

  1. ABAP, classical programming style

  2. Abstraction

    1. ABAP language support for

    2. level of

    3. relationship with encapsulation

  3. AbstractProduct

  4. Accessibility

  5. Adaptee

  6. Adapter

  7. Adjectives

  8. Aggregate

  9. Algorithms

  10. Anti-pattern

  11. Attributes

  12. Avoiding


  1. Behaviors


  1. Caretaker

  2. Case-less programming

  3. Casting

    1. generalizing cast

    2. specializing cast

  4. Chain of Responsibility

  5. Change of state

  6. Class

    1. attributes

    2. behaviors

    3. definition deferred

    4. global

    5. interdependency

    6. local

    7. members

    8. method

    9. signature

  7. Class cohesion

  8. Class composition

  9. Class diagram

  10. Class events

  11. Class explosion

  12. Class hierarchy

  13. Class reference variable

  14. Clean code

  15. Code reuse

  16. Cohesion

  17. Command

  18. Component

  19. Composition

  20. Conditional logic

    1. reduction of

  21. Constant interface

  22. Constructor

  23. Create private

  24. Creator


  1. Data

    1. extrinsic

    2. intrinsic

  2. Decorator

  3. Delay

  4. Dependency

  5. Dependency injection

  6. Design pattern

    1. name

    2. purpose

      1. behavioral

      2. creational

      3. structural

    3. scope

      1. class

      2. object

  7. Destructors

  8. Dispatch

    1. double dynamic

    2. dynamic

  9. Dynamic dispatch

  10. Dynamic type


  1. Eager initialization

  2. Empty method

  3. Encapsulation

    1. ABAP language support for

    2. considerations for using effectively

    3. unit

      1. hybrid

      2. instance

      3. procedural vs. object-oriented

      4. static

  4. Exception

    1. catch

    2. try-endtry


  1. Factory patterns, types of

    1. abstract factory

    2. factory method

    3. simple factory

  2. Final class

  3. Final method

  4. Flyweight

  5. Flyweight pool

  6. Friendship


  1. Gang of Four (GoF)

  2. getNext method


  1. Handler

  2. hasNext method

  3. Hook

I, J, K

  1. Information hiding

  2. Inheritance

    1. ABAP language support for

    2. controlling

    3. effects

      1. on constructor methods

      2. on design

      3. on member visibility

      4. on reference variables

      5. on subsequent maintenance

    4. multiple

    5. paths of

    6. single

  3. Instance class

  4. Instantiation

  5. Interchangeable

  6. Interface

    1. ABAP Language Support for

    2. implementing

    3. narrow

    4. reference variables

    5. supplementing public visibility of class

    6. wide

  7. Invoker

  8. Iterator


  1. Lazy initialization

  2. Loose coupling


  1. Memento

  2. Methods

    1. abstract

    2. overloading

    3. overriding


  1. Notification

  2. Nouns

  3. Null object


  1. Object

  2. Object creation

  3. Observation techniques

    1. pull

    2. push

  4. Observer

  5. Open/Closed Principle

    1. extension

    2. modification

  6. Originator

P, Q

  1. Parameters

    1. keyword

    2. positional

  2. Phases

    1. construction

    2. execution

  3. Polymorphism

    1. ABAP language support for

    2. dynamic

    3. effects of

      1. on subsequent maintenance

    4. static

  4. Product

  5. Protected methods

  6. Publish


  1. Read-only

  2. Realm

    1. instance

    2. static

  3. Real-world entities

  4. Receiver

  5. Reference variable type

  6. Relationship

    1. aggregation

    2. association

    3. cardinality

    4. class-level

    5. composition

    6. general

    7. instance level

    8. multiplicity

    9. realization

  7. Reset state

  8. Reusable components


  1. Scope

    1. class

    2. object

  2. Sender

  3. Separation of concerns

  4. Sharing

  5. Signature

  6. Single Responsibility Principle

  7. Singleton

    1. Similarity with static class

  8. Skeleton of algorithm

  9. SOLID principles

    1. dependency inversion

    2. interface segregation

    3. Liskov substitution

    4. open closed

    5. single responsibility

  10. State

    1. diagram

    2. pattern

    3. transition

  11. Static type

  12. Strategy

  13. Subject

  14. Subscribe

  15. Surrogate


  1. Target

  2. Template Method

  3. Transition condition


  1. Uncle Bob

  2. Unified Modeling Language (UML)


  1. Verbs

  2. Visibility

    1. level setting

    2. method

    3. package

    4. private

    5. protected

    6. public

  3. Visitable

  4. Visitor

W, X, Y, Z

  1. Wrapper

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