Chapter 10: Troubleshooting and Monitoring Containers

Running a container could be mistaken as the ultimate goal for a DevOps team, but instead, this is only the first step of a long journey. System administrators should ensure that their systems are working properly to keep the services up and running; in the same way, the DevOps team should ensure that their containers are working properly.

In container management activities, having the right knowledge of troubleshooting techniques could really help minimize any impact on the final services, reducing downtime. Talking of issues and troubleshooting, a good practice is to keep monitoring containers to easily intercept any issues or errors to speed up recovery.

In this chapter, we're going to cover the following main topics:

  • Troubleshooting running containers
  • Monitoring containers with health checks
  • Inspecting our container build results
  • Advanced troubleshooting with nsenter

Technical requirements

Before proceeding with the chapter information and examples, a machine with a working Podman installation is required. As stated in Chapter 3, Running the First Container, all the examples in the book are executed on a Fedora 34 system or later, but can be reproduced on your OS of choice.

A good understanding of the topics covered in Chapter 4, Managing Running Containers, and Chapter 5, Implementing Storage for the Container's Data, will be useful to easily grasp concepts relating to container registries.

Troubleshooting running containers

Troubleshooting containers is an important practice that we need experience with to solve common issues and investigate any bugs we may encounter on the container layer or in the application running inside our containers.

Starting from Chapter 3, Running the First Container, we started working with basic Podman commands for running and then inspecting containers on our host system. We saw how we can collect logs with the podman logs command, and we also learned how to use the information provided by the podman inspect command. Finally, we should also consider taking a look at the output of the useful podman system df command, which will report storage usage for our containers and images, and also the useful podman system info command, which will show useful information on the host where we are running Podman.

In general, we should always consider that the running container is just a process on the host system so we always have available all the tools and commands for troubleshooting the underlying OS and its available resources.

A best practice for troubleshooting containers could be a top-down approach, analyzing the application layer first, then moving to the container layer, down finally to the base host system.

At the container level, many of the issues that we may encounter have been summarized by the Podman project team in a comprehensive list on the project page. We will cover some of the more useful ones in the following sections.

Permission denied while using storage volumes

A very common issue that we may encounter during our activities on RHEL, Fedora, or any Linux distribution that uses the SELinux security subsystem is related to storage permission. The error described as follows is triggered when SELinux is set to Enforcing mode, which is also the suggested approach to fully guarantee the mandatory access security features of SELinux.

We can try to test this on our Fedora workstation, first creating a directory and then trying to use this as a volume in our container:

$ mkdir ~/mycontent

$ podman run -v ~/mycontent:/content fedora

touch /content/file

touch: cannot touch '/content/file': Permission denied

As we can see, the touch command reports a Permission denied error, because actually, it cannot write in the filesystem.

As we saw in detail in Chapter 5, Implementing Storage for the Container's Data, SELinux recursively applies labels to files and directories to define their context. Those labels are usually stored as extended filesystem attributes. SELinux uses contexts to manage policies and define which processes can access a specific resource.

The container we just ran got its own Linux namespace and an SELinux label that is completely different from the local user in the Fedora workstation, which is why we actually got that error before.

Without a proper label, the SELinux system prevents the processes running in the container from accessing the content. This is also because Podman does not change the labels set by the OS if not explicitly requested through a command option.

To let Podman change the label for a container, we can use either of two suffixes, :z or :Z, for the volume mount. These options tell Podman to relabel file objects on the volume.

The :z option is used to instruct Podman that two containers share a storage volume. So, in this case, Podman will label the content with a shared content label that will allow two or more containers to read/write content on that volume.

The :Z option is used to instruct Podman to label the volume's content with a private unshared label that can only be used by the current container.

The command would result in something like this:

$ podman run -v ~/mycontent:/content:Z fedora

touch /content/file

As we can see, the command didn't report any error; it worked.

Issues with the ping command in rootless containers

On some hardened Linux systems, the ping command execution could be limited to only a restricted group of users. This could cause the failure of the ping command used in a container.

As we saw in Chapter 3, Running the First Container, when starting the container, the base OS will associate with it a different user ID from the one used in the container itself. The user ID associated to the container could fall outside the allowed range of user's IDs enabled to use the ping command.

In a Fedora workstation installation, the default configuration will allow any container to run the ping command without issues. To manage restrictions on the usage of the ping command, Fedora uses the ping_group_range kernel parameter, which defines the allowed system groups that can execute the ping command.

