Appendix C. PBE Tooling Options

This appendix provides an overview of some of the tooling that can be used when following PBE. The list of tools is not exhaustive but will give you a head start in understanding some of the options available. Throughout the book we have looked at the use of Rational Software Architect (RSA) in supporting PBE. RSA is an excellent choice of product to use, but it is not the only choice.

When reviewing the tools available, it is worthwhile to keep in mind the relationship between PBE and other software development approaches such as MDA, MDD, and software factories. With each of these approaches you will often find one or more tools available to assist you. As PBE is compatible with these approaches, it is also compatible with the associated tooling.

Eclipse Modeling Project

The Eclipse Modeling Project1 serves as the home to numerous technologies that can support a PBE approach. Specific technologies include EMF, Xpand, JET, and UML. In combination they provide support for model-to-model pattern implementations, model-to-text pattern implementations, and DSLs.

IBM Rational Software Modeling Platform

Throughout the book we discussed many examples leveraging capabilities from IBM Rational Software Architect.2 With an Eclipse heritage, it leverages the capabilities provided by the Eclipse Modeling Framework and provides rich support for PBE.


AndroMDA3 is an open-source MDA platform that enables the creation and use of cartridges to deliver automation in transforming models into text-based artifacts. In addition to supporting the creation of cartridges, AndroMDA has a number of cartridges already made and available for use. The premade cartridges support several popular platforms and frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, and .NET.

Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio4 is an option for those looking to apply PBE in creating .NET-based solutions. The platform has support for creating and working with best practices and patterns,5 DSLs,6 model-to-text pattern implementations,7 and software factories.8

Sparx Enterprise Architect

Sparx Enterprise Architect9 is a modeling and MDA tool. It provides support for a set of prebuilt MDA transformations and allows for the creation and customization of such transformations. In addition, Enterprise Architect enables you to create your own DSLs via the use of UML Profiles.

Process Tooling and Framework

Eclipse Process Framework Composer

The Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) is, as the name implies, an element available from the Eclipse project. More specifically, it is a sub-project within Eclipse’s Technology Project. As such, like Eclipse, EPF is an open-source project—you can contribute to the project, download the code, or download the binaries. Information, code, and downloads for Eclipse and EPF can be found at and, respectively.

There are two main goals for the EPF project:

  1. To provide a framework and tooling for creating and working with software processes
  2. To provide process content for a range of processes

So, in essence, the project provides a framework on which we can detail the specifics of a software development process, a metamodel. We end up using that metamodel to create models that detail a development process. There is also a tool that works with that metamodel, providing a user-friendly way in which to model a process. That tool is known as the Eclipse Process Framework Composer.

Process plug-ins are available for download from the EPF site, including OpenUP, XP, Scrum, and MAM. Additional details for these plug-ins are available from the EPF site. If you want to create your own process, in addition to leveraging existing content, you’ll also want to take a look at MAM, the Method Authoring Method for Eclipse Practices. It provides guidance on how to author your own content.

IBM Rational Method Composer

There is also a commercial offering, known as IBM Rational Method Composer (RMC)10 and IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP), which can assist you in creating and publishing your own process. RMC builds on top of EPF Composer, and plug-ins built with EPF Composer can be used with RMC. IBM Rational published a number of process plug-ins that can be used with RMC, covering a range of topics such as SOA, asset-based development, portfolio management, maintenance projects, DoDAF (Department of Defense Architecture Framework), and others. Ideally, you will also use either EPF Composer or Rational Method Composer to leverage the PBE Practice content and insert it into your own custom process.

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