Listing Collections

To list the collections in a database, you need to start with a Db object that points to the database you want to use. Then you call the collectionNames() method on the Db object. For example:

var newDB = db.db("newDB");
newDB.collectionNames(function(err, collectionNames)){}

The collectionNames() method returns an array of objects that contains the collection names of the collections. For example:

[ { name: 'newDB.system.indexes' },
  { name: 'newDB.newCollection',
    options: { create: 'newCollection' } } ]

You can also get back the collections of a database as an array of full Collection objects by using the collections() method. The collections() method works exactly the same as the collectionNames() method except that a fully usable Collection object is created for each collection. For example:

var newDB = db.db("newDB");
newDB.collections(function(err, collectionList){}

The resulting value of the collectionList parameter is an array of Collection objects.

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