Accent color, 55, 55f

Accordion-fold bindings

characteristics, 8384

example, 83f

as folding book, 121

Adams, Sean, 222223, 236

Adbase, 195

Adduci, Brian, 242

Adhesive binding, 76

Adobe Bridge, 147

Adobe Dreamweaver, 148, 181

Adobe Flash

digital portfolio creation, 148

expert advice, 178

website development, 181

website introductions, 169

website video, 162163

Adobe Illustrator

color schemes, 55

digital portfolio export, 147

interactive sequence design, 179

printer color management, 124

VioVio, 87

website design, 147, 181

Adobe InDesign

digital portfolio creation, 147

grid structure, 101

printer color management, 123, 124

Adobe Lightroom, 147

Adobe Photoshop

color design strategies, 5657

digital portfolio export, 147

interactive sequence design, 179

printer color management, 124

website design, 147

Adobe RGB, 124

Agency Access, 195

AIGA, 58, 187, 198

Albaladejo, Laia, 70f, 240


grid structure layout, 95, 95f

paragraphs, 106

resume/CV, 212

The Americans (Frank), 113114

American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP), 187


demo/show reels, 183

web advantages, 159

website example, 160f

website introductions, 169

Apple Photo Books, 86


and copyright, 5859

in cover design, 57

vs. iconography, 60

Artist's book binding, 80f

ASMP, see American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP)