If we take a look at a just-installed Fedora workstation, the default range is the following one:

$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ping_group_range

0      2147483647

So, nothing to worry about for a brand-new Fedora system. But what about if the range is smaller than this one?

Well, we test this behavior by changing the allowed range with a simple command. In this example, we are going to restrict the range and see that the ping command will actually fail then:

$ sudo sysctl -w "net.ipv4.ping_group_range=0 0"

Just in case the range is smaller than the one reported in the previous output, we can make it persistent by adding a file to /etc/sysctl.d that contains net.ipv4.ping_group_range=0 0.

The applied change in the ping group range will impact the mapped user privileges to run the ping command inside the container.

Let's start by building a Fedora-based image with the iputils package (not included by default) using Buildah:

$ container=$(buildah from &&

  buildah run $container -- dnf install -y iputils &&

  buildah commit $container ping_example

We can test it by running the following command inside a container:

$ podman run --rm ping_example ping -W10 -c1

PING ( 56 data bytes

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

The command, executed on a system with a restricted range, produces a 100% packet loss since the ping command is not able to send packets over a raw socket.

The example demonstrates how a restriction in ping_group_range impacts the execution of ping inside a rootless container. By setting the range to a value large enough to include the user private group GID (or one of the user's secondary groups), the ping command will be able to send ICMP packets correctly.

Important Note

Do not forget to restore the original ping_group_range before proceeding with the next examples. On Fedora, the default configuration can be restored with the sudo sysctl -w "net.ipv4.ping_group_range=0 2147483647" command and by removing any persistent configuration applied under /etc/sysctl.d during the exercise. For a base container image that we are building through a Dockerfile, we may need to add a brand-new user with a large UID/GID. This will create a large, sparse /var/log/lastlog file and this can cause the build to hang forever. This issue is related to the Go language, which does not correctly support sparse files, leading to the creation of this huge file in the container image.

Good to Know

The /var/log/lastlog file is a binary and sparse file that contains information about the last time that the users logged in to the system. The apparent size of a sparse file reported by ls -l is larger than the actual disk usage. A sparse file attempts to use filesystem space in a more efficient way, writing the metadata that represents the empty blocks to disk instead of the empty space that should be stored in the block. This will use less disk space.

If we need to add a brand-new user to our base container image with a high UID number, the best way would be to append the --no-log-init option to the Dockerfile command, as shown here:

RUN useradd --no-log-init -u 99999000 -g users myuser

This option instructs the useradd command to stop creating the lastlog file, solving the issue we may encounter.

As mentioned in the early paragraphs of this section, the Podman team has created a long but non-comprehensive list of common issues. We strongly suggest taking a look at it if any issues are encountered:

Troubleshooting could be tricky, but the first step is always the identification of an issue. For this reason, a monitoring tool could help in alerting as soon as possible in the case of issues. Let's see how to monitor containers with health checks in the next section.

Monitoring containers with health checks

Starting with version 1.2, Podman supports the option to add a health check to containers. We will go in depth in this section into these health checks and how to use them.

A health check is a Podman feature that can help determine the health or readiness of the process running in a container. It could be as simple as checking that the container's process is running but also more sophisticated, such as verifying that both the container and its applications are responsive using, for example, network connections.

A health check is made up of five core components. The first is the main element that will instruct Podman on the particular check to execute; the others are used for configuring the schedule of the health check. Let's see these elements in detail:

  • Command: This is the command that Podman will execute inside the target container. The health of the container and its process will be determined through the wait for either a success (return code 0) or a failure (with other exit codes).

If our container provides a web server, for example, our health check command could be something really simple, such as a curl command that will try to connect to the web server port to make sure it is responsive.

  • Retries: This defines the number of consecutive failed commands that Podman has to execute before the container will be marked as unhealthy. If a command executes successfully, Podman will reset the retry counter.
  • Interval: This option defines the interval time within which Podman will run the health check command.

Finding the right interval time could be really difficult and requires some trial and error. If we set it to a small value, then our system may spend a lot of time running the health checks. But if we set it to a large value, we may struggle and catch timeouts. This value can be defined with a widely used time format: 30s or 1h5m.

  • Start period: This describes the time after which the health checks will be started by Podman. In this period, Podman will ignore health check failures.

We can consider this as a grace period that should be used to allow our application to successfully be up and start replying correctly to any clients as well as to our health checks.

