Neuromarketing For Dummies®

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Table of Contents


About This Book

Foolish Assumptions

Icons Used in This Book

Beyond the Book

Where to Go from Here

Part I: The Brave New World of Neuromarketing

Chapter 1: What Neuromarketing Is and Isn’t

Defining Neuromarketing

Neuromarketing versus marketing

What neuromarketing is good for

Brain science and the foundations of neuromarketing

Understanding the New Scientific Foundations of Neuromarketing

Exploring Where Marketers Are Using Neuromarketing Today

Explaining How Neuromarketing Measures Consumer Responses

Succeeding with Neuromarketing Studies

Chapter 2: What We Know Now That We Didn’t Know Then

How We Used to Think about Consumers

The rational consumer: Mr. Spock goes shopping

Rational models for rational marketing to rational consumers

Measuring effectiveness the old-fashioned way

When rational models fail

How People Really See and Interpret the World

Forming impressions: How we take in the world around us

Determining meaning and value: Creating connections in our minds

Deliberating and analyzing: What we say when we talk to ourselves

Speaking and acting: Finally, we act! (Or maybe just talk about it)

Replacing the Rational Consumer Model with the Intuitive Consumer Model

Chapter 3: Putting Neuromarketing to Work

Building Better Brands with Neuromarketing

Brands are about connections

How brands impact our brains

Why leading brands are so hard to displace

Using neuromarketing to test brands

Designing Better Products and Packages with Neuromarketing

How new products get noticed

Neurodesign of everyday things

Neuromarketing and new product innovation

Using neuromarketing to test new product ideas

Creating Effective Ads with Neuromarketing

The direct route: Impacting the sale directly

The indirect route: Changing and reinforcing attitudes toward the brand

Using neuromarketing to test advertising

Understanding the Mind of the Shopper with Neuromarketing

Understanding the mind of the shopper

Making stores more brain-friendly

Using neuromarketing to test shopping environments

Appealing to Brains Online with Neuromarketing

Going online: Something new for the old brain

Building the perfect website

Satisfying (almost) every need online

Using neuromarketing to test online experiences

Producing Compelling Entertainment with Neuromarketing

Why our brains like stories

Neuroscience goes to the movies

Product placement in movies, TV shows, and beyond

The future of entertainment: Immersive games and simulations

Using neuromarketing to test entertainment

Chapter 4: Why Neuromarketing Matters

Potential Dangers of Neuromarketing

Reading our minds, invading our privacy

Pushing our “buy buttons”

Making us want things that aren’t good for us

Potential Benefits of Neuromarketing

Using neuromarketing to inform and educate

Making consumers’ lives a little easier

Acknowledging the value of intangible value

Learning to Live with Neuromarketing: The New Realities

Neuromarketing is here to stay

Consumers aren’t helpless

Seeing your world through a marketer’s eyes

Part II: The Essence of Neuromarketing: The Nonconscious Mind of the Consumer

Chapter 5: The Intuitive Consumer: Nonconscious Processes Underlying Consumer Behavior

The Intuitive Consumer Is a Cognitive Miser

Interpreting our world efficiently

Catching our eye with novelty

Comforting us with familiarity

Keeping things simple with processing fluency

The Nonconscious Mind Anchors Us in the Moment

The survival value of nonconscious thinking

Why we’re not conscious of our nonconscious

How we make decisions without thinking about them

The priming directive: Influence without awareness

So, What Is Consciousness Good for, Anyway?

Taking over from the nonconscious when necessary

Talking to ourselves

Thinking about the past and the future

The Three Master Variables of Neuromarketing Research

Attention: The doorway to conscious awareness

Emotion: Arousal, attraction, motivation

Memory: How we construct, retrieve, and reconstruct the past

Chapter 6: The Central Role of Emotions in Consumer Responses

Understanding Nonconscious Emotional “Markers”