Aspect ratio, layout imagery, 92

Asukabook, 87

ATG adhesive, in book construction, 133, 134, 139


digital portfolios, 148

expert advice, 28, 4850

marketing and self-promotion, 194195

portfolio development, 4

resources for finding, 195

website architecture, 170


in brand identity, 31

web advantages, 159

Authenticity, in brand identity, 30


Back-to-back bindings

characteristics, 76

construction, 133139

cover construction, 137139

example, 76f

as folding book, 121

Barcinski, Mark, 150153

Barcinski & Jeanjean

building imagery, 67

digital portfolio advice, 150153

3D scenes, 68f, 150, 151f

website, 241

Barral, Fabien, 242

Bars, resume/CV, 209210

Bernard, Kristen, 21f, 22, 103f, 240, 241, 242


accordion-fold, 8384, 83f

back-to-back, 76, 76f

bone closures, 80f

clasp, 80f

comercial, 8687

concertina, 8384

embossing, 84f, 8586

flag books, 85

folded pages, 84f, 85

magnetic closure, 80f

metal, 82f

nonadhesive, 8182

overview, 7678

pop-up books, 85

post and screw, 77, 77f

sewn pamphlet, 77, 77f

softbound vs. hardbound, 79, 86f

spine, hinge, clasp, 80

spiral, 76

stab, 77, 77f

stitched, 82f

Binette, Carrie, 82f, 240

The Black Book, 198

Blogs, and digital portfolios, 147, 167

Blood Makes the Grass Grow (Georgis), 110f, 193f

Blurb, 86f, 87

Board covers

book block, 139

cutting techniques, 127128, 127f

hardbound books, 79

post and screw binding, 127132

separate, 8384

Bobulu, Holly, 197f, 242

Body of Work (Hische), 4143, 41f

Bone closures, 80f

Bone folder tool, 130, 134, 140

Book block

back-to-back binding, 137

with board covers, 139

as book part, 121

post and screw holes, 131132

Book cloth

closed spine, 80

post and screw book, 128

preparation, 122

softbound vs. hardbound covers, 79

Bookmaking, see also Portfolio book construction

portfolio book as, 38

Bovay, Hilary, 83f, 240

Bowman, Glenn, 164165, 164f, 241

Brainstorming techniques

moodboards, 47

sketches, 47

word associations, 47

Brand attributes

defining, 1516

defining concept, 40

definition, 14

identification, 2425

strong brands, 15

Brand book, creation exercise, 2627

Brand identity

audio and motion components, 31

basic considerations, 30

design approach, 38

qualities, 3031

style guide, 3133

verbal components, 30

visual components, 31


basic considerations, 14

color relationship, 56

digital portfolios, 149, 150153

expert advice, 8, 9, 11, 34, 35

importance of concept, 40

research and analysis, 15

sources of inspiration, 1721

strong brand qualities, 15

trends, 1921

Brand statement

defining concept, 40

definition and example, 26

Briefs, digital portfolios, 148

Brightness, color perception, 5556

Bringburt, Robert, 106

Broadcast designer demo/show reels, 183

Bryant, Will, 28f, 40f, 66, 66f, 96f, 219f, 240, 241

Business cards

characteristics, 216219

examples, 32f, 216f


Capsule business card, 216f

Cardell, Lena, 45f, 209f, 219f, 240, 242

Career advice, 8, 9, 22, 28, 34, 4851, 90, 201, 223

Carter, Rob, 106

Case, as book part, 121

Chipboard, 122

Cho, Hyun Sun Alex, 90

Chong, Jeanie, 194f, 213f, 242

Chwast, Seymour, 38, 60

Clasp, characteristics, 80

“Clean and clear” compositions, 69

Closed vs. open spine, 80

Cloth tie, for book closure, 80

CMYK color space, 123, 124

Coated glossy paper, 123

Collage, 66


brand relationship, 56

and connotative meaning, 64

in cover design, 5457

design strategies, 5657

hue, brightness, saturation, 5556

printing issues, 46

Color-managed workflows, and software, 124126

