Open Source Projects - Beyond Code


Open Source Projects - Beyond Code

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First published: March 2023

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ISBN 978-1-83763-688-4

To my amazingly supportive wife, Kristy, and children, Mallory, Carter, Yin Bai, and Zarah, always there for encouragement and love, especially for all the zany things I get myself into, like writing this book.

– John Mertic


About the author

John Mertic is the director of program management for The Linux Foundation. Under his leadership, he has helped ASWF, ODPi, the Open Mainframe Project, and R Consortium accelerate open source innovation and transform industries. John had an open source career spanning two decades, both as a contributor to projects such as SugarCRM and PHP, and in open source leadership roles at SugarCRM, OW2, and OpenSocial. With an extensive open source background, he is a regular speaker at various Linux Foundation events and other industry trade shows each year. John is also an avid writer and has authored two books, The Definitive Guide to SugarCRM: Better Business Applications and Building on SugarCRM, as well as publishing articles on IBM developerWorks, Apple Developer Connection, and PHP Architect.

I would like to first and foremost thank my loving and patient wife, Kristy, and children, Mallory, Carter, Yin Bai, and Zarah, for their continued support, patience, and love throughout the long process of writing this book. Thanks also to all the open source projects I have had the privilege to work on over the last two decades, as I wouldn’t have had any of these experiences without them.

About the reviewer

Guy Martin is Director of Open Source and Standards at NVIDIA, where he works with the Omniverse team to help them utilize and contribute to important open 3D projects and standards such as Universal Scene Description (USD), Material Definition Language (MDL), PhysX (a real-world 3D physics engine), and many others. He also serves as an internal consultant on open source and standards to the rest of the organization.

He brings a unique blend of 30 years of experience as both a software engineer and open source strategist to NVIDIA. He previously served as Executive Director for OASIS Open, an internationally recognized open source and standards consortium. He has participated in building numerous open source and standards bodies for technologies ranging from visual effects to the Internet of Things.

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