Chapter 1♠

1 We are grateful to and www.pokersyte.comfor all of the poker definitions in Play to Your Strengths.
2 Purnell, The Today Show. (As spoken by Marcus Buckingham)
3 Ibid.
4 Harter and Schmidt. “Business Unit Level Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction, Employee Engagement, and Business Outcomes.” Journal of Applied Psychology: 268-279.
5 Buckingham. Go Put Your Strengths to Work.
6 Peterson and Park. Psychological Inquiry:141-146.
7 DeRoo and DeRoo. What’s Right With Me.
8 Peterson Park, Nansook. Journal of Organizational Behavior: 1149-1154.
9 Purnell, The Today Show.

Chapter 2♠

1 A Better Way to Work™
2 Shepard, Working With Careers: 179-180.
3 Quinn, Robert. Harvard Business Review: 77-83.

Chapter 4♠

2 An Inconvenient Truth.
3 Hawkins. Power vs. Force.
5 Buckingham. Go Put Your Strengths to Work.
6 Buckingham and Clifton. Now, Discover Your Strengths.

Chapter 5♠

1 Garcia. Poker Player Online.
2 Buckingham. Go Put Your Strengths to Work.
3 Blanchflower. Dartmouth College Department of Economics.
4 Gore. Navigating Change.

Chapter 6♠

1 We are grateful to the leaders at the Coaches Training Institute for this powerful perspective that shifts all of our coaching conversations. (
2 Gladwell. Blink.
3 Whitmore. Coaching for Performance.

Chapter 7♠

1 Shaw. Group Dynamics.
2 Katzenbach and Smith. The Wisdom of Teams.
3 Buckingham. Go Put Your Strengths to Work.

Chapter 8♠

1 Black. “The Road to Recovery.” Gallup Management Journal:10-12.
2 Cameron, Dutton, and Quinn. Positive Organizational Scholarship : Ch. 8.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Tichy.“GE’s Crotonville: A Staging Ground for Corporate Revolutions.” Academy of Management Executive: 99-106.
6 Luthans and Avolio. Authentic Leadership: Chapter 16.
7 Grotenstein and Reback. All In. 8. Ohm. “Leadership and Culture: the close connection.”

Chapter 9♠

1 Buckingham. Go Put Your Strengths to Work.
2 Ibid.
3 Pickett. The American Heritage Dictionary.
4 Pladott.“Positive Psychology and Positive Organizational Scholarship.”
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