

#All specifier, 192

‘ (apostrophe), 47, 134, 176

* (asterisk)

custom number formats, 149

in filter criteria, 271

in formulas, 176

text filters, 261

wildcard searches, 86

{ } (curly braces), array formulas, 193

#Data specifier, 192

#DIV/0! errors, 199, 230

$ (dollar sign) in cell referencing, 178-179

= (equal sign), in formulas, 176

#Headers specifier, 192

###### in cell, 199

#NAME? errors, 200

# (pound sign), custom number formats, 145

? (question mark)

in filter criteria, 271

text filters, 261

wildcard searches, 86

#REF! errors, 200

[ ] (square brackets), specifiers, 192

@ThisRow specifier, 192

~ (tilde)

in filter criteria, 271

wildcard searches, 87

#Totals specifier, 192

_ (underscore), custom number formats, 148

#VALUE! errors, 200

24 hours, time formats over, 150


absolute cell references, 163, 178-179

accounting format, currency format versus, 130

accounts, Microsoft, 411

creating, 412-413

deleting workbooks, 415-416

sites for, 412

uploading workbooks, 413-414

adding. See also inserting


to QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 15-16

to ribbon, 12-14

groups to ribbon tabs, 14

Advanced Filter dialog box

creating unique lists, 268-269

filtering with criteria, 269-271

formulas as criteria, 272-273

reorganizing columns, 266-267

aligning text in cells, 121

allowing folder editing, 422

AND function, 229

apostrophe (‘), 47, 134, 176


cell styles, 166-167

filters, 254-256

layouts to charts, 346

styles/colors to charts, 345

themes, 169-170

arguments for functions, 211-213

troubleshooting formulas, 235-237

array formulas, 193-195

entering, 193-194

multicell array formulas

deleting, 194-195

entering, 194

resizing, 195

arrows, clearing, 203

artistic effects, applying to pictures, 407-408

aspect ratio

locking, 302

unlocking, 406

asterisk (*)

