OSGi and Equinox

Creating Highly Modular Java™ Systems

Jeff McAffer
Paul VanderLei
Simon Archer


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
OSGi and Equinox : creating highly modular Java systems / Jeff McAffer,
Paul VanderLei, Simon Archer.
             p.   cm.
  Includes index.
  ISBN 0-321-58571-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Java (Computer program language)  2. Computer software—Development.
I. VanderLei, Paul. II. Archer, Simon (Simon J.) III. Title.
  QA76.73.J38M352593 2010

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

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ISBN-10:          0-321-58571-2
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To my brother Ray

—Jeff McAffer

To Elizabeth and our four bundles:
Andrew, Bryant, Maria, and Josie

—Paul VanderLei

To my parents for their continual support
and encouragement in all my endeavors

—Simon Archer





About the Authors

Part I Introduction

Chapter 1 OSGi, Equinox, and Eclipse

1.1 A Bit of History

1.2 Collaboration

1.3 Modularity and Freedom of Action

1.4 Platforms

1.5 Ecosystems

1.6 OSGi in Context

1.6.1 The Java Lie

1.6.2 Reality Check

1.6.3 OSGi Longevity

1.7 OSGi and Equinox in Practice

1.7.1 NASA’s Maestro and Ensemble

1.8 Summary

Chapter 2 OSGi Concepts

2.1 A Community of Bundles

2.2 Why OSGi?

2.3 The Anatomy of a Bundle

2.4 Modularity

2.4.1 Exporting a Package

2.4.2 Importing a Package

2.4.3 Requiring a Bundle

2.4.4 Enforcing Modularity

2.5 Modular Design Concepts

2.6 Lifecycle

2.7 Collaboration

2.7.1 Services

2.7.2 Extensions and Extension Points

2.8 The OSGi Framework

2.9 Security

2.10 OSGi Framework Implementations

2.11 Summary

Part II OSGi by Example

Chapter 3 Tutorial Introduction

3.1 What Is Toast?

3.2 The Evolution of Toast

3.3 Development Environment Installation

3.4 Sample Code

3.4.1 Moving from Chapter to Chapter

3.4.2 Comparing

3.5 Target Platform Setup

3.5.1 The Predefined Target

3.5.2 Defining Target Platforms

3.6 Learning by Example

3.7 Summary

Chapter 4 Hello, Toast

4.1 A Simple Scenario

4.1.1 The Project

4.1.2 Gps

4.1.3 Airbag and IAirbagListener

4.1.4 EmergencyMonitor

4.1.5 Main

4.1.6 Running

4.1.7 Checkpoint

4.2 Slicing Toast into Bundles

4.2.1 GPS Bundle

4.2.2 Airbag Bundle

4.2.3 Emergency Monitor Bundle

4.2.4 Launching

4.3 Summary

Chapter 5 Services

5.1 Moving to Services

5.2 Registering the GPS Service

5.3 Registering the Airbag Service

5.4 Acquiring Services

5.5 Launching

5.6 Troubleshooting

5.7 Summary

Chapter 6 Dynamic Services

6.1 Introduction to Dynamic Services

6.2 Using Service Trackers

6.2.1 Modifying the Bundle Activator

6.2.2 Launching

6.2.3 Service Tracker Summary

6.3 Using the Service Activator Toolkit

6.3.1 Installing SAT into the Target Platform

6.3.2 Modifying the GPS Bundle Activator

6.3.3 Modifying the Airbag Bundle Activator

6.3.4 Modifying the Emergency Monitor Bundle Activator

6.3.5 Launching

6.3.6 SAT Summary

6.4 Using Declarative Services

6.4.1 Modifying the GPS Bundle

6.4.2 Modifying the Airbag Bundle

6.4.3 Modifying the Emergency Bundle

6.4.4 Launching

6.4.5 Declarative Services Summary

6.5 Summary

Chapter 7 Client/Server Interaction

7.1 The Back End

7.1.1 The Core Bundles

7.1.2 The Back End Emergency Bundle

7.2 The Client Side

7.2.1 The Channel Bundle

7.2.2 The Emergency Monitor Bundle

7.3 Utility Classes

7.3.1 Constants

7.3.2 Properties

7.3.3 Logging

7.4 Running Toast

7.4.1 Running the Back End

7.4.2 Running the Client

7.5 Summary

Chapter 8 Testing

8.1 Making Toast Testable

8.2 Unit-Testing Toast

8.2.1 Test Strategy

8.2.2 Writing the Test Case

8.2.3 Running the Unit Test

