360-degree appraisals

defined, 472

project team management, 465–466

80/20 rule, 414


ability, 457

AC (actual cost). See actual cost (AC)


defined, 573

risk response, 563, 565

acceptance criteria for products, 231

achievement, need for, 450

acknowledgement, 505


human resource, 456–459

procurement management. See procurement management

project team, 118–119

actions, corrective. See corrective actions

active listening

defined, 72–73, 517

successful communication, 506

active problem solving, 74–75

active risk acceptance, 565


as cost estimate input, 342

defining, 270–276

team-building, 461

activity attributes

activity duration estimates, 288–289

activity sequencing inputs, 277

defined, 192

in project plans, 172

schedule development, 298–299

activity cost estimates

defined, 193

in project plans, 172

activity duration estimates

creating, 287–293

evaluating, 294–295

schedule development, 296

activity ID, 275

activity lists

creating, 110

defined, 193, 315

defining for time management, 271–276

estimating duration, 288

as output, 277

in project plans, 172

updating, 287, 295

activity-on-node (AON)

defined, 278, 315

sequencing outputs, 282–283

activity sequencing

defined, 315

overview, 276–281

actual cost (AC)

defined, 370

estimate at completion, 362

finding variances, 358–359

to-complete performance index, 364

adapting project processes. See processes


defined, 472

team development, 462


closing duties, 124–125

contracts, 616–621

advancement, project, 53–55

advertising, 612

affiliation, need for, 450

affinity diagrams

collecting and eliciting requirements, 220

defined, 246

aggregation, cost, 353

agreements. See contracts

amber conditions, 553

analogous estimates

activity duration, 290–291

budget development, 354

cost management, 346–347

defined, 315, 370, 373

importance of, 294


benefit/cost, 400–401

communicating about project performance, 512–515

force field, 403

function, 230, 246

marginal, 397

Monte Carlo. See Monte Carlo analysis

product, 229–230

project simulation, 306–307

qualitative risk. See qualitative risk analysis

quality control trends, 416

quantitative risk. See quantitative risk analysis

schedule network, 299–300

stakeholder, 230, 497–498

SWOT, 546–547

anomalies, 363–364

anonymous consensus, 56

AON (activity-on-node)

defined, 278, 315

sequencing outputs, 282–283

application areas

defined, 26

project management, 18


defined, 472

project team management, 465–466

approval requirements

defining in scope statement, 232

project charter, 155

approved change requests

quality control inputs, 409

quality control results, 416


defined, 74

negotiated settlements, 622

assets, organizational process. See organizational process assets

assignable causes, 413


developing project teams, 460

roles and responsibilities, 452

assisted negotiations, 74

assumption logs

defined, 193

in project plans, 173


in activity duration estimates, 295

cost estimate analysis, 352

documenting activity attributes, 276

estimate to complete, 363

identifying in project charter, 155

planning for communications, 500

project plan importance, 185

qualitative risk analysis and, 550

schedule development, 298

in scope statement, 231

statement of work, 608

testing, 544–545


activity. See activity attributes

contract type, 606–607

halo effect, 445

organizational, 61–63, 83


completing quality, 407

configuration management, 186

contract administration, 619

contract closure, 622

quality, 420

quality control, 409

risk response, 570


assigning roles and responsibilities, 452

different organizational structures, 64–69

human resource constraints, 446

human resource management, 469

influencing organizations, 75–76

initiating process group, 105

project charters, 107

project team development, 460–461


defined, 472

forcing, 467

styles of management, 450


acquiring human resources, 456–459

resource requirements, 284–285


defined, 573

risk response, 563

risk responses, 561

award fees, 605


BAC (budget at completion). See budget at completion (BAC)

backward passes

calculating float in PND, 301–303

schedule network analysis, 299

balanced matrix organizations

defined, 65, 67

pros and cons, 69

bar charts

project team management, 454

schedule examination, 309


cost estimates and, 341–342

creating cost, 354–355

defined, 195

project plan, 166

reacting to change, 183

scope change control, 241

scope change control systems, 245

BCR (benefit/cost ratios)

benefit measurement methods, 159

defined, 193


defined, 419

evaluating quality, 401–402

benefit/cost analysis

defined, 419

planning for quality, 400–401

benefit/cost ratios (BCR)

benefit measurement methods, 159

defined, 193

benefit measurement methods

benefit measurement methods, 160–161

defined, 157, 193

project charter development, 158–162

bias, 553–554

bidder conferences

defined, 624

procurement tools, 611


analyzing vendor for cost estimate, 350

defined, 624

procurement documents, 609

body language, 506–507

bottom-up estimates

cost management, 349

defined, 370, 373

boundaries in scope statement, 231


collecting and eliciting requirements, 219

defined, 246, 573

risk identification, 545

budget at completion (BAC)

defined, 370

estimate at completion, 361–362

EVM formulas, 366

finding variances, 359

to-complete performance index, 364–365

typical variances, 364

budget estimates

cost estimate analysis, 352

defined, 373

budget variances, 359–360

budgeting. See also cost management

cost estimate inputs, 342

creating, 353–355

defining in project charter, 155

examining change requests, 179

planning, 112–113

risk management plan, 540

business cases, 154

business needs, 106

business partners

defined, 81

as stakeholders, 59

business requirements, 167–168

business risks, 562


other names for, 597

performance reviews and audits, 619

procurement documents, 609

buying. See procurement management



defined, 316

importance of, 294

resource. See resource calendars

two types of, 286

cardinal scales, 551

cash flow

discounted, 160–161

net present value (NPV), 161–162

planning, 112–113

categories of risk

creating, 541–542

qualitative risk analysis, 554

in risk register, 548

cause-and-effect diagrams

defined, 573

quality control, 410

risk identification, 547

CCB (change control board). See change control board (CCB)

CCM (critical chain method)

defined, 315

timeline definition, 301–303

CCS (change control systems). See change control systems (CCS)

celebrations, 125

centralized contracting

defined, 624

seller selection, 616

change control

contract administration, 619

cost control, 355–357

implementing scope, 122

management, 121

managing requests, 177

managing schedule control, 313

with PMIS, 169

protecting scope, 240–245

quality control results, 416

tools and techniques for integrated, 183–187

change control board (CCB)

defined, 193

process planning, 110

reacting to change, 183

change control systems (CCS)

defined, 193

for integrated change control, 184, 186

monitoring and controlling, 183

scope management, 242–245

change logs

defined, 193

managing stakeholder expectations, 510

in project plans, 174

change management plan

defined, 110, 193

developing, 169

change requests

contract administration, 618–619

cost control inputs, 357

examining, 179–180

managing stakeholder expectations, 511

monitoring and controlling, 182

performance report outputs, 514

quality assurance inputs, 406

quality control inputs, 409

risk monitoring and control outputs, 571–572

scope change control, 242

scope definition inputs, 229

scope statement and, 232–233

tools and techniques for integrated, 183–187


contract, 621

monitoring and controlling, 183

reflecting in WBS, 234–235

updating scope statements, 237

channels of communication, 501–502

chart of accounts, 342, 371

charters, project. See project charters

charts. See also diagrams

control, 411–413, 419

creating organizational, 452–453

organizational, 473

project resource, 451

schedule examination, 309–310


defined, 419

planning for quality, 404–405

quality control results, 417

claims administration, 620

classification of risks, 553

clients, 597


contracts, 621–623

defined, 130

integration management, 152–153

learning processes, 101–104

processes, 129

closing projects

integration management, 188–189

in PMP exam, 9

processes, 124–129

code of accounts, 342, 371

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

certification objectives, 645

certification summary, 651

defined, 6, 652

key terms, 651–652

negotiating for human resources, 458

responsibilities to customers and public, 649–650

responsibilities to profession, 646–649

self test, 654–660

self test answers, 661–671

two-minute drill, 653

coding structures, 308

coercive power

defined, 472

overview, 469

team development and, 461

collective bargaining agreements

defined, 472

human resource constraints, 446

collocated teams

communication technologies, 503

defined, 463–464

combination change requests, 179–180

commercial cost-estimating databases, 345–346

commercial proposals, 613


in contract administration, 619–620

discovered risks, 571

dispersing information, 119

in functional organizations, 66

interpersonal skills, 21

key management skills, 72–74

management, 17

organizational process assets, 70

planning, 114

project plan, 164, 166

project team development, 462

project team management, 465

protocols in organizational charts, 452–453

results of contract administration, 620–621

communication channels, 501–502

communication’s formula, 517

communications management

certification objectives, 495

certification summary, 516

communications management plan, 503–504

defined, 131

identifying stakeholders, 497–498

inside exam, 515

key terms, 517–518

managing stakeholder expectations, 509–512

overview, 496

performance reporting, 512–515

planning, 499–503

preparing for information distribution, 504–509

self test, 521–525

self test answers, 526–534

two-minute drill, 519–520

communications management plan

creating, 503–504

defined, 193, 517

information distribution inputs, 504

project development, 171

comparisons, benchmarking, 401–402

compensation, inappropriate

avoiding conflicts of interest, 650

defined, 652


assigning roles and responsibilities, 452

human resource management, 469

competing objectives, 166–167


benchmarking, 402

resource, 118

teaming agreements, 599

completion, budget at. See budget at completion (BAC)

