Implementing the User Login Route

Listing 26.5 implements the login route. First, the handler finds the user by username, then it compares the stored hashed password with a hash of the password sent in the request. If the passwords match, the user session is regenerated using the regenerate() method. Notice that req.session.user and req.session.username are set in the regenerated session.

Listing 26.5 users_controller.js-login: Implementing the route for user login for the Express server

24 exports.login = function(req, res){
25   User.findOne({ username: req.body.username })
26   .exec(function(err, user) {
27     if (!user){
28       err = 'User Not Found.';
29     } else if (user.hashed_password ===
30                hashPW(req.body.password.toString())) {
31       req.session.regenerate(function(){
32         req.session.user =;
33         req.session.username = user.username;
34         req.session.msg = 'Authenticated as ' + user.username;
35         res.redirect('/'),
36       });
37     }else{
38       err = 'Authentication failed.';
39     }
40     if(err){
41       req.session.regenerate(function(){
42         req.session.msg = err;
43         res.redirect('/login'),
44       });
45     }
46   });
47 };

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