custom number formats, 149

in filter criteria, 271

in formulas, 176

text filters, 261

wildcard searches, 86

attachments (email), sharing workbooks, 316-317

AutoFilter, 254

automatic backups, 314

automatic table expansion, 79

Auto Outline, 336-337

AutoRecover, disabling, 315

AutoSum button, 214-217

AVERAGE function, 215


display units, editing, 351

secondary axis, inserting, 356

titles, editing, 349-350


Backstage view, 25


automatic backups, 314

configuring, 314

disabling AutoRecover, 315

recovering, 315

unsaved file recovery, 316

bar of pie charts, creating, 361-362

black-and-white pictures, changing color pictures to, 407-408

bold text, applying, 111

borders, 135-138

colors, 137-138

multiple formats, 136

selective lines, 137

breaking links, 198

breaks. See page breaks

brightness of pictures, correcting, 407-408

Browser View Options, 425

creating online forms, 425-427

limitations, 427

bubble charts, 359-360


calculated fields in PivotTables, 384

deleting, 385

editing, 385

inserting, 384-385


dates and times, 231

number of days between, 233

WORKDAY function, 231-232

formulas, 176

manual calculation settings, 207

payments with Goal Seek, 234-235

PivotTable fields, changing calculation type, 375


with AutoSum button, 215

multiple, nonadjacent ranges, 216-217

quick calculations, 217-219

subtotals, 323-324

in tables, 190

calculation records (PivotTables), viewing, 387-388

canceling row/column selections, 92

cell addresses in table formulas, 190

cell comments, 280

deleting, 288

editing, 281

formatting, 282-283

images in, 284-286

inserting, 280-281

resizing, 287

viewing/hiding, 287-288

cells, 7

absolute versus relative references, 163, 178-179

borders, 135-138

colors, 137-138

multiple formats, 136

selective lines, 137

centering text across, 124

clearing contents, 73, 104

coloring, 138-140

conditional formatting, 154-166

clearing, 163-164

custom rules, 161-163

editing, 164-166

highlighting duplicate/unique values, 159-160

highlighting top 10 values, 157-158

icons, 155-157

predefined rules, 159

Convert to Number option, 80

copied cells, inserting, 100

data entry, 46

alternative series methods, 52

custom list creation, 53-54

dates and times, 48

expanding tables, 78-79

fractions, 49

imported data, 64-67

mixed series, 51

numbers as text, 47

numerical series, 51

Paste Special dialog box, 55-63

text series, 50

undoing/redoing, 49

validation, 67-69

web queries, 70-72

deleting, 73, 104

editing data, 72

editing specific ranges, 310-311

font settings, 108-115

bold/italic/underline, 111

changing multiple settings, 108-109

Format Painter, 114-115

resizing typeface, 110

selecting typeface, 109-110

single-word formatting, 114

strikethrough/superscript/subscript text, 111-112

text color, 113


array formulas, 193-195

calculating, 176

converting to values, 184-185

copying, 180-183

inserting into tables, 189-192

links, 195-198

manual calculation settings, 207

named cells in, 187

order of operations, 177

relative versus absolute referencing, 178-179

selecting all on sheet, 178

sheet names in references, 224

troubleshooting, 198-206

typing, 175-178

viewing all on sheet, 177

Freeze Panes option

first column, 293

multiple rows/columns, 294

top row, 293

unfreezing rows/columns, 294

functions, 209

AutoSum button, 214-217

CHOOSE function, 219-220

DATEDIF function, 233

Function Arguments dialog box, 211-213

Goal Seek, 234-235

IFERROR function, 229-230

IF function, 228-229

INDEX function, 223-224

logical functions, 229

MATCH function, 223-224

nested functions, 224

quick calculations, 217-219

RAND function, 246-247

searching, 210

SUBTOTAL, 321-322

SUMIFS function, 225-227

troubleshooting formulas with Function Arguments dialog box, 235-237

typing with formula tips, 214

VLOOKUP function, 221-222

WORKDAY function, 231-232

gradient fills, applying, 139-140


creating between sheets, 152

editing, 153

to other files, 153

removing, 153

selecting cells, 153

to web pages, 154

indenting contents, 127

inserting, 103-104

merging, 121-123

across columns, 123

centering data, 122

limitations on, 122

moving, 105

named cells

creating, 186-187

in formulas, 187

global versus local scope, 188-189

number formats, 128

comma style, 128

currency symbols, 130

custom formats, 143-151

date and time codes, 151

dates and times, 131-140

decimal places, 128

filling leading/trailing spaces, 149

for large numbers, 146-147

lining up decimals, 148

negative numbers, 129

optional versus required digits, 145-146

percentages, 132-133

sharing, 144

special format, 134-135

as text, 133-134

time formats over 24 hours, 150

Paste Special dialog box, converting text to numbers, 81-83

ranges, selecting, 21-22

recalculating, 196

reflowing paragraph text, 126

searching, 84

refining search, 85

replacing data, 87-89

troubleshooting, 85

wildcard searches, 86-87

selected cell filters, 264

selecting, 20

noncontiguous cells, 102

with name box, 101

sparklines, 341, 364