  • Timeout: This defines the period of time the health check itself must complete before being considered unsuccessful.

Let's take a look at a real example, supposing we want to define a health check for a container and run that health check manually:

$ podman run -dt --name healthtest1 --healthcheck-command

'CMD-SHELL curl http://localhost || exit 1'


Trying to pull

Getting image source signatures

Copying blob ac35fae19c6c done  

Copying blob 4c0d98bf9879 done  

Copying blob 5b0fccc9c35f done  

Copying config 7397e078c6 done  

Writing manifest to image destination

Storing signatures

1faae6c46839b9076f68bee467f9d56751db6ab45dd149f249b0790e05 c55b58

$ podman healthcheck run healthtest1

$ echo $?


As we can see from the previous code block, we just started a brand-new container named checktest1, defining a healthcheck-command that will run the curl command on the localhost address inside the target container. Once the container started, we manually ran healthcheck and verified that the exit code was 0, meaning that the check completed successfully and our container is healthy. In the previous example, we also used the --healthcheck-interval=0 option to actually disable the run interval and make the health check manual.

Podman uses systemd timers to schedule health checks. For this reason, it is mandatory if we want to schedule a health check for our containers. Of course, if some of our systems do not use systemd as the default daemon manager, we could use different tools, such as cron, to schedule the health checks, but these should be set manually.

Let's inspect how this automatic integration with systemd works by creating an health check with an interval:

$ podman run -dt --name healthtest2 --healthcheck-command 'CMD-SHELL curl http://localhost || exit 1' --healthcheck-interval=10s

70e7d3f0b4363759fc66ae4903625e5f451d3af6795a96586bc1328c1b149 ce5

$ podman ps

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                               COMMAND               CREATED        STATUS                      PORTS       NAMES

70e7d3f0b436  nginx -g daemon o...  7 seconds ago  Up 7 seconds ago (healthy)              healthtest2

As we can see from the previous code block, we just started a brand-new container named checktest2, defining the same healthcheck-command of the previous example but now specifying the --healthcheck-interval=10s option to actually schedule the check every 10 seconds.

After the podman run command, we also ran the podman ps command to actually inspect whether the health check is working properly, and as we can see in the output, we have the healthy status for our brand-new container.

But how does this integration work? Let's grab the container ID and search for it in the following directory:

$ ls /run/user/$UID/systemd/transient/70e*

/run/user/1000/systemd/transient/70e7d3f0b4363759fc66ae4903625 e5f451d3af6795a96586bc1328c1b149ce5.service

/run/user/1000/systemd/transient/70e7d3f0b4363759fc66ae4903625 e5f451d3af6795a96586bc1328c1b149ce5.timer

The directory shown in the previous code block holds all the systemd resources in use for our current user. In particular, we looked into the transient directory, which holds temporary unit files for our current user.

When we start a container with a health check and a schedule interval, Podman will perform a transient setup of a systemd service and timer unit file. This means that these unit files are not permanent and can be lost on reboot.

Let's inspect what is defined inside these files:

$ cat /run/user/$UID/systemd/transient/70e7d3f0b4363759fc66a e4903625e5f451d3af6795a96586bc1328c1b149ce5.service

# This is a transient unit file, created programmatically via the systemd API. Do not edit.


Description=/usr/bin/podman healthcheck run 70e7d3f0b4363759 fc66ae4903625e5f451d3af6795a96586bc1328c1b149ce5




ExecStart="/usr/bin/podman" "healthcheck" "run" "70e7d3f0b 4363759fc66ae4903625e5f451d3af6795a96586bc1328c1b149ce5"

$ cat /run/user/$UID/systemd/transient/70e7d3f0b4363759fc66 ae4903625e5f451d3af6795a96586bc1328c1b149ce5.timer

# This is a transient unit file, created programmatically via the systemd API. Do not edit.


Description=/usr/bin/podman healthcheck run 70e7d3f0b4363759 fc66ae4903625e5f451d3af6795a96586bc1328c1b149ce5





As we can see from the previous code block, the service unit file contains the Podman health check command, while the timer unit file defines the scheduling interval.