completion, project

estimate at completion, 361–362

estimate to complete, 363–364

finding variances, 365

scope verification, 238–240

stage gates, 55–56

to-complete performance index, 364–365

working through life cycles, 50

composite structures

defined, 78

organizations, 68–69


dealing with team conflicts, 467

defined, 472

overview, 470


activity sequencing, 276

software. See software

using for cost management, 367


defining contracts, 602

negotiating, 74

conduct code. See Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

conferences, bidder

defined, 624

procurement management, 611


defined, 651

obligation to respect, 649

configuration management

defined, 193

requirements, 232

configuration management systems

integrated change control, 186

PMIS, 168–169

conflict resolution methods

communicating with stakeholders, 512

negotiated settlements, 622

outline, 470

project team management, 466–468

respect in, 650

conflicts of interest

avoiding, 650

defined, 651

conformance to requirements

costs of quality, 403

defined, 420

consequences, 545

consideration, 602

constrained optimization methods

defined, 157, 193

project charter development, 163–165


customizing process interactions, 126

defined, 194

documenting activity attributes, 276

identifying for human resource planning, 445–446

planning for communications, 500

preparing project plan, 167

project plan importance, 185

recruitment policies as, 457

schedule development, 296–298

in scope statement, 231

contingency reserves

cost estimation, 345

defined, 573

vs. management reserves, 567

risk acceptance and, 565–566

contingency responses

risk acceptance, 565

risk response, 563

continuous process improvement, 419

contract administration, 625

contract change control system, 619, 625

contract closeout, 625

contract files, 622–623, 625

contractor conferences, 611

contractors, 597


administration, 616–621

closing, 621–623

closing vendor, 124

completing closure, 189

creating project charters, 107

defined, 194, 624

defining in project charter, 155

negotiation, 614–615

preparing for, 608–611

preparing to close projects, 188

procurement management, 120

in project plans, 173

risk response, 567

seller selection, 615–616

stakeholder communication, 497

statement of work, 608

types of procurement, 601–607

control accounts, 274

control charts

defined, 419

quality control, 411–413


defined, 130

integration management, 152–153, 180–187

learning processes, 101–104

processes, 120–124, 128–129

quality. See quality control (QC)

risks, 568–572

schedules, 311–313

coop-etition, 599

corporate knowledge base, 70

corrective actions

applying to project plans, 176

cost control, 368

with flowcharting, 415–416

managing schedule control, 313

monitoring and controlling, 182

performance report outputs, 514

quality assurance inputs, 406

quality control results, 417

scope change control, 242

scope change control systems, 244

correspondence, 620

cost aggregation, 353

cost baseline

budget development, 354–355

defined, 371

updating budget, 368

cost budgeting, 371

cost change control system

creating, 357

defined, 371

cost control

defined, 371

with EVM, 358–359

implementation, 355–357

results, 367–369

cost estimates

analogous, 346–347

analyzing results, 351–353

bottom-up, 349

defined, 371, 373

defining in scope statement, 232

estimate at completion, 361–362

estimate to complete, 363–364

inputs, 341–346

overview, 340–341

parametric, 347–348

in project plans, 172

software estimation, 349–350

three-point, 349

vendor bid analysis, 350

cost-estimating databases, 345

cost management

budget variances, 359–360

certification objectives, 339

certification summary, 369–370

controlling, 122

cost control, 355–357

cost control results, 367–369

cost performance index, 360

defined, 27, 131

estimation. See cost estimates

five EVM rules, 365–366

inside exam, 373

key terms, 370–372

overview, 340

planning, 366

project budget, 353–355

project performance measurements, 358–359

schedule performance index, 361

self test, 377–382

self test answers, 383–391

to-complete performance index, 364–365

two-minute drill, 374–376

using computers, 367

variance at completion, 365

cost management plan

cost control inputs, 356

defined, 194, 371

developing, 353

project development, 170

in quantitative risk analysis, 556

cost of conformance

defined, 420

quality management, 403

cost of nonconformance

defined, 420

quality control results, 417

quality management, 403

cost performance, 416

cost performance baseline, 356

cost performance index (CPI)

cost management, 360

defined, 371

estimate at completion, 362

EVM formulas, 366

typical variances, 364

cost plus award fee (CPAF)

contract types, 605, 606

defined, 625

cost plus fixed fee (CPFF), 604, 606

cost plus incentive fee (CPIF), 604, 606

cost plus percentage of costs (CPPC), 605, 606

cost-reimbursable contracts

contract types, 604–606

defined, 625

cost variances (CV)

benchmarking, 402

defined, 371

EVM formulas, 366

measuring performance, 359


acquiring human resources, 457

analyzing variances, 513–514

benefit/cost ratios, 159

considering quality, 403

crashing and, 306

defining contract, 602–607

defining project scope, 229

determining make or buy?, 599–601

estimation, 112–113

examining change requests, 179

expected monetary value, 558

management, 17

preparing for quality, 397–398

in project life cycles, 49–50

quality benefit/cost analysis, 400–401

quality control results, 417

quantitative risk analysis, 560

reducing with statistical sampling, 415

risk reduction, 567–568

seller selection, 612–613

sunk, 54

Triple Constraints of Project Management, 15

CPAF (cost plus award fee)

contract types, 605, 606

defined, 625

CPFF (cost plus fixed fee), 604, 606

CPI (cost performance index). See cost performance index (CPI)

CPIF (cost plus incentive fee), 604, 606

CPPC (cost plus percentage of costs), 605, 606


defined, 315

duration compression, 305–306

creativity techniques, 219–221

critical chain method (CCM)

defined, 315

timeline definition, 301–303

critical paths

calculating float in PND, 300–303

defined, 315

schedule network analysis using, 299–300

time management, 294

cultural achievability, 20

cultural environment

organizational, 64

project management and, 77–78

understanding, 19–20

cultural norms

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 648

defined, 64, 78

planning for communications, 499–500

project team rewards and, 463

respect and, 650

culture shock, 648, 652

customer satisfaction, 396, 417


control chart limits, 411–413

defined, 80

identifying stakeholders, 57

importance of, 14

internal and external, 63

project plan development, 168

project reasons, 16

responsibilities to, 649–650

scope verification, 238–240

as stakeholders, 59

customs. See cultural norms

CV (cost variances). See cost variances (CV)



precision of, 553–554

schedule examination, 310


activity duration estimates, 289

cost estimation, 345

as organizational process assets, 70

dates, 275


cost estimate inputs, 343

project schedules, 111–112

schedule constraints, 297


with benefit measurement methods, 158–162

change control, 186

collecting requirements, 221

determining make or buy?, 599–602

risk planning, 537

seller selection, 613–615

source selection criteria, 610

team management supporting details, 455

decision tree analysis

defined, 573

quantitative risk, 558–559


communication skills, 505

defined, 517


defined, 246

of deliverables, 236–237

work package, 272

dedication, 449

defect repairs

managing, 177

monitoring and controlling, 182

quality assurance inputs, 406

quality management, 418

scope change control, 242

definitive estimates

analysis, 352

defined, 373

delays, 285


change control, 121

collecting and documenting, 109

defined, 26

formal acceptance, 240

identifying needs, 105–106

preparing to close projects, 188

product scope vs. project scope, 225–226

in project life cycles, 48

project phase, 52–56

quality control results, 416

in scope statement, 231

stage gates, 55–56

subproject implementation, 24

temporary projects and, 10

in WBS, 110

WBS, 234–237

Delphi Technique

collecting and eliciting requirements, 221

defined, 56, 246, 573

risk identification, 546

demands, 293

Demings, W. Edward, 104, 396


defined, 472

styles of management, 450


determining activity, 280

in PDM, 278–279

dependencies, discretionary

defined, 315

determining, 280

descriptions, activity, 275

design of experiments

defined, 420

planning for quality, 402


cause-and-effect. See cause-and-effect diagrams

Pareto, 414, 420

PNDs. See project network diagrams (PNDs)

quality control. See quality control (QC)

risk identification, 547–548

sequencing project activities, 277–279


defined, 246

group decision-making, 221

direct costs

defined, 371, 625

estimating, 344

direction, 116–117

disagreement resolution methods. See conflict resolution methods

disciplines, 18

discretionary dependencies

defined, 315

determining, 280

dispute resolution, 622

distribution of risks, 557


activity attributes, 275–276

change, 180

communication lessons learned, 507

configuration management, 186

contract administration, 618

contract closure, 621–622

contracting results, 612

cost change control system, 357

cost estimate analysis, 352

creating procurement, 609–610

creating scope management plan, 227–228

defining project scope statement, 228–233

historical information, 158

inputs to solicitations, 611

monitoring and controlling, 182

planning for quality, 399–400

preparing to close projects, 188–189

project plan, 166

project plan development, 169–175

quality assurance inputs, 406

requirements, 223

results of contract administration, 620–621

risk identification, 544

risk response, 568

schedule development, 298

scope verification inputs, 239

team management supporting details, 455

domains of experience needed to pass PMP exam, 8–9

duration compression, 304–306

duration estimates

cost estimate inputs, 342–343

defined, 194

evaluating, 287–293

project activities, 287–293

in project plans, 172

schedule development, 296

duration vs. effort, 284


EAC (estimate at completion). See estimate at completion (EAC)