date ranges in, 366-367

deleting, 367

highlighting points, 365-366

inserting, 365

spell checking, 83

styles, 166-168

applying, 166-167

creating custom, 167-168


calculating, 323-324

copying, 327-329

expanding/collapsing, 325

formatting, 329

multiple results in single row, 331-332

multiple results on multiple rows, 329-330

removing, 325-326

separating for print, 333

separating for shared files, 334-336

sorting, 326-327

text alignment within, 121

unlocking, 309

unmerging, 123

visible cells, selecting, 328

wrapping text, 125


data in merged cells, 122

text across cells, 124

changing. See also editing

axis display units, 351

calculation type of PivotTable fields, 375

chart type, 353

color pictures to black-and-white, 407-408

data point colors, 352

data source for charts, 357

layout in SmartArt, 402

PivotTable layout, 377-378

series colors, 352

shapes in SmartArt, 402-403

source workbook, 197

username, 281

charts, 341


axis display units, 351

chart/axis titles, 349-350

chart type, 353

Format task pane, 348-349

pie charts, 360-362

secondary axis, 356

series colors, 352


bubble charts, 359-360

with chart template, 364

manually, 343

multiple type charts, 354-355

with Quick Analysis tool, 342

stock charts, 358-359

layouts, applying, 346

moving, 347

previewing, 342

all chart types, 343-344

resizing, 346

sparklines. See sparklines

styles/colors, applying, 345

switching rows/columns, 344


saving, 363

usage, 364

updating data, 356-358

chart sheets, 347

chart titles, editing, 349-350

CHOOSE function, 219-220

clearing. See also deleting; removing

arrows, 203

cell content, 73, 104

conditional formatting, 163-164

filters, 256

PivotTable filters, 384

print area, 296

sheets, 74

click-and-drag, sorting PivotTables, 378

closed workbooks, referencing, 275

closing workbooks, 30


fields in PivotTables, 380

subtotals, 325

color codes in custom number formats, 146-147

color filters, 263

color of text, selecting, 113

color palette, themes and, 138

color pictures, changing to black-and-white, 407-408


borders, 137-138

in cells, 138-140

charts, applying, 345

data points, changing, 352

gradient fills, applying, 139-140

series colors, editing, 352

sorting by, 242-243

sparkline points, 365-366

column headings, 7


copying, 99-100

copying formulas down, 182

deleting, 94-95


applying, 254-256

clearing, 256

enabling for single column, 257

reapplying, 257

selecting datasets, 256


with Auto Outline, 336-337

manual grouping, 337-339

removing grouping, 339

hiding/unhiding, 96

inserting, 93-94

labels, merging datasets based on, 276-277


copying formulas, 179

first column, 293

merging cells across, 123


by cutting, 97-99

by dragging, 96-97

multiple columns

locking, 294

subtotals, 324

overwriting data, 98, 100

reorganizing, Advanced Filter dialog box, 266-267

repeating on printed page, 300

resizing, 199

selecting, 92

canceling selection, 92

multiple columns, 92

noncontiguous columns, 93


by colors, 242-243

by custom sequence, 247-248

by icons, 242-243

left to right, 249-250

Quick Sort buttons, 244-246

random sorts, 246-247

shortcuts for, 243

troubleshooting, 251

by values, 240-241

sums by multiple criteria, SUMIFS function, 225-227

swapping with rows in charts, 344

unfreezing, 294

width adjustments, 119-120

by dragging, 119-120

by typing, 120-121


logical functions, 229

Paste Special options, 57-59

combo charts, inserting, 354-355

commands, adding

to QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 15-16

to ribbon, 12-14

comma style, formatting numbers, 128

comments. See cell comments

compact layout (PivotTables), 377

comparing values, IF function, 228

compressing pictures, 409

conditional formatting, 154-166

clearing, 163-164

custom rules, 161-163

editing, 164-166

highlighting duplicate/unique values, 159-160

highlighting top 10 values, 157-158

icons, 155-157

predefined rules, 159


backups, 314

print options, 304-305

Consolidate tool, merging datasets

based on labels, 276-277

based on ranges, 274-275

linking to source data, 277

contrast of pictures, correcting, 407-408

Convert to Number option (information symbol), 80

converting formulas to values, 184-185

co-owners of shared files, removing, 423-424

copied cells, inserting, 100


formatting with Format Painter, 114-115

formulas, 180-183

between workbooks without links, 183

down columns, 182

dragging fill handle, 181

paste options, 180

rows/columns, 99-100


between workbooks, 42

linked formulas in, 43

within workbooks, 41

subtotals, 327-329


drilled-down data, 388

picture brightness/contrast, 407-408

COUNT NUMBERS function, 215

Creative Commons licensing, 285


filtering records, 269-271

formulas as, 272-273

rules for, 271


pictures, 405-407

to shapes, 407

curly braces ({ }), 193

currency format, accounting format versus, 130

currency symbols, formatting numbers, 130

current workbook, customizing QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 16