Finally, just because we may want a quick way to identify healthy or unhealthy containers, we can use the following command to quickly output them:

$ podman ps -a --filter health=healthy

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                               COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS                                 PORTS       NAMES

1faae6c46839  nginx -g daemon o...  36 minutes ago  Exited (137) 19 minutes ago (healthy)              healthtest1

70e7d3f0b436  nginx -g daemon o...  13 minutes ago  Up 13 minutes ago (healthy)                        healthtest2

In this example, we used the --filter health=healthy option to display only the healthy containers with the podman ps command.

We learned how to troubleshoot and monitor our containers in the previous sections, but what about the container build process? Let's discover more about container build inspection in the next section.

Inspecting your container build results

In previous chapters, we discussed in detail the container build process and learned how to create custom images using Dockerfiles/Containerfiles or Buildah-native commands. We also illustrated how the second approach helps achieve a greater degree of control of the build workflow.

This section helps provide some best practices to inspect the build results and understand potentially related issues.

Troubleshooting builds from Dockerfiles

When using Podman or Buildah to run a build based on a Dockerfile/Containerfile, the build process prints all the instructions' outputs and related errors on the terminal stdout. For all RUN instructions, errors generated from the executed commands are propagated and printed for debugging purposes.

Let's now try to test some potential build issues. This is not an exhaustive list of errors; the purpose is to provide a method to analyze the root cause.

The first example shows a minimal build where a RUN instruction fails due to an error in the executed command. Errors in RUN instructions can cover a wide range of cases but the general rule of thumb is the following: the executed command returns an exit code and if this is non-zero, the build fails and the error, along with the exit status, is printed.

In the next example, we use the yum command to install the httpd package, but we have intentionally made a typo in the package name to generate an error. Here is the Dockerfile transcript:



# Update image and install httpd

RUN yum install -y htpd && yum clean all –y

# Expose the default httpd port 80


# Run the httpd

CMD ["/usr/sbin/httpd", "-DFOREGROUND"]

If we try to execute the command, we will get an error generated by the yum command not being able to find the missing htpd package:

$ buildah build -t custom_httpd .


STEP 2/4: RUN yum install -y htpd && yum clean all –y

Updating Subscription Management repositories.

Unable to read consumer identity

This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.

Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 (RPMs) - BaseOS  3.9 MB/s | 796kB     00:00    

Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 (RPMs) - AppStre 6.2 MB/s | 2.6 MB     00:00    

Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 (RPMs) - CodeRea 171 kB/s |  16 kB     00:00    

No match for argument: htpd

Error: Unable to find a match: htpd

error building at STEP "RUN yum install -y htpd && yum clean all -y": error while running runtime: exit status 1

ERRO[0004] exit status 1                  

The first two lines print the error message generated by the yum command, as in a standard command-line environment.

Next, Buildah (and, in the same way, Podman) produces a message to inform us about the step that generated the error. This message is managed in the imagebuildah package by the stage executor, which handles, as the name indicates, the execution of the build stages and their statuses. The source code can be inspected in the Buildah repository on GitHub:

The message includes the Dockerfile instruction and the generated error, along with the exit status.

The last line includes the ERRO[0004] error code and the final exit status 1, related to the buildah command execution.

Solution: Use the error message to find the RUN instruction that contains the failing command and fix or troubleshoot the command error.

Another very common failure reason in builds is the missing parent image. It could be related to a misspelled repository name, a missing tag, or an unreachable registry.

The next example shows another variation of the previous Dockerfile, where the image repository name is mistyped and thus does not exist in the remote registry:



# Update image and install httpd

RUN yum install -y httpd && yum clean all –y

# Expose the default httpd port 80


# Run the httpd

CMD ["/usr/sbin/httpd", "-DFOREGROUND"]

When running a build from this Dockerfile, we will encounter an error caused by the missing image repository, as in the next example:

$ buildah build -t custom_httpd .


Trying to pull

error creating build container: initializing source docker:// reading manifest latest in name unknown: Repo not found

ERRO[0001] exit status 125                

The last line produces a different error code, ERRO[0001], and an exit status, 125. This is a very easy error to troubleshoot and only requires passing a valid repository to the FROM instruction.

Solution: Fix the repository name and relaunch the build process. Alternatively, verify that the target registry holds the wanted repository.

What happens if we misspell the image tag? The next Dockerfile snippet shows an invalid tag for the official Fedora image:



# Update image and install httpd

RUN dnf install -y httpd && dnf clean all –y

# Expose the default httpd port 80


# Run the httpd

CMD ["/usr/sbin/httpd", "-DFOREGROUND"]

This time, when we build the image, we will get a 404 error produced by the registry, which is unable to find an associated manifest for the sometag tag:

$ buildah build -t custom_httpd .