Color management

in book construction, 123124

commercial book binding, 87

and software, 124126

Color palette

dominant, subordinate, accent, 55, 55f

subordinate elements, 52

Color space, 123, 124

Color tone

color management, 123

color palette, 55

matching, 57

neutral colors, 56

and papers, 123

via RGB values, 124

in sequencing, 113

Columns and rows, grid structure, 94103

Comic book covers, 79

Communication Arts, 198

Competitions, as marketing tool, 193


grid, see Grid structure

hierarchy, 69

negative space, 69

nongrid, see Nongrid structure

overview, 69

and page spread, 91

rule of thirds, 102103

size and proportion, 6970

on web, 154169, 154f

Compound image, 114115, 114f


brainstorming techniques, 47

card catalog example, 4546, 45f

design examples, 43f, 45f

digital portfolios, 150153

expert advice, 8, 22, 28, 4850, 150153, 199

importance, 4041

methodologies, 46

promotional materials exercise, 47

Concertina bindings, 8384

Connotative meaning

definition, 61

examples, 64f, 65f

Contact information

in resume/CV, 206

on websites, 177

Content, on websites, 167, 170

Context, colors, 56

Contracts, for photographers, 220221

Contributors list, 240

Copy, cover design typography, 71

Copyright issues, 5859

Cover design

accordion-fold binding, 8384

approach, 3840

appropriation and visual references, 57

back-to-back binding, 76, 137139

basic considerations, 3840

binding basics, 7678

color, 5457

color and emotion, 56

color palette, 55

color perception, 5556

color strategies, 5657

commercial book binding, 8687

composition, 69

concepts, 4041

concertina binding, 8384

cover as book part, 121

denotative/connotative meaning, 61

dominate elements, 52

element composition, 52

embossing, 8586

flag books, 85

folded pages, 85

formal references, 53

iconography, 60

illustration vs. photographic imagery, 6768

imagery and visual references, 57

logos, 53

“look and feel,”, 57

material choices, 53

nonadhesive bindings, 8182

pop-up books, 85

post and screw binding, 77, 131132

sewn pamphlet binding, 77

softbound vs. hardbound, 79

spine, hinge, clasp, 80

spiral binding, 76

stab binding, 77

subordinate elements, 52

typography, 7071

visual techniques, 7273

windows, cutouts, insets, 8283

wood, metal, alternative materials, 82

Cover letters, 213216

Creative brief, digital portfolios, 148

Creative placement agencies, 200

Creative self, describing, 5

Crowley, Lisa, 168f, 241

Cultural color combinations, 56

Currier, Danielle, 179f, 241

Cutouts, in cover design, 8283

CV, see Resume/CV


Dadaist style, 72

Dahmen, Marc, 241

Davey board, 79, 122

Day, Ben, 106

Decorative typefaces, 70, 71

Demo/show reels, 183

Denotative meaning, 61


creative placement agencies and reps, 200

expert advice for, 8, 9

marketing tactics, 194

portfolio basics, 5

pricing resources, 221

sequences in layouts, 108

Destination profiles, printer color management, 123124

Differentiation, in brand identity, 30

Digital/online portfolios, see also Website development

animation/broadcast design reels, 183

animations example, 160f

blog structure, 167

brand voice, 152153

composition issues, 154169

design considerations, 149

experienced creators, 148

expert advice, 147, 148

fluid spaces, 160

functionality, 156157

goals, 148

inexperienced creators, 147

loss of “feel,”, 152153

moderately experienced creators, 148

overview, 146147

printed vs. online advice, 8, 9, 28, 34, 35, 4146, 5051, 90, 178, 182183, 199, 200201, 223

