

0   A CFP with POC

0:1   Let us begin!

0:2   iPod Antiforensics

by Travis Goodspeed

0:3   ELFs are dorky, Elves are cool

by S. Bratus and J. Bangert

0:4   Epistle to Hats of All Colors

by Manul Laphroaig

0:5   Returning from ELF to Libc

by Rebecca .Bx Shapiro

0:6   GTFO or #FAIL

by FX of Phenoelit

1   Proceedings of the Society of PoCGTFO

1:1   Lend me your ears!

1:2   RNG in four lines of Javascript

by Dan Kaminsky

1:3   Serena Butler’s TV Typewriter

by Travis Goodspeed

1:4   Making a Multi-Windows PE

by Ange Albertini

1:5   This ZIP is also a PDF

by Julia Wolf

1:6   Burning a Phone

by Josh Thomas

1:7   Sermon on the Divinity of Languages

by Manul Laphroaig

2   The Children’s Bible Coloring Book of PoCGTFO

2:1   Ring them Bells!

2:2   Build your own birdfeeder.

by Manul Laphroaig

2:3   A PGP Matryoshka Doll

by Myron Aub

2:4   Code Execution on a Tamagotchi

by Natalie Silvanovich

2:5   Shellcode for MSP430

by Travis Goodspeed

2:6   Calling putchar() from ELF

by Rebecca .Bx Shapiro

2:7   POKE of Death for the TRS 80/M100

by Dave Weinstein

2:8   This OS is also a PDF

by Ange Albertini

2:9   A Vulnerability in Reduced Dakarand

by Joernchen

2:10 Juggernauty

by Ben Nagy

3   Address on the Smashing of Idols to Bits and Bytes

3:1   Fear Not!

3:2   Greybeard’s Luck

by Manul Laphroaig

3:3   This PDF is a JPEG.

by Ange Albertini

3:4   Netwatch for SMM

by Wise and Potter

3:5   Packet-in-Packet Mitigation Bypass

by Travis Goodspeed

3:6   An RDRAND Backdoor in Bochs

by Taylor Hornby

3:7   Kosher Firmware for the Nokia 2720

by Assaf Nativ

3:8   Tetranglix Boot Sector

by Haverinen, Shepherd, and Sethi

3:9   Defusing the Qualcomm Dragon

by Josh Thomas

3:10 Tales of Python’s Encoding

by Frederik Braun

3:11 Angecryption

by Albertini and Aumasson

4   Tract de la Société Secrète

4:1   Let me tell you a story

4:2   Epistle on the Bountiful Seeds of 0Day

by Manul Laphroaig

4:3   This OS is a Boot Sector

by Shikhin Sethi

4:4   Prince of PoC

by Peter Ferrie

4:5   New Facedancer Framework

by Gil

4:6   Power Glitching Tamagotchi

by Natalie Silvanovich

4:7   A Plausibly Deniable Cryptosystem

by Evan Sultanik

4:8   Hardening Pin Tumbler Locks

by Deviant Ollam

4:9   Intro to Chip Decapsulation

by Travis Goodspeed

4:10 Forget Not the Humble Timing Attack

by Colin O’Flynn

4:11 This Truecrypt is a PDF

by Ange Albertini

4:12 How to Manually Attach a File to a PDF

by Albertini

4:13 Ode to ECB

by Ben Nagy

5   Address to the Inhabitants of Earth

5:1   It started like this

5:2   A Sermon on Hacker Privilege.

by Manul Laphroaig

5:3   ECB: Electronic Coloring Book

by Philippe Teuwen

5:4   An Easter Egg in PCI Express

by Jacob Torrey

5:5   A Flash PDF Polyglot

by Alex Inführ

5:6   This Multiprocessing OS is a Boot Sector

by Shikhin Sethi

5:7   A Breakout Board for Mini-PCIe

by Joe FitzPatrick

5:8   Prototyping a generic x86 backdoor in Bochs

by Matilda

5:9   Your Cisco blade is booting PoCGTFO.

by Mik

5:10 I am my own NOP Sled.

by Brainsmoke

5:11 Abusing JSONP with Rosetta Flash

by Michele Spagnuolo

5:12 Sexy collision PoCs

by A. Albertini and M. Eichlseder

5:13 Ancestral Voices

by Ben Nagy

6   Old Timey Exploitation

6:1   Communion with the Weird Machines

6:2   On Giving Thanks

by Manul Laphroaig

6:3   Gekko the Dolphin

by Fiora

6:4   This TAR archive is a PDF!

by Ange Albertini

6:5   x86 Alchemy and Smuggling

by Micah Elizabeth Scott

6:6   Detecting MIPS Emulation

by Craig Heffner

6:7   More Cryptographic Coloring Books

by Philippe Teuwen

6:8   PCB Reverse Engineering

by Joe Grand

6:9   Davinci Seal

by Ryan O’Neill

6:10 Observable Metrics

by Don A. Bailey

7   PoCGTFO, Calisthenics and Orthodontia

7:1   With what shall we commune this evening?

7:2   The Magic Number: 0xAA55

by Morgan Reece

7:3   Coastermelt

by Micah Elizabeth Scott

7:4   The Lysenko Sermon

by Manul Laphroaig

7:5   When Scapy is too high-level

by Eric Davisson

7:6   Abusing file formats

by Ange Albertini

7:7   AES-NI Backdoors

by BSDaemon and Pirata

7:8   Innovations with Linux core files.

by Ryan O’Neill

7:9   Bambaata speaks from the past.

by Count Bambaata

7:11  Cyber Criminal’s Song

by Ben Nagy

8   Exploits Sit Lonely on the Shelf

8:1   Please stand; now, please be seated

8:2   Witches, Warlocks, and Wassenaar

by Manul Laphroaig

8:3   Compiler Bug Backdoors

by Bauer, Cuoq, and Regehr

8:4   A Protocol for Leibowitz

by Goodspeed and Muur

8:5   Jiggling into a New Attack Vector

by Mickey Shkatov

8:6   Hypervisor Exploit, Five Years Old

by DJC and Bittman

8:7   Stegosploit

by Saumil Shah

8:8   On Error Resume Next

by Jeffball

8:9   Unbrick My Part

by Tommy Brixton

8:10 Backdoors up my Sleeve

by JP Aumasson

8:11 Naughty Signals

by Russell Handorf

8:12 Weird Crypto

by Philippe Teuwen

Useful Tables



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