Chapter 4. Tracking Faces with Haar Cascades

This chapter introduces some of OpenCV's tracking functionality, along with the data files that define particular types of trackable objects. Specifically, we look at Haar cascade classifiers, which analyze contrast between adjacent image regions to determine whether or not a given image or subimage matches a known type. We consider how to combine multiple Haar cascade classifiers in a hierarchy, such that one classifier identifies a parent region (for our purposes, a face) and other classifiers identify child regions (eyes, nose, and mouth).

We also take a detour into the humble but important subject of rectangles. By drawing, copying, and resizing rectangular image regions, we can perform simple manipulations on image regions that we are tracking.

By the end of this chapter, we will integrate face tracking and rectangle manipulations into Cameo. Finally, we'll have some face-to-face interaction!


All the finished code for this chapter can be downloaded from my website:

Conceptualizing Haar cascades

When we talk about classifying objects and tracking their location, what exactly are we hoping to pinpoint? What constitutes a recognizable part of an object?

Photographic images, even from a webcam, may contain a lot of detail for our (human) viewing pleasure. However, image detail tends to be unstable with respect to variations in lighting, viewing angle, viewing distance, camera shake, and digital noise. Moreover, even real differences in physical detail might not interest us for the purpose of classification. I was taught in school, that no two snowflakes look alike under a microscope. Fortunately, as a Canadian child, I had already learned how to recognize snowflakes without a microscope, as the similarities are more obvious in bulk.

Thus, some means of abstracting image detail is useful in producing stable classification and tracking results. The abstractions are called features, which are said to be extracted from the image data. There should be far fewer features than pixels, though any pixel might influence multiple features. The level of similarity between two images can be evaluated based on distances between the images' corresponding features. For example, distance might be defined in terms of spatial coordinates or color coordinates. Haar-like features are one type of feature that is often applied to real-time face tracking. They were first used for this purpose by Paul Viola and Michael Jones in 2001. Each Haar-like feature describes the pattern of contrast among adjacent image regions. For example, edges, vertices, and thin lines each generate distinctive features. For any given image, the features may vary depending on the regions' size, which may be called the window size. Two images that differ only in scale should be capable of yielding similar features, albeit for different window sizes. Thus, it is useful to generate features for multiple window sizes. Such a collection of features is called a cascade. We may say a Haar cascade is scale-invariant or, in other words, robust to changes in scale. OpenCV provides a classifier and tracker for scale-invariant Haar cascades, which it expects to be in a certain file format. Haar cascades, as implemented in OpenCV, are not robust to changes in rotation. For example, an upside-down face is not considered similar to an upright face and a face viewed in profile is not considered similar to a face viewed from the front. A more complex and more resource-intensive implementation could improve Haar cascades' robustness to rotation by considering multiple transformations of images as well as multiple window sizes. However, we will confine ourselves to the implementation in OpenCV.

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