Chapter 7. Localization

Though there’s no pressing need right now, it seems inevitable that Daisy’s Gone will need to support other languages on its website. Given the (partially) Italian blood that flows through the founding members, it seems like Italian language support is a good place to start. Porteremo Daisy per le persone buone d’Italia!

Orchard Site Localization

ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebForms both offer localization support by way of resource (.resx) files. Orchard instead takes a different approach that is a better match for its modular architecture. This approach is to use PO files, which are simple text files with a well-defined format. PO files are commonly used by other web frameworks, including many other CMS platforms.

Within an Orchard site, there are three areas you might need to localize. If your content creators are not native English speakers, you’ll want to take advantage of the admin and module translation files that have been created by the Orchard community. If you have developed a module that you’ll share in the Orchard Gallery, you might want to contribute translation files of your own. You’ll also likely want to enable the Localization module to allow the content that you create to be localized.

Admin Localization

Whether you’re looking to localize for Italian, Polish, or some other language, you’ll first want to visit for a listing of available translation files. For each listed locale, you’ll be able to download a ZIP file containing .po files with translations for the most common themes, modules, and admin utilities (including the command-line interface).

Browse to the Italian listing at Click “Download the PO files” to get the ZIP file. After downloading, the easiest way to install a new translation is to open the ZIP file, and copy-and-paste the four directories (App_Data, Core, Modules, and Themes) into the root of your website (Orchard.Web). Windows Explorer will prompt you to merge the directories, which you should do.

After merging, in the dashboard, select SettingsGeneral. Under the “Default Site Culture” section, click “Add or remove supported cultures for this site.” Select the “IT-it” culture that you just downloaded and click “Add.” Return to SettingsGeneral and select the new site culture. Click “Save” and you’ll see that the dashboard no longer displays English text—even the confirmation message has changed (Figure 7-1).

The Settings page after setting Italian as the default culture

Figure 7-1. The Settings page after setting Italian as the default culture

There’s also a Translation Manager module that you could install from the Orchard Gallery. This module allows you to install translation bundles from the Orchard command-line interface.

All you need is the path to the downloaded ZIP file:

orchard> install translation

PO Files

We won’t dig too deeply into creating our own PO files, but we’ll take a quick look at how the pieces come together. For more information on PO file options, Bing “PO Translation Files.” There’s even an open source PO file editor named Poedit available at

To see how our Italian language translation works, let’s examine the simple case of the “Save” button that appears on the General Settings page. Recall that we just clicked this button when changing our culture to Italian. In Visual Studio, locate the Orchard.Core project and navigate to the Views directory under the Settings directory. In the Admin directory, open the file Index.cshtml, where you’ll find a button defined as follows:

<button class="primaryAction" type="submit">@T("Save")</button>

You might have seen the T method in some templates along the way. This is the primary localization method for Razor templates in Orchard. It’s defined in the WebViewPage class that we explored in Chapter 4. That method will locate culture specific translations for your view files by using the translation files you install (or create).


T is actually implemented as a property of type Localizer in WebViewPage. Localizer is delegate, which allows the property to use method call syntax in the templates.

In the Orchard.Core project, navigate to the App_Data directory. You might need to show hidden files. Expand the Localization directory to find the IT-it directory, which contains the translation file orchard.core.po. Open this file and search for “~/Core/Settings/Views/Admin/Index.cshtml.” You’ll find a few results. The one you want has an id-string (second line) of “Save.”

In the snippet below, you can see values for the original text, and its translation, as well as the context (template) of this text. The most important values are the last two, which together are sufficient to translate the text of our button. Of course, providing context allows us to avoid collisions in our translations. If you change “Salva” to another value, and refresh the “Settings” page while the Italian culture is selected, you’d see your button text appear:

#: ~/Core/Settings/Views/Admin/Index.cshtml
#| msgid "Save"
msgctxt "~/Core/Settings/Views/Admin/Index.cshtml"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salva"

Content Item Localization

Finally, we probably want to translate the content on the pages that we’ve created so far. Before we continue, be sure to set your site back to English (unless you’re feeling adventurous). Select ModulesFeatures (or ModuliFunzionalitá, if you kept Italian) and enable the Localization module. After it’s enabled, you can select ContentContent Items, where you’ll now see “+ New Translation” links under each page that we’ve created (the home, gallery, and about pages).

To add translations to our Bio and Event content types, we’ll simply need to add the Localization content part to the definition of these types. Click ContentContent Types and click “Edit” in the row for each type. Under “Parts,” click “Add parts,” check “Localization,” and click “Save.” Now when you click “Content,” you should see the “+ New Translation” link under each of our content items (Figure 7-2).

Content items awaiting translation

Figure 7-2. Content items awaiting translation

To translate the homepage, return to ContentContent Items and click “+ New Translation” under the home page listing. You’ll see that there’s now a “Content Localization” section on our page editor. Select “it-IT” from the list. Copy the content from your “Body” section and get a translation from or your favorite translator service. Paste the translated text back into the “Body” element and click “Publish Now.”

Browsing to the home page, you’ll see there’s now a “Translations: it-IT” link on the page above the Content zone (Figure 7-3). Click that link to see the Italian language translation of our home page. Note that our translated content is actually a unique content item. Therefore, when we create translations for content items, we are possibly duplicating our content maintenance efforts (for items that aren’t translatable). Another repercussion of creating a new item is that our home page alternate template won’t apply to our translation (Figure 7-4).

The translations listing

Figure 7-3. The translations listing

The translated homepage without an alternate template

Figure 7-4. The translated homepage without an alternate template


As we’ve seen, Orchard has a great deal of flexibility for dealing with localization. However, not all aspects of localization have been fully baked. For example, if we created localized versions of our Bio items, our query for the “Bios” projection page would list the translations as well. Keep these limitations in mind as you plan your localization strategy. You might find yourself needing to code for a solution.

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