How it works...

Connecting the Odoo instance to the IoT Box through ethernet is simple; just connect your IoT Box with the RJ45 Ethernet cable and the IoT Box is ready to be used. It's different when you want to connect the IoT Box with WiFi; this is difficult because the IoT Box doesn't have any display or GUI. You do not have any interface to enter your WiFi network password. Consequently, the solution to this problem is to disconnect your IoT Box from the ethernet cable (if it is connected) and restart it. In such cases, the IoT Box will create its own WiFi hotspot, named IoT Box, as shown in step 2. You need to connect the wifi with the name IoT Box; luckily it does not require a password. Once you connect to the IoT Box WiFi, you'll get a popup, as shown in step 3. Here, you can name your IoT Box something like Assembly-line IoT Box. Keep the server token empty for now; we will learn more about it in the Adding IoT Box to Odoo recipe. Then click on the Next button.

Upon clicking the Next button, you will be shown a list of WiFi networks, as shown in step 4. Here, you can connect the IoT Box to your WiFi network. Make sure you choose the right network. You need to connect the IoT Box with the same WiFi network as the computer on which the Odoo instance is going to be used. The IoT Box and the Odoo instance communicate within a local area network (LAN). This means that if both are connected in different networks, they cannot communicate and so IoT will not work.

After choosing the right WiFi network, click on Connect. Then the IoT Box will turn off its hotspot and reconnect to your configured WiFi network. That's it, the IoT Box is ready to be used.

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