custom cell styles, creating, 167-168


QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 15-16

adding commands, 15-16

for current workbook, 16

moving, 15

removing commands, 16

ribbon, 10-14

adding commands, 12-14

minimizing, 11

Ribbon Display Options menu, 12

custom number formats, 143-151

date and time codes, 151

filling leading/trailing spaces, 149

for large numbers, 146-147

lining up decimals, 148

optional versus required digits, 145-146

sections, 144

sharing, 144

time formats over 24 hours, 150

custom rules, creating, 161-163

custom sequence, sorting by, 247-248


cells for moving, 105

rows/columns, 97-99


data caches, unlinking PivotTables, 388-389

data entry, 46. See also typing

alternative series methods, 52

custom list creation, 53-54

dates and times, 48

expanding tables, 78-79

fractions, 49

imported data, 64-67

delimited text, 64-66

fixed-width text, 67

mixed series, 51

numbers as text, 47

numerical series, 51

Paste Special dialog box, 55-63

combining options, 57-59

mathematical operations in, 60-61

merging noncontiguous sections, 63

non-range data, 62

previewing paste options, 56

values only, 55-56

text series, 50

undoing/redoing, 49

validation, 67-69

web queries, 70-72

data points, changing colors, 352



applying, 254-256

clearing, 256

color filters, 263

creating unique lists, 268-269

with criteria, 269-271

date filters, 263

enabling for single column, 257

formulas as criteria, 272-273

Group Dates option, 258-260

icon filters, 263

on protected sheets, 264-265

range filters, 261-262

reapplying, 257

removing duplicate rows, 273-274

reorganizing columns, 266-267

selected cell filters, 264

text filters, 260-261

Top # filters, 262


based on labels, 276-277

based on ranges, 274-275

linking to source data, 277

scaling to fit page, 299


for filters, 256

keyboard shortcuts, 267

for sorting, 241

sorting. See sorting

data source

for charts, changing, 357

for PivotTables

editing, 391

updating, 390-391

DATEDIF function, 233

date filters, 263

date ranges in sparklines, 366-367



number of days between, 233

WORKDAY function, 231-232

data validation, 69

date and time codes, 151

formatting numbers, 131-140

fractions as, 49

Group Dates option, 258

enabling, 258

filtering by date, 259-260

troubleshooting, 259

in PivotTables, grouping/ungrouping, 373, 381-383

storing as serial numbers, 231

typing, 48

decimal numbers, data validation, 69

decimal places, formatting numbers, 128

decimals, lining up, 148

default file type, saving workbooks, 30

default text color, applying, 113

defining tables, 75-76

deleting. See also clearing; removing

calculated fields in PivotTables, 385

cell comments, 288

cells, 73, 104

duplicate rows, 273-274

multicell array formulas, 194-195

page breaks, 298

rows/columns, 94-95

sheets, 38-39

sparklines, 367

workbooks via OneDrive, 415-416

delimited text, importing, 64-66

dependents, tracing, 201-203

deselecting cells, 102


AutoRecover, 315

Error Checking feature, 80

displaying. See viewing

dollar sign ($), in cell referencing, 178-179

downloading workbooks, 417-418


cells, 105

for column width adjustments, 119-120

fill handle, copying formulas, 181

ranges, converting formulas to values, 185

for row height adjustments, 116

rows/columns, 96-97

drilling down in PivotTables, 387-388

duplicate rows, removing, 273-274

duplicate values, highlighting in conditional formatting, 159-160

dynamic chart titles, editing, 350


editing. See also changing; formatting

calculated fields in PivotTables, 385

cell comments, 281


axis display units, 351

chart/axis titles, 349-350

chart type, 353

Format task pane, 348-349

pie charts, 360-362

secondary axis, 356

series colors, 352

conditional formatting, 164-166

data, 72

data source for PivotTables, 391

folders, allowing, 422

hyperlinks, 153

images in SmartArt, 399

specific ranges, 310-311

startup prompt for links, 196

surveys in Excel Web App, 429

templates, 34

workbooks simultaneously, 424-425

email, sharing workbooks, 316-317

empty rows/columns in tables, 76


error checking, 80, 201

filters for single column, 257

Group Dates option, 258

entering. See typing

equal sign (=) in formulas, 176

error checking, enabling, 80, 201

errors. See also troubleshooting

data validation messages, 69

hiding with IFERROR function, 229-230

types, troubleshooting formulas, 199-201

Evaluate Formula dialog box, 204-206

Excel 2016 In Depth (Jelen), 209

Excel 2016 PivotTable Data Crunching (Jelen, Alexander), 369

Excel desktop version, uploading workbooks, 414-415

Excel Web App, 411. See also OneDrive

Browser View Options, 425

creating online forms, 425-427

limitations, 427

creating surveys, 428-429

creating workbooks, 419

cropped pictures and, 405

deleting workbooks, 415-416

downloading workbooks, 417-418

file extensions, 420

opening workbooks, 417

protected workbooks, 414

Reading View, 416

renaming workbooks, 419-420

saving workbooks, 419-420

sharing workbooks

allowing editing, 422

creating view-only folders, 420-422

editing simultaneously, 424-425

removing co-owners, 423-424

removing sharing, 422-424

SmartArt and, 395

uploading workbooks

via Excel desktop version, 414-415

via OneDrive, 413-414

WordArt and, 403


fields in PivotTables, 380

subtotals, 325

tables, 78-79

Extend Selection mode, 22


in Excel Web App, 420

saving workbooks, 29-30


F4 key (cell referencing), 179

F9 key (evaluating formulas), 206

faded slicers, troubleshooting, 393

fields in PivotTables

calculated fields, 384-385

changing calculation type, 375

expanding/collapsing, 380

removing, 374

file extensions

in Excel Web App, 420

saving workbooks, 29-30

file size of pictures, reducing, 409

file-level protection, 306-307

files, hyperlinks to, 153. See also workbooks

fill color, 138-140

fill handle, 50