required skills, 146

research for, 149

size and proportion, 155156

target audience, 148

traditional website design, 160

usability, 149

web advantages, 158160, 159f

Digital printers, 122123

Diptych, 111, 111f

Direct referral, 113

DiRito, Ron, 114f, 241

Distinctness, in brand identity, 31

Dominant color, 55, 55f

Dominate elements, 52

Double-sided printing, 126

Double-stick tape, 133, 134, 139


book construction, 127

layout evaluation, 117

Dunning, Jeremie, 35, 183

Duplex printing, 126127


Editing process, portfolio development, 4

Editorial Photographers (EP) Resources, 58

Elam, Kimberly, 106

Electronic vs. hard copy mailings, 187191

Elements, in cover design, 52

The Elements of Typographic Style (Bringburt), 106

Embossing, 84f, 8586

Emotional response, to color, 56


back-to-back binding, 137

as book part, 121122

EP, see Editorial Photographers (EP) Resources

Evaluation process, portfolio development, 4


brand book creation, 2627

client–creative role reversal, 5

promotional materials, 47

Exhibitions, 198

Expert advice

Adobe Flash, 178

audience, 28, 4850

branding, 8, 9, 11, 34, 35

on career, 8, 9, 22, 28, 34, 4851, 90, 201, 223

concept, 8, 22, 28, 4850, 150153, 199

cover design typography, 71

design trends, 9

digital/online portfolios, 147, 148

good portfolio characteristics, 8, 1011, 35, 4146, 5051, 178, 182183, 199, 200201

interviewing tips, 201, 222, 223

layout design typography, 106107

“look and feel,”, 35

photographers, 8

printed vs. online portfolio, 8, 9, 28, 34, 35, 4146, 5051, 90, 178, 182183, 199201, 223

project scope, 8, 1011, 34, 35, 4146, 51, 183, 199, 200201

reels, 183

self-promotion, 28

visual character, 6268

visual identity, 8, 9, 34, 35, 199

websites, 6268, 150153


Fabrics, in cover design, 79

Fairey, Shepard, 58

Fair use, 58

Feedback, importance, 6

Felton, Nicholas, 40f, 189f, 240, 242

Flag books, 85, 85f

Flickr account, 147

Fluid spaces, 160

FLV format, 162163

Focus, as brand attribute, 2425

Folded pages

book types, 120, 121

characteristics, 85

example, 84f

Folio, as book part, 121

Fore edge, as book part, 121

Formal references, in cover design, 53

Frank, Robert, 113114

Full bleeds example, 99

Fulton, Rosie, 76f, 240

Functional color, 56

Functionality, digital/online portfolios, 149, 156157

Funnel: The Fine Commercial Art Practice of Eric Kass, 219f, 242


Gehle, Ken, 46f, 219f, 240, 242


as brand inspirations, 17

defining concept, 40

Georgis, Anthony, 110f, 193f, 241

Glued binding, see also Back-to-back bindings

accordion-fold bindings, 83

book construction, 126

characteristics, 76

post and screw book, 128131

softbound vs. hardbound covers, 79

Gobiel, Nicole, 77f, 85f, 241

Grain, papers, 126

Graphical elements, resume/CV, 209210

Graphical user interface (GUI), website design, 174

Graves, George, 72f, 240

Grefé, Richard, 9

Greig, Amy, 81f, 82f, 241

Grid structure

via Adobe InDesign, 101

alignment and proximity, 95

columns and rows, 94103

component examples, 99

compound images, 114115

example, 94f

image layouts, 9697

margins of space, 98, 99f

for page layout design, 93

and sequence, 100

single-column grid, 98100

visual identity extension, 103

in website design, 167

Grid Systems in Graphic Design (Muller-Brockmann), 106

GUI, see Graphical user interface (GUI)