8.3 System-Testing Toast

8.3.1 Test Strategy

8.3.2 Creating the Test Harness

8.3.3 Writing the Test Case

8.3.4 Running the System Test

8.4 Summary

Chapter 9 Packaging

9.1 Defining a Toast Product

9.1.1 Creating a Product Configuration

9.1.2 The Overview Page

9.1.3 The Dependencies Page

9.1.4 The Configuration Page

9.1.5 The Launching Page

9.1.6 Running the Product

9.1.7 Productizing the Client

9.2 Exporting Toast

9.3 Packaging for Other Platforms

9.4 Getting Serious about Component Definition

9.4.1 Versions and Version Ranges

9.4.2 Exporting Packages and Friendship

9.5 Summary

Chapter 10 Pluggable Services

10.1 Separating Interface from Implementation

10.1.1 Separating the Fake Airbag from Its Interface

10.1.2 Separating the Fake GPS from Its Interface

10.1.3 Regression Testing

10.2 Device Simulation

10.2.1 Concepts

10.2.2 The Device Simulator Framework

10.3 Simulated Devices as Pluggable Services

10.3.1 The Simulated Airbag

10.3.2 The Simulated GPS

10.4 Running with Simulated Devices

10.5 Summary

Chapter 11 Extensible User Interface

11.1 Crust

11.1.1 Crust Shell

11.1.2 Crust Widgets

11.2 Emergency

11.2.1 Making the User Interface Pluggable

11.2.2 Refactoring the Emergency Domain Logic

11.2.3 The Emergency User Interface

11.2.4 Running the User Interface

11.3 Climate and Audio

11.3.1 Climate and Audio Devices

11.3.2 Climate and Audio Screens

11.3.3 Running the User Interface

11.4 The OSGi Application Model

11.5 Navigation and Mapping

11.5.1 Google Earth Integration

11.5.2 Mapping Support

11.5.3 Application Extensibility and Navigation Support

11.5.4 Running the User Interface

11.6 Summary

Chapter 12 Dynamic Configuration

12.1 The Tracking Scenario

12.2 Installing the Tracking Code

12.2.1 The Core Tracking Bundle

12.2.2 The Back End Tracking Bundle

12.2.3 The Client Tracking Bundle

12.3 Running the Basic Tracking Scenario

12.4 Configuration

12.4.1 OSGi’s Configuration Admin

12.4.2 The Client Tracking Bundle

12.4.3 Running Configurable Toast

12.4.4 Running with Persistent Configuration

12.5 Summary

Chapter 13 Web Portal

13.1 Portal

13.2 The PortalServlet

13.3 Action Lookup Using Services

13.4 Declaring a Portal Action

13.5 Whiteboard Pros and Cons

13.6 Summary

Chapter 14 System Deployment with p2

14.1 Introduction to Equinox p2

14.1.1 Architecture

14.1.2 p2 Metadata—Installable Units

14.1.3 Artifacts

14.1.4 Repositories

14.1.5 Profiles

14.1.6 Director

14.1.7 Engine

14.2 Refining the Toast Structure

14.2.1 Defining Products Using Features

14.2.2 Back End Features

14.2.3 Client Features

14.2.4 Restructuring Summary

14.3 Writing a Provisioner

14.3.1 The Provisioner

14.3.2 Configuring the Back End

14.3.3 Back End Summary

14.4 Adding a Deployment Web UI

14.4.1 The Create Action

14.4.2 The Manage Action

14.4.3 The Install and Uninstall Actions

14.4.4 Installing the Provisioning UI

14.5 Exporting, Running, and Provisioning

14.5.1 Populating a p2 Repository

14.5.2 Running the Toast Back End

14.5.3 Creating and Provisioning Vehicles

14.6 Client-Side Dynamic Deployment

14.7 Summary

Part III Deep Dives

Chapter 15 Declarative Services

15.1 The Declarative Services Model

15.2 Common Scenarios

15.2.1 The Simplest Component

15.2.2 Referencing Services

15.2.3 Providing Services

15.2.4 Referencing and Providing Services

15.2.5 Immediate Components

15.2.6 The Whiteboard Pattern

15.2.7 Factory Components

15.3 Launching and Debugging DS Applications

15.4 PDE Tooling

15.5 Summary

Chapter 16 Extensions

16.1 The Extension Registry

16.2 Extension Points

16.3 Extensions

16.4 Advanced Extension Topics

16.4.1 Contribution IDs

16.4.2 Named and Anonymous Extensions

