About The Authors

Adrian Zumbrunnen

Adrian Zumbrunnen is a user experience and interaction designer working at Information Architects1 in Zurich. He loves the Web, well formed type and freshly brewed coffee. In his free time he goes kite surfing and writes about UX design on his blog2. Twitter: @webchaeschtli3.

Anastasios Karafillis

Anastasios Karafillis is a freelance user interface designer based in Greece. Having studied Social Sciences and Philosophy, he believes that a proper philosophy of language is crucial to any well-designed social or digital information system. My main areas of expertise are: interaction design, information architecture, empathy, usability, nomenclature.

Jon Rundle

Jon Rundle is a designer and partner at Treble4; a Canadian mobile design and development shop. Previously, senior interface designer and front-end developer at ResIM5. He has experience working with a wide range of clients including Samsonite Canada6, 3M7 and Seneca College8. Twitter: @jonrundle9.

Luca Leone

Luca Leone is a freelance self-taught interaction designer with a background in macroeconomics from his formal studies at Milano Bocconi University. He works with small and big companies on websites and apps projects. Twitter: @luc4leone10.

Kyle Peatt

Kyle Peatt is an interaction designer and front-end developer in equal parts. He strongly believes that every designer should have the skills to build what they conceive. Kyle manages a team of like-minded designers and UI developers on the Customer Success team at Mobify11. Together, they build amazing mobile web experiences for enterprise clients. Kyle has been working on the web for 10 years but has focused on mobile since the launch of the iPhone. Kyle writes, speaks, and argues about designing and developing for an increasingly multi-device medium. He holds a degree in Sociology from the University of British Columbia but can more often be found holding a pair of strings that lead to a kite. Twitter: @kpeatt12.

Paul Boag

Paul Boag has been working with the web since 1994. He is now co-founder of the web design agency Headscape13, where he works closely with clients to establish their web strategy. Paul is a prolific writer having written the Website Owners Manual14, Building Websites for Return on Investment15, Client Centric Web Design16, Digital Adaptation17 and numerous articles for publications such as .net magazine, Smashing Magazine and the Web Designers Depot. Paul also speaks extensively on various aspects of web design both at conferences across the world and on his award winning Web design podcast boagworld18. Twitter: @boagworld19.

Sorin Pintilie

Designer with a cross-disciplinary curiosity for what the world has to offer. Twitter: @sorpeen20.

About Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine21 is an online magazine dedicated to Web designers and developers worldwide. Its rigorous quality control and thorough editorial work has gathered a devoted community exceeding half a million subscribers, followers and fans. Each and every published article is carefully prepared, edited, reviewed and curated according to the high quality standards set in Smashing Magazine’s own publishing policy22.

Smashing Magazine publishes articles on a daily basis with topics ranging from business, visual design, typography, front-end as well as back-end development, all the way to usability and user experience design. The magazine is—and always has been—a professional and independent online publication neither controlled nor influenced by any third parties, delivering content in the best interest of its readers. These guidelines are continually revised and updated to assure that the quality of the published content is never compromised. Since its emergence back in 2006 Smashing Magazine has proven to be a trustworthy online source.

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