Nonconscious emotions versus conscious feelings

I feel your pain: Emotions and body states

What emotions are good for

Emotions and Attention

Aiming the spotlight of attention with emotional markers

Seeing why attention sometimes isn’t so good for marketers

Emotions and Memory

Emotions make memories memorable

How we remember memories

Memory and emotional markers

Chapter 7: New Understandings of Consumer Goals and Motivation

Looking at How Goals Drive Us

The new science of motivation

Conscious and nonconscious goals

Goals and behavior

Having Goals We’re Not Aware Of

Operating under the influence of nonconscious goals

Implications of nonconscious goals

Consumer Motivation, Goal Seeking, and Goal Attainment

Approach and avoidance in the shopping aisle

Motivation and the intuitive consumer

Beyond the buying brain: Other goals marketers care about

Chapter 8: Why We Buy the Things We Buy

How People Make Decisions

Digging down into Kahneman’s System 1 and System 2

Understanding explicit and implicit decisions

Why Consumer Decisions Aren’t Rational

Judgment heuristics: The way we’re wired

Including judgment heuristics in consumer decision-making models

The Limits of Persuasive Messaging in Consumer Decision Making

Persuasion versus implicit consumer decisions

Persuasion versus judgment heuristics

Persuasion versus habit

Part III: Neuromarketing in Action

Chapter 9: Brands on the Brain

Brands Are About Connections

Seeing brands everywhere

Understanding brand “equity” and connections in memory

Experiencing a brand

How Brands Impact Our Brains

Activating nonconscious thinking with brands

Brand-building over time

Growing brain-friendly brands

Why Leading Brands Are So Hard to Displace

Taking advantage of brand leadership

Leveraging habitual buying

Understanding the upstart’s dilemma

Using Neuromarketing to Test Brands

Measuring brand equity the old-fashioned way

Probing brand connections with neuromarketing

Chapter 10: Creating Products and Packages That Please Consumers’ Brains

How New Products Get Noticed

Standing out versus blending in

Watching out for your neighbors

Leveraging emotional connections

Neurodesign of Everyday Things

We’re hard-wired for good design

Design tips from the lab

Beauty is in the wallet of the beholder

Neuromarketing and New Product Innovation

Why 80 percent of new products fail

Overcoming bias against the new

Using Neuromarketing to Test Product and Package Designs

The eyes have it: Eye tracking and design testing

Choosing in the blink of an eye

Chapter 11: Advertising Effectiveness

Two Views of How Advertising Works

The direct route: Impacting the sale directly

The indirect route: Changing and reinforcing attitudes toward the brand

Driving the Direct Route to Advertising Effectiveness

Pay attention, I’m talking to you

You are now officially persuaded

Read it back to me

Taking the Indirect Route to Advertising Effectiveness

Advertising and low-attention processing

Dissecting the feel-good ad

Catch you later: Learning without listening

Using Neuromarketing to Test Advertising

Tracking attention, high and low

Monitoring emotional reactions

Testing for the right things

Chapter 12: The Shopping Brain and In-Store Marketing

Understanding the Mind of the Shopper

Shopping: A multisensory experience

Shopping and goal pursuit

Personality and shopping styles

Making Stores More Brain-Friendly

Getting shoppers where they need to be

Making choices easier

Decreasing the pain of paying

Using Neuromarketing to Test Shopping Environments

Challenges in tracking the free-range shopper

Neuromarketing alternatives to testing in-store

Simulating the shopping experience

Chapter 13: When Consumers’ Brains Go Online

Understanding How Online Marketing Is Different

Embracing interactivity and consumer control

Aligning ads with online tasks and goals

Dissolving the gap between marketing and buying

Building the Perfect Website

How the brain consumes web pages

Website frustration, confusion, and rejection

Nonconscious processing and the online experience

Satisfying (Almost) All Our Needs Online

Online search and limitless information

Social networking and limitless sharing

Online shopping and limitless choice

How to Use Neuromarketing to Test Online Experiences and Marketing Effectiveness

Testing online ad effectiveness

Testing website ease of use

Chapter 14: Entertainment Effectiveness

Why Our Brains Like Stories

That reminds me of a story . . .

Pacing and the brain

Stories and persuasion

Neuromarketing Goes to the Movies

How movies synchronize our brains

How trailers trigger nonconscious goals

How movies influence behavior

Product Placement in Movies, TV Shows, and Beyond

Neuromarketing principles behind product placement

Product placement gets results

The Future of Entertainment: Immersive Games and Simulations

Immersion and “presence” in online and video games

Product placement in immersive games

Getting back to planet Earth: Aftereffects of game immersion

Using Neuromarketing to Test Entertainment

Measuring physiological responses to entertainment

Measuring brain and behavioral responses to entertainment

Part IV: Measuring Consumer Response with Neuromarketing

Chapter 15: Traditional Approaches: Why Not Just Ask People?