16.4.3 Extension Factories

16.5 Extension Registry Lifecycle

16.6 Dynamic Extension Scenarios

16.6.1 Scenario 1: No Caching

16.6.2 Scenario 2: Extension Caching

16.6.3 Scenario 3: Object Caching

16.7 Services and Extensions

16.7.1 Integrating Services and Extensions

16.8 Extension Registry Myths

16.9 Summary

Chapter 17 Logging

17.1 The Log Service Specification

17.1.1 Logging Levels

17.1.2 Writing to the Log

17.1.3 Reading the Log

17.1.4 Listening to the Log

17.2 Using the LogService in Toast

17.3 Using the LogReaderService

17.4 Toast’s LogUtility Class

17.5 Equinox’s LogService Implementations

17.6 Summary

Chapter 18 HTTP Support

18.1 The HttpService

18.1.1 Concepts

18.2 Registering and Unregistering a Servlet

18.3 Declarative HTTP Content Registrations

18.4 Using Jetty

18.5 HTTP Contexts and JAAS Integration

18.5.1 Basic HTTP Authentication and Login

18.5.2 Running the Secured Client

18.6 Troubleshooting

18.6.1 BindException

18.6.2 On Which Port Is the HttpService Listening?

18.7 Summary

Chapter 19 Server Side

19.1 Servers and OSGi

19.2 Embedding the Back End in a Web Application

19.2.1 Updating the Product

19.2.2 The Web Application Root Files

19.2.3 Building the Web Application

19.2.4 Running the Web Application

19.2.5 Troubleshooting

19.2.6 <init-param>s

19.3 Remote Services in OSGi

19.3.1 The Eclipse Communication Framework

19.3.2 Remote Services

19.3.3 Distributed Toast

19.3.4 Remote Service Host

19.3.5 Remote Service Client

19.3.6 Service Discovery

19.3.7 Running the Distributed System

19.4 Summary

Chapter 20 Release Engineering

20.1 What Is PDE Build?

20.2 Bundle build.properties

20.2.1 Control Properties

20.2.2 Using Custom Build Scripts

20.3 Setting Up a Builder

20.3.1 Tweaking the Target for PDE Build

20.3.2 build.properties

20.4 Running the Builder

20.5 Tweaking the Build

20.5.1 Customizing the Build Scripts

20.5.2 Repositories and Additional Dependencies

20.5.3 Fetching from an SCM System

20.5.4 Fetching the Maps

20.5.5 Auto-substitution of Version Numbers

20.5.6 Qualifying Version Numbers

20.5.7 Identifying and Placing Root Files

20.6 Building Add-on Features

20.6.1 Setting Up a Feature Builder

20.6.2 build.properties

20.6.3 Running the Feature Build

20.7 Building WARs

20.8 Summary

Part IV Reference

Chapter 21 Dynamic Best Practices

21.1 Dynamism and You

21.2 Dynamic Aspects of Toast

21.3 Dynamic Challenges

21.4 Dynamic Awareness

21.4.1 Object Handling

21.4.2 Bundle Listeners

21.5 The Extender Pattern and BundleTracker

21.6 Dynamic Enablement

21.6.1 Cleaning Up after Yourself

21.7 The Dynamics of Startup and Shutdown

21.7.1 Start Levels

21.7.2 Proper Use of Services

21.7.3 Shutting Down Is Not Always Easy

21.8 Summary

Chapter 22 Integrating Code Libraries

22.1 JARs as Bundles

22.2 Bundling by Injection

22.3 Bundling by Wrapping

22.4 Bundling by Reference

22.5 Bundling Using bnd

22.6 Troubleshooting Class Loading Problems

22.6.1 Issues with Class.forName()

22.6.2 Issues with Context Class Loaders

22.6.3 Managing JRE Classes

22.6.4 Serialization

22.7 Summary

Chapter 23 Advanced Topics

23.1 The Equinox Console

23.1.1 Extending the Equinox Console

23.2 Roles in OSGi

23.3 The Shape of Bundles

23.4 Fragments

23.5 Singletons

23.6 Bundle Lifecycle

23.6.1 Lifecycle States

23.6.2 BundleActivator

23.6.3 The Downside of Activators

23.6.4 Uses for Activators

23.7 Bundle Activation Policy

23.8 Controlling Bundle Start

23.8.1 Persistent Starting

23.8.2 Enabling the Activation Policy

23.8.3 osgi.bundles

23.9 Class Loading

23.9.1 Class Lookup Algorithm

23.9.2 Declaring Imports and Exports

23.9.3 Importing versus Requiring

23.9.4 Optionality

