Chapter 4

More Complex Single-Channel Models

In many service businesses and manufacturing line applications, the basic M/M/1 model does not provide useful results that appear to agree with reality. There are several possible reasons for this poor performance:

  • Chief and foremost, the waiting line formulas are based on the waiting line achieving a steady-state condition. This takes time and should lead you to the observation that the formulas are likely to be a poor predictor of what occurs at the beginning of a business day.
  • The service time distribution is not best described by an exponential distribution.
  • The capacity for accommodating the waiting line is limited.
  • The calling population is not infinite.
  • The interarrival time distribution is not best described by an exponential distribution.
  • The M/M/1 model is based on a single-service phase, where the server performs all the service required. How do we handle situations where there is more than one phase or step? In some cases, we can combine the separate service steps to approximate a single phase. In others, we require either more complicated analysis approaches or simulations to obtain the performance data we want.

There are several adjustments we can make in the performance measures to cope with many of these situations. Some will work out well; others will give us only rough estimates of what is happening. In such cases, discrete simulation models may be the only way to gain more accurate insight into what is occurring. Some examples of simple simulations that can be done in Excel to analyze these situations are discussed in chapter 7.

Instead of the normal choice of an exponential distribution for the interarrival and service times, we have a variety of probability distributions that can be used to more accurately represent a particular service business situation. Some of these distributions will make the performance measures more complicated to determine. Some will require the use of simulations because of the lack of suitable, closed-form (analytical) solutions. The good news is that because Little’s Law applies regardless of our choices for service and arrival distributions, all we have to be able to do is to calculate L, Lq, W, or Wq to determine the other values.

Alternate Service Time Distributions

The M/G/1 and M/D/1 models allow for other choices of service time distributions than the exponential distribution. Some common situations that require a different choice are when

  • the minimum service time is significantly greater than the nearly zero times allowed by an exponential distribution;
  • the service time may have a much smaller variance than allowed by the exponential distribution;
  • the service time may even be consistent enough to be considered a constant value;
  • the service time can have a discrete distribution, such as in the case of a business offering only a few standardized services;
  • or the service time can be a collection of exponentially distributed service times, such as in the case of different classes of customers being served by the same facility.

Fortunately, we can obtain the steady-state average performance measures for many of these situations by using the Pollaczek-Khintchine (P-K) formula.1 This formula uses the coefficient of variation (Cx) for a probability distribution of x to calculate the average waiting time in line (Wq). Because we are dealing only with the average steady-state value for the waiting time, the shape of the probability distribution used for the service time is unimportant as long as we know the distribution’s mean value and standard deviation or variance. Here we assume that for an M/G/1 model, x represents the service time, and the mean service time is the reciprocal of the average service rate (µ):


Examine this formula carefully. For a constant service time where the standard deviation is zero, the time spent waiting in line is exactly half of what is predicted for the M/M/1 model using the same average service time.

You may very well say, “No service time is exactly constant where people are involved, what then?” In that case, we can use a normal distribution, where we collect samples of actual service times and calculate their average (1/µ) and corresponding standard deviation (σ). This would give a value of µσ, and Equation 4.1 for a M/G/1 model using a normal service time distribution becomes


Let us examine this expression more closely. It says that as the variance in the service time increases, the wait becomes longer even though the average service time does not change.

Here is an important corollary: Reducing variances in the service time reduces the average waiting time. This corollary is important because most textbook examples focus on shortening the average service time to reduce the average waiting time. Some approaches for addressing service time variability are discussed in chapter 6.

What about the problem with the probability of unrealistically short service times using the exponential distribution? Unfortunately, the steady-state performance measures do not illustrate this problem; one must use simulation to see its effect. However, the subtle effects on average waiting time and line lengths can be taken into account by choosing general service time distributions that have a lower probability of shorter service times. In addition to the constant and normal distributions, we can use the Erlang probability density function, which is defined by the following formula:


where α = the scale factor,2 k = the shape factor, the mean = αk, and the variance = α2k. In a gamma distribution, k is a continuous value; in an Erlang distribution, k is restricted to integer values greater than zero and, in essence, represents the number of identical but still independent exponential distributions that are added together to form the Erlang distribution. When k = 1, this distribution defaults to the exponential distribution, where the average time is α (substitute 1/λ for the interarrival time and 1/µ for the service time). This leads to another version of Equation 4.3 that is easier to understand when using it for service time distribution in M/Ek/1 models because it is expressed in terms of the service rate instead of α:


Therefore, the mean becomes k/µ, and the variance becomes k/µ2. Plots of Equation 4.4 for an average service rate of 5 and using values of k = 1, 2, and 4 are shown in Figure 4.1. This service rate corresponds to an average service time of 0.2; while you may observe that the peak of the probability distribution for k = 2 roughly occurs at that time, that fact does not mean that the best value for k is 2. However, the mean for that curve is k/µ = 2/5 = 0.4, indicating that there are a larger number of possible times greater than the most probable time compared to the number of possible times less than the most probable time.

