

Chapter 1     Using Cassandra with Hector

Cassandra Storage Model

Overview of Hector Java Client

Setting the Environment

Creating a Java Project

Creating a Cassandra Cluster Object

Creating a Schema

Creating a Keyspace

Creating a Template

Adding Table Data

Adding a Single Column of Data in a Table

Adding Multiple Columns of Data in a Table

Retrieving Table Data

Querying Single Column

Querying Multiple Columns

Querying with a Slice Query

Querying with the MultigetSliceQuery

Querying with a Range Slices Query

Updating Data

Deleting Table Data

Deleting a Single Column

Deleting Multiple Columns

The HectorClient Class


Chapter 2     Querying Cassandra with CQL

Overview of CQL

Setting the Environment

Creating a Java Project

Creating a Keyspace

Creating a Column Family

Using the INSERT Statement

Using the SELECT Statement

Creating a Secondary Index

Using the SELECT Statement with the WHERE Clause

Using the UPDATE Statement

Using the BATCH Statement

Using the DELETE Statement

Using the ALTER COLUMNFAMILY Statement

Dropping the Column Family

Dropping the Keyspace

The CQLClient Application

New Features in CQL 3

Compound Primary Key

Conditional Modifications


Chapter 3     Using Cassandra with DataStax Java Driver

Overview of DataStax Java Driver

Setting the Environment

Creating a Java Project

Creating a Connection

Overview of the Session Class

Creating a Keyspace

Creating a Table

Running the INSERT Statement

Running a SELECT Statement

Creating an Index

Selecting with SELECT and a WHERE Filter

Running an Async Query

Running a PreparedStatement Query

Running the UPDATE Statement

Running the DELETE Statement

Running the BATCH Statement

Dropping an Index

Dropping a Table

Dropping a Keyspace

The CQLClient Application



Chapter 4     Using Apache Cassandra with PHP

An Overview of Phpcassa

Setting the Environment

Installing PHP

Installing Phpcassa

Creating a Keyspace

Creating a Column Family and Connection Pool

Adding Data

Adding Data in a Batch

Retrieving Data

Getting Selected Columns

Getting Columns from Multiple Rows

Getting Column Slices

Getting a Range of Rows and Columns

Updating Data

Deleting Data

Dropping the Keyspace and Column Family


Chapter 5     Using a Ruby Client with Cassandra

Setting the Environment

Installing a Ruby Client with Cassandra

Creating a Connection

Creating a Keyspace

Creating a Column Family

Adding Data to a Table

Adding Rows in Batch

Retrieving Data from a Table

Selecting a Single Row

Selecting Multiple Rows

Iterating over a Result Set

Selecting a Range of Rows

Using a Random Partitioner

Using an Order-Preserving Partitioner

Getting a Slice of Columns

Updating Data in a Table

Deleting Data in a Table

Updating a Column Family

Dropping a Keyspace


Chapter 6     Using Node.js with Cassandra

Overview of Node.js Driver for Cassandra CQL

The Client Class

The Connection Class

Event-Driven Logging

Mapping Data Types

Setting the Environment

Creating a Keyspace and a Column Family

Installing Node.js

Installing Node.js driver for Apache Cassandra

Creating a Connection with Cassandra

Adding Data to a Table

Retrieving Data from a Table

Filtering the Query

Querying with a Prepared Statement

Streaming Query Rows

Streaming a Field

Streaming the Result

Updating Data in Table

Deleting a Column

Deleting a Row



Chapter 7     Migrating MongoDB to Cassandra

Setting the Environment

Creating a Java Project

Creating a BSON Document in MongoDB

Migrating the MongoDB Document to Cassandra


Chapter 8     Migrating Couchbase to Cassandra

Setting the Environment

Creating a Java Project

Creating a JSON Document in Couchbase

Migrating the Couchbase Document to Cassandra



Chapter 9     Using Cassandra with Kundera

Setting the Environment

Creating a JPA Project in Eclipse

Creating a JPA Entity Class

Configuring JPA in Persistence.xml

Creating a JPA Client Class

Running JPA CRUD Operations

Creating a Catalog

Finding a Catalog Entry Using the Entity Class

Finding a Catalog Entry Using a JPA Query

Updating a Catalog Entry

Deleting a Catalog Entry


Chapter 10   Using Spring Data with Cassandra

Overview of the Spring Data Cassandra Project

Setting the Environment

Creating a Maven Project

Configuring the Maven Project

Configuring JavaConfig

Creating a Model

Using Spring Data with Cassandra with Template

Finding Out About the Cassandra Cluster

Running Cassandra CRUD Operations

Save Operations

Find Operations

Exists and Count Operations

Update Operations

Remove Operations


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