23.9.5 The uses Directive

23.9.6 Re-exporting

23.9.7 x-internal and x-friends

23.9.8 Boot Delegation

23.10 Configuring and Running Equinox

23.10.1 config.ini

23.10.2 The Executable

23.11 Data Areas

23.12 Summary

Chapter 24 Declarative Services Reference

24.1 Component XML Schema v1.1.0

24.1.1 Declaring the XML Namespace and Schema

24.1.2 The <component> Element

24.1.3 The <implementation> Element

24.1.4 The <property> Element

24.1.5 The <properties> Element

24.1.6 The <service> Element

24.1.7 The <provide> Element

24.1.8 The <reference> Element

24.2 The Component Lifecycle

24.2.1 Satisfying a Component’s Configuration

24.2.2 Component Activation, Deactivation, and Modification

24.2.3 Accessing Referenced Services

24.2.4 Component Immediacy

24.2.5 Component Properties

24.3 Summary



My role as the Chief Technology Officer of SpringSource brings me into frequent contact with companies building enterprise applications: many familiar names from the Fortune 500, and a whole host of others besides. If there is one thing you quickly learn, it is that the world of enterprise applications is messy and complex. Even four to five years ago, customers adopting Spring were asking us for ways to help them manage the size and complexity of the applications they were building. Large team sizes and applications with hundreds or thousands of internal components (Spring beans) were not uncommon. The pressures on enterprises to deliver increasingly sophisticated applications, in shorter and shorter time frames, have only been growing since then. In many cases applications are now always live and are constantly evolving. The move to deliver software “as a service”—internally or externally—can only accelerate this trend.

In the enterprise Java landscape, the traditional unit of deployment for an enterprise application is a web application archive (WAR) file. A number of common themes arise in my discussions with enterprise development teams:

• The WAR file as a single large unit of packaging and deployment is slowing down development processes and making it more difficult to structure large development teams since everything must come together in a single packaging step before anything can be deployed.

• WAR files are getting too large and unwieldy—a typical enterprise application may have literally hundreds of third-party dependencies, all packaged inside the WAR file. This has an adverse effect on upload and deployment times.

• Attempting to tackle complexity by deploying multiple WAR files side by side in the same container leads to problems with heap usage in the JVM since each WAR file has its own copy of all the dependencies, even though many of them could in theory be shared.

• When deploying WAR files side by side, there is no easy way to share common services.

• The WAR file as the smallest unit of change means that changes in large enterprise applications cannot be easily isolated and contained.

• Attempts to introduce “self-policed” (i.e., unenforced) modularity constraints into a design typically fail, despite best intentions.

To help manage the large team sizes and complex requirements of modern enterprise applications, it is clear that we need a more principled way to “divide and conquer.” Something that lets us encapsulate well-defined parts of the system as modules with hidden internals and carefully managed externals. Something that enables those modules to be packaged and deployed individually without forcing us to revise the whole universe. Something that provides a principled mechanism for bringing those modules together in a running system, and that can cope with the changes introduced by continuous evolution.

