Implementing the Shopping View

The shopping view shown in Listing 28.12 is the main view for the shopping application. In fact, the user never actually leaves this page; rather, the content changes, based on the partial views described in the following sections.

The header of the view registers the <html ng-app="myApp"> element with the AngularJS myApp application and loads the cart_styles.css file. The <body> element initializes the AngularJS ng-controller="shoppingController" to provide the functionality to interact with the products, shopping cart, checkout, and orders.

The page content changes using the following ng-include directive that maps to $scope.content, and the content variable in the scope can be set to any template file on the server:

<div ng-include="content"></div>

For an example, see the orders and shopping cart clickable links, shown below, which call setContent() with the name of the template file to load:

<span class="orders"
<span id="cartLink" ng-click="setContent('cart.html')">
  {{customer.cart.length}} items
  <img src="/images/cart.png" />

Also notice that the number of items in the cart is taken directly from the scope variable customer.cart.length. The Customer object in the scope is downloaded directly from the webserver when the controller is initialized. Figure 28.1 shows the fully rendered shopping.html page.

Listing 28.12 shopping.html: Implementing the main shopping page AngularJS ‘template code

01 <!doctype html>
02 <html ng-app="myApp">
03 <head>
04   <title>Shopping Cart</title>
05   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
06       href="/static/css/cart_styles.css" />
07 </head>
08 <body>
09   <div ng-controller="shoppingController">
10     <div id="banner">
11       <div id="title">My Store</div>
12       <div id="bar">
13         <span class="orders"
14           ng-click="setContent('orders.html')">Orders</span>
15         <span id="cartLink" ng-click="setContent('cart.html')">
16             {{customer.cart.length}} items
17             <img src="/images/cart.png" />
18         </span>
19       </div>
20     </div>
21     <div id="main">
22       <div ng-include="content"></div>
23     </div>
24   </div>
25   <script src=""></script>
26   <script src="/static/js/cart_app.js"></script>
27 </body>
28 </html>


Figure 28.1 The rendered shopping page with the shopping cart link and Orders button, as well as a list of prints to shop for.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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