Trying to pull

error creating build container: initializing source docker://fedora:sometag: reading manifest sometag in manifest unknown: manifest unknown

ERRO[0001] exit status 125

The missing tag will generate an ERRO[0001] error, while the exit status will be set to 125 again.

Solution: Find a valid tag to be used for the build process. Use skopeo list-tags to find all the available tags in a given repository.

Sometimes, the error caught from the FROM instruction is caused by the attempt to access a private registry without authentication. This is a very common mistake and simply requires an authenticating step on the target registry before any build action takes place.

In the next example, we have a Dockerfile that uses an image from a generic private registry running using Docker Registry v2 APIs:



# Update image and install httpd

RUN yum install -y httpd && yum clean all –y

# Expose the default httpd port 80


# Run the httpd

CMD ["/usr/sbin/httpd", "-DFOREGROUND"]

Let's try to build the image and see what happens:

$ buildah build -t test3 .


Trying to pull

error creating build container: initializing source docker:// reading manifest latest in unauthorized: authentication required

ERRO[0000] exit status 125

In this use case, the error is very clear. We are not authorized to pull the image from the target registry and thus, we need to authenticate with a valid auth token to access it.

Solution: Authenticate with podman login or buildah login to the registry to retrieve the token or provide an authentication file with a valid token.

So far, we have inspected errors generated by builds with Dockerfiles. Let's now see the behavior of Buildah in the case of errors when using its command-line instructions.

Troubleshooting builds with Buildah-native commands

When running Buildah commands, it is a common practice to put them inside a shell script or a pipeline.

In this example, we will use Bash as the interpreter. By default, Bash executes the script up to the end, regardless of intermediate errors. This behavior can generate unexpected errors if a Buildah instruction inside the script fails. For this reason, the best practice is to add the following command at the beginning of the script:

set -euo pipefail

The resulting configuration is a sort of safety net that blocks the execution of the script as soon as we encounter an error and avoids common mistakes, such as unset variables.

The set command is a Bash internal instruction that configures the shell for the script execution. The -e option inside this instruction tells the shell to exit immediately if a pipeline or a single command fails and the –o pipefail option tells the shell to exit with the error code of the rightmost command of a failing pipeline that produced a non-zero exit code. The -u option tells the shell to treat unset variables and parameters as an error during parameter expansion. This keeps us safe from the missing expansion of unset variables.

The next script embeds the logic of a simple build of an httpd server on top of the Fedora image:


set -euo pipefail

# Trying to pull a non-existing tag of Fedora official image

container=$(buildah from

buildah run $container -- dnf install -y httpd; dnf clean all –y

buildah config --cmd "httpd -DFOREGROUND" $container

buildah config --port 80 $container

buildah commit $container custom-httpd

buildah tag custom-httpd

The image tag was set wrong on purpose. Let's see the results of the script execution:

$ ./

Trying to pull

initializing source docker://fedora:non-existing-tag: reading manifest non-existing-tag in manifest unknown: manifest unknown

ERRO[0001] exit status 125

The build produces a manifest unknown error with the ERRO[0001] error code and the 125 exit status, just like the similar attempt with the Dockerfile.

From this output, we can also learn that Buildah (and Podman, which uses Buildah libraries for its build implementation) produces the same messages as a standard build with a Dockerfile/Containerfile, with the only exception of not mentioning the build step, which is obvious since we are running free commands inside a script.

Solution: Find a valid tag to be used for the build process. Use skopeo list-tags to find all the available tags in a given repository.

In this section, we have learned how to analyze and troubleshoot build errors, but what can we do when the errors happen at runtime inside the container and we do not have the proper tools for troubleshooting inside the image? For this purpose, we have a native Linux tool that can be considered the real Swiss Army knife of namespaces: nsenter.

Advanced troubleshooting with nsenter

Let's start with a dramatic sentence: troubleshooting issues at runtime can sometimes be complex.

Also, understanding and troubleshooting runtime issues inside a container implies an understanding of how containers work in GNU/Linux. We explained these concepts in Chapter 1, Introduction to Container Technology.

Sometimes, troubleshooting can be very easy and, as stated in the previous sections, the usage of basic commands, such as podman logs, podman inspect, and podman exec, along with the usage of tailored health checks, can help us to gain access to the necessary information to complete our analysis successfully.

