Using Configuration Blocks

The AngularJS module configuration phase is executed when a module is being defined. During this phase, any providers are registered with the dependency injector. You should put only configuration and provider code inside the configuration block.

You implement the configuration block by calling the config() method on the instance of the Module object, using the following syntax:

config(function([injectable, . . .]))

A function with the injectable parameters is passed in. The injectable parameters are typically provider services functions such as $provide.

The following is an example of a basic configuration block:

var myModule = angular.module('myModule', []).
  config(function($provide, $filterProvider) {
    $provide.value("startTime", new Date());
    $filterProvider.register('myFilter', function(){});

Notice that the $provide and $filterProvider services are passed into the config function. They are used to register a value provider named startTime and a filter provider named myFilter with the injector service.

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