Facing these requirements back in 2005, it was an easy decision at SpringSource (then Interface21) to turn to OSGi, the “dynamic module system for Java,” as the foundation technology for modular enterprise applications. Even then, the OSGi Service Platform was already mature and proven in industrial settings, as well as being lightweight through its heritage in embedded systems.

The modularity layer of OSGi provides a mechanism for dividing a system into independent modules, known as bundles, that are independently packaged and deployed and have independent lifecycles. This solved a part of the problem for us—helping to keep the implementation types of a module private, and exposing only types that form part of the public interface of a module. We wanted enterprise developers to continue developing their applications using Spring, of course, and through the Spring Dynamic Modules’ open-source project created a simple model whereby each module had its own set of components (Spring beans). Some of those components are private to the module, but some should be made public so that components in other modules can use them. The OSGi service layer provides an answer to this problem, promoting an in-memory service-oriented design. Components from a module can be published in the OSGi service registry, and from there other modules can find and bind to those services. OSGi also provides the necessary primitives to track services that may come and go over time as modules are installed, uninstalled, and upgraded.

The next stage in our journey with OSGi was the introduction of the SpringSource dm Server: an enterprise application server that is not only built on top of OSGi, but critically also supports the deployment of applications developed as a set of OSGi bundles. Spring Dynamic Modules works with any compliant OSGi Service Platform implementation, but for the dm Server we had to choose an OSGi Service Platform as the base on which to build. We chose to build on Equinox, the Eclipse implementation of the OSGi Service Platform, and also the reference implementation for the core OSGi specification. The open-source nature of Equinox fit well with our own open-source philosophy and has been invaluable in enabling us to work closely with the developers of Equinox and submit patches and change requests over time. The widespread adoption of Equinox (as the underpinnings of Eclipse, to name but one example) gave us confidence that it would be battle-hardened and ready for enterprise usage.

I am seeing a strong and growing serious interest in OSGi among companies large and small. Building on OSGi will provide a firm foundation for dividing your application into modules, which in turn will help you structure the team(s) working on it more effectively. “Organization follows architecture” in the sense that your ability to divide a complex application into independent pieces also facilitates the structuring of team responsibilities along the same lines. In other scenarios, your teams may be fixed, and you need an architecture that enables those teams to work together most effectively. Again, a principled basis for dividing a system into modules can facilitate that. With OSGi as a basis, your unit of packaging and deployment can become a single module, removing bottlenecks in the process and helping to minimize the impact of change. OSGi is also incredibly well suited to product-line engineering, and to situations where you need to provide an extension or plug-in mechanism to enable third parties to extend your software.

The future for OSGi looks bright. Version 4.2 of the specification has just been released, and the OSGi Core Platform and Enterprise Expert Groups are very active. A glance at the membership of the OSGi Alliance and the composition of the expert groups tells you just how seriously enterprise vendors are taking it. I am confident that the investment of your time in reading and studying this book will be well rewarded. It is my belief that OSGi is here to stay. A firm grasp of the strengths—and the weaknesses—of the OSGi Service Platform will prove invaluable to you on your journey toward creating agile, modular software.

—Adrian Colyer
CTO, SpringSource
October 2009


OSGi is a hot topic these days; all the major Java application server vendors have adopted OSGi as their base runtime, Eclipse has been using OSGi as the basis of its modularity story and runtime for at least the past five years, and countless others have been using it in embedded and “under the covers” scenarios. All with good reason.

The success of Eclipse as a tooling platform is a direct result of the strong modularity enshrined in OSGi. This isolates developers from change, empowers teams to be more agile, allows organizations to change the way that they develop software, and lubricates the formation and running of ecosystems. These same benefits can be realized in any software domain.

The main OSGi specification is remarkably concise—just 27 Java types. It is well designed, and specified to be implemented and used in real life. Adoption of OSGi is not without challenges, however. Make no mistake: Implementing highly modular and dynamic systems is hard. There is, as they say, no free lunch. Some have criticized OSGi as being complicated or obtuse. In most cases it is the problem that is complex—the desire to be modular or dynamic surfaces the issues but is not the cause. Modularizing existing monolithic systems is particularly challenging.

