
Advanced analytic: a set of analytics integrated through an analytic architecture to solve a complex problem.

Analytics: the process of transforming data into insight for the purpose of making decisions.

Analytic architecture: a software architecture or application framework designed to solve a set of problems within a complex domain.

Application programming interface (API): a set of functions, procedures, or methods implemented in an application, which allows programs to invoke the functionality therein.

Big Data: the volume of data just beyond our capacity to process it efficiently by traditional data base tools and methods.

Business analytics: the application of analytics specifically in the sphere of business, for example, to include marketing analytics, CRM analytics, operations analytics, and so on.

Data mining: a term often used interchangeably with analytics, but, in fact, is a subset of the realm of analytics. Data mining is usually based on statistical methods, but includes variants such as text mining, web mining, and so on.

Geospatial analytics: the integration of geographic and demographic information into the analysis process.

HTML: HypertText Markup language is a specification for describing web pages in a structured way that facilitates their presentation independent of the web browser.

Machine learning: a discipline in which a program is designed in such a way that it can improve its behavior by processing data, examining the results, and deducing or inferring changes to program parameters that result in improvement in some figure of merit.

Platform: A hardware or software system for performing computations, processing data, storing data and information, and visualizing data and information. An example of a hardware platform is a Dell or Apple laptop or server, while an example of a software platform is Apple’s MacOS or Microsoft’s Windows 2013 Server operating system.

Population imbalance: in very large data sets, events of interest occur relatively infrequently.

RTBDA: real-time Big Data analytics.

Visual analytics: the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces.

Web service: a method of communication between two computing systems linked through a network, but, typically, a software system supporting machine-to-machine interaction.

XML: Extensible Markup Language is a specification for describing the fields and values of a document in a structured form.

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