Gusset, back-to-back binding, 137

Gutter space

as book part, 121

grid structure layout, 93, 94f


Hardbound covers

back-to-back glued bindings, 133139

example, 86f

vs. softbound, 79

Hard copy vs. electronic mailings, 187191

Harigai, Ken Jiro, 158f, 241

Harris, Naomi, 18f, 6061, 61f, 62, 219f, 240, 242

Hartigan, Jessica, 180f, 241

Hayman, Beverly, 4850, 78f, 152f, 153f, 240, 241

Head, as book part, 121

Heller, Steven, 38


in composition, 69

interior page layout, 91

resume/CV typography, 208209

typographic, in layout design, 105

website maps, 172


as book part, 121

characteristics, 80

Hische, Jessica, 4143, 41f, 43f, 186f, 240, 242

Hollis, Richard, 106

Hue, color perception, 5556


ICC workflow

book construction, 122

color management, 123126

commercial book binding, 87

Iconography, in cover design

denotative/connotative meaning, 61

overview, 60

subordinate elements, 52

vs. visual icons, 6061

Icons, defining concept, 40

Ideation, promotional materials exercise, 47

Illustration vs. photographic imagery, 6768

Images, in cover design

building, 6768

collage/montage/compositing, 66

compositing, 66

in cover design, 57

defining concept, 40

denotative/connotative meaning, 61

photographic, vs. illustration, 6768

subordinate elements, 52

visual texts, 6566

Images, in layout, 9293, 9697

nongrid, 108117

nongrid, relationships, 109112

nongrid examples, 110f, 112f

number and size, 92

quality, 92

Image sequences

across multiple pages, 113

for digital portfolios, 147

web advantages, 159

InkAidTM, 122123

Inkjet devices

in book construction, 122123

color management, 125126

Inkjet papers

book covers, 132

paper stock, 210


characteristics, 85

image layouts, 9697


book construction, 142143, 142f

cover design, 8283

Inspiration, in brand development, 1721

Integrated media, in website design, 161

Interactivity, web advantages, 159

Interior page layout

approach, 3840

card catalog example, 45f

checking by printing, 100

and color, 5457

design examples, 43f

effective presentation, 38

grid structure

via Adobe InDesign, 101

alignment and proximity, 95

columns and rows, 94103, 94f

component examples, 99

composition, 93

images, 9697

margins of space, 98

negative space, 97

and sequence, 100

single-column grid, 98100

hierarchy, 91

images, 9293

labels, 93

legibility issues, 105, 105f

nongrid structure

basic considerations, 108117

compound image on single page, 114115, 114f

dummies and proofs, 117

fresh approaches, 115117

image relationships, 109112, 112f

scaling and legibility, 117

sequence application, 113114

sequencing across multiple pages, 113

size considerations, 117

one page layout, 121

one page vs. spread, 91

paragraphs, 106

purpose, 90

rule of thirds, 102103

typeface suggestions, 107

typographic hierarchy, 105

typographic range, 104

typographic systems, 104

typography for nondesigners, 107

typography overview, 104105

Interviewing tips, 201, 219220, 222, 223

Interviews, see also Expert advice

Andrew King, 182183, 236

Beverly Hayman, 4850, 236

Bryn Mooth, 28

Christine Pillsbury, 34, 236

Chris Wooster, 178, 222, 236

Gail Swanlund, 4146, 236

Heather Morton, 199, 236

Hyun Sun Alex Cho, 90, 236

Jamie Burwell Mixon, 5051, 236

Jeremie Dunning, 35, 236

Joe Quackenbush, 1011, 236

Kim Wachter, 200201, 236

Kristen Bernard, 22, 236

Mark Barcinski, 150153, 236

Mary Virginia Swanson, 8, 236

Naomi Harris, 6268, 236

Richard Grefé, 9, 236

Sean Adams, 222223, 236

Will Bryant, 28, 236

Ireland, Brad, 216f, 242


Japanese binding, 77, 77f

Job listing resources, 223

Justification, paragraphs, 106


Karaca, Rachel, 22f, 24f, 25f, 240

Karlsson, Hjalti, 219f, 242

Kates, Stephanie, 32f, 53f, 240

Kim, Kenny, 19f, 32f, 210f, 240, 242

King, Andrew, 182183

King, Katherine, 84f, 241

Klempner, Angela, 86f, 241

Kodak Gallery, 86

Kuan, Anni, 219f, 242



page layout, 93

techniques, 93

website architecture, 171172

Landis, Rachel, 112f, 241

LATCH organization, 170

Layering, in website design, 161

Layout, see also Interior page layout

expert advice, 106107

resume/CV, 212213

website tips, 167

Le, David, 83f, 241

Leadership skills, 207

Leading, text layout design, 106

Left/right page balance, 99

Legibility issues, in layout design, 105, 105f, 117

“Less is more” approach, 73

Licensing resources, 221

Lindsey, Meredith, 112f, 180f, 241


in cover design, 53

example, 32f, 53f

Logotype, 52

“Look and feel,”, see also Style

brand attributes, 24

in cover design, 38, 57

cover design typography, 70

via cover materials, 82

expert advice, 35

and iconography, 6061

via moodboards, 47

premade web templates, 147

resume/CV, 206

subordinate elements, 52

visual components, 3133

visual properties, 73

visual references, 72

website design goals, 148

Lupton, Ellen, 106

Luster papers, 123


Magnetic closure, 80f

Mahon, Yvette, 6768, 68f, 166f, 168f, 242

Mailings, electronic vs. hard copy, 187191

Manfredi, Rodrigo, 176f, 242

Mansour, Kristina, 59f, 65f, 240

Margins of space, 98, 99


via competitions, 193

for designers, 194

for photographers, 192

target audience considerations, 194195

Marriott, Solvita, 20f, 240

Materials, see also Professional materials; Promotional materials

in cover design, 53, 82

for post and screw binding, 127

Matte papers, 123, 132

Meakin, James, 156f, 241

