-113-2

types, 13-113-3

Swap market, 15-1015-11

Switchgear tests and standards

IEC and harmonized IEEE TRV ratings, 12-16

IEEE and IEC standards, 12-14

interpolated TRV ratings, 12-15

short-line fault TRV capability, 12-17

TRV rating, 12-1412-15

Switching surges

series capacitor bank applications, 9-5

shunt capacitor bank applications, 9-5

shunt reactor applications, 9-59-6

transmission line switching operations

DC trapped charge, 9-2

oscillating trapped charge, 9-3

phase-to-ground surges, 9-39-4

phase-to-phase surges, 9-4

Symmetrical components

“a”operator, 2-6

double phase to ground fault, 2-3

fundamental principles of, 2-6

general three-phase circuit, 2-2

negative sequence networks, 2-112-12

per unit quantities, 2-32-5

phase and sequence relationships, 2-72-10

phase-to-phase fault, equivalent circuit, 2-2

positive sequence networks, 2-10

sample phase-to-ground fault calculation, 2-162-17

sample phase-to-phase fault calculation, 2-122-13

sample three-phase fault calculation

at bus T2H, 2-102-11

at bus T2L, 2-11

single phase to ground fault, 2-2

three-phase fault, equivalent circuit, 2-2

zero sequence networks, 2-132-16

Synchronous condensers, 27-4

System adequacy assessment, 19-3-19-4

System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), 19-8

System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), 19-8

System reliability, see Transmission plan evaluation

System security assessment, 19-4-19-5


TEV, computation of

earthing grid, 10-12

enclosures, 10-1010-11

ground straps, 10-1110-12

Thermal overload issue, 15-4

Three-level neutral-point clamped topology, 27-13

Three-phase controlled AC to DC rectifier systems, 24-4024-41

Three-phase fault calculation

at bus T2H, 2-102-11

at bus T2L, 2-11

Three-phase inverters, 25-325-6

Three-phase line reactors, 24-1524-17

Three-phase rectifiers, 24-924-11

Three-phase three-wire system, 26-3

Three-phase thyristor AC to DC rectifier systems, 24-4624-47

Thyristors, 23-123-3

gate current injection, 24-35

increasing applied voltage, 24-34

rectifier circuit vs. single diode rectifier circuit, 24-3524-36

for soft charging DC bus of voltage source inverters

principle of operation, 24-4324-45

thyristor assist clamp circuit, 24-43

temperature, 24-35

v-i characteristic of, 24-36

virtual representation and operation, 24-3324-34

Thyristor-controlled series compensation, 27-32

Thyristor converters, 28-6

Thyristorized and self-commutated compensators, 27-1827-20

Thyristorized VAR compensators

combined TSC and TCR configuration, 27-927-10

thyristor-controlled reactor, 27-727-8

thyristor-switched capacitors, 27-527-7

VAR compensation characteristics, 27-827-9

Trade-off analysis, 18-11

Transformer failures, 19-1119-12

Transformer-fed faults, TRV for, 12-512-6

Transformer impedances, 2-3

Transformer sequence circuit models, 4-3

Transient electromagnetic fields, 10-610-7

Transient recovery voltage (TRV)