This illustrates a common area of confusion when trying to understand the mathematics behind the waiting line performance equations. My students often confuse the maximum value of a probability density function with the average they get from a collection of observations. They also forget that the Central Limit Theorem states that the distribution of sample averages is normally distributed regardless of the underlying distribution being sampled. I demonstrate to students that knowing the mean is not enough to determine which probability density function applies by giving them two sets of data that provide the same mean and standard deviation but show significantly different frequency distributions when the raw sample results are plotted in histograms.

Figure 4.1. Probability density functions for an average service rate of 5 using an Erlang distribution with k = 1, 2, and 4.

So let us use the mean and variance for an Erlang distribution in the

P-K formula given in Equation 4.1. In this case, , resulting in


As a check, you can see that when k = 1, we obtain the same equation for an exponential distribution in the M/M/1 model. What if we try k = 2 to reduce the possibility of really short service times? Then using Equation 4.5, Wq = 75% of the Wq for the M/M/1 model. If the choice for k is much larger, we converge on the same result as for a constant service time.

How can this be? We have reduced the probability of short service times, so should the wait not be longer? This illustrates how our intuition is sometimes misleading when it comes to analyzing waiting lines. First, keep in mind that the exponential distribution was not representing realistic service times for Ken’s Caffeine Fix, so comparing the new Wq to an incorrect Wq is inappropriate. Second, the higher k factor could have also reduced the probability of really long service times. What really matters is which service time distribution is the best representation of reality for a business like Ken’s Caffeine Fix.

What about the beta distribution commonly used to represent completion times in project management planning? This asymmetrical distribution could be used because it allows the selection of a minimum time and the probability for much longer times. However, its mean and variance terms are much more complex compared to the choice of an Erlang distribution with the proper value of k. In project management analysis, the beta distribution is often approximated by a normal distribution to simplify the mathematics. This approximation and its use for probabilistic estimates of project completion time can be found in many project management texts.

Finally, sometimes there is not enough information to determine what might be the best distribution to use. In such cases, we can take what operational data we do have regarding service times to form a discrete distribution that can be used in a simulation program. An example of this will be discussed in chapter 7.

Alternate Arrival Time Distributions

For most service business situations, the exponential distribution is a very good representation of customer arrival behavior. But, for some businesses, a better representation is needed. The Kendall notation for this situation using a single-channel, single-phase system is G/M/1:

  • The arrival distribution may not be best represented by a Poisson distribution.
  • Arrival rates can vary during the day and often have regularly occurring peak and slack periods depending on the nature of the service(s) provided.
  • The arrival population could be a combination of different types of customers.

When appointments or production schedules are used to control the arrival rate, the notation is D/M/1. You may ask why we would want to use waiting line analysis for such a predictable situation. If we want to select the best time between successive appointments, it is necessary to evaluate the effects of varying service times. If the appointment duration is too short, we end the day with a long line of disgruntled customers still waiting to be served. If the appointment time is too long, we reduce the number of customers we can accommodate per day and will have more idle time than we can profitably use to do other tasks, such as cleanup, record keeping, and so forth. In other words, we must ensure that the average arrival rate is sufficiently lower than the average service rate to prevent unnecessary backups but not so low that we have reduced capacity and unnecessary idle time. Selecting the right value is a cost decision that we will discuss in chapter 6.

Dealing with varying arrival rates is difficult because the waiting line equations assume steady-state conditions. For small businesses, there is likely to be insufficient volume to achieve a steady-state situation each day. For businesses such as government driver’s license bureaus or the post office, where the customer really does not have a choice of an alternate supplier, you can average the arrivals during the day to determine the level of service required. For businesses such as Ken’s Caffeine Fix, staffing has to better match the ebb and flow of customers to provide acceptable service for customers who are not as tolerant of long lines and waiting times.

In both cases, but more so for Ken’s and places like banks and grocery stores, it is important to have staff that can perform other business tasks when customer arrival volume is low. Knowing how much time is required for those tasks and the estimate of P0 from the queuing analysis can provide guidance as to the total staffing needed.