dragging, copying formulas, 181

viewing, 181

filter drop-downs, hiding, 392

filters, 253

Advanced Filter dialog box

creating unique lists, 268-269

filtering with criteria, 269-271

formulas as criteria, 272-273

reorganizing columns, 266-267

applying, 254-256

AutoFilter, 254

clearing, 256

color filters, 263

date filters, 263

enabling for single column, 257

Group Dates option, 258

enabling, 258

filtering by date, 259-260

troubleshooting, 259

icon filters, 263


clearing filters, 384

for listed items, 383

on protected sheets, 264-265

range filters, 261-262

reapplying, 257

removing duplicate rows, 273-274

selected cell filters, 264

selecting datasets, 256


creating, 392

faded slicers, 393

usage, 393

text filters, 260-261

Top # filters, 262

final files, marking as, 312

finding. See also searching

functions, 210

table names, 191

first column, locking, 293

fitting paragraph text to ranges, 126

fixed-width text, importing, 67



in OneDrive, 415

while saving workbooks, 420


allowing editing, 422

Browser View Options limitations, 427

creating surveys, 428-429

creating view-only folders, 420-422

editing simultaneously, 424-425

removing co-owners, 423-424

removing sharing, 422-424

font settings

cells, 108-115

bold/italic/underline, 111

changing multiple settings, 108-109

Format Painter, 114-115

resizing typeface, 110

selecting typeface, 109-110

single-word formatting, 114

strikethrough/superscript/subscript text, 111-112

text color, 113

resizing for row height adjustments, 118

footers. See headers/footers

Format Painter, 114-115

Format task pane, editing charts, 348-349

formatting. See also editing

cell comments, 282-283


borders, 135-138

conditional formatting, 154-166

font settings, 108-115

styles, 166-168


layouts, 346

styles/colors, 345

copying/pasting formulas, 180

finding/replacing, 89

numbers, 128

comma style, 128

currency symbols, 130

custom formats, 143-151

date and time codes, 151

dates and times, 131-140

decimal places, 128

filling leading/trailing spaces, 149

for large numbers, 146-147

lining up decimals, 148

negative numbers, 129

optional versus required digits, 145-146

percentages, 132-133

in PivotTables, 376

sharing custom formats, 144

special format, 134-135

as text, 133-134

time formats over 24 hours, 150

subtotals, 329

themes, 169-173

applying, 169-170

creating, 170-172

sharing, 173

forms, creating online forms, 425-427

formula bar

resizing, 183

selecting text, 114

formulas. See also functions

array formulas, 193-195

entering, 193-194

multicell array formulas, 194-195

calculating, 176

converting to values, 184-185

copying, 180-183

between workbooks without links, 183

down columns, 182

dragging fill handle, 181

paste options, 180

as criteria, 272-273

inserting into tables, 189-192

links, 195-198

breaking, 198

changing source workbook, 197

editing startup prompt, 196

invisible links, 195

refreshing data, 196

manual calculation settings, 207

in moved/copied sheets, 43

named cells in, 187

order of operations, 177

relative versus absolute referencing, 178-179

selecting all, 178

sheets, referencing, 176, 224

troubleshooting, 198-206

error types, 199-201

Evaluate Formula dialog box, 204-206

F9 key (evaluating highlighted portion), 206

Function Arguments dialog box, 235-237

###### in cell, 199

tracing precedents/dependents, 201-203

Watch Window, 203-204

typing, 175-178

viewing all, 177

formula tips, typing functions, 214

fractions, typing, 49

Freeze Panes option

first column, locking, 293

multiple rows/columns, locking, 294

tables and, 292-293

top row, locking, 293

unfreezing rows/columns, 294

Function Arguments dialog box, 211-213

troubleshooting formulas, 235-237

functions, 209. See also formulas

AutoSum button, 214-217


Goal Seek, 234-235

IF, 228-229

IFERROR, 229-230

logical functions, 229

lookup functions

CHOOSE, 219-220

INDEX, 223-224

MATCH, 223-224

VLOOKUP, 221-222

nested, 224

quick calculations, 217-219

RAND, random sorts, 246-247

searching, 210

SUBTOTAL, 78, 321-322

SUMIFS, 225-227

troubleshooting, 199

typing with formula tips, 214

WORKDAY, 231-232

fx button, 210


global scope, named cells, 188-189

Goal Seek, 234-235

gradient fills, applying, 139-140

grand totals, viewing in PivotTables, 386

green triangles, 47, 79-80

Group Dates option, 258

enabling, 258

filtering by date, 259-260

troubleshooting, 259


dates in PivotTables, 373, 381-383


with Auto Outline, 336-337

manual grouping, 337-339

removing groups, 339

sheets, 40


adding to ribbon tabs, 14


removing, 325-326

separating for print, 333

separating for shared files, 334-336


headers/footers, 300-301

images in, 301-302

page numbering, 303-304

height of rows, adjusting, 115-118

by dragging, 116

with font size automatic adjustments, 118

troubleshooting automatic adjustments, 125

by typing values, 117

help system, 8-9

hidden rows, ignoring in subtotals, 321-322


cell comments, 287-288

errors with IFERROR function, 229-230

filter drop-downs, 392

ribbon, 12

rows/columns, 96

sheets, 291

subtotals in PivotTables, 386-387

totals in PivotTables, 386


duplicate/unique values in conditional formatting, 159-160

points (in sparklines), 365-366

top 10 values in conditional formatting, 157-158

horizontal alignment in cells, 121



between sheets, 152

to other files, 153

to web pages, 154

editing, 153

removing, 153

selecting cells, 153


icon filters, 263


in conditional formatting, 155-157

ribbon, resizing, 7

sorting by, 242-243

IF function, 228-229

IFERROR function, 229-230

images. See also pictures

Creative Commons licensing, 285

editing in SmartArt, 399


in cell comments, 284-286

in headers/footers, 301-302

in SmartArt, 398-399

locking aspect ratio, 302

imported data, 64-67

delimited text, 64-66

fixed-width text, 67

