Fixing up our tests

We'll need to fix up our tests very quickly as well. For the most part, we can just reuse the code from the poll channel tests. We'll start off with a standard channel test skeleton. Create test/vocial_web/channels/chat_channel_test.exs and we'll start it off simply enough:

defmodule VocialWeb.ChatChannelTest do
use VocialWeb.ChannelCase

alias VocialWeb.ChatChannel

Next, we'll add a setup block. We'll start off by creating a user and a poll to give us our baseline:

setup do
{:ok, user} = Vocial.Accounts.create_user(%{
username: "test",
email: "[email protected]",
password: "test",
password_confirmation: "test"
{:ok, poll} = Vocial.Votes.create_poll_with_options(
%{ "title" => "My New Test Poll", "user_id" => },
["One", "Two", "Three"]

Then we'll create a mock socket that will join the chat lobby and the chat for the created poll:

    socket = socket("user_id", %{user_id:})
{:ok, _, poll_socket} = subscribe_and_join(socket, ChatChannel, "chat:#{}", %{})
{:ok, _, lobby_socket} = subscribe_and_join(socket, ChatChannel, "chat:lobby", %{})

Finally, we return out the information that we've created as a part of this setup block:

  {:ok, poll_socket: poll_socket, lobby_socket: lobby_socket, user: user, poll: poll}

Next, we'll write a test that makes sure we get a reply from the socket and a broadcast from the socket that matches the author/message format we specified in the channel itself:

  test "new_message replies with status ok for chat:poll_id", %{poll_socket: socket} do
ref = push socket, "new_message", %{"author" => "test", "message" => "Hello World"}
assert_reply ref, :ok, %{author: author, message: message}
assert author == "test"
assert message == "Hello World"

assert_broadcast "new_message", %{author: author, message: message}
assert author == "test"
assert message == "Hello World"

Finally, we duplicate the test for the chat lobbies as well:

  test "new_message replies with status ok for chat:lobby", %{lobby_socket: socket} do
ref = push socket, "new_message", %{"author" => "test", "message" => "Hello World"}
assert_reply ref, :ok, %{author: author, message: message}
assert author == "test"
assert message == "Hello World"

assert_broadcast "new_message", %{author: author, message: message}
assert author == "test"
assert message == "Hello World"

And that's it! If we run our tests for the chat channel now, we should see nice green tests:

mix test test/vocial_web/channels/chat_channel_test.exs

Finished in 1.2 seconds
2 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 933948
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