early finish (EF), 301–303

early start (ES), 301–303

earned value (EV)

defined, 371

estimate at completion, 361–362

finding variances, 358–360

five EVM rules, 365–366

schedule performance index, 361

to-complete performance index, 364

typical variances, 364

earned value management (EVM)

defined, 194, 371

formulas, 685

importance of, 373

measuring performance, 358–359

risk monitoring and control, 570

rules for cost management, 365–366

using to monitor and control project plans, 181

Earning the PMP, 5

economic considerations, 76

education, 464

EF (early finish), 301–303

effective listening

defined, 517

successful communication, 506


vs. duration, 284

parametric estimation, 291

electronic communications, 507

employee management. See human resource management


communication skills, 505

defined, 517

end users, 80

engineering review board (ERB), 186


defined, 573

positive risks, 565

risk response, 563

enterprise environmental factors

cost estimation, 346

defined, 20

defining activity lists, 272

human resource practices, 447

identifying in project charter, 156

planning for communications, 499–500

planning project scope, 226

preparing to close projects, 188

resource requirements, 285


communication technologies, 503

identifying factors in project charter, 156

project charter, 107

project management and, 76–78

understanding project, 19–20


availability, 284–285

learning processes, 101–102

ERB (engineering review board), 186

errors, 242

ES (early start), 301–303

esteem, 447–448

estimate at completion (EAC)

cost estimates, 361–362

defined, 371–372

EVM formulas, 366

to-complete performance index, 364–365

estimate to complete (ETC)

cost estimates, 363–364

defined, 372

EVM formulas, 366


activity duration, 287–293

communicating about project performance, 513–514

completing time and cost, 112

evaluating activity duration, 294–295

in project plans, 172

project resource, 111

schedule development, 296

seller selection, 614

estimates, cost. See cost estimates

estimating publications

cost estimation, 346

defined, 372

ETC (estimate to complete). See estimate to complete (ETC)

ethics, 652. See also Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

ethnocentrism, 649, 652

EV (earned value). See earned value (EV)

evaluation criteria

defined, 625

source selection, 613

EVM (earned value management). See earned value management (EVM)

exam, PMP. See PMP exam


defined, 472

styles of management, 451


defined, 130

integration management, 152–153

learning processes, 101–104

managing process, 116–120

processes, 128

product scope vs. project scope, 225–226

project plans, 175–180

quality assurance, 405–408

Executive Layer

identifying needs, 106

in organizational pyramid, 62

Expectancy Theory

defined, 472

human resource management, 450

overview, 470


collecting and documenting, 109

communications plan, 503–504

creating project charters, 107

exit criteria, 55–56

hygiene assets, 448

managing stakeholder, 60–61, 120

managing through communications, 509–512

in organization’s culture, 64

preparing project plan, 166–167

quality, 397

stakeholder analysis, 497–498

expected monetary value, 558

expenses. See also cost management

in benefit/cost analysis, 400–401

planning, 112–113


acquiring human resources, 457

domains needed to pass PMP exam, 8–9

experiments, design of

defined, 420

planning for quality, 402

expert judgment

activity duration estimates, 290

analogous cost estimates, 346–347

constrained optimization methods, 165

contracting planning, 609

defining activity lists, 272

interviewing for quantitative risk analysis, 557

planning project scope, 227

risk identification, 546

seller selection, 615

using in procurement, 601

using to monitor and control project plans, 181

expert power

defined, 472

overview, 469

project team development, 460


defined, 573

positive risks, 564

risk response, 563

external customers, 63

external dependencies, 280

external events, 242

external quality assurance (QA), 406

external risks, 542

external stakeholders, 443


face-to-face meetings, 512

facilitated team-building events, 461

facilitated workshops

collecting and eliciting requirements, 218–219

defined, 246

fairness, 649–650

false assumptions

identifying in project charter, 155

planning for communications, 500

risk identification, 545

fast tracking

defined, 79, 315

duration compression, 305–306

importance of, 294

life cycle phases, 54

feasibility studies

defined, 48

in initiation processes, 106


defined, 517

information distribution results, 509

successful communication, 506

FF (finish-to-finish), 279, 315

FFP (firm fixed-price) contracts

contract types, 606

planning for procurement, 602–604


contract, 622–623, 625

project plan development, 171–175

using in cost estimates, 345–346

final builds, 51–52

financial management. See cost management

finish no earlier than (FNET), 297, 316

finish no later than (FNLT), 297–298

finish-to-finish (FF), 279, 315

finish-to-start (FS), 278–279, 315

firm fixed-price (FFP) contracts

contract types, 606

planning for procurement, 602–604

first builds, 51–52

first-time projects, 550

five EVM rules of cost management, 365–366

fixed costs

defined, 372

estimating, 344

fixed-price (FP) contracts

contract types, 606

defined, 625

planning for procurement, 602–604

fixed-price incentive fee (FPIF) contracts

contract types, 606

planning for procurement, 603

fixed price with economic price adjustment (FP-EPA) contracts

contract types, 606

defined, 625

planning for procurement, 603–604

flawed estimates, 363


calculating in PND, 300–303

defined, 316

in project schedules, 112

project’s critical path, 294

schedule network analysis, 299–300


defined, 420, 575

quality control, 410–411, 415–416

risk identification, 547

FNET (finish no earlier than), 297, 316

FNLT (finish no later than), 297–298

focus groups

defined, 246

eliciting requirements, 218

force field analysis, 403

force majeure

defined, 626

defining contracts, 602


dealing with project team conflicts, 467

defined, 470, 472


defined, 194

monitoring and controlling, 182

performance reporting, 514–515

in project plans, 172

formal power

defined, 469, 473

project team development, 461

formality, 64


defined, 473

natural team development, 461

forms. See also templates

contracting planning, 609

planning project scope, 227


communications, 517

overview, 685

forward pass

calculating float in PND, 301–303

schedule network analysis, 299

four sigma values representing normal distribution

defined, 421

quality control charts, 411–413

FP-EPA (fixed price with economic price adjustment) contracts. See fixed price with economic price adjustment (FP-EPA) contracts

FP (fixed-price) contracts. See fixed-price (FP) contracts

FPIF (fixed-price incentive fee) contracts

contract types, 606

planning for procurement, 603

fragnet, 316

free float, 300

FS (finish-to-start), 278–279, 315

function analysis

defined, 246

defining project scope, 230

functional disciplines, 18

Functional Management Layer

identifying needs, 106

in organizational pyramid, 62

functional managers

examining change requests, 179

negotiating for human resources, 457–458

in organizational structure, 66

as stakeholders, 59

functional organizations

defined, 65–66, 79

human resource constraints, 446

pros and cons, 69

functional requirements

project plan development, 167–168

scope management, 217

funding limit reconciliation, 354

funding requirements

cost control inputs, 356–357

defined, 195

defining in scope statement, 232

establishing, 355

in project plans, 172

future values (FV)

cost estimate inputs, 343

defined, 194

discounted cash flow, 160–161


Gantt charts, 309

gift receiving, 650

global influences

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 648

project management and, 77

Go/No Go decision making, 157


evaluating quality through benchmarking, 401–402

project charter, 107

risk management plan, 539

gold plating, 400–401

goods procurement, 611–612. See also procurement management

governance, project, 53–55, 80

government agencies, 597

grade vs. quality, 396

green conditions, 553

group creativity techniques, 219–221

group decision-making, 221


hallway estimates, 112

halo effect, 445, 473

hammock activities, 282

hard logic

activity dependencies, 280

defined, 316

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 62

Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation

defined, 473

human resource management, 448–449

overview, 469

heuristics, resource-leveling, 307–308

hidden stakeholders, 58

hidden time, 293

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 62


defined, 420

project team management, 454

quality control, 414

historical information

activity duration estimates, 289

activity sequencing inputs, 277

analogous cost estimates, 346–347

analogous duration estimation, 290–291

budget development, 354

cost estimates, 345–346

defined, 194

identifying in project charter, 158

organizational planning templates, 446–447

planning for communications, 500

project management preferences, 447

risk management plan templates, 542


responsibility to customers and public, 649–650

responsibility to profession, 647

human resource management

acquisition, 456–459

certification objectives, 441

certification summary, 470–471

defined, 17, 27, 131

inside exam, 469–470

key terms, 472–475

overview, 442–443

planning, 446–451

planning for, 114

preparing for, 443–446

preparing for project team management, 452–455

project team development, 459–464

project team management, 465–468

project teams, 119

self test, 479–483

self test answers, 484–493

two-minute drill, 476–478

human resource plan

availability, 284–285

cost estimate inputs, 343–344

defined, 194, 473

project development, 170

hygiene assets, 448–449



configuration management, 186

in project charter, 155

risk management, 543–548

secondary risk, 567

seller and buyer, 597

stakeholder, 497–498

IFB (invitation for bids). See invitation for bids (IFB)

IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis), 217

imminent risks, 554

impact of risks

determining through quantitative risk analysis, 555–560

probability-impact matrix, 551–553

qualitative analysis, 551

imposed dates, 275

inappropriate compensation

avoiding conflicts of interest, 650

defined, 652


cost plus incentive fee contracts, 604

in fixed-price contracts, 603

independent estimates, 614

indirect costs

defined, 372

estimating, 344

influence diagrams

defined, 574

risk identification, 548


international and cultural, 77–78

with interpersonal skills, 21

organizational, 75–76

project team development, 462

social, economic and environmental, 76

stakeholder analysis, 497–498

information. See also communications management

dispersing, 119

preparing for distribution, 504–509

project performance, 512–515

information retrieval systems, 507


defined, 130

identifying process groups, 105–108

integration management, 152–153

learning processes, 101–104

processes, 127

project charter, 153


activity duration estimates, 288–289

activity sequencing, 277

contract administration, 618–619

contracting planning, 608

cost control, 356–357

information distribution, 504

managing schedule control, 311–312

planning for communications, 499–500

planning for quality, 399–400

process, 125

procurement preparation, 598

for quality assurance, 406

quality control, 409

quantitative risk analysis, 556

risk monitoring and control, 569

to scope change control, 241–242

scope definition, 228–229

scope verification, 239

WBS, 234–237

inside exam. See PMP exam


control charts, 411–413

quality control, 404, 409

scope verification, 239

tracking in run charts, 415

inspiration, 72

integrated change control

schedule, 311–313

tools and techniques for, 183–187

integration management

benefit measurement methods, 158–162

certification objectives, 151

certification summary, 190–192

change control, 121

closing projects or phases, 188–189

constrained optimization methods, 163–165

defined, 16, 27, 131, 195

executing project plans, 175–180

key terms, 192–197

monitoring and controlling, 180–187

overview, 152–153

preparing for project plan, 166–167

process, 100

project charter development, 153–158

project plan development, 165–166

project plan tools and techniques, 167–169

project plans and documents, 169–175

project plan’s purpose, 166

self test, 200–204

self test answers, 205–214

two-minute drill, 198–199

intellectual property, 648

intent, letter of, 615


customizing process, 126

process group, 125

interest levels, 457

interfaces, project, 444

internal customers, 63

internal quality assurance (QA), 406

internal rate of return (IRR)

benefit measurement methods, 162

defined, 194

internal stakeholders, 443

international environment

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 648

project management, 77

understanding, 20

International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), 217

Internet help for PMP exam, 647

interpersonal interfaces, 444

interpersonal skills

general management, 21

managing stakeholder expectations, 511

team leadership, 72


defined, 246

to elicit requirements, 218

quantitative risk analysis, 557

risk identification, 546

invitation for bids (IFB)

defined, 626

inside exam, 617

procurement documents, 609

Iron Triangle

defined, 15, 26

preparing project plan, 167

IRR (internal rate of return)

benefit measurement methods, 162

defined, 194

Ishikawa diagrams

quality control, 410

risk identification, 547

ISO 9000

defined, 420

determining quality policies, 398

quality management, 395, 404

issue logs

communicating with stakeholders, 512

defined, 194, 517

managing stakeholder expectations, 510

in project plans, 173

issues, 517

iterative relationships, 54–55, 79


JAD (joint application design) workshops, 219

JIT (just-in-time) scheduling, 418

job descriptions, 455

joint application design (JAD) workshops, 219

judgment, expert. See expert judgment

just-in-time (JIT) scheduling, 418


Kaizen technology, 396

kill points, 57, 79

knowledge areas

defined, 130

domains needed to pass PMP exam, 8–9

plotting processes, 126–127

project management, 16–17

known unknowns, 345


labor unions, 446–447


defined, 316

documenting activity attributes, 275

importance of, 294

sequencing activities, 280–281

laissez faire

defined, 473

styles of management, 451


Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 648

communication constraints, 500

forms of, 506–507

late finish (LF), 302–303

late start (LS), 302–303

law of diminishing returns, 284


Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 648

contract types, 602

dealing with standards and regulations, 76–77

organizational issues, 62

project reasons, 16

lawyers, 16

LCLs (lower control limits), 412–413


defined, 316

documenting activity attributes, 275

fast tracking, 305–306

importance of, 294

sequencing activities, 280–281


with interpersonal skills, 21

project team development, 460–461, 462

of project teams, 72

learning curve, 348

lessons learned

cost control, 369

defined, 194

information distribution results, 508

managing schedule control, 313

planning for communications, 500

scope change control systems, 244

successful communication, 507

using in cost estimates, 345

letter of intent, 615, 626

LF (late finish), 302–303

life cycles, project. See project life cycles

lifetime employment, 449

listening, 506

lists, activity. See activity lists

litigation, 622


planning for communications, 500

project team development, 463–464

logistical interfaces, 444

logs, assumption. See assumption logs

logs, change. See change logs

logs, issue. See issue logs

low-priority risk watchlist, 555

lower control limits (LCLs), 412–413

loyalty, 650

LS (late start), 302–303

lump-sum contracts, 602–604



defined, 246

group decision-making, 221

make-or-buy analysis

defined, 626

inside exam, 617

planning for procurement, 599–601


project execution, 116–117

project team development skills, 462

styles of, 450–451

Management by Projects

defined, 18–19, 26

organizational systems, 63

management, project. See project management

management reserves, 567

mandatory dependencies

defined, 316

determining, 280

manual process activity sequencing, 276

marginal analysis, 397

market conditions, 597

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

defined, 473

human resource management, 447–448

overview, 469

matrix organizations

defined, 65, 67–68

developing project teams, 460

human resource constraints, 446

pros and cons, 69

structure, 79

McClelland, David, 450

McClelland’s Theory of Needs

defined, 450, 473

overview, 470

McGregor’s Theory of X and Y

defined, 473

human resource management, 448–449

overview, 469

measurements, performance. See performance measurements

media selection, 73


defined, 74

negotiated settlements, 622


communication skills, 505

defined, 518

successful communication, 506–507


communicating with stakeholders, 512

communication skills, 74

communication technologies, 502

risk management plan creation, 538–539


adopting project plan, 163–164

determining quality, 398

monitoring and controlling, 181

project management, 177–178

risk management plan, 539–540


identifying in project charter, 154–155

planning for quality, 404

quality assurance inputs, 406

quality control inputs, 409

stage gates, 55–56

milestone charts, 310

milestone lists

activity sequencing inputs, 277

in project plans, 172

sequencing project activities, 276


creating activity lists, 110

defining in project charter, 155

phase gates, 355

schedule constraints, 297–298

mind mapping

collecting and eliciting requirements, 220

defined, 246


contract types, 602

defined, 574

planning for, 564

risk response, 563


benefit measurement methods, 158–162

communication, 73–74, 505, 515

completing projects in different organizations, 64–69

creating prototypes, 222

Demings’s, 104

organizational, 61–63, 83

parametric cost estimates, 347–348

Triple Constraints of Project Management, 15


defined, 130

integration management, 152–153, 180–187

learning processes, 101–104

in PMP exam, 9

processes, 120–124, 128–129

quality control. See quality control (QC)

risks, 568–572

schedule variance, 312

Monte Carlo analysis

defined, 316

importance of, 294

project simulation, 306–307

quantitative risk, 559

motivating agents, 448–449


Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation, 448–449

with interpersonal skills, 21

team leadership, 72

murder boards, 158, 194

mystery stakeholders, 58


names, activity, 275

natural team development theory, 461–462

near-term risks, 555


identifying, 105–106

information distribution, 503

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, 447–448

McClelland’s Theory of Needs, 450

stakeholder analysis, 497–498

negative risks

avoiding, 561

transferring, 562

negotiated settlements, 622


acquiring human resources, 457–458

project team development, 462

project terms and conditions, 74

resource requirements, 285

respect in, 650

using interpersonal skills, 21

net present value (NPV)

calculating, 161–162

defined, 195

network analysis, schedule, 299–300

network diagrams

creating, 111–112

sequencing outputs, 282–283

sequencing project activities, 277–278

network templates

defined, 316

sequencing activities, 281

networking with stakeholders, 451

noise, 505

nominal group techniques

collecting and eliciting requirements, 220

defined, 247

non-functional requirements, 217

nonconformance to requirements

costs of quality, 403

defined, 420

quality control results, 417

nonverbal communication

defined, 518

successful, 506

norming, 462, 473

not-to-exceed clause (NTE clause), 605

NPV (net present value)

calculating, 161–162

defined, 195

NTE clause (not-to-exceed clause), 605



preparing project plan, 166–167

quantitative risk analysis, 560

OBS (organizational breakdown structure)

defined, 451, 473

preparing for project team management, 453


to collect and elicit requirements, 222

defined, 247

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 62

offer, 602


defined, 626

market evaluation, 597

omissions, 242

on schedule, 293

operational definitions

defined, 420

planning for quality, 404

Operational Layer

identifying needs, 106

in organizational pyramid, 62–63


defined, 26

life cycle phases, 51–52

vs. projects, 13–14

operations managers

defined, 79

as stakeholders, 59


managing risks, 564–565

as positive risks, 536

project reasons, 16

SWOT analysis, 546–547

ordinal scales, 551

organizational breakdown structure (OBS)