indenting cell contents, 127

INDEX function, 223-224

input prompts, data validation, 69

inserting. See also adding

calculated fields in PivotTables, 384-385

cell comments, 280-281

cells, 103-104


bubble charts, 359-360

with chart template, 364

manually, 343

multiple type charts, 354-355

with Quick Analysis tool, 342

stock charts, 358-359

copied cells, 100

formulas into tables, 189-192

functions, 210


in cell comments, 284-286

in headers/footers, 301-302

in SmartArt, 398-399

page numbering in headers/footers, 303-304

pictures, 404-405

rows/columns, 93-94

secondary axis, 356

sheets, 38

SmartArt, 396-397

sparklines, 365

total row, 77

web queries, 70-72

WordArt, 403-404


help system, 8-9

QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), customizing, 15-16


customizing, 10-14

usage, 10


navigating, 20-21

selecting ranges, 21-22

viewing multiple, 16-18

zoom level, 19-20

window, parts of, 6-8

invisible links, 195

italic text, applying, 111


keyboard shortcuts

bold/italic/underline text, 111

creating workbooks, 26

F4 key (cell referencing), 179

F9 key (evaluating formulas), 206

navigating sheets, 20-21, 39

selecting datasets, 267

selecting ranges, 22

selecting visible cells, 328

undoing/redoing actions, 49


labels, merging datasets, 276-277

large numbers, custom formats, 146-147



for PivotTables, 377-378

in SmartArt, 402

charts, applying, 346

leading spaces, filling in custom number formats, 149

leading zeros, preserving, 146

licensing, Creative Commons, 285

lining up decimals, 148

linked formulas in moved/copied sheets, 43

linking to source data when merging datasets, 277

links, 195-198. See also hyperlinks

breaking, 198

changing source workbook, 197

copying formulas without, 183

editing startup prompt, 196

invisible links, 195

refreshing data, 196

sharing, 319

listed items, filtering PivotTables, 383


alternative series methods, 52

creating unique, 268-269

custom creation, 53-54

data validation, 67-69

mixed series, 51

numerical series, 51

protecting, 67

returning values from, 219-220

text series, 50

local scope, named cells, 188-189

location of templates, changing, 35


aspect ratio, 302

columns, copying formulas, 179

first column, 293

multiple rows/columns, 294

rows, copying formulas, 179

top row, 293

logical functions, combining, 229

logical tests, IF function, 228-229

lookup functions

CHOOSE, 219-220

INDEX, 223-224

MATCH, 223-224

VLOOKUP, 221-222


macros, uploading workbooks with, 415

manual calculation settings, 207

manual grouping, 337-339

manually creating PivotTables, 372-374

manually inserting charts, 343

manually updating charts, 358

margins, setting, 295

marking final files, 312

MATCH function, 223-224

mathematical operations in Paste Special dialog box, 60-61

MAX function, 215

maximum height for rows, setting, 116

maximum width for columns, setting, 120


cells, 121-123

across columns, 123

centering data, 122

limitations on, 122


based on labels, 276-277

based on ranges, 274-275

linking to source data, 277

noncontiguous sections, 63

Microsoft accounts, 411

creating, 412-413

deleting workbooks, 415-416

sites for, 412

uploading workbooks, 413-414

MIN function, 215

minimizing ribbon, 11

mini toolbar

bold/italic/underline text, applying, 111

font settings, changing, 110

resizing typeface, 110

mixed series, 51

modifying. See editing

month and year, grouping dates by, 382-383


selecting ranges, 21-22

zoom level, 20


cells, 105

charts, 347

page breaks, 297

pictures within shapes, 407

QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 15


by cutting, 97-99

by dragging, 96-97


between workbooks, 42

linked formulas in, 43

within workbooks, 41

SmartArt, 399-401

text placeholders in SmartArt, 401-402

multicell array formulas

deleting, 194-195

entering, 194

resizing, 195

multiple border formats, 136

multiple cells, merging, 121-123

across columns, 123

centering data, 122

limitations on, 122

multiple columns

creating unique lists, 269

deleting, 94

inserting, 94

locking, 294

resizing, 119

selecting, 92


by colors, 242-243

by icons, 242-243

Quick Sort buttons, 245-246

shortcuts for, 243

by values, 240-241

subtotals, 324

unfreezing, 294

multiple criteria, sums by (SUMIFS function), 225-227

multiple delimiters in imported data, 66

multiple font settings, changing, 108-109

multiple Paste Special options, combining, 57-59

multiple ranges, calculating, 216-217

multiple reports, grouping dates, 381

multiple rows

deleting, 94

inserting, 94

locking, 294

multiple subtotals on, 329-330

resizing, 116

selecting, 92

unfreezing, 294

multiple sheets

selecting, 40

viewing, 16-18

Synchronous Scrolling, 18

window arrangements, 17

multiple subtotals

on multiple rows, 329-330

in single row, 331-332

multiple type charts, inserting, 354-355

multiple users, sharing workbooks, 289-290

multiplying ranges, 60-61


name box, selecting cells, 101

named cells

creating, 186-187

in formulas, 187

global versus local scope, 188-189


of sheets, 43

in formula references, 224

tables, finding, 191

navigating sheets, 20-21, 39

negative numbers, formatting, 129

nested functions, 224

nonadjacent ranges, calculating, 216-217

nonconsecutive page numbering, 304

noncontiguous cells, selecting, 102

noncontiguous rows/columns

deleting, 95

selecting, 93

noncontiguous sections, merging, 63

non-Excel sources in Paste Special dialog box, 62

non-range data in Paste Special dialog box, 62

notes. See cell comments

NOT function, 229

number formats, copying/pasting formulas, 184


clearing data, 73

clearing sheets, 74

editing data, 72

extending in series, 51

alternative series methods, 52

formatting, 128

comma style, 128

currency symbols, 130

custom formats, 143-151

date and time codes, 151

dates and times, 131-140