This book is designed to both highlight such topics and provide knowledge, guidance, and best practices to mitigate them. We talk heavily of modularity, components, and dynamism and show you techniques for enhancing your system’s flexibility and agility.

Despite using OSGi for many years, participating in writing the OSGi specifications, and implementing Equinox (the OSGi framework specification reference implementation), during the writing of this book we learned an incredible amount about OSGi, Equinox, and highly modular dynamic systems. We trust that in reading it you will, too.

About This Book

This book guides up-and-coming and established OSGi developers through all stages of developing and delivering an example OSGi-based telematics and fleet management system called Toast.

We develop Toast from a blank workspace into a full-featured client and server system. The domain is familiar to most everyone who has driven a car or shipped a package. Telematics is, loosely speaking, all the car electronics—radio, navigation, climate control, and so on. Fleet management is all about tracking and coordinating packages and vehicles as they move from one place to another.

The set of problems and opportunities raised allows us to plausibly touch a wide range of issues from modularity and component collaboration to server-side programming and packaging and delivery of highly modular systems. We create stand-alone client applications, embedded and stand-alone server configurations, and dynamic enhancements to both. This book enables you to do the same in your domain.

Roughly speaking, the book is split into two sections. The first half, Parts I and II, sets the scene for OSGi and Equinox and presents a tutorial-style guide to building Toast. The tutorial incrementally builds Toast into a functioning fleet management system with a number of advanced capabilities. The tutorial is written somewhat informally to evoke the feeling that we are there with you, working through the examples and problems. We share some of the pitfalls and mishaps that we experienced while developing the application and writing the tutorial.

The second half of the book looks at what it takes to “make it real.” It’s one thing to write a prototype and quite another to ship a product. Rather than leaving you hanging at the prototype stage, Part III is composed of chapters that dive into the details required to finish the job—namely, the refining and refactoring of the first prototype, customizing the user interface, and building and delivering products to your customers. This part is written as a reference, but it still includes a liberal sprinkling of step-by-step examples and code samples. The goal is both to dive deep and cover most of the major stumbling blocks reported in the community and seen in our own development of professional products.

A final part, Part IV, is pure reference. It covers the essential aspects of OSGi and Equinox and touches on various capabilities not covered earlier in the book. We also talk about best practices and advanced topics such as integrating third-party code libraries and being dynamic.

OSGi, despite being relatively small, is very comprehensive. As such, a single book could never cover all possible topics. We have focused on the functions and services that we use in the systems we develop day to day under the assumption that they will be useful to you as well.

OSGi, Equinox, and EclipseRT

The OSGi community is quite vibrant. There are at least three active open-source framework implementation communities and a wide array of adopters and extenders. The vast majority of this book covers generic OSGi topics applicable to any OSGi system or implementation. Throughout the book we consistently use Equinox, the OSGi framework specification reference implementation, as the base for our examples and discussions. From time to time we cover features and facilities available only in Equinox. In general, these capabilities have been added to Equinox to address real-world problems—things that you will encounter. As such, it is prudent that we discuss them here.

Throughout the book we also cover the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) tooling for writing and building OSGi bundles. PDE is comprehensive, robust, and sophisticated tooling that has been used in the OSGi context for many years. If you are not using PDE to create your OSGi-based systems, perhaps you should take this opportunity to find out what you are missing.

Finally, Eclipse is a powerhouse in the tooling domain. Increasingly it is being used in pure runtime, server-side, and embedded environments. This movement has come to be known as EclipseRT. EclipseRT encompasses a number of technologies developed at Eclipse that are aimed at or useful in typical runtime contexts. The Toast application developed here has been donated to the Eclipse Examples project and is evolving as a showcase for EclipseRT technologies. We encourage you to check out http://wiki.eclipse.org/Toast to see what people have done to and with Toast.


This book is targeted at several groups of Java developers. Some Java programming experience is assumed, and no attempt is made to introduce Java concepts or syntax.

For developers new to OSGi and Equinox, there is information about the origins of the technology, how to get started with the Eclipse OSGi bundle tooling, and how to create your first OSGi-based system. Prior experience with Eclipse as a development tool is helpful but not necessary.