analysis principles, 12-212-4

for capacitor bank switch opening, 12-612-10

for current-limiting reactor faults, 12-1312-14

definition, 12-1

fault interruption process, 12-112-2

for line-fed faults, 12-1012-13

mitigation, 12-1712-18

switchgear tests and standards, 12-1412-17

for transformer-fed faults, 12-512-6

Transient security assessment, 19-5

Transmission Company (TRANSCO), 15-7

Transmission line switching operations

DC trapped charge, 9-2

oscillating trapped charge, 9-3

phase-to-ground surges, 9-39-4

phase-to-phase surges, 9-4

Transmission plan evaluation

application examples

local area reliability, 17-1217-14

major manufacturing complex, 17-1017-12

bulk power system reliability

continuity of supply, 17-1

deterministic reliability criteria, 17-217-3

reliability objectives, 17-117-2

probabilistic reliability assessment methods

contingency enumeration approach, 17-817-9

contingency enumeration vs. Monte Carlo simulation, 17-10

Monte Carlo approach, 17-917-10

supply point reliability

assessment methods, 17-417-7

deterministic or probabilistic reliability criteria, 17-3

Transmission system transients, grounding

complex electrode shapes

analytical treatment of, 11-911-10

numerical treatment of, 11-1011-11

conducting layer over insulator, 11-1211-13

design process, 11-14

design recommendations, 11-15

electrode dimensions, 11-311-6

general concepts, 11-111-2

ground electrode impedance, 11-8

IEEE and IEC standards

IEEE Std 81.2-1991, 11-1611-17

IEEE Std 81-1983, 11-16

IEEE Std 367-1996, 11-17

IEEE Std 837-2002, 11-17

IEEE Std 524a-1993, 11-17

for improving lightning performance, 11-18

for instrumentation and control equipment grounding, 11-18

for insulation coordination, 11-18

protection against lightning, 11-16

for protective grounding of power lines, 11-1711-18

for safety in AC substation grounding, 11-1511-16

inductance grounded, 11-1

initial transient response from capacitance, 11-611-8

material properties, 11-211-3

multilayer soil effects, 11-1111-12

resistance grounded, 11-2

resonant grounded, 11-2

self-capacitance of electrodes, 11-6

soil ionization, treatment, 11-1311-14

Triac, 23-123-3

TRV, see Transient recovery voltage (TRV)

TSR control, 28-14



in power system engineering, 20-120-2

power system planning

construction, 18-6

demand growth, 18-418-5

demand management, 18-618-7

fuel and water, 18-518-6

high-risk, low-probability events, 18-7

markets and capital recovery, 18-7

models of, 18-4

new technologies, 18-6

regulation, 18-7

Uncontrolled rectifiers

average output voltage, 24-1124-12

capacitor-based passive filters, 24-2024-22

diode conduction mechanism, 24-224-3

full-wave rectifiers, 24-524-9

harmonic limit calculations, 24-1324-15

harmonic mitigating techniques, 24-15

inductive impedance, 24-1524-19

multi-pulse techniques, 24-2224-33

single-phase half-wave rectifier circuits, 24-324-5

three-phase rectification, 24-12

three-phase rectifiers, 24-924-11

variable frequency drive, 24-1224-13

Unidentified loads, 26-2

Unified power flow controller (UPFC), 27-3227-33

Unified power quality conditioner (UPQC), 27-3427-35

Utility reliability problems

bears, bison, and cattle, 19-13

birds, 19-13

insects, 19-13

lightning, 19-12

mice, rats, and gophers, 19-14

snakes, 19-13

squirrels, 19-13

transformer failures, 19-1119-12

tree contact, 19-12

underground cable, 19-11

vandalism, 19-14


VAR compensator topology, 27-10

Variable frequency drive (VFD), 24-1224-13

Very fast transients (VFT), GIS

definition, 10-1

effects on equipment

bushings, 10-17

disconnectors and breakers, 10-1610-17

enclosure and cable interfaces, 10-17

secondary equipment, 10-17

SF6 insulation, 10-16

transformers, 10-16

modeling guidelines and simulation

internal transients, computation of, 10-710-10

statistical calculation, 10-14

testing and simulation, 10-1210-14

TEV, computation of, 10-1010-12

validation, 10-1410-16

origin of, 10-210-3

propagation of

external transients, 10-410-7

internal transients, 10-310-4

Voltage-controlled bus (P–V bus), 3-7

Voltage-fed PWM inverter, 26-9

Voltage magnification circuit, 9-5


Wind energy resources, 20-10

Wind power systems

basic concepts, 28-128-2

for control and grid integration of wind turbine generators

wind turbine type 1, 28-228-3

wind turbine type 2, 28-328-5

wind turbine type 3, 28-528-9

wind turbine type 4, 28-928-10

control of power electronic converters

for wind turbine type 3, 28-1128-15

for wind turbine type 4, 28-1528-16

main components, 28-128-2

for wind power plants, 28-1628-18

Wind turbine type 1

for control and grid integration of wind turbine generators, 28-228-3

STATCO usage, 28-1628-17

vs. wind turbine type 2, 28-5

Wind turbine type 2

for control and grid integration of wind turbine generators, 28-328-5

vs. wind turbine type 1, 28-5

Wind turbine type 3

for control and grid integration of wind turbine generators, 28-528-9

control of power electronic converters

generator-side converter control, 28-1128-12

grid-side converter control, 28-1428-15

maximum power point tracking, 28-1228-14

Wind turbine type 4

for control and grid integration of wind turbine generators, 28-928-10

control of power electronic converters, 28-1528-16

Working capital, 22-5

Wound-rotor induction generator (WRIG), 28-228-5


Zero sequence networks, 2-132-16

Zero sequence voltage vectors, 2-9

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