defined, 451, 473

preparing for project team management, 453

organizational charts

defined, 451, 473

preparing for project team management, 452–453

organizational impact, 455

organizational interfaces, 444

organizational planning

completing, 446–451

preparing for human resources, 443–446

organizational process assets

activity duration estimates, 289

activity sequencing inputs, 277

cost estimation, 345–346

defining activity lists, 272

managing stakeholder expectations, 510

planning for communications, 499–500

preparing to close projects, 188

in quantitative risk analysis, 556

relying on, 70–71

resource requirements, 285

risk management policies, 538

risk monitoring and control outputs, 571

scope definition inputs, 229

organizational structure

communication and, 515

human resource constraints, 446


certification summary, 78

considering culture, 64

considering systems, 63

creating project charters, 107

different structures, 64–69

identifying models and attributes, 61–63

identifying needs, 106

influencing, 75–76

key terms, 78–81

laying out initial project, 232

project management office, 71

relying on process assets, 70–71

risk categories, 542

self test, 85–89

self test answers, 90–98

teaming agreements, 599

theories of, 447–451

two-minute drill, 82–84

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act), 62

Ouchi, William, 449

Ouchi’s Theory Z

defined, 474

human resource management, 449

overview, 469

out of control values, 413


analyzing cost estimates, 351–353

evaluating integrated change control, 187

examining project plan execution, 178–180

performance reporting, 514

process, 125

qualitative risk analysis, 554–555

requirements management, 223–224

risk monitoring and control, 571–572

sequencing, 282–283

outsourcing, 24

overlapping relationships, 54, 79

overwork, 395



defined, 518

successful communication, 506

parametric estimates

activity duration, 291

budget development, 354

cost management, 347–348

defined, 316, 372, 373

Pareto diagrams

defined, 420

quality control, 414

Pareto’s Law, 414

Parkinson’s Law

defined, 292, 316

eliminating with critical chain method, 303–304

partnerships, 599

passive risk acceptance, 565

payback period

benefit measurement methods, 159–160

defined, 195


contract administration, 619–620

defining contracts, 602

requests, 621

PDM (precedence diagramming method)

defined, 316

sequencing project activities, 278–279

penalty power, 461


appraising project team, 465–466

control charts, 411–413

monitoring and controlling project, 120–124

preparing to close projects, 188

results of team development, 464

risk monitoring and control, 570

risks, 541

trend analysis, 416

performance measurements

budget variance at completion, 365

budget variances, 359–360

cost management, 358–359

cost performance index, 360

estimate at completion, 361–362

estimate to complete, 363–364

five EVM rules, 365–366

planning for cost management, 366

quality improvement, 404

schedule control, 312

schedule performance index, 361

scope change control systems, 243–244

to-complete performance index, 364–365

using computers for cost management, 367

performance reporting

communications management, 512–515

contract administration, 618, 619

cost control inputs, 357

defined, 195

ensuring and completing, 123

in project plans, 174

scope change control, 241

scope change control systems, 243–244


defined, 474

natural team development, 462

PERT (program evaluation and review technique)

cost management, 349–350

three-point estimates and, 292

phase exits, 55–56

phase gates, 355

phases. See project life cycles

physical environment, 19

physiological needs, 447–448


defined, 104

quality management, 396

planned value (PV)

defined, 372

estimate at completion, 361–362

EVM formulas, 366

finding variances, 358–360

schedule performance index, 361


communications management, 499–503

contracting, 608

cost estimate inputs, 342, 347

cost management, 366

defined, 130

determining make or buy?, 599–602

for human resource management, 446–451

identifying process groups, 108–116

integration management, 152–153

learning processes, 101–104

preparing for quality, 397–399

processes, 127–128

project plan development. See project plans

for purchases, 596–599

for quality management, 399–405

requirements management, 223

for risk identification, 543–544

for risk management, 537–538

risk monitoring and control, 571

for risk responses, 560–568

scope change control systems, 243–244

scope management, 226–228

for time management, 273–274

with WBS, 234–237


defined, 247

group decision-making, 221

PMBOK (PMI’s Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge) Guide

about, 4–9

certification summary, 25

complying with rules and policies, 647

defined, 26

defining scope management, 224

on expert judgment, 165

on organizational process assets, 70

on PMIS, 168

quality vs. grade, 396

risk distribution, 557

two-minute drill, 29

PMI (Project Management Institute). See Project Management Institute (PMI)

PMIS (Project Management Information Systems). See Project Management Information Systems (PMIS)

PMO (project management office). See project management office (PMO)

PMP exam

42 project management processes, 683–684

about, 4–9

active problem solving, 75

activity duration estimates, 289

answering questions, 682

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 648

communication constraints, 500

communications management, 515

complying with rules and policies, 647

cost management, 373

creating WBS and activity lists, 272

days before, 680

earned value management formulas, 685

encountering scheduling on, 304

formulas, 685

human resource management, 469–470

identifying stakeholders, 57

imminent risks, 554

ISO 9000, 395

lead time, 281

learning curve, 348

letter of intent, 615

nonverbal communication, 506

planning for, 111

positive risks, 536

practicing for, 680–681

privity, 620

process groups, 117

process of elimination, 682–683

project completion, 240

project life cycles, 48

project plan importance, 185

project plans, 165

purchase orders, 610

quality management, 417–418

quality vs. grade, 396

quick facts, 686–693

resource requirements, 285

risk distribution, 557

schedule constraints, 298

scheduling and risks, 283

scheduling on, 304

scheduling resources, 455

scope change control, 243

scope management, 225

scope management plan, 228

scope management themes, 233

scope verification, 238

sunk costs, 364

testing tips, 681–682

three-point estimates, 292

time management, 294

Triple Constraints of Project Management, 15

two-minute drill, 29

value engineering, 344

PMP (Project Management Professional), 26

PNDs (project network diagrams). See project network diagrams (PNDs)


code of compliance, 647

determining quality, 398

human resource, 447

in organization’s culture, 64

quality management, 113

quality management plans, 403–404

recruitment, 457

risk management, 538

source selection, 613

political environment

influencing organizations, 75–76

understanding, 20

political interfaces, 444

portfolio management review board

defined, 23, 79

identifying stakeholders, 58

positional power, 461

positive risks

defined, 536

managing, 564–565


McClelland’s Theory of Needs, 450

project manager, 469

project team development, 460–461

preassigned staff, 457

precedence diagramming method (PDM)

defined, 316

sequencing project activities, 278–279

precision, data, 553–554

preferences, project management, 447

preferential logic, 280

preferred logic, 280


for contract administration, 616, 618–619

for contracting, 608–611

for human resource management, 443–446

for information distribution, 504–509

for project team management, 452–455

for qualitative risk analysis, 549–550

for quality assurance, 406

for quality control, 409

for quality management, 397–399

for risk identification, 543

for risk monitoring and control, 569

for risk responses, 560–561

for source selection, 613

present values (PV)

calculating net, 161–162

cost estimate inputs, 343

defined, 195

discounted cash flow, 160–161

presentation, 73

preventive actions

applying to project plans, 177

monitoring and controlling, 182

quality management, 396

risk reduction, 567–568

scope change control, 242


contract types, 602–607

vs. cost estimation, 341

prime contractors, 597

principles of ethics and professional conduct. See Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

prioritizing risks, 550–551, 560

privity, 620

probabilistic risk analysis, 555–560

probability-impact matrix, 551–553

problem solving

active, 74–75

alternative solutions, 230

cause-and-effect diagrams, 410

defined, 474

identifying needs, 105–106

with interpersonal skills, 21

project reasons, 16

project team conflicts, 466–467

project team development, 462

process adjustments, 417, 420

process analysis, 407–408

process assets, organizational. See organizational process assets

process flowcharts, 410–411

process groups

how they interact, 125

identifying initiating, 105–108

identifying planning, 108–116

learning processes, 101–104

process improvement plan

creating for quality management, 405

defined, 195

project development, 170

quality assurance inputs, 406


42 project management, 685

certification objectives, 99

certification summary, 129–130

closing project, 124–129

communications management, 496

identifying initiating process group, 105–108

identifying planning process group, 108–116

key terms, 130–131

learning, 101–104

managing execution of, 116–120

monitoring and controlling project, 120–124

overview, 100–101

self test, 135–139

self test answers, 140–148

two-minute drill, 132–134

procrastination, 293


cost estimate inputs, 342

defined, 626

human resource constraints, 447

management, 17

staff, 458

procurement audits, 626

procurement documents

defined, 195

inputs to solicitations, 611

in project plans, 173

procurement management

administering, 124

certification objectives, 595

certification summary, 623–624

closing contracts, 621–623

completing purchasing, 611–616

contract administration, 616–621

contract types, 601–607

defined, 28, 131

determining make or buy?, 599–602

executing, 120

expert judgment, 601

key terms, 624–627

overview, 596

plan, 607

planning for, 115

planning for purchases, 596–599

preparing for contracting, 608–611

resource requirements, 284–285

self test, 630–634

self test answers, 635–643

statement of work, 608

two-minute drill, 628–629

procurement management plan

contracting, 608

creating, 607

defined, 195, 626

project development, 171

product analysis, 229–230

product breakdown, 229

product life cycle, 50–51, 80

product reviews, 409

product scope

defined, 247

planning tools and techniques, 227

vs. project scope, 225–226, 233

in scope statement, 231


acceptance criteria, 231

creating description, 106

defining project, 11

design of experiments, 402

make-or-buy analysis, 599–601

professional conduct code. See Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