Images nowadays tend to be as small as possible. What happens when we need more specialized troubleshooting tools, and they are not available inside the image? You could think to exec a shell process inside the container and install the missing tool but sometimes (and this is a growing security pattern), package managers are not available inside container images, sometimes not even the curl or wget commands!

We may feel a bit lost but we must remember that containers are processes executed within dedicated namespaces and cgroups. What if we had a tool that could let us exec inside one or more namespaces while keeping our access to the host tools? That tool exists and is called nsenter (access the manual page with man nsenter). It is not affiliated with any container engine or runtime and provides a simple way to execute commands inside one or multiple namespaces unshared for a process (the main container process).

Before diving into real examples, let's discuss the main nsenter options and arguments by running it with the --help option:

$ nsenter --help


nsenter [options] [<program> [<argument>...]]

Run a program with namespaces of other processes.


-a, --all              enter all namespaces

-t, --target <pid>     target process to get namespaces from

-m, --mount[=<file>]   enter mount namespace

-u, --uts[=<file>]     enter UTS namespace (hostname etc)

-i, --ipc[=<file>]     enter System V IPC namespace

-n, --net[=<file>]     enter network namespace

-p, --pid[=<file>]     enter pid namespace

-C, --cgroup[=<file>]  enter cgroup namespace

-U, --user[=<file>]    enter user namespace

-T, --time[=<file>]    enter time namespace

-S, --setuid <uid>     set uid in entered namespace

-G, --setgid <gid>     set gid in entered namespace

     --preserve-credentials do not touch uids or gids

-r, --root[=<dir>]     set the root directory

-w, --wd[=<dir>]       set the working directory

-F, --no-fork          do not fork before exec'ing <program>

-Z, --follow-context   set SELinux context according to --target PID

-h, --help             display this help

-V, --version          display version

For more details see nsenter(1).

From the output of this command, it is easy to spot that there are as many options as the number of available namespaces.

Thanks to nsenter, we can capture the PID of the main process of a container and then exec commands (including a shell) inside the related namespaces.

To extract the container's main PID, we use can use the following command:

$ podman inspect <Container_Name> --format '{{ .State.Pid }}'

The output can be inserted inside a variable for easier access:

$ CNT_PID=$(podman inspect <Container_Name>

  --format '{{ .State.Pid }}')


All namespaces associated with a process are represented inside the /proc/[pid]/ns directory. This directory contains a series of symbolic links mapping to a namespace type and its corresponding inode number.

The following command shows the namespaces associated with the process executed by the container: ls –al /proc/$CNT_PID/ns.

We are going to learn how to use nsenter with a practical example. In the next subsection, we will try to network troubleshoot a database client application that returns an HTTP internal server error without mentioning any useful information in the application logs.

Troubleshooting a database client with nsenter

It is not uncommon to work on alpha applications that still do not have logging correctly implemented or that have poor handling of log messages.

The following example is a web application that extracts fields from a Postgres database and prints out a JSON object with all the occurrences. The verbosity of the application logs has been intentionally left to a minimum and no connection or query errors are produced.

For the sake of space, we will not print the application source code in the book; however, it is available at the following URL for inspection:

The folder also contains a SQL script to populate a sample database. The application is built using the following Dockerfile:


FROM AS builder

# Copy files for build

RUN mkdir -p /go/src/students/models

COPY go.mod main.go /go/src/students

COPY models/main.go /go/src/students/models

# Set the working directory

WORKDIR /go/src/students

# Download dependencies

RUN go get -d -v ./...

# Install the package

RUN go build -v

# Runtime image

FROM as bin

COPY --from=builder /go/src/students /usr/local/bin




As usual, we are going to build the container with Buildah:

$ buildah build -t students .

The container accepts a set of custom flags to define the database, host, port, and credentials. To see the help information, simply run the following command:

$ podman run students students -help

%!(EXTRA string=students)  

-database string

      Default application database (default "students")

-host string     Default host running the database (default "localhost")

-password string      Default database password (default "password"

-port string    Default database port (default "5432")

-username string       Default database username (default "admin")

We have been informed that the database is running on host on port 5432, with username students and password Podman_R0cks#.

