
If we could give you one thing that would improve your life in incredible ways, would you receive it? If this one thing was so intuitive and easy to use that you would be crazy not to try it, would you give it a shot?

What is this one thing? It’s just One Word. That’s right—One Word That Will Change Your Life.

In this book we will show you how to discover the word that is meant for you. It’s your One Word vision or theme for the entire year, and it will help you become the person you were born to be.

When we first discovered this simple concept in 1999, we never imagined thousands of people would experience life change year after year. However, over the years we have witnessed others experiencing the same life change we have experienced. We came to realize that we had to share this life-changing concept with as many people as possible.

A simple concept must be communicated in a simple way. That’s why we have designed this book so that you can read it in just 49 minutes. In this case, less is best. Simple is powerful.

One Word That Will Change Your Life is a proven way to create clarity, power, passion, and life change. Each year, resolutions are rarely kept, and goals are often easily forgotten. But One Word sticks. By living a single word that is meant for you, you’ll find renewed purpose and meaning throughout the year and achieve laserlike focus and power for your life.

We have created a One Word process that has three steps:

1. Prepare your heart. This is where you take action to strategically disengage from the hectic pace of life and look inside. Eliminating noise and clutter properly prepares you for the work of the heart. We show you easy, practical ways to create some space and get ready for your One Word.
2. Discover your word. This step helps you ask simple questions to find your word. We believe that there is a word meant just for you, and we guide you on the pathway to discover it. You will learn the four key questions to ask that will reveal your word.
3. Live your word. This is the fun part. We help you experience your word and apply it to every area of life. This step will inspire you along the journey as you live your word with purpose and passion every day throughout the year.

We have also created an action plan featured at the end of the book to help you implement and apply the One Word process and live your word for the year.

To maximize your One Word experience, we invite you to visit, where you can receive additional insights, read stories of impact, and download helpful resources.

Join thousands of people and hundreds of schools, businesses, churches, and sports teams who have found their word . . . and discover how to harness the transformational power of your One Word. Let’s get started and enjoy the journey together!

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