2011–2012 Performance Management and Compensation Survey1

Q1. Does the firm have a performance management system for employees?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Yes (If yes, go to question #4) 65.5% 74
No (If no, go to question #10) 34.5% 39

Q2. How effective do you believe the firm’s employee performance management system is in driving firm goals?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Very ineffective 1.4% 1
Ineffective 1.4% 1
Somewhat ineffective 10.8% 8
Somewhat effective 56.8% 42
Effective 21.6% 16
Very effective 8.1% 6
  Answered question 74

Q3. Which of the following factors do you measure in your employee performance management system? (Check all that apply):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Competency 97.3% 72
Goal attainment 81.1% 60
Living the firm’s values 62.2% 46
Client feedback about an individual’s performance 44.6% 33
Client retention 21.6% 16
Client satisfaction 48.6% 36
Comments   8
  Answered question 74

Q4. How important is each of the factors in your employee performance management system?

Answer Options Unimportant Slightly Unimportant Slightly Important Important Response Count
Competency 0 1 3 40 44
Goal attainment 0 4 14 23 41
Living the firm’s values 1 1 12 21 35
Client feedback about an individual’s performance 2 4 14 9 29
Client retention 3 2 18 10 33
Client satisfaction 0 0 11 25 36
      Answered question 71

Q5. Please indicate the degree to which each of the following activities is encouraged by your firm’s performance management system (evaluation and compensation). (SE = Strongly encourages, E = Encourages, N = Neither encourages nor discourages, D = Discourages, SD = Strongly discourages)

Answer Options Strongly Encourages Encourages Neither Encourages nor Discourages Discourages Strongly Discourages Response Count
Getting promoted 14 11 8 0 0 33
Leaving the firm 0 1 13 17 17 48
Becoming an expert in their current role 10 16 6 0 1 33
Reaching performance expectations 15 8 1 0 1 25
Exceeding performance expectations 12 11 4 2 1 30
Bringing in revenue 7 15 17 1 0 40
Comments           8
        Answered question 70

Q6. What type of training do you provide for firm evaluators? (Check all that apply):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
None 38.9% 28
How to become an effective coach 31.9% 23
How to develop an individual development plan 18.1% 13
How to conduct effective performance management conversations 40.3% 29
How to deliver positive and constructive performance management feedback 44.4% 32
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  Answered question 72

Q7. What tools do you use in your performance management system? (Check all that apply):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Paper forms 58.3% 42
Online programs and systems 36.1% 26
Both paper and online 11.1% 8
Self-assessments 68.1% 49
360-degree assessments 31.9% 23
Comments   3
  Answered question 72

Q8. Which of the following activities should a performance management system support and drive? (Check all that apply):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Firm strategy 70.9% 78
Firm goals 87.3% 96
Firm profitability 73.6% 81
Risk management 54.5% 60
Business development 73.6% 81
Business process improvement 47.3% 52
Client service (client relationship management) 89.1% 98
Employee development 88.2% 97
Innovation 46.4% 51
Comments   1
  Answered question 110

Q9. Do you believe each owner should have written goals?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Not at all 10.0% 11
To some extent 41.8% 46
To a great extent 48.2% 53
  Answered question 110

Q10. Does each owner have written goals?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Yes 31.8% 35
No 68.2% 75
  Answered question 110

Q11. Do you believe each employee should have written goals?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Not at all 5.5% 6
To some extent 40.0% 44
To a great extent 54.5% 60
  Answered question 110

Q12. Does each employee have written goals?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Yes 45.5% 50
No 54.5% 60
  Answered question 110

Q13. Which of the following does your firm’s current performance management system support and drive? (Check all that apply):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
We do not have a performance management system 31.8% 34
Firm strategy 29.9% 32
Firm goals 43.0% 46
Firm profitability 40.2% 43
Risk management 16.8% 18
Business development 42.1% 45
Business process improvement 18.7% 20
Client service (client relationship management) 47.7% 51
Employee development 59.8% 64
Innovation 18.7% 20
Comments   2
  Answered question 107

Q14. Please select the item below that best represents your firm in terms of clear job descriptions for all professional positions.

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
No written job descriptions 34.3% 37
Written job descriptions that have been updated in the past year 27.8% 30
Written job descriptions that have NOT been updated in the past year 38.0% 41
  Answered question 108

Q15. How would you describe the way in which owner performance is currently evaluated?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Formal, written annual evaluation of performance 14.0% 15
Informal, verbal (little written) evaluation of performance 36.4% 39
Combination of formal and informal 18.7% 20
There is currently no evaluation of owner performance. 30.8% 33
  Answered question 107

Q16. How would you describe the way in which employee performance is currently evaluated?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Formal, written annual evaluation of performance 43.0% 46
Informal, verbal (little written) evaluation of performance 18.7% 20
Combination of formal and informal 35.5% 38
There is currently no evaluation of employee performance. 2.8% 3
  Answered question 107

Q17. How often are owners’ performances formally reviewed?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Monthly 2.2% 2
Quarterly 5.5% 5
Semiannually 7.7% 7
Annually 84.6% 77
  Answered question 91

Q18. How often are employees’ performances formally reviewed?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Monthly 2.8% 3
Quarterly 11.9% 13
Semiannually 31.2% 34
Annually 54.1% 59
  Answered question 109

Q19. Which role in the firm has the primary responsibility for the employee performance management and evaluation process? (Choose the response that most closely applies):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
CEO or managing owner 45.3% 43
Executive committee 14.7% 14
Compensation committee 0.0% 0
CFO 0.0% 0
COO 5.3% 5
Firm administrator 10.5% 10
Human resource director 24.2% 23
Comments   15
  Answered question 95