Meaningfulness, in brand identity, 31

Meggs, Philip B., 106


as brand attribute, 2425

in brand identity, 30, 31

Metal cover materials, 82, 82f

Metaphor, conceptual methods, 46

Methyl cellulose, in PVA glue, 142

Miles, Kristie, 212f, 242

Miller, Harold Lee, 189f, 216f, 219f, 242

Mixon, Jamie Burwell, 5051

Montage, 66


brand identity, 31

via color, 56

website design, 160

Moodboards, as brainstorming technique, 47

Morton, Heather, 199

Mosaic, definition, 114115


in brand identity, 31

web advantages, 159

on websites, 164166

Mullen, Aisling, 44f, 63f, 197f, 240

Muller-Brockmann, Josef, 106

Multimedia, web advantages, 159

Multisignature book, 120

Murphy, Alison, 84f, 102f, 209f, 241, 242



conceptual methods, 46

example, 46f

nongrid layout, 110111, 110f

Nash, Gretchen, 91f, 101f, 116f, 241

Nathan, Emily, 115116, 115f, 241


hiding/revealing menus, 176177

website architecture, 170, 172

website design, 174175, 175f

Negative space

and alignment, 95

in composition, 69

in layout design, 97

resume/CV, 209

Neibert, Dana, 39f, 84f, 98f, 153f, 173f, 240, 241

Nelson, Amanda, 77f, 80f, 81f, 241

Neutral colors, 56

The New Typography (Tschichold), 106

Nonadhesive bindings, 8182

Nongrid structure

basic considerations, 108117

compound images, 114115, 114f

dummies and proofs, 117

fresh approaches, 115117

image relationships, 109112, 110f, 112f

scaling and legibility, 117

sequences, application, 113114

sequencing across multiple pages, 113

size considerations, 117


One page layout

as folding book, 121

vs. page spread, 91

Online photo-finishing services, 86

Online portfolio directories

for digital portfolios, 147

examples, 149, 182

Online portfolios see Digital/online portfolios; Website development

Open vs. closed spine, 80

Orientation, layout imagery, 92


Page spread example, 99

and margins, 99f

recto vs. verso, 99f

vs. one page, 91


definition, 120

sewn, 77, 77f

stapled, 77, 77f, 140142

Paperchase, 87


for book construction, 122123

for book covers, 132

grain, 126

stock for resume/CV, 210212


alignment, 106

layout design, 106

Parody, conceptual methods, 46


for digital portfolios, 11, 147

for resume/CV, 22, 177, 200

for VioVio submission, 87

Pelikan, Ann, 80f, 241

Phillips, Meghan, 83f, 85f, 241

Photo collage, 66


brand inspirations, 17

contracts and pricing, 220221

expert advice, 8

marketing tactics, 192

nongrid structure layout, 108

portfolio basics, 5

portfolio example, 79f

pricing, licensing, salary resources, 221

representatives for, 198199

Photographic imagery vs. illustration, 6768

Photo montage, 66

Photoserve, 198

Pillsbury, Christine, 34

Pitko Photobooks, 87

Plastic cover materials, 82

Pop-up books, 85

Portfolio basics

assessment guidelines, 6

audience, 4

creative self, 5

for designers, 5

editing and evaluation, 4

expert advice, 8, 1011, 35, 4146, 5051, 178, 182183, 199, 200201

featuring skills, 5

importance of feedback, 6

overview, 4

for photographers, 5

project scope, 6

qualities, 4

questions to guide development, 4

reworking projects, 5

sorting work, 78

specialty, 5

standards, 5

visual character/style, 5

Portfolio book construction

back-to-back glued binding, 133139

book parts, 121122

dummies, 127

duplex printing, 126

duplex printing alternatives, 126127

folding book types, 121

grain issues, 126

insets and windows, 142143

materials for, 122

methods and terminology, 120

overview, 120

post and screw binding

board cutting techniques, 127128, 127f

book cloth, 128

gluing, 128131

materials and measurements, 127132

punching holes, 131132


color management, 123124

papers, 122123

printers, 122

profile installation, 125126

software and color-managed workflows, 124126

sewn/stapled pamphlet, 140142

simplicity and flexibility, 120

tools for, 122

Positivity, as brand attribute, 2425


electronic vs. hard copy, 187

examples, 193f, 194f

Post and screw binding

with board covers, 127132

book cloth, 128

characteristics, 77

cutting boards, 127128

definition, 121

example, 77f

gluing, 128131

punching holes, 131132

PPA, see Professional Photographers of America (PPA)

Preloaders, as website introductions, 167169

Pricing guidelines, 220221

Print design, portfolio book as, 38


for book construction, 122

color management, 123124

profiles, 123124

types, 122


for checking layouts, 100

and color saturation, 46

duplex printing, 126

duplex printing alternatives, 126127

papers, 122123

Print on demand, 86

Problem-solving skills, 219

Pro bono work, 221

Professional listings, 198

Professional materials

business cards, 216219

cover letters, 213216

examples, 209f, 210f, 213f, 216f, 219f

interviewing process, 219220

photography contracts and pricing, 220221

pro bono work, 221

resume/CV, 206207

Professional organizations, 187, 207

Professional Photographers of America (PPA), 187

Professional resources, 223


installation, 125126

printer color management, 123124

Project scope, expert advice, 8, 1011, 34, 35, 4146, 51, 183, 199, 200201

Promotional books, examples, 91f, 101f, 116f, 197f

Promotional materials

brochure, 40f

competitions as marketing, 193

designer marketing tactics, 194

designer representatives, 200

electronic vs. hard copy mailings, 187191

examples, 18f, 19f, 27f, 33f, 39f, 44f, 46f, 63f, 70f, 72f, 79f, 84f, 98f, 186f, 189f, 193f, 194f, 197f

