About the Authors


Tiffany Jana and Matthew Freeman are agents of change who met at work, fell in love, and started a company together. They are an interracial couple who pride themselves on practicing racial reconciliation every day. As a white male/black female married couple, they represent one of the least statistically common marital racial pairings in the United States. They are aware of that fact because the company they cofounded focuses on diversity and inclusion, and together they are breaking ground in the development of metrics for their industry. They live and breathe diversity and are conspicuously joyous about the life they share.

Tiffany followed her mother’s lead into the world of diversity and culture change. Her mother paved the way by giving Tiffany access to life in Mexico and Germany, thereby granting her a unique connection and insight into foreign cultures. Tiffany is now fluent in Spanish and German, holds an MBA, and is a doctor of management in organizational leadership. When she is not orchestrating her company’s growth, she is usually travelling the world with her husband and cofounder.

Matthew discovered diversity at a young age, but in a profound way, when he attended graduate school in Vancouver, Canada. He experienced “otherness” in a new way, and a paradigm shift in his worldview. He has been actively working to bring people and communities together across differences ever since. Matthew is always willing to take risks if the results might yield an improvement to the status quo. He doesn’t just think outside the box, he lives there. He was the cofounder of a community house in an underserved neighborhood and a mentor to at-risk youth.

Their company, TMI Consulting, is the first Certified Benefit (B) Corporation in the diversity and inclusion industry worldwide. Values-driven work is at the core of Tiffany and Matthew’s business model. TMI is a for-profit business with a nonprofit mission. Part of the triple bottom-line economy, TMI maximizes profits without marginalizing people or the planet. Tiffany and Matthew are proud to be using the power of business as a force for good as part of the global B-Corp community of social enterprises.

Many of the exercises and the style of this book reflect their company’s ethos and aspirational approach to very challenging work. Diversity work is fraught with tension, and these cofounders have developed a proprietary approach to quantifying, qualifying, and energizing a difficult subject. Tiffany and Matthew prefer focusing on why diversity is an asset rather than the traditional deficit-based approach. Whether delivering a keynote, a seminar, or a plenary session, Matthew and Tiffany’s audiences inevitably enjoy quite a few laughs and a greater connection with the participants in the room.

Tiffany and Matthew are raising three children and two cats together. The oldest offspring is in college; the 17-year-old, 8-year-old, and kitties live at home. Together, Matthew and Tiffany have lived, worked in, and visited 48 states, 8 Canadian provinces, and 25 countries.

You can read more about them and their work at


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