decimal places, 128

filling leading/trailing spaces, 149

for large numbers, 146-147

lining up decimals, 148

negative numbers, 129

optional versus required digits, 145-146

percentages, 132-133

in PivotTables, 376

sharing custom formats, 144

special format, 134-135

as text, 133-134

time formats over 24 hours, 150


array formulas, 193-195

calculating, 176

converting to values, 184-185

copying, 180-183

inserting into tables, 189-192

links, 195-198

manual calculation settings, 207

named cells in, 187

order of operations, 177

relative versus absolute referencing, 178-179

selecting all on sheet, 178

sheet names in references, 224

troubleshooting, 198-206

typing, 175-178

viewing all on sheet, 177

functions, 209

AutoSum button, 214-217

CHOOSE function, 219-220

DATEDIF function, 233

Function Arguments dialog box, 211-213

Goal Seek, 234-235

IFERROR function, 229-230

IF function, 228-229

INDEX function, 223-224

logical functions, 229

MATCH function, 223-224

nested functions, 224

quick calculations, 217-219

RAND function, 246-247

searching, 210

SUBTOTAL, 321-322

SUMIFS function, 225-227

troubleshooting formulas with Function Arguments dialog box, 235-237

typing with formula tips, 214

VLOOKUP function, 221-222

WORKDAY function, 231-232

indenting, 127

mixed series, 51

PivotTable fields, troubleshooting, 375

searching, 84

refining search, 85

replacing data, 87-89

troubleshooting, 85

wildcard searches, 86-87


calculating, 323-324

copying, 327-329

expanding/collapsing, 325

formatting, 329

multiple results in single row, 331-332

multiple results on multiple rows, 329-330

removing, 325-326

separating for print, 333

separating for shared files, 334-336

sorting, 326-327

as text, 79

converting via Paste Special, 81-83

Convert to Number option, 80

troubleshooting, 222

Top # filters, 262

typing, 46

as dates and times, 48

as fractions, 49

as text, 47

value filters, 261-262

numerical series, 51


OneDrive. See also Excel Web App

creating folders, 415

deleting workbooks, 415-416

saving workbooks to, 318-319, 414-415

uploading workbooks, 413-414

online Excel version. See Excel Web App

online forms, creating, 425-427

online surveys, creating in Excel Web App, 428-429

online templates, 31


templates, 33

workbooks, 26-27

in Excel Web App, 417

in Outlook, 317

Recent Workbooks list, 27

refreshing PivotTables, 390

open workbooks, downloading, 418

optional digits versus required digits in custom number formats, 145-146

order of operations for formulas, 177

OR function, 229

orientation, setting, 295

outline layout (PivotTables), 377

outlines, Auto Outline, 336-337

Outlook, opening workbooks, 317

overwriting data

in rows/columns, 98, 100

undoing, 98


page breaks

deleting, 298

moving, 297

setting, 297

page numbering, inserting in headers/footers, 303-304

page setup, 295

page breaks

deleting, 298

moving, 297

setting, 297

paper size/margins/orientation, 295

print area, 296

repeating rows/columns, 300

scaling data to fit, 299

paper size, setting, 295

paragraph text, reflowing, 126

passwords, setting, 306-307

Paste Special dialog box, 55-63

combining options, 57-59

converting text to numbers, 81-83

mathematical operations in, 60-61

merging noncontiguous sections, 63

non-range data, 62

previewing paste options, 56

values only, 55-56


cells for moving, 105


paste options, 180

as values, 184

payments, calculating with Goal Seek, 234-235

PDF file type, 29

percentages, formatting numbers, 132-133

personal templates. See templates

phone numbers, formatting, 134-135


corrections/color/artistic effects, 407-408

inserting, 404-405

moving within shapes, 407

reducing file size, 409

resizing/cropping, 405-407

pie charts

rotating, 360-361

troubleshooting, small slices, 360-362


templates, 31

workbooks to Recent Workbooks list, 28

PivotTables, 369

calculated fields, 384

deleting, 385

editing, 385

inserting, 384-385

changing layout, 377-378


changing calculation type, 375

manually creating, 372-374

number formats, 376

Quick Analysis tool, 371

requirements, 370

expanding/collapsing fields, 380


clearing filters, 384

for listed items, 383

grand totals, viewing, 386

grouping dates

limitations, 381

by month and year, 382-383

by week, 381-382

number fields, troubleshooting, 375

refreshing, 389

adding new data, 390-391

editing data source, 391

on file open, 390


creating, 392

faded slicers, 393

usage, 393

sorting, 378-379

subtotals, hiding, 386-387

totals, hiding, 386

unlinking, 388-389

viewing calculation records, 387-388

placeholders, reordering in SmartArt, 401-402

points (in sparklines), highlighting, 365-366

pound sign (#), custom number formats, 145

PowerPivot, 370

precedents, tracing, 201-203

predefined rules in conditional formatting, 159

preserving leading zeros, 146


charts, 342

all chart types, 343-344

font changes, 110

paste options, 56

print area

clearing, 296

setting, 296


page setup, 295

page breaks, 297, 298

paper size/margins/orientation, 295

print area, 296

repeating rows/columns, 300

scaling data to fit, 299

separating subtotals for, 333


configuring print options, 304-305

specific sheets, 305

print options, configuring, 304-305

protected sheets, filters on, 264-265

protected workbooks in Excel Web App, 414


file-level protection, 306-307

for lists, 67

marking files as final, 312

sheet-level protection, 308

editing specific ranges, 310-311

unlocking cells, 309

workbook-level protection, 307-308


QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 8

customizing, 15-16

adding commands, 15-16

for current workbook, 16

moving, 15

removing commands, 16

quarters (dates), filtering by, 263

question mark (?)

in filter criteria, 271

text filters, 261

wildcard searches, 86

Quick Access Toolbar. See QAT (Quick Access Toolbar)