For developers experienced with writing OSGi bundles and systems, the book formalizes a wide range of techniques and practices that are useful in creating highly modular systems using OSGi—from service collaboration approaches to server-side integration and system building as part of a release engineering process, deployment, and installation.

For experienced OSGi developers, this book includes details of special features available in Equinox and comprehensive coverage of useful facilities such as Declarative Services, buddy class loading, Google Earth integration, and the Eclipse bundle tooling that make designing, coding, and packaging OSGi-based systems easier than ever before.

Sample Code

Reading this book can be a very hands-on experience. There are ample opportunities for following along and doing the steps yourself as well as writing your own code. The companion download for the book includes code samples for each chapter. Instructions for getting and managing these samples are given in Chapter 3, “Tutorial Introduction,” and as needed in the text. In general, all required materials are available online at either http://eclipse.org or http://equinoxosgi.org. As mentioned previously, a snapshot of Toast also lives and evolves as an open-source project at Eclipse. See http://wiki.eclipse.org/Toast.


The following formatting conventions are used throughout the book:

Bold—Used for UI elements such as menu paths (e.g., File > New > Project) and wizard and editor elements

Italics—Used for emphasis and to highlight terminology

Lucida—Used for Java code, property names, file paths, bundle IDs, and the like that are embedded in the text

Lucida BoldUsed to highlight important lines in code samples

Notes and sidebars are used often to highlight information that readers may find interesting or helpful for using or understanding the function being described in the main text. We tried to achieve an effect similar to that of an informal pair-programming experience where you sit down with somebody and get impromptu tips and tricks here and there.


The official web site for this book is http://equinoxosgi.org. Additional information and errata are available at informit.com/title/0321585712. You can report problems or errors found in the book or code samples to the authors at [email protected]. Suggestions for improvements and feedback are also very welcome.


It is impossible to write a book such as this without the cooperation and help of a vast number of people. In our case, virtually the entire Equinox team contributed directly to the end result through conversations, help with code and concepts, bug fixes, manuscript review, or just general support.

A few individuals contributed exceptional amounts of time and brain-power to this project, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to them here:

Tom Watson—Tom is the driving force behind Equinox and is very active in the OSGi specification community. His pragmatic approach and level head have brought you Equinox and us a guiding hand in the creation of this material.

Chris Aniszyzck—Chris has brought his diverse passions to bear on PDE, the tooling that makes OSGi and Equinox a pleasure to program. The creation of this book drove many new use cases and requirements. Chris eagerly pushed PDE to be even more of a bundle development environment, making life easier for all of us.

Ian Bull—Ian applied his pedagogical skill and attention to detail on all things related to p2, packaging, and building, making the whole process of building and delivering OSGi functionality tractable.

Stoyan Boshev—Stoyan is the guiding hand behind the Equinox Declarative Services implementation. DS figures heavily in this book and the sample code. Stoyan spent countless hours implementing DS and working with us to bring its power to you.

A number of people provided portions of the book’s sample code or in-depth review and guidance on technical elements of the content. In particular, DJ Houghton and Scott Admiraal completed exhaustive testing and review of the tutorial sections, saving our behinds in the process. Rafael Oliveira Nóbrega and Chris Aniszyzck contributed hugely to the creation of Declarative Services tooling, making DS usable by mere mortals. Andrew Niefer, Pascal Rapicault, Simon Kaegi, and Scott Lewis all contributed fixes, samples, and guidance on technologies ranging from PDE Build and p2 to server-side OSGi to ECF. Patrick Dempsey contributed the Crust code and offered tireless support on all things Mac-related. BJ Hargrave, the steady hand of OSGi, patiently discussed any number of design points, best practices, and coding approaches.

We were also fortunate to have the Eclipse community and a number of people who reviewed chapters or provided valuable input and help. These include Joel Rosi-Schwartz, Benjamin Muskalla, Kevin Barnes, Grant Gayed and the SWT team, Ralf Sternberg, Matt Flaherty, the readers of the early drafts on Rough Cuts, and all the people involved in developing the Toast example code.

Of course, no book project is possible without a publishing team. We were lucky to have Greg Doench as the enduring editor of the Eclipse Series along with Michelle Housley, Barbara Wood, Elizabeth Ryan, and the whole crew at Addison-Wesley who made this a relatively painless and quite enjoyable experience.

