List of Figures

Figure 1-1 OpenGL ES 3.0 Graphics Pipeline

Figure 1-2 OpenGL ES 3.0 Vertex Shader

Figure 1-3 OpenGL ES 3.0 Rasterization Stage

Figure 1-4 OpenGL ES 3.0 Fragment Shader

Figure 1-5 OpenGL ES 3.0 Per-Fragment Operations

Figure 2-1 Hello Triangle Example

Figure 5-1 Z Fighting Artifacts Due to Not Using Invariance

Figure 5-2 Z Fighting Avoided Using Invariance

Figure 6-1 Triangle with a Constant Color Vertex and Per-Vertex Position Attributes

Figure 6-2 Position, Normal, and Two Texture Coordinates Stored as an Array

Figure 6-3 Selecting Constant or Vertex Array Vertex Attribute

Figure 6-4 Specifying and Binding Vertex Attributes for Drawing One or More Primitives

Figure 7-1 Triangle Primitive Types

Figure 7-2 Line Primitive Types

Figure 7-3 gl_PointCoord Values

Figure 7-4 Cube

Figure 7-5 Connecting Triangle Strips

Figure 7-6 OpenGL ES Primitive Assembly Stage

Figure 7-7 Coordinate Systems

Figure 7-8 Viewing Volume

Figure 7-9 OpenGL ES Rasterization Stage

Figure 7-10 Clockwise and Counterclockwise Triangles

Figure 7-11 Polygon Offset

Figure 8-1 OpenGL ES 3.0 Programmable Pipeline

Figure 8-2 OpenGL ES 3.0 Vertex Shader

Figure 8-3 Geometric Factors in Computing Lighting Equation for a Directional Light

Figure 8-4 Geometric Factors in Computing Lighting Equation for a Spotlight

Figure 9-1 2D Texture Coordinates

Figure 9-2 3D Texture Coordinate for Cubemap

Figure 9-3 3D Texture

Figure 9-4 MipMap2D: Nearest Versus Trilinear Filtering


Figure 10-1 OpenGL ES 3.0 Programmable Pipeline

Figure 10-2 OpenGL ES 3.0 Fragment Shader

Figure 10-3 Multitextured Quad

Figure 10-4 Linear Fog on Torus in PVRShaman

Figure 10-5 Alpha Test Using Discard

Figure 10-6 User Clip Plane Example

Figure 11-1 The Post-Shader Fragment Pipeline

Figure 12-1 Framebuffer Objects, Renderbuffer Objects, and Textures

Figure 12-2 Render to Color Texture

Figure 12-3 Render to Depth Texture

Figure 14-1 Per-Fragment Lighting Example

Figure 14-2 Environment Mapping Example

Figure 14-3 Particle System Sample

Figure 14-4 Particle System with Transform Feedback

Figure 14-5 Image Postprocessing Example

Figure 14-6 Light Bloom Effect

Figure 14-7 Light Bloom Stages

Figure 14-8 Projective Spotlight Example

Figure 14-9 2D Texture Projected onto Object

Figure 14-10 Fog Distorted by 3D Noise Texture

Figure 14-11 2D Slice of Gradient Noise

Figure 14-12 Checkerboard Procedural Texture

Figure 14-13 Anti-Aliased Checkerboard Procedural Texture

Figure 14-14 Terrain Rendered with Vertex Texture Fetch

Figure 14-15 Shadow Rendering with a Depth Texture and 6 × 6 PCF

Figure 16-1 Building Samples with CMake GUI on Windows

Figure 16-2 VertexArrayObjects Sample in Xcode Running on iOS 7 Simulator

Figure A-1 A 16-Bit Floating-Point Number

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