marketing and self-promotion, 194195

overview, 186187

photographer marketing tactics, 192

photographer representatives, 198199

planning ahead, 192193

professional listings, 198

professional organizations/networks, 187

resources for finding audience, 195

sample exercise, 47

self-promotion process, 195197

self-promotion projects, 197

showings/exhibitions, 198

Proofs, layout evaluation, 117

ProPhoto RGB, 124


in composition, 6970

online portfolios, 155156

Protective spray, for papers, 123


grid structure layout, 95

resume/CV, 212

PVA glue, 122, 142


Quackenbush, Joe, 1011


Research, design research, 15, 149

Reed-Silver, Judy, 18f, 219f, 240, 242


animation/broadcast design, 183

expert advice, 183

Referral, definition, 113


for designers, 200

for photographers, 198199


designer pricing, 221

finding audience, 195

job listings, 223

pricing, licensing, salary, 221

professional, 223


bars, rules, graphical elements, 209210

categories, 206207

layout, 212213

overview, 206207

paper stock, 210212

typography, 208210

on websites, 177

RGB, printer color management, 124

Ross, Jeff, 197f, 242

Rule of thirds concept, 102103

Rules, resume/CV, 209210


Sagmeister, Stefan, 219f, 242

Salary resources, 221

Satire, 40, 46

Saturated colors, printing issues, 46

Saturation, color perception, 5556

Saucier, Kelly, 77f, 80f, 232


and layout, 93

and legibility, 117

and negative space, 69

and tone of voice, 71

typography, 70

for visual emphasis, 91

and visual identity, 52

and visual properties, 73

and website navigation, 174175


expert advice, 28

process, 195197

suitable projects, 197

target audience, 194195

Separation, in website design, 161


across multiple pages, 113

application, 113114

and grid structure, 100

interactive, website design, 179180

in nongrid layouts, 108

Sequential structure, website maps, 172173

Sewn bindings

book types, 120

characteristics, 8182

pamphlet construction, 140142

Sewn pamphlet, 77, 77f

Shade, creating neutral colors, 56

Shadow Bocce (Volk), 111f

Showings, 198

Shutterfly, 86

Side-sewn books, 120


as book part, 121

definition, 120

Single-column grid, 98100

SiteGrinder, 147

Site maps, website architecture, 172173


in composition, 6970

in layout design, 117

online portfolios, 155156

Sizing, for cover design, 79


as brainstorming technique, 47

for brand inspirations, 1718

cover design visual techniques, 73

student example, 180f

Skill level

binding methods, 76

digital portfolio creation, 146

with software, 207

typography, 71

website development, 181

Skill set

brand statements, 26

emphasizing, 5

leadership, 207

problem-solving, 219

strategic skills, 206

Smith, Allison V., 79f, 186f, 189f, 232

Smith, Keith, 113

Snapfish, 86

Social networking, 159

Softbound covers

back-to-back glued bindings, 133139

example, 86f

vs. hardbound, 79


Adobe Bridge, 147

Adobe Dreamweaver, 148, 181

Adobe Lightroom, 147

color-managed workflows, 124126

for digital portfolio export, 147

Flash, see Adobe Flash

Illustrator, see Adobe Illustrator

InDesign, see Adobe InDesign

Photoshop, see Adobe Photoshop

resume/CV skills, 207

SiteGrinder, 147

for website development, 181

Specialty, portfolio basics, 5


back-to-back binding, 137

as book part, 121

characteristics, 80

Spiral binding, 76

Stab binding, 77, 77f

Standards, portfolio examples, 5

Stapled pamphlets, 77, 77f, 140142

Stitched bindings, 8182, 81f, 82f

Storyboard examples, 179f, 180f

A Story of Roses (Volk), 65f

Strategic skills, 206

The Structure of the Visual Book (Smith), 113

Stuckey, Wesley, 33f, 63f, 219f, 240, 242

Student projects

image relationships, 112f

logos, 53f

portfolios, 19f, 20f, 21f, 22f, 24f, 25f, 28f, 33f, 40f, 43f, 44f, 45f, 63f, 66f, 78f, 84f, 96f, 102f, 103f, 152f, 153f, 168f, 180f, 212f

professional materials, 209f, 210f, 219f

promotional books, 91f, 101f, 116f, 197f

promotional materials, 63f, 70f, 72f, 79f, 186f, 194f, 197f

senior thesis, 59f, 65f

sketches, 180f

Style, see also “Look and feel”

as brand inspirations, 17

design approach, 38

subordinate elements, 52

Style guide

brand identity, 3133

layout design, 104

Subordinate color, 55, 55f

Subordinate elements, in cover design, 52

Substance, 151, 216f, 242

Suffragio Triptych (Volk), 109f

Support materials examples, 63f

Swampscott (Volk), 109f

Swanlund, Gail, 4146, 236

Swanson, Mary Virginia, 8

Swiss Graphic Design (Hollis), 106


colors, 56

conceptual methods, 46

defining concept, 40


Tail, as book part, 121

Technical brief, digital portfolios, 148

Text block, as book part, 121

Theoretical Universe, 219f, 240, 242

Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, and Students (Lupton), 106