Many businesses have collected point-of-sale data regarding the nature of the services they provide and the types of customers. Such data can be used to improve waiting line performance in several ways, particularly when more than one server is available, as will be discussed in more detail in chapter 5. For single server operations, this information can be used to ensure that adequate supplies are available for the different services requested by customers and help identify those parts of the service that might be delegated to some of the customers. For example, a coffee shop, noting that about 30% of its customers want a cup of house coffee only, could set up a self-serve station for those customers so that customers wanting more complex coffee mixtures could be served more quickly.

In factory applications, manufacturing custom or semicustom products creates different classes of arrivals. Another application where different classes of customers are likely is the machine repair model discussed later in this chapter when we cover the limited calling population model.

From an analysis viewpoint, it is relatively easy to combine separate classes of customers if the arrival behavior of each class can be described by a separate exponential distribution. In this case, the average arrival rate for the total distribution is just the sum of the individual average arrival rates. That is, λtotal = λ1 + λ2 + λ3 +. . . . Similarly, a total exponential distribution can be separated into individual exponential distributions according to their probability of occurrence.

Finally, there is one common arrival scenario that is difficult to classify, let alone analyze. Consider the restaurant situation where there is the usual exponential arrival of individual customers combined with regularly scheduled arrivals who have made reservations. So how does the restaurant handle a tour bus unloading a large group of passengers for lunch or dinner? Does the restaurant mix them in with individual customers or do they treat the group separately? What if the tour bus stops are unscheduled?

A closed-form solution does not exist for many of these arrival situations, and those that have been developed for very special situations are beyond the mathematical scope covered by this monograph. What we can do here is to attempt to break such a situation into separate parts that can be analyzed individually. For example, in the restaurant scenario, management could choose to require that groups above a certain size make a reservation to be served—in essence, creating two separate service operations that could be analyzed independently.

Limited Capacity

There can be physical limits on how many customers may be in line. This may take the form of how many customers can be accommodated on hold when a single operator at a call center is busy or when there is not enough room to accommodate a long line in a small shop. The Kendall notation for this situation is M/M/1/K//FCFS, where K is the maximum number of people in a queue, including the customers being served at the moment. A specific example of this model was analyzed by the state diagram discussed in chapter 1 and shown in Figure 1.3. In that example, the value for K was two customers.

The performance measures for an M/M/1/K model are similar to those for the M/M/1 model but with slight modifications to account for a system capacity of K customers:

  • Utilization factor: ρ = λ/µ; for a M/M/1/K model, ρ must be 1
  • Probability of zero customers in the system: P0 = (1 − ρ)/(1 − ρK+1) for λ < µ and P0 = 1/(1 + K) for λ = µ
  • Probability of exactly n customers in the system: Pn = P0ρn for n K
  • Probability that the server is busy: Pn>0 = 1 − P0 = ρ
  • Probability that a customer will be turned away: PK = P0ρK
  • Average number of customers in the system: L = K/2 for λ = µ and


  • Effective arrival rate: λ′ = λ(1 − PK)
  • Average total time customers spend in the system: W = L/λ′ = L/(λ(1 − PK))
  • Average number of customers waiting in the queue (not yet being served): Lq = L − (λ′/µ) = L − (λ(1 − PK)/µ) = λ′Wq
  • Average time customers wait in the queue before being served: Wq = W − (1/µ) = Lq/λ′ = Lq/(λ(1 − PK))

Recall that for Little’s Law, we need to use an effective arrival rate (λ′), which is the arrival rate multiplied by the probability of acceptance (1 minus the probability of the maximum number of customers allowed by the capacity limit). There are three possible assumptions here: (1) We lose the customers who are turned away because they have alternate service choices with our competitors, (2) those customers return later to try again as would be the case for a call center where they have no other choice for the support they want, or (3) the blocked customers give up trying.

Because we lose some customers in the first assumption or can smooth out peak arrival rates for the second assumption by forcing customers to call back again later, we can allow the average arrival rate to be as high as the average service rate, which explains the conditional equations for P0 and L.

PK gives us a value for lost business that can be used to compare with the cost of adding additional line capacity. PK is sometimes called the blocking probability.

The astute reader may notice that the equation given for P0 when K = 2 is not the same as the state diagram equation derived for P0 in chapter 1. Let us compare them:

Does 1/(1 + ρ + ρ2) = (1 − ρ)/(1 − ρ3)?