Understanding Why Asking Questions Is Risky Business

Introducing the Three Workhorses of Market Research

Conducting in-depth interviews

Seeking the wisdom of focus groups

Sampling opinions in consumer surveys

Other Ways to Ask Consumers Questions

Test marketing using experimental designs and targeted samples

Consumer panels

Observational studies

Mixing and Matching Traditional and Neuromarketing Approaches

Chapter 16: Neuromarketing Measures: Listening to Signals from the Body and the Brain

Understanding Where Neuromarketing Signals Originate

Getting to know your nervous system

Mapping neuromarketing measures to the nervous system

Capturing Signals from the Body

Interpreting facial expressions

Sensing facial muscles: Electromyography

Looking at it the right way: Eye tracking

Reading sweaty palms: Electrodermal activity

Taking a deep breath: Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration

Racing the clock: Behavioral response times

Capturing Signals from the Brain

Listening to blood flow in the brain

Plugging into the electrical brain

Putting Technologies in Their Proper Place

Chapter 17: Neuromarketing on a Budget: Inexpensive Ways to Learn from Your Customers

Running Response-Time Studies

Seeing the logic of response-time studies

Measuring implicit brand attitudes with response-time studies

Measuring semantic and emotional connections with response-time studies

Leveraging Online Services to Tap Into the Wisdom of Crowds

Activating the webcam: Online eye tracking and facial expression analysis

Using “gamification” in online research

“Crowdsourcing” with prediction markets

Conducting Do-It-Yourself Behavioral Experiments

Setting up and running behavioral experiments

Testing behavioral economics principles in real-world settings

Balancing Costs and Benefits in Neuromarketing Studies

Chapter 18: Picking the Right Approach for Your Research Needs

Summarizing What You Can Measure with Neuromarketing

Matching Neuromarketing Approaches to Research Questions

Behavioral response-time studies

Eye tracking

Behavioral experiments



Functional magnetic resonance imaging

Integrating Neuromarketing and Traditional Research Approaches

Taking a big-picture view of market-research requirements

Thinking about capacity and capabilities for integrated studies

Building an organizational structure for integrated studies

Part V: Living with Neuromarketing: Practical and Ethical Considerations

Chapter 19: Five Things You Need to Know about Neuromarketing Studies and Measures

Experimental Design: Identifying How Good Experiments Work

Three questions every good experiment must answer

Knowing what to let change and what to hold constant

Measurement Theory: Understanding Validity and Reliability

Measuring the right thing and measuring it right

Improving the validity and reliability of neuromarketing metrics

Reverse Inference: Connecting Brain Measures to States of Mind

Statistical Significance: Knowing When to Believe the Results

Statistical tests commonly used in neuromarketing studies

Getting more mileage out of statistical testing

Normative Data: Linking Findings to the Real World

Friends don’t let friends make marketing decisions without normative data

Understanding how normative data puts study results in context

Chapter 20: A Pre-Flight Checklist for Successful Neuromarketing Studies

What Are Your Business Objectives for This Study?

What Hypothesis Are You Testing and What’s the Best Test to Use?

Are You Testing the Right Materials?

Are You Sampling from the Right Population?

How Will Your Results Change Your Business Actions?

Don’t Pay the Price of a Failure to Communicate

Chapter 21: Picking the Right Neuromarketing Partner

Knowing What You Need from a Neuromarketing Partner

Looking At Your Options

When to enlist a neuromarketing vendor

When to enlist a neuromarketing consultant

Neuromarketing Orientations and Specializations

Technology specialists

Integrated solution generalists

Questions to Ask a Prospective Neuromarketing Partner

Culling the herd

Selecting the winner

Chapter 22: Neuromarketing Ethics, Standards, and Public Policy Implications

Doing Neuromarketing Ethically

Protecting the rights of research participants

Representing research accurately in media and marketing

Providing evidence of validity and reliability to potential buyers

Moving the Industry toward “Neuro-Standards”

Getting past the “Wild West” of early neuromarketing

Embracing new standards for neuromarketing

Understanding Legal Issues Concerning Neuromarketing

Should neuromarketing be banned?

Balancing accountability and free speech in the marketplace

Using Neuromarketing to Make Us Healthier and Wiser

Neuromarketing and public service advertising

Neuromarketing and public policy design and implementation

Neuromarketing and education

Part VI: The Part of Tens

Chapter 23: Ten Mistaken Beliefs about Neuromarketing

Your Brain Has a “Buy Button”

Marketing Can Control You

Neuromarketing Can Implant Ideas in Your Head

Your Nonconscious Can Overrule Your Conscious Mind

Neuromarketing Will Kill Creativity in Marketing

Surveys and Focus Groups Are Dead

Neuromarketing Is Inherently Evil

Neuromarketing Isn’t Based on Real Research

Neuromarketing Is Only about Advertising

All Neuromarketers Always Tell the Truth

Chapter 24: Ten Scientific Pillars Underlying Neuromarketing

System 1 and System 2


Emotional “Somatic Markers”

Processing Fluency


Nonconscious Goal Pursuit

Low-Attention Processing

Implicit Memory

Implicit Decisions

Reverse Inference

About the Authors

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