Thorn, Kylie M., 70f, 79f, 240, 241

Three-dimensional projects

digital portfolios, 150153, 151f

imagery layout, 92

360-degree advertising strategy, 152

Time-based media, 166

Tint, creating neutral colors, 56

Tone, see also Color tone

brand attributes, 14

brand identity, 31

building visual texts, 65

via color, 54

as visual artist, 73

via website animations, 169

website design, 160

in writing, 71

Tone of voice, 30


demo reels, 183

fluid spaces, 160

storyboards, 179

on websites, 159, 164166

Travel Japan (Bowman), 164165, 164f, 241


blog-based portfolios, 167

in branding, 1921

color, 54

in design, 9

hide/reveal website navigation, 176177

postmodern digital and urban graffiti, 18

staying current, 8

tracking, 187

visual references, 72

website development tools, 181

Triptych, 109, 109f

Tschichold, Jan, 106

Turnstyle Studio, 32f, 216f, 240, 242


and browsers, 152153

business cards, 216

cover design, 70

cover letters, 213

expert advice, 71, 106

genre considerations, 70

in layout design, 104

legibility, 105

“look and feel,”, 52

nondesigner considerations, 107

pictograph-based, 194, 194f

resume/CV, 208

style guide, 104

subordinate elements, 52

suggestions, 107

for visual differentiation, 209

as visual properties, 31

Typographic Design: Form and Communication (Carter, Day, Meggs), 106

Typographic Systems of Design (Elam), 106


basic considerations, 106107

in cover design

copy, 71

examples, 70f

expert advice, 71

overview, 70

in digital portfolios, 152153

in layout design

basic concept, 104105

expert advice, 106107

hierarchy, 105

range, 104

systems, 104

legibility, 105

paragraphs, 106

resume/CV, 208210

suggestions for nondesigners, 107


Uelsmann, Jerry, 66

Uniqueness, in cover design, 73

Universal colors, 56

U.S. Copyright Office, 58


in composition, 69

digital portolios, 149

User interface, websites, 174

User testing, digital portfolios, 149


Value, color perception, 55

Vanicek, Tyler, 180f, 242

Verbal components, brand identity, 30

Vidal, Javier Ferrer, 159f, 169f, 232


web advantages, 159

on websites, 162163

Video sequence, for digital portfolios, 147

Vinyl cover materials, 82, 82f

VioVio, 87

Visual character, 5, 6268

Visual components, brand identity, 31

Visual concept, importance, 4041

Visual emphasis, in layout, 91

Visual icons vs. iconography, 6061

Visual identity

digital portfolios, 152

effective portfolio, 4

expert advice, 8, 9, 34, 35, 199

in layout design, 103

subordinate elements, 52

Visual pun, 4345, 43f, 46

Visual references, in cover design, 57, 72

Visual style

characteristics, 5

cover design typography, 70

referencing, 4143

for visual character, 57

Visual system, 40

Visual techniques, in cover design

experimentation, 73

“less is more” approach, 73

properties, 73

uniqueness, 73

visual references, 72

Visual texts, building, 6566

Viterbo Diptych (Volk), 111f

Volk, Larry, 65f, 109f, 111f, 240, 241


Wachter, Kim, 200201

Warhol, Andy, 67

Webb, Noah, 27f, 44f, 240

Website development, see also Digital/online portfolios

advantages, 158160, 159f

architecture, 170173, 173f

categories and labels, 171172

for commercial book binding, 87

composition issues, 154169, 154f

concept, 178

contact info, 167

CV, 177

development tools, 181

digital portfolio templates, 147

expert advice, 6268, 150153

Flash vs. no Flash, 178

fluid spaces, 160

going live, 182

grid system design, 167

grouping content, 170

hiding/revealing menus, 176177

integrated media, 161

interactive sequence design, 179180

keeping up-to-date, 177

LATCH organization, 170

layering and separation, 161, 161f

layout and content, 167

movements and transitions, 164166

navigation, 174175, 175f

online portfolio collections, 149

optimization for, 181

preloaders, 167169

sections via language, 115116, 115f

site maps, 172173

target audience, 170

time-based media, 166

traditional design, 160

user interface design, 174177

video, 162163

Website examples, 161f, 168f, 241

animation, 160f, 68f, 151f, 241, 153f, 241, 154f, 241, 162f, 241

categories, 171f, 157f, 241, 153f, 173f, 241, 155f, 241, 163, 163f, 241, 164165, 164f, 241, 156f, 241, 159f, 169f, 232, 160f, 241, 158f, 241, 168f, 241, 241, 18f, 61f, 165f, 168f, 241, 176f, 242, 177f, 242, 155f, 242

storyboard, 179f, 175f, 242, 171f, 242, 6768, 68f, 166f, 168f, 242


in book construction, 142143, 142f

cover design, 8283

Wood cover materials, 82

Wooster, Chris, 178, 222

Word associations, as brainstorming technique, 47


color-managed, 124126

ICC, see ICC workflow

Work-for-hire, 221

Wright, Micah, 60

Wurman, Richard Saul, 170


Yuen, Jonathan, 160f, 241


Z-axis, web compositions, 154155

Zines, softbound covers, 79

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