Multiplying both sides by the denominators to remove the fractions, we get

1 − ρ3 = (1 − ρ)(1 + ρ + ρ2) = 1 + ρ + ρ2ρρ2ρ3 = 1 − ρ3.

Okay, they match! (Before I get too cocky, maybe we should also check the respective equations for L just to be sure.)

Once we have the probability for each state in Figure 1.3, we can determine the average number of persons in the system by multiplying the number of persons represented by each state by that state’s probability. That is, L = (P0 × 0) + (P1 × 1) + (P2 × 2) for the state diagram in Figure 1.3, which gives L = (ρ + 2ρ2)/(1 + ρ + ρ2). Does that equate to the expression in Equation 4.6 when K = 2? That is, does (ρ + 2ρ2)/(1 + ρ + ρ2) = [ρ/(1 − ρ)] − [3ρ3/(1 − ρ3)]?

Multiplying both sides by the denominators to remove the fractions and then combining the terms on both sides, we can see that the two expressions do equate to the same value.

It is suggested that you do this check for yourself as practice in verifying formulas. When there are several terms with subscripts and superscripts, it is easy for typographical errors to occur. Verifying equations and making sure that the units of measure cancel out to the desired set of units are methods for detecting many typographical errors.

The lesson to be learned here is that customers lost because of capacity limitations are not often noticed because the line is longest at those times when the server is busiest. This also results in the average line length and overall waiting time being shorter, creating an illusion that the service is being performed more efficiently than it is. A 5% customer loss may not seem to be that significant, but when you compare its lost revenue with the profit margin for many small service businesses. . . .

Limited Calling Population

The available customer population may be limited, as in the case for a service operation maintaining a fleet of airplanes for a major airline or a group servicing the copiers at a company. The Kendall notation for this situation when there is only one server is M/M/1//N/FCFS, where N represents the number of customers or items to be served. In many textbooks and articles, this situation is often referred to as the machine repairman problem.

Because the costs of downtime can be quite high, there are often two or more servers. This complicates the closed-form solutions considerably. This situation will be discussed in much more detail in chapter 5. Here, we will discuss the single-server model because it provides some insight into the fundamental issues involved and is appropriate for many small service operations responsible for maintaining and repairing a small set of equipment. This also applies to those operations where one professional serves a select group of customers.

The arrival rate for a repair operation supporting N machines is usually dictated by three things: the recommended preventive maintenance period, the expected failure rate, and the equipment usage rate (supplies replenishment). Equivalents of these rate components also apply to handling a select group of clients, such as at a financial advisor brokerage: regularly scheduled status appointments, typical percentage of emergency consultations, and volume-related requests.

We can attempt to analyze these classes as one combined calling population, or we can assign separate servers for each class. Consider that the preventive maintenance arrivals are essentially appointment based, and their respective service times are likely to be relatively constant or at least normally distributed with small standard deviations. The failure rate and subsequent repair times are more likely to be described by exponential distributions.

The base arrival rate for an M/M/1//N model is defined by the needs of one customer, item, or machine for the situation under consideration. In the case of a machine, it can be the expected time between repairs or scheduled maintenance. The effective arrival rate is the basic arrival rate per unit λu multiplied by the number of units (N − L) in the finite population N that are not currently in line for service in the system. The calculations for P0 with a finite population of N customers (machines) are considerably nastier because now we have to account for the reduced probability of future arrivals as current arrivals enter the system and are taken care of. This requires using N summation terms, as shown in the following set of performance measures:

  • Effective arrival rate: λ′ = λu(N − L)
  • Unit utilization factor ρu = λu/µ
  • Probability of zero customers in the system:


  • Probability of exactly n customers in the system:

  • Average number of customers waiting in the queue (not yet being served):

  • Average number of customers in the system: L = Lq + (1 − P0)
  • Average time customers wait in the queue before being served:

    Wq = Lq/(λu(N − L))

  • Average total time customers spend in the system:

    W = Wq + (1/µ) = L/( λu(N − L))

Looking at the equation for P0, it increases in value as N becomes smaller, which is what we would expect with a lighter workload. However, as N becomes larger, there will be many terms in the denominator. This leads some of my business students to ask the question, “How large would N have to be where we could assume that an infinite calling population model could give us a ballpark estimate with only a small percentage of error? The calculations would certainly be easier to do.”