Q20. Which role in the firm has the primary responsibility for the owner performance management and evaluation process? (Choose the response that most closely applies):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
CEO or managing owner 59.8% 58
Executive committee 15.5% 15
Compensation committee 3.1% 3
Individual owners or shareholders 15.5% 15
CFO 0.0% 0
COO 3.1% 3
Firm administrator 2.1% 2
Human resource director 1.0% 1
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  Answered question 97

Q21. What do you believe are the five most critical challenges (in priority order) to achieving performance management success? (Please select only five: 1 = Most important, 2 = Next most important, and so on)


Q22. Which of the following tools does your firm use consistently to manage employee performance? (Check all that apply):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Engagement evaluations 43.4% 46
Written performance evaluations by “superior” role (manager or owner) 64.2% 68
Live (meeting) evaluations 70.8% 75
Self-assessments 48.1% 51
360-degree assessments 7.5% 8
Upward evaluations 17.0% 18
Peer feedback (assessments, surveys, and so on) 23.6% 25
Informal discussions 64.2% 68
Client surveys and assessments 14.2% 15
Individual dashboards and scoreboards 13.2% 14
Individual development plans 24.5% 26
Individual performance improvement plans 25.5% 27
Comments   3
  Answered question 106

Q23. Which of the following tools does your firm use consistently to manage owner performance? (Check all that apply):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Engagement evaluations 10.2% 9
Written performance evaluations by “superior” role (manager or owner) 12.5% 11
Live (meeting) evaluations 48.9% 43
Self-assessments 39.8% 35
360-degree assessments 8.0% 7
Upward evaluations 11.4% 10
Peer feedback (assessments, surveys, and so on) 18.2% 16
Informal discussions 62.5% 55
Client surveys and assessments 12.5% 11
Individual dashboards and scoreboards 13.6% 12
Individual development plans 15.9% 14
Individual performance improvement plans 10.2% 9
Comments   6
  Answered question 88

Q24. Which of the following three tools (in priority order) do you believe are most important for managing performance? (Please choose only three as follows: 1 = Most important, 2 = Next most important, 3 = Third most important)


Q25. In our firm, the following statements are true. (Check all that apply):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
We base pay ranges for a given job on comparable jobs in competitor firms 79.0% 79
We place a cap on the maximum salary a superior performer can receive in a given job 6.0% 6
We place a cap on the maximum bonus a superior performer can receive in a given job 4.0% 4
Performance determines the salary level of an employee 86.0% 86
Performance determines the salary level of an owner 42.0% 42
Performance determines the bonus level of an employee 65.0% 65
Performance determines the bonus level of an owner 34.0% 34
Time on the job determines the salary level of an employee 24.0% 24
Time on the job determines the salary level of an owner 7.0% 7
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  Answered question 100

Q26. What percentage of an owner’s total compensation is performance bonus related?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Less than 10% 43.0% 40
10% to 19.9% 12.9% 12
20% to 29.9% 9.7% 9
30% to 39.9% 8.6% 8
More than 40% 25.8% 24
  Answered question 93

Q27. To what extent is your owner compensation system tied into achieving results of your strategic plan?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Not at all 43.6% 44
To some extent 45.5% 46
To a great extent 10.9% 11
  Answered question 101

Q28. To what extent do you believe setting individual owner goals contributes to higher levels of firm profitability?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Not at all 13.1% 13
To some extent 49.5% 49
To a great extent 37.4% 37
  Answered question 99

Q29. To what extent do you believe setting individual employee goals contributes to higher levels of firm profitability?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Not at all 5.9% 6
To some extent 60.4% 61
To a great extent 33.7% 34
  Answered question 101

Q30. Which of the following compensation designs best describes your current owner compensation plan?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Equal pay 14.9% 14
Formula 16.0% 15
Pay for performance 9.6% 9
Compensation committee 18.1% 17
Managing owner decides 14.9% 14
Eat what you kill 8.5% 8
Income allocated based on ownership 5.3% 5
All owners decide 8.5% 8
Paper and pencil 4.3% 4
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  Answered question 94

Q31. Which of the following compensation designs best describes your current employee compensation plan?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Salary only 25.0% 25
Salary plus incentive 14.0% 14
Salary plus performance bonus 56.0% 56
Salary plus a share of the profits 5.0% 5
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  Answered question 100

Q32. Please answer the following true or false questions:

Answer Options True False Response Count
Differences in performance are recognized in meaningful ways. 81 20 101
Differences in performance are recognized by significant differences in compensation. 64 37 101
Performance appraisals and evaluations in our firm reflect actual performance. 84 17 101
Our firm’s performance management process holds managers and supervisors accountable for managing the performance of subordinates. 42 57 99
  Answered question 101

Q33. How many equity owners are in the firm?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
1 7.8% 8
2–10 70.6% 72
11–19 10.8% 11
20 10.8% 11
  Answered question 102

Q34. How many CPAs are in the firm?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
2–10 49.0% 50
11–19 14.7% 15
20–49 18.6% 19
50 17.6% 18
  Answered question 102

Q35. How many professionals are in the firm?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
2–10 39.0% 39
11–19 15.0% 15
20–49 21.0% 21
50–100 14.0% 14
100+ 11.0% 11
  Answered question 100

Q36. Your role or function. (Check the response that best describes your position):

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
CEO or managing owner or shareholder 54.5% 55
Owner or shareholder 28.7% 29
Nonequity partner 2.0% 2
Accounting or finance 2.0% 2
Operations 0.0% 0
Human resources 12.9% 13
Information systems and technology 0.0% 0
Comments   0
  Answered question 101

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