
Action, C.A.R. technique, 123

Assessment tool

career, 129131

courage, 150156

happiness, 6772

learning, 9293

willingness, 168170

Business unit meetings, 103104


breaking the cycle, 115116

C.A.R. technique, 123

education and, 136138

income and, 138

interview, 124

job as audition, 125

market knowledge, 126127

monitoring progress, 127129

network building, 126

planning, 116

professional assessment tool, 129131

project management perspectives, 117121

purpose and vision, 129

résumé, 121122

Career lattice, 121

C.A.R. technique, 123

Circumstance, C.A.R. technique, 123

Connecting disposition, 46


assessment tool, 150156

behaviors to develop, 147150

computing quotient, 156

developing, 145147

developing 3Ps, 142144

obstacles for, 144145

overview of, 141142

Creativity, 6465

Creativity gap, 66

Crossroads, 110

Education, career and, 136138

Everything-is-success perspective, 59

Functional communication, 109

Happiness assessment tool

behavioral approach, 7071

biological approach, 70

discovery of, 6970

implicit measures, 71

measuring subjective experiences, 6869

other reports, 71

overview of, 6768

self-reports, 7172

Harmonious passion, 2829

Imagination, 161163

Impedance, 21

Interview, 124

Job as audition, 125

Keeping busy, tips/tools for, 163167


assessment tool, 9293

from Boss’ behavior, 8083

key deficiencies, 7677

from peers and colleagues, 8385

role as project manager, 7880

self-assessment, 9397

from stakeholders, 8892

from wife/partner, 8588

Long-term commitment, 4445

Mindfulness, 4647

Network building, 126


crossroads, 110

functional communication, 109

overview of, 108109

rating customer, 111112

strategic relationship matrix, 111

Obsessive passion, 29


assessing of, 89

attributes of, 4446

conclusions, 177

definition of, xv

description of, viiixiv

developing, 2932

finding, 2629

harmonious, 2829

importance of, 25

inspiring of, 56

keys to sustaining, 4748

measure of, 7

obsessive, 29

positive attitude and, 6264

reasons for measure, 6

suggested exercises, 4952

suggested questions of, 78


assessing of, 21

best practices to developing, 3839

conclusions, 177178

cultivation of, 3639

definition of, 16, xv

importance of, 1720

inspiring of, 20

measure of, 2122

reasons for measure, 21

strategies for, 3738


assessing of, 16

conclusions, 177

definition of, 9, xv

description of, 910

developing, 3536

finding, 3235

importance of, 1012

inspiring of, 1213

measure of, 1415

power of, 6061

reasons for measure, 1314

rules of, 6162

Positive attitude, 5560, 6266

Professional career perspectives

marketplace, 119121

organizational, 117119

personal, 121

Project manager

becoming, 135136

project management certificates, 137138

responsibilities, 133134

secret of career, 134135

skills, 131133

Questing disposition, 4546

Rating customer, 111112


business unit meetings, 103104

managing contacts, 99103

networking, 108112

sharing thoughts and ideas, 104108

Result, C.A.R. technique, 123

Résumé, 121122


benefits of, 9495

essentials of, 9597

importance or reasons for, 9394

Strategic relationship matrix, 111


assessment tool, 168170

developing, 167168

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