Table 4.2 summarizes the results for repair populations of 10, 25, and 50 printers in response to the dean’s request regarding the effect of adding more printers to Campus Reboot’s repair response. With 10 printers, the average wait before repair work begins is about 39 minutes. This average waiting time increases to about 2.3 hours for 25 printers and nearly 10 hours for 50 printers. The number of printers awaiting repair increases from the current value of 0.025 printer to nearly 2 printers for a 50-printer population.

Figure 4.3. Excel setup to determine P0 (shaded cell at upper right) and Pn for Example 4.3 with a population of 10 network printers. P0 is the inverse of the sum of the products, and the other Pns are the respective product for n multiplied by the value for P0. As a check on the accuracy of the computations, the sum of the probabilities is 1.0.

n(N – n)!N!/(N – n)!(ρu)nProductPn

Reviewing the results in Figure 4.3, the likelihood of more than 1 printer awaiting repair (2 or more printers total in the repair shop) by Campus Reboot is less than (1 − P0 − P1) = 0.022214 = 2.22% for the current population of 10 printers.

If Campus Reboot works only a normal 8-hour day, it is likely that it will often take more than 2 days before some departments get back their broken printer if the number of printers increases to 50. This would be unacceptable given that a normal exam week is only 5 days long. We will return to this example in chapter 5 to determine the effect of adding another repair person to Campus Reboot’s staff.

If we attempt to do this, I remind them that we must recognize that we are not dealing with the same definition of arrival rate. In a repair service situation, the average arrival rate is based on some expected rate of failure per unit; as the number of possible items to be repaired increases, the effective arrival rate increases. The M/M/1//N model takes these increases in N into account in its performance measures, but an M/M/1// model assumes an average arrival rate that is independent of population size.

It should be noted here that many college textbooks still use lookup tables to solve this type of example for both single-channel and multiple-channel situations. As a result, the equations presented by those authors do not look anything like the equations used here. Instead, they use terms and expressions that work with these tables, often referred to in some textbooks as finite queuing tables (to be more correct some authors use the terms finite queuing for limited capacity models and finite sourcing for limited calling population models, which applies here). An example is the service factor X = average service (repair) time T divided by the sum of the average repair time T and the average time between repairs U. For Example 4.3, Campus Reboot’s service factor would be 4/(250 + 4) = 0.0157. The finite sourcing table for a given repair population level provides two variables, D and F, for each combination of X and number of servers. Using these variables, one then can determine the usual performance measures.

Such methods are a product of an earlier time when personal computers and spreadsheet programs were not yet available. At that time, calculations like those shown in Figure 4.3 using pencil-and-paper methods were tedious, time-consuming, and more prone to errors. This led to the development of lookup tables for various values of N, service factors, and the number of servers (repair persons) to expedite such analysis. Often-quoted examples of finite sourcing tables in college textbooks are sample tables for N = 5 or 10 used with permission from the 1958 reference published by Peck and Hazelwood.3

In this monograph readers are encouraged to use Excel-based methods because they allow a wider range of choices and conditions to best suit a given business situation. Instead of providing lookup tables, the equations for their creation are provided. Readers wishing more details regarding the derivation of these equations are encouraged to consult the excellent books by Hillier and Lieberman (2010) or Laguna and Marklund (2005).

Multiple Phases

In factory applications and some service businesses, there is more than one step (phase) in the process. How do we deal with those cases? Because each phase is likely to have a different service rate distribution, a closed-form generic solution would be unwieldy, even if the solution were possible. Some references are provided for those who are interested in pursuing closed-form solutions when they are available. A cautionary note is appropriate here. Many of the analytical solutions involve some in-depth mathematics and statistics understanding to determine whether they are appropriate for your business situation.

What if you do not want to become a math whiz to obtain some insight into how a multiple-phase process works? Not to fear, there are some characteristics we can work with to gain some understanding about such processes without the need for complex mathematics.

  • The average arrival rate into each phase will be the same, assuming no losses or additions at each phase, because what went into the previous phase must come out of that phase.
  • If losses or additions do occur during the process, they can be handled if we know their percentage related to the initial input arrival rate.
  • In the case of factory applications, we usually have control over the arrival rate distribution by using production scheduling.
  • Each phase can have a different service rate without affecting the average arrival rates into each phase.

Given these conditions, we can analyze or simulate a production process as a sequence of single-channel, single-phase waiting lines with the output of the preceding phase becoming the input to the following phase.

Because we can also accommodate a mixture of multiple-channel, single-phase process steps in manufacturing to deal with bottleneck capacity issues, there is a more detailed discussion of multiple-phase applications in chapter 7.

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