program evaluation and review technique (PERT)

cost management, 349–350

three-point estimates and, 292

program managers

defined, 80

as stakeholders, 58


defined, 26

management, 22–23

progress reports, 518

progressive elaboration

collecting and documenting requirements, 109

cost estimates, 351–352

defined, 27

defining project, 11–12

planning project scope, 226

project activities. See activities

project baselines. See baselines

project calendars. See calendars

project charters

benefit measurement methods, 158–162

constrained optimization methods, 163–165

creating, 107

defined, 130, 195

developing, 153–158

importance of, 185

in project plans, 172

scope definition inputs, 228

scope statements and, 109

project coding structure, 308–309

project communications management. See communications management

project control. See controlling

project cost management. See cost management

project execution. See execution

project files

project plan development, 171–175

using in cost estimates, 345–346

project governance, 53–55, 80

project initiation. See initiation

project life cycles

certification objectives, 45

certification summary, 78

defined, 80

key terms, 78–81

learning processes, 102–104

managing stakeholder expectations, 60–61

meeting stakeholders, 56–60

overview, 46–47

project phase deliverables, 52–56

self test, 85–89

self test answers, 90–98

two-minute drill, 82–84

working with, 47–52

project management

about PMBOK Guide and exam, 4–9

certification summary, 25–26

defined, 27

defining, 16–21

defining key skills, 71–76

defining projects, 10–16

enforcing truth and honesty, 649–650

identifying stakeholders, 59

international and cultural influences, 77–78

key skills, 84

key terms, 26–28

objectives, 3

preferences, 447

related areas, 22–25

risk categories, 541

self test, 31–35

self test answers, 36–44

social, economic, and environmental influences, 76

software, 308

standards and regulations, 76–77

two-minute drill, 29–30

Project Management Information Systems (PMIS)

calendars, 286

communications management, 114

constrained optimization methods, 164

defined, 195

project management methodologies, 178

project plan development, 168–169

tools and techniques for integrated change control, 184

using to monitor and control project plans, 181

Project Management Institute (PMI)

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. See Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

PMBOK Guide, 4–9

quality management, 395–397

Triple Constraints of Project Management, 15

project management office (PMO)

defined, 24–25, 27, 80

in organizations, 71

as stakeholders, 60

project management plan

as cost estimate input, 341

managing stakeholder expectations, 510, 511

procurement preparation, 598

project team development, 460

risk monitoring and control outputs, 572

scope change control, 241

Project Management Professional (PMP), 26

Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. See PMP exam

project management teams. See project teams

project managers

defined, 27, 80

defining in project charter, 155

in different organizational structures, 65–69

project plan development, 168

scope verification, 53–55

stage gates, 55–56

as stakeholders, 58

stakeholders and authority, 57

working through life cycles, 49

project network diagrams (PNDs)

calculating float in, 300–303

creating, 111–112

schedule development, 295–296

schedule examination, 309

schedule network analysis, 299–300

sequencing outputs, 282–283

project performance measurements. See performance measurements

project plans

adopting methodology, 163–164

defined, 196

developing, 165–166

execution, 175–180

information distribution, 504

preparing for, 166–167

purpose of, 166

risk identification and, 543–544

tools and techniques, 167–169

typical, 169–175

updating after risk responses, 568

project portfolio management, 27

project processes. See processes

project records. See records

project reports. See reporting

project resources. See resources

project schedules. See schedules

project scope management. See scope management

project scope statement

activity duration estimates, 288

activity sequencing inputs, 277

defined, 247

defining, 228–233

planning for, 226–228

planning for communications, 500

updating, 237

project selection

benefit measurement methods, 158–162

constrained optimization methods, 163–165

examining criteria, 156–157

project sponsors

defined, 80

defining in project charter, 155

project charters and’, 154

project step funding, 355

project team directory, 459

project teams

acquiring and developing, 118–119

acquiring human resources, 456–459

activity duration estimates, 289

creating sellers lists, 612

creating WBS, 110

defined, 80

developing, 459–464

leadership, 72

management, 119, 465–468

preparing for, 452–455

project plan development, 168

as stakeholders, 59

using in cost estimates, 345

project time management. See time management

projectized organizations

defined, 65, 68, 81

defining, 18–19

human resource constraints, 446

pros and cons, 69


defined, 27

defining, 10–16, 29

integration management. See integration management

management by, 18–19

organizational structure, 174

proof-of-concept, 51–52


defined, 196, 626

evaluation techniques, 615

procurement documents, 609

in project plans, 173

seller selection, 613

source selection, 613


collecting requirements, 222

defined, 247

life cycle phases, 51–52

purchase orders, 610

purchasing. See also procurement management

completing, 611–616

planning for, 596–599

pure risks, 562

purpose of project, 155

PV (planned value). See planned value (PV)

PV (present values). See present values (PV)


QA (quality assurance). See quality assurance (QA)

QC (quality control). See quality control (QC)

QFD (quality function deployment). See quality function deployment (QFD)

qualifications, 6–9

qualified sellers lists

defined, 626

developing, 612

qualitative risk analysis

defined, 115, 574

inside exam, 562

vs. quantitative risk analysis, 549

using, 549–555


communicating about project performance, 513

cost estimate inputs, 342

management, 17

risks, 541

Triple Constraints of Project Management and, 15

quality assurance (QA)

defined, 420

execution, 405–408

mapping to, 117–118

planning for, 113

vs. quality control (QC), 417

in quality management plan, 404

quality audits

completing, 407

defined, 420

quality checklists

planning for quality, 404–405

in project plans, 174

quality control inputs, 409

quality control results, 417

quality control (QC)

control chart, 411–413

defined, 421

ensuring, 123

flowcharting, 410–411, 415–416

implementation, 408–409

inside exam, 417–418

inspecting results, 409

Pareto diagrams, histograms, and run charts, 414–415

planning for, 113

preparing for, 409

in project plans, 174

vs. quality assurance, 417

in quality management plan, 404

with requirements traceability matrix, 223–224

results of, 416–417

scatter diagrams, statistical sampling, 415

scope verification, 238–240

trend analysis, 416

quality function deployment (QFD)

collecting and eliciting requirements, 219

defining project scope, 230

determining quality policies, 398

quality improvement

process improvement plans, 405

quality control results, 416–417

in quality management plan, 404

through process analysis, 407–408

quality management

big picture, 395–397

certification objectives, 393

certification summary, 418–419

defined, 28, 131

key terms, 419–421

overview, 394

planning, 113

planning for, 399–405

preparing for, 397–399

quality assurance execution, 405–408

self test, 424–429

self test answers, 403–439

two-minute drill, 422–423

quality management plan

creating, 403–404

defined, 196, 421

inside exam, 417–418

quality assurance inputs, 406

quality control inputs, 409

quality metrics

in project plans, 174

quality assurance inputs, 406

quality control inputs, 409

quality policies

defined, 421

determining, 398

quantitative based durations, 291

quantitative risk analysis

defined, 115, 574

inside exam, 563

preparing for, 555–560

vs. qualitative risk analysis, 549

quotes, 609, 626


RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consult, or Inform) charts, 451, 474

RAG (red, amber, green) Rating, 551–553


identifying stakeholder, 497–498

qualitative risk analysis, 550–551, 554


RAG, 551–553

seller selection, 615

RBS (risk breakdown structure), 541

reassignments, 119


communication skills, 505

defined, 518

recognition, 463


performance report outputs, 514

quality control results, 417

record keeping. See also documentation


contract closure, 622–623

controlling costs, 122

management systems, 620

recruitment, 457

recurring projects, 550

red, amber, green (RAG) rating, 551–553

red conditions, 553

referent power

defined, 474

overview, 469

project team development, 461


cost estimates, 351–352

WBS, 283

registry, stakeholder. See stakeholder registry

regression analysis, 348


organizational issues, 62

project management and, 76–77

project management methodologies, 177–178

project reasons, 16

quality planning, 399

vs. standards, 647


activity dependencies, 280

budget development, 354

dealing with project team conflicts, 466–468

documenting activity attributes, 275

fast tracking, 305–306

in flowcharts, 410–411

identifying types of interfaces, 444

in PDM, 278–279

in PNDs, 282–283

in procurement documents, 609

reliability, 553–554

repairing defects. See defect repairs


closing project, 124–125

communicating about project performance, 512–515

different organizational structures, 64–69

ensuring and completing performance, 123

information distribution results, 508

results of team development, 464

risk monitoring and control, 569

requestors, 597

requests, change. See change requests

requests for proposal (RFP)

defined, 626

inside exam, 617

procurement documents, 609

requests for quote (RFQ)

defined, 626

inside exam, 617

procurement documents, 609


collecting and documenting, 109

collecting and eliciting, 216–217

communications plan, 503–504

control chart limits, 411–413

cost of quality, 403

defining contract, 602–607

defining in scope statement, 231–232

establishing funding, 355

exit criteria, 55–56

focus groups, 218

group creativity techniques, 219–221

group decision-making, 221

identifying communication, 501

identifying human resource, 444–445

interviewing stakeholders, 218

organizational process assets, 70

project charter, 154–155

in project plans, 172

resource. See resource requirements

scope definition inputs, 229

scope management, 223–224, 245

scope verification inputs, 239

surveys, stakeholders and prototypes, 222

workshops, 218–219

requirements documentation, 247

requirements management plan, 223, 247

requirements traceability matrix (RTM)