The next command runs the students web application with the custom arguments:

$ podman run --rm -d -p 8080:8080

   --name students_app students

   students -host

   -port 5432

   -username students

   -password Podman_R0cks#

The container starts successfully, and the only log message printed is the following:

$ podman logs students_app

2021/12/27 21:51:31 Connecting to host, database students

It is now time to test the application and see what happens when we run a query:

$ curl localhost:8080/students

Internal Server Error

The application can take some time to answer but after a while, it will print an internal server error (500) HTTP message. We will find the reason in the following paragraphs. Logs are not useful since nothing else other than the first boot message is printed. Besides, the container was built with the UBI minimal image, which has a small footprint of pre-installed binaries and no utilities for troubleshooting. We can use nsenter to inspect the container behavior, especially from a networking point of view, by attaching our current shell program to the container network namespace while keeping access to our host binaries.

We can now find out the main process PID and populate a variable with its value:

$ CNT_PID=$(podman inspect students_app --format '{{ .State.Pid }}')

The following example runs Bash in the container network namespace, while retaining all the other host namespaces (notice the sudo command to run it with elevated privileges):

$ sudo nsenter -t $CNT_PID -n /bin/bash

Important Note

It is possible to run any host binary directly from nsenter. A command such as the following is perfectly legitimate: $ sudo nsenter -t $CNT_PID -n ip addr show.

To demonstrate that we are really executing a shell attached to the container network namespace, we can launch the ip addr show command:

# ip addr show

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000

    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00

    inet scope host lo

       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    inet6 ::1/128 scope host

       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

2: tap0: <BROADCAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65520 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000

    link/ether fa:0b:50:ed:9d:37 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

    inet brd scope global tap0

       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    inet6 fe80::f80b:50ff:feed:9d37/64 scope link

       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

# ip route

default via dev tap0 dev tap0 proto kernel scope link src

The first command, ip addr show, prints the IP configuration, with a basic tap0 interface connected to the host and the loopback interface.

The second command, ip route, shows the default routing table inside the container network namespace.

We can take a first look at the active connections using the ss tool, already available on our Fedora host:

# ss –atunp

Netid State     Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port  Peer Address:PortProcess

tcp   TIME-WAIT 0      0

tcp   LISTEN    0      128                *:8080             *:*    usersL"("studen"s",pid=402788,fd=3))

We immediately spot that there are no established connections between the application and the database host, which tells us that the issue is probably related to routing, firewall rules, or name resolution causes that prevent us from reaching the host correctly.

The next step is to try to manually connect to the database with the psql client tool, available from the rpm postgresql package:

# psql -h

psql: error: could not translate host name "" to address: Name or service not known

This message is quite clear: the host is not resolved by the DNS service and causes the application to fail. To finally confirm it, we can run the dig command, which returns an NXDOMAIN error, a typical message from a DNS server to say that the domain cannot be resolved and does not exist:

# dig

; <<>> DiG 9.16.23-RH <<>>

;; global options: +cmd

;; Got answer:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 40669

;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1


; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096


;        IN    A

;; Query time: 0 msec


;; WHEN: Mon Dec 27 23:26:47 CET 2021

;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 47

After checking with the development team, we discovered that the database name had a missing dash that was misspelled, and the correct name was We can now fix the issue by running the container with the correct name.

We expect now to see the correct results when launching the query again:

$ curl localhost:8080/students


In this example, we have focused on network namespace troubleshooting, but it is possible to attach our current shell program to multiple namespaces by simply adding the related flags.

We can also simulate podman exec by running the command with the -a option:

$ sudo nsenter -t $CNT_PID -a /bin/bash

This command attaches the process to all the unshared namespaces, including the mount namespace, thus giving the same filesystem tree view that is seen by processes inside the container.


In this chapter, we focused on container troubleshooting, trying to provide a set of best practices and tools to find and fix issues inside a container at build time or runtime.

We started by showing off some common use cases during container execution and build stages and their related solutions.

Afterward, we introduced the concept of health checks and illustrated how to implement solid probes on containers to monitor their statuses, while showing the architectural concepts behind them.

In the third section, we learned about a series of common error scenarios related to builds and showed how to solve them quickly.

In the final section, we introduced the nsenter command and simulated a web frontend application that needed network troubleshooting to find out the cause of an internal server error. Thanks to this example, we learned how to conduct advanced troubleshooting inside the container namespaces.

In the next chapter, we are going to discuss container security, a crucial concept that deserves great attention. We will learn how to secure containers with a series of best practices, the difference between rootless and rootful containers, and how to sign container images to make them publicly available.

Further reading

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