The authors would like to individually acknowledge the following people:

Jeff McAffer: Nancy, Sydney, and Toby, you are the loves of my life. Mom, Dad, and Val, I love you fiercely; you made me what I am today and I am thankful. The entire EclipseSource team, thanks for giving me the room to move and being generally enthusiastic around Toast and this project.

Paul VanderLei: I’d like to thank my partners at Band XI International—John Cunningham, Brett Hackleman, Patrick Dempsey, and James Branigan—for generously providing me the time to complete this project. Thanks, too, to my wife and children for their patience and love. Finally, I’m forever grateful to my father, whose encouragement and sage counsel have shaped my entire career.

Simon Archer: Undertaking to write a book such as this involves a huge amount of time, dedication, and sacrifice. While I am grateful for my coauthors, Jeff and Paul, for their time and dedication to this project, it is to my wife, Lisa, and my children, Thomas and Emma, that I owe the most gratitude since they are the ones who made all the sacrifices. Thank you for your constant love and support and for allowing me the time to work on the book—I am forever in your debt.

Beyond this book, OSGi would not be what it is today without the following people:

BJ Hargrave—BJ is the CTO at the OSGi Alliance and has been driving the technology since the beginning. He was the lead for the IBM OSGi implementation, SMF, that was donated to Eclipse as the forerunner of Equinox. He continues to promote and guide OSGi as it evolves beyond its original domain.

Peter Kriens—Peter is the OSGi Evangelist and a longtime leader of the OSGi community. He fulfills his evangelical role with style and energy that are inspiring. The continuity and clarity that we see in the OSGi specifications are a direct result of Peter’s editorial and design skill.

Tom Watson—Tom is the co-lead and heavy lifter in the Equinox OSGi project at Eclipse and a valued member of the OSGi expert groups. He is responsible for the entire framework implementation and many of the add-on facilities. His pragmatism and thoroughness have made Equinox what it is today.

Richard Hall—Richard is the lead of the Apache Felix project and is very active in the OSGi specification process. Felix is an evolution of the Oscar project, the first open-source OSGi framework implementation and an inspiration to the Equinox team as they looked to adopt OSGi. The alternative viewpoint provided by the Felix project continues to enrich the specification and implementation process.

About the Authors

Jeff McAffer co-leads the Eclipse RCP and Equinox OSGi projects and is CTO and cofounder of EclipseSource. He is one of the architects of the Eclipse Platform and a coauthor of The Eclipse Rich Client Platform (Addison-Wesley). He co-leads the RT PMC and is a member of the Eclipse Project PMC, the Tools Project PMC, and the Eclipse Architecture Council and a former member of the Eclipse Foundation Board of Directors. Jeff is currently interested in all aspects of Eclipse components, from developing and building bundles to deploying, installing, and ultimately running them. Previous lives include being a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM; being a team lead at Object Technology International covering work in Smalltalk, distributed/parallel OO computing, expert systems, and metalevel architectures; and getting a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo.

Paul VanderLei is a partner at Band XI International. He has more than twenty-five years of software engineering experience with an emphasis on object-oriented design and agile practices. He is well known for his innovative yet straightforward engineering solutions to complex problems. After earning his M.S. in computer science from Arizona State University, he joined Object Technology International and worked on a wide range of Smalltalk-based systems. After OTI’s acquisition by IBM, Paul developed embedded Java applications and user interfaces for the automotive and medical industries as a founding member of IBM’s Embedded Java Enablement Team. He has been using OSGi in commercial applications for over ten years. He lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with his wife and four children.

Simon Archer has more than sixteen years of software engineering experience with an emphasis on object-oriented design, agile practices, and software quality. After earning his B.Sc. in computer science from the University of Portsmouth, UK, he worked as a Smalltalk developer at Knowledge System Corporation and later at Object Technology International. While at OTI in 2000, Simon began working with and teaching OSGi in areas such as telematics and RFID. Today he works for IBM Rational, using OSGi to build collaborative development tools for the Jazz Foundation project. He lives in Cary, North Carolina, with his wife and two children.

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