defined, 196, 247

managing requirements, 223–224

in project plans, 173

reserve analysis, 354

reserve time, 292–293

residual risks, 566, 574

resolving conflicts. See conflict resolution methods

resource breakdown structure

defined, 196, 451, 474

sequencing outputs, 287

resource calendars

creating, 111

defined, 196, 317

in project plans, 172

project team development, 460

sequencing outputs, 286

resource histograms

defined, 474

project team management, 454

quality control, 414

resource-leveling heuristics

defined, 317

importance of, 294

timeline definition, 307–308

resource requirements

activity duration estimates, 288

defined, 196

documenting activity attributes, 275

identifying for human resource planning, 444–445

time management, 284–287

updating time management, 311


activity duration estimates, 289

competition over, 118

customizing process interactions, 126

equipment as, 101

estimating, 111

estimating costs. See cost estimates

human resources. See human resource management

procurement management. See procurement management

project charter, 107

in project plans, 172


responsibility to customers and public, 650

responsibility to profession, 648


to customers and public, 649–650

defined, 196, 474

human resource management, 469

human resource planning, 443

to profession, 646–649

in project plans, 173

quality management, 396

risk management plan, 540

responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)

defined, 196, 451, 474

in project plans, 172

project team management, 452–453

Responsible, Accountable, Consult, or Inform (RACI) charts, 451, 474


analyzing cost estimates, 351–353

contract administration, 620–621

contracting, 612

defining project, 11

examining project plan execution, 178–180

examining project work, 182

information distribution, 508–509

inspecting quality control, 409

performance reporting, 514

of project team development, 464

qualitative risk analysis, 554–555

quality control, 406

of quality control, 416–417

quantitative risk analysis, 559–560

risk monitoring and control, 571–572

risk response planning, 566

scope verification, 238–240

of seller selection, 615–616

retrieval systems, information, 507

review boards

portfolio management, 79

as stakeholders, 58


communicating about project performance, 513

contract administration, 619

contract closure, 621–622

quality audits, 407

quality control, 409

risk, 570

reward power

defined, 474

overview, 469

project team development, 460


expectancy theory, 450

preparing to close projects, 189

project team, 463

RFP (requests for proposal). See requests for proposal (RFP)

RFQ (requests for quote). See requests for quote (RFQ)

risk analysis scoring

probability-impact matrix, 551–553

risk management plan, 540

risk assessment, 115

risk breakdown structure (RBS), 541

risk categories, 541–542, 574

risk contingency reserves, 345

risk impact statements, 124

risk management

certification objectives, 535

certification summary, 572

defined, 17, 28, 131

identification, 543–548

key terms, 573–575

monitoring and controlling, 568–572

overview, 536

planning, 114–115

planning for, 537–538

planning for risk responses, 560–568

in project life cycles, 50

qualitative risk analysis, 549–555

quantitative risk analysis, 555–560

risk management plan, 538–542

self test, 579–584

self test answers, 585–594

two-minute drill, 576–578

risk management plan

creating, 538–542

defined, 196, 574

preparing for risk responses, 560–561

project development, 171

qualitative risk analysis, 549–550

in quantitative risk analysis, 556

risk identification, 543

risk monitoring and control, 569

schedule development, 298

risk owners, 574

risk reduction, 567–568

risk registers

cost estimation, 344–345

creating, 548

defined, 196, 574

preparing for risk responses, 561

in project plans, 174

in quantitative risk analysis, 556

risk monitoring and control, 569

risk monitoring and control outputs, 571

risk response planning, 566

risk responses

audits, 570

defined, 123–124

inside exam, 563

planning for, 560–568

potential, 548

procurement preparation, 598

scope change control, 242

risk reviews, 570

risk tolerance, 537–538


activity duration estimates, 289

communicating about project performance, 512

contract types, 606–607

defined, 372, 574

defining in project charter, 155

defining in scope statement, 232

monitoring and controlling, 123–124

scheduling and, 283


assigning, 452

defined, 196, 474

human resource management, 469

human resource planning, 443

identifying resource requirements, 444–445

in project plans, 173

risk management plan, 540

rolling wave planning

defined, 109

defining activity lists, 273

root-cause analysis

active problem solving, 74–75

risk identification, 548

rough order of magnitude

cost estimate analysis, 352

defined, 373

The Rule of Seven, 413


code of compliance, 647

EVM for cost management, 365–366

project management methodologies, 177–178

run charts

defined, 421

quality control, 414–415


safety needs, 447–448

salience models, 498

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 648

defined, 652

Sarbanes-Oxley, 62

scales of probability and impact

application, 551

defined, 574

qualitative risk analysis and, 550

scatter diagrams

defined, 421

quality control, 415

schedule change control board, 186

schedule control

defined, 317

time management, 311–313

schedule control systems, 312

schedule management plan

cost estimate inputs, 342–343

defined, 197, 317

examining, 310

in quantitative risk analysis, 556

schedule network analysis, 299–300

schedule performance index (SPI)

cost management, 361

defined, 372

estimate at completion, 362

schedule variance (SV)

defined, 317

EVM formulas, 366

examining, 312

measuring performance, 359–360

schedules. See also time management

communications plan, 503

controlling, 122, 311–313

defining in project charter, 155

developing, 111–112

examination, 309–310

examining change requests, 179

management plans, 169–170

negotiating for human resources, 458

on PMP exam, 304

procurement preparation, 598

quality management, 418

quantitative risk analysis, 560

risk management plan, 540

staffing management plan, 455

time management, 295–299


assigning roles and responsibilities, 452

cost and, 340

cost estimate analysis, 352

creating project, 109–110

examining change requests, 179

implementing change control, 122

management, 17

project charter, 107

scope management plan, 169

Triple Constraints of Project Management, 15

verification, 53–55, 121

scope baseline

cost estimates and, 341–342

defined, 247

defining activity lists, 272

preparing for procurement, 598

reviewing for quality, 398–399

scope management

certification objectives, 215

certification summary, 245

collecting and eliciting requirements, 216–217

defined, 28, 131

defining, 224–226

defining activity lists, 271–272

focus groups, 218

group creativity techniques, 219–221

group decision-making, 221

interviewing stakeholders, 218

key terms, 246–248

managing requirements, 223–224

overview, 216

planning, 226–228

project scope statement, 228–233

protecting from change, 240–245

requirements workshops, 218–219

self test, 252–257

self test answers, 258–267

surveys, stakeholders and prototypes, 222

two-minute drill, 249–251

verification, 238–240

work breakdown structure, 234–237

scope management plan

creating, 227–228

defined, 197, 247

scope change control, 242

scope verification

defined, 248

importance of, 233

scoring systems

benefit measurement methods, 158–159

defined, 197

probability-impact matrix, 551–553

qualitative risk analysis, 554

risk management plan, 540

screening systems, 614

secondary risks

defined, 574

risk response and, 567

self-actualization, 447–448

seller rating systems, 615


completing selection process, 613–615

defined, 81

inputs to, 611

other names for, 597

procurement documents, 609

selecting, 612–613

selection results, 615–616

as stakeholders, 59

sellers lists

defined, 197

developing, 612

inputs to, 611

in project plans, 173

sender-receiver models, 73


communication skills, 505

defined, 518

sensitivity analysis, 557, 575


examining outputs, 282–283

project activities, 276–281

sequential relationship of phases, 54, 81


defining project, 11

procuring, 611–612

SF (start-to-finish), 279, 317


defined, 575

human resources, 458

positive risks, 565

risk response, 563

should-cost estimates

defined, 627

seller selection, 614

sigma values

defined, 421

quality control charts, 411–413


defined, 575

quantitative risk analysis, 559

timeline definition, 306–307

single source

defined, 627

market evaluation, 597

six domains of experience needed to pass PMP exam, 8–9

Six Sigma, 398


communication, 504–505

defining key management, 71–76

general management, 20–21

project team development, 462


calculating in PND, 300–303

in project schedules, 112


dealing with project team conflicts, 468

defined, 474

overview, 470

SNET (start no earlier than)

defined, 317

schedule constraints, 297–298

SNLT (start no later than), 297

social environment

project management and, 76

understanding, 19–20

social responsibility, 9

soft logic, 280, 317

soft tools, 163


cost estimation, 349–350

earned value management, 367

PMIS, 164

sequencing project activities, 276

timeline definition, 308

sole source

defined, 627

market evaluation, 597

solicitations, 611

SOO (statement of objectives), 608

source selection, 613

source selection criteria

defined, 197

determining, 610

in project plans, 173

SOW (statement of work). See statement of work (SOW)

SPI (schedule performance index). See schedule performance index (SPI)

sponsors, project. See project sponsors

spreadsheets, 367

SS (start-to-start), 278–279, 317

stability of assumptions, 545


communication technologies, 502

developing project teams, 460

human resource constraints, 447

staffing management plan

acquiring human resources, 456

creating, 453–455

defined, 475

staffing pool, 456–457

stage gates, 55–56

stakeholder analysis

communication and, 497–498

defined, 518

in project plans, 174

stakeholder management strategies

preparing for, 510

in project plans, 175

stakeholder registry

creating, 498

defined, 518

managing stakeholder expectations, 510

in project plans, 174

stakeholder requirements

in project plans, 175

workshops, 218–219


analysis, 230

balance of fairness, 650

collecting requirements, 222

communication and, 515

determining quality policies, 398

feedback and notifications, 509

focus groups, 218

group creativity techniques, 219–221

group decision-making, 221

human resource constraints, 446

human resource planning, 443

identifying for communications management, 497–498

identifying in project charter, 155

interviewing for quantitative risk analysis, 557

interviewing to elicit requirements, 218

managing expectations, 60–61, 120

managing expectations through communications, 509–512

meeting, 56–60

networking with, 451

preparing project plan, 166–167

process initiation, 107–108

process planning, 108–109

risk identification through interviews, 546

risk tolerance, 537–538

scope management, 216–217

two-minute drill, 82–83

working through life cycles, 50

standard forms, 609


Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 647

ensuring QC, 123

as organizational process assets, 70

planning project scope, 227

preparing for quality, 397–399

project management and, 76–77

quality management, 395

start no earlier than (SNET)

defined, 317

schedule constraints, 297–298

start no later than (SNLT), 297

start-to-finish (SF), 279, 317

start-to-start (SS), 278–279, 317

statement of objectives (SOO), 608

statement of work (SOW)

contracting planning, 608

defined, 197, 627

identifying in project charter, 156

inside exam, 617

preparing for procurement, 598

procurement management, 608

in project plans, 173

updating, 610–611

statistical sampling

defined, 421

quality control, 415

status accounting, 186

status reports, 518


defined, 475

natural team development, 462

strategic project planning, 14, 16

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, 546–547

strong matrix organizations

defined, 65, 67–68

pros and cons, 69


organizational, 64–69, 83

project plan, 166

subcontractors, 597


customizing process interactions, 126

defined, 28

implementation, 24

summary activities, 282

sunk costs, 54, 364

supporting detail

cost estimate analysis, 352

defined, 197

project team management documentation, 455

surveys, 222

SV (schedule variance). See schedule variance (SV)

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis, 546–547

system flowcharts, 410–411, 575

systems engineering

defined, 248

defining project scope, 229


TAB (technical assessment board), 186

task relationships, 278–279

TCPI (to-complete performance index)

cost management, 364–365

EVM formulas, 366

team-building activities, 461

team performance assessments, 175

teaming agreements

defined, 197

procurement preparation, 599

in project plans, 173

teams, project. See project teams

technical assessment board (TAB), 186

technical disciplines, 18

technical interfaces, 444

technical performance, 416

technical proposals, 613

technical requirements

availability, 284–285

project plan development, 167–168

technical review board (TRB), 186


for integrated change control, 183–187

monitoring and controlling project plans, 180–181

process, 125

project plan, 167–169

scope planning, 227


communication, 502–503

project reasons, 16

risk categories, 541

risk monitoring and control, 570


creating WBS and activity lists, 273

organizational planning, 446–447

as organizational process assets, 70–71

planning project scope, 227

risk management plan, 542

sequencing activities, 281

WBS, 233, 235–236

temporary projects

defining, 10–11

vs. operations, 13–14

termination of contract

as change request, 619

negotiated settlements, 622


defining contracts, 602

negotiating, 74


assumptions, 544–545

with flowcharting, 415–416

Thematic Apperception Test, 450


avoiding, 561

SWOT analysis, 546–547

three-point estimates

activity duration, 292

cost management, 349

defined, 317


analyzing variances, 513–514

estimation, 112

risk reduction, 567–568

Triple Constraints of Project Management, 15

time and materials (T&M) contracts

contract types, 605–606, 607

defined, 627

time management

certification objectives, 269

certification summary, 314

in communications plan, 503–504

defined, 17, 28, 131

defining project activities, 270–276

estimating activity durations, 287–293

evaluating activity duration estimates, 294–295

key terms, 315–317

overview, 270

procurement and, 120

project scheduling, 295–299

in quantitative risk analysis, 556

resource requirements, 284–287

schedule control, 311–313

self test, 321–327

self test answers, 328–338

sequencing outputs, 282–283

sequencing project activities, 276–281

two-minute drill, 318–320

timeline definition

critical chain method, 303–304

duration compression, 304–306

float calculation in PND, 300–303

project coding structure, 308–309

project management software, 308

project simulation, 306–307

resource-leveling heuristics, 307–308

schedule examination, 309–310

schedule management plans, 310

schedule network analysis, 299–300

scheduling on PMP exam, 304

updating resource requirements, 311

to-complete performance index (TCPI)

cost management, 364–365

EVM formulas, 366

tone, 506


contracting planning, 609

cost estimation software, 349–350

expert judgment, 165

for integrated change control, 183–187

monitoring and controlling, 180–181

PMIS, 164

process, 125

for procuring goods and services, 611–612

project plan, 167–169

quality assurance, 407

scope planning, 227

WBS, 234–237

top-down estimates

budget development, 354

cost management, 346–347

defined, 372

total slack, 300

tracking, fast. See fast tracking

tracking requirements, 223–224


documenting needs, 455

project teams, 464


contracts for risk response, 567

defined, 575

of negative risk, 562

procurement preparation, 598

risk response, 563

TRB (technical review board), 186

trend analysis

communicating about project performance, 514

defined, 421

qualitative risk, 555

quality control, 416

quantitative risk, 560

in run charts, 414

triggers, 575

Triple Constraints of Project Management

defined, 15, 28

preparing project plan, 167

trust, 511

truth, 649–650

Tuckman, Dr. Bruce, 461–462

typical variances, 364


UCLs (upper control limits), 411–413


defined, 248

group decision-making, 221

unilateral contracts, 610

unit price contracts, 605–606, 607

units of measure, 343–344

unknown unknowns, 345


activity lists, 287, 295

budgets, 368

changes, 180

in communications plan, 504

cost control lessons learned, 369

cost estimates, 367–368

managing stakeholder expectations, 511

monitoring and controlling, 182

project schedules, 313

reacting to change, 183

resource requirements, 311

risk monitoring and control outputs, 571–572

risk registers, 566

scope change control systems, 244

scope statement, 237

statement of work, 610–611

WBS, 283

upper control limits (UCLs), 411–413


communication technologies, 502

risk ranking, 554

utility functions, 537–538, 575


VAC (variance at completion)

cost management, 365

EVM formulas, 366

validated deliverables, 416

value-added change requests, 242

value analysis

defined, 248

defining project scope, 229

value engineering

cost estimation, 344

defined, 248

defining project scope, 229

value management, earned. See earned value management (EVM)

values, 64

Values of the Four Sigmas

defined, 421

quality control charts, 411–413

VAR (variances). See variances (VAR)

variable costs

defined, 372

estimating, 344

variance at completion (VAC)

cost management, 365

EVM formulas, 366

variances (VAR)

communicating about project performance, 513–514

cost estimate analysis, 352

defined, 372

estimate at completion, 362

estimate to complete, 364

five EVM rules, 365–366

measuring performance, 359–360

process execution, 116

quality control charts, 413

schedule control, 312


closing contracts, 124

conferences, 350

contracts, 602–607

other names for, 597

procurement management, 120

procurement tools, 611

verbal communication, 506–507


configuration management, 186

deliverable decomposition, 237

project execution, 117

verification, scope

defined, 53–55

providing, 121

scope management, 238–240

virtual teams

acquiring human resources, 458–459

defined, 475

VOC (voice of the customer)

collecting and eliciting requirements, 219

defined, 248

voice of the customer (VOC)

collecting and eliciting requirements, 219

defined, 248


walkthroughs, 409

war room

defined, 475

project locale, 463

watchlists, 555

WBS (work breakdown structure). See work breakdown structure (WBS)

WBS (work breakdown structure) dictionary. See work breakdown structure (WBS) dictionary

weak matrix organizations

defined, 65, 67

pros and cons, 69

weaknesses, analysis of, 546–547

weighted scoring models, 158–159

weighting systems, 614


dealing with project team conflicts, 468

defined, 475

overview, 470

work authorization systems, 117

work breakdown structure (WBS)

compiling activity lists, 274–275

as cost estimate input, 341–342

creating, 234–237

defined, 28, 248

defining, 12

defining activity lists, 272

importance of, 233

preparing for procurement, 598

process planning, 110

project plan importance, 185

quality planning, 399

scope change control, 241

updating, 283

work breakdown structure (WBS) dictionary

cost estimate inputs, 342

defined, 234, 248

preparing for procurement, 598

quality planning, 399

work breakdown structure (WBS) identifiers, 275

work breakdown structure (WBS) templates, 248

work ethic, 64

work packages

cost estimate inputs, 342

creating activity lists, 110

creating budget for, 353–355

decomposition, 272

in WBS, 234–235

work performance information

defined, 197

in project plans, 174

work performance measurements

defined, 197

preparing to close projects, 188

in project plans, 174

quality assurance inputs, 406

risk monitoring and control, 569

work results

contract administration, 618

examining, 178–179

information distribution inputs, 504

measuring performance. See performance measurements

quality control inputs, 409

scope verification, 239

workarounds, 575

workers. See human resource management

workshops, 218–219

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