Quick Analysis icon, 219

Quick Analysis tool

creating PivotTables, 371

inserting charts, 342

quick calculations, 217-219

Quick Sort buttons, 244-246

sorting PivotTables, 379


R1C1 notation in name box, 101

RAND function, random sorts, 246-247

random sorts, 246-247

range filters, 261-262

ranges, 7

allowing editing, 310-311

alternative series methods, 52

borders, 135-138

colors, 137-138

multiple formats, 136

selective lines, 137


with AutoSum button, 215

multiple, nonadjacent ranges, 216-217

quick calculations, 217-219

Convert to Number option, 80

custom list creation, 53-54

data entry, web queries, 70-72

deleting, 104

fitting paragraph text, 126

gradient fills, applying, 139-140

inserting, 103-104

merging datasets, 274-275

mixed series, 51

moving, 105

multicell array formulas

deleting, 194-195

entering, 194

resizing, 195

named cells

creating, 186-187

in formulas, 187

global versus local scope, 188-189

numerical series, 51

Paste Special dialog box, 55-63

combining options, 57-59

converting text to numbers, 81-83

mathematical operations in, 60-61

merging noncontiguous sections, 63

non-range data, 62

previewing paste options, 56

values only, 55-56

selecting, 21-22

converting formulas to values, 185

noncontiguous ranges, 102

text series, 50

Reading View, Excel Web App, 416

read-only files, marking as, 312

reapplying filters, 257

recalculating cells, 196

Recent Workbooks list

changing number of files, 27

opening from, 27

pinning to, 28

removing from, 27


backups, 315

unsaved files, 316

redoing actions, 49

reducing file size of pictures, 409


absolute versus relative references, 163, 178-179

closed workbooks, 275

sheets in formulas, 176

refining searches, 85

reflowing paragraph text, 126


link data, 196

PivotTables, 389

adding new data, 390-391

editing data source, 391

on file open, 390

relative cell references, 163, 178-179

Remote Duplicates tool, 273-274

removing. See also clearing; deleting

commands from QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 16

co-owners of shared files, 423-424

duplicate rows, 273-274

fields from PivotTables, 374

file-level protection, 307

grouping, 339

hyperlinks, 153

page breaks, 298

sharing on workbooks, 422-424

subtotals, 325-326

workbooks from Recent Workbooks list, 27


sheets, 43

workbooks in Excel Web App, 419-420

reordering text placeholders in SmartArt, 401-402

reorganizing columns, Advanced Filter dialog box, 266-267

repeating rows/columns on printed page, 300

replacing data, 87-89

required digits versus optional digits in custom number formats, 145-146

reserved words, 187


cell comments, 287

charts, 346

columns, 119-120, 199

by dragging, 119-120

by typing, 120-121

formula bar, 183

multicell array formulas, 195

pictures, 405-407

ribbon, 7

rows, 115-118

by dragging, 116

by typing values, 117

SmartArt, 399-401

typeface, 110

for row height adjustments, 118


list values, 219-220

table values

INDEX and MATCH functions, 223-224

VLOOKUP function, 221-222

ribbon, 7

customizing, 10-14

adding commands, 12-14

minimizing, 11

Ribbon Display Options menu, 12

deleting rows, 95

icons, resizing, 7

inserting rows, 94

toggling, 11

usage, 10

Ribbon Display Options menu, 12

right-aligned numbers, indenting, 127

rotating pie charts, 360-361

row headings, 7


copying, 99-100

deleting, 94-95


with Auto Outline, 336-337

manual grouping, 337-339

removing grouping, 339

height adjustments, 115-118

by dragging, 116

with font size automatic adjustments, 118

troubleshooting, 125

by typing values, 117

hidden rows, ignoring in subtotals, 321-322

hiding/unhiding, 96

inserting, 93-94

labels, merging datasets based on, 276-277


copying formulas, 179

multiple rows, 294


by cutting, 97-99

by dragging, 96-97

overwriting data, 98, 100

removing duplicates, 273-274

repeating on printed page, 300

selecting, 92

canceling selection, 92

multiple rows, 92

noncontiguous rows, 93


by colors, 242-243

by custom sequence, 247-248

by icons, 242-243

Quick Sort buttons, 244-246

random sorts, 246-247

shortcuts for, 243

troubleshooting, 251

by values, 240-241


multiple results in single row, 331-332

multiple results on multiple rows, 329-330

swapping with columns in charts, 344

top row, locking, 293

total rows

changing function, 77-78

expanding tables, 79

inserting, 77

sorting, 327

unfreezing, 294



backups, 314

chart templates, 363

templates, 32-33

changing location, 35

workbooks, 28-29

default file type, 30

in Excel Web App, 419-420

file types, 29-30

to OneDrive, 318-319, 414-415

scaling data to fit page, 299

scope, named cells, 188-189

scrolling, Synchronous Scrolling, 18


functions, 210

help system, 9

sheets, 84

refining search, 85

replacing data, 87-89

troubleshooting, 85

wildcard searches, 86-87

secondary axis, inserting, 356

security. See protection

selected cell filters, 264


cells, 20

with name box, 101

noncontiguous cells, 102


for filters, 256

keyboard shortcuts, 267

for sorting, 241

formulas on sheet, 178

hyperlink cells, 153

ranges, 21-22

converting formulas to values, 185

rows/columns, 92

canceling selection, 92

multiple rows/columns, 92

noncontiguous rows/columns, 93

sheets, 37

multiple sheets, 40

text color, 113

text in formula bar, 114

typeface, 109-110

visible cells, 328

selective lines, borders, 137

separating subtotals

for print, 333

for shared files, 334-336

serial numbers, dates and times as, 231


alternative series methods, 52

custom list creation, 53-54

mixed series, 51

numerical series, 51

text series, 50

series colors, editing, 352

shapes. See also SmartArt

changing in SmartArt, 402-403

cropping to, 407

shared files, separating subtotals for, 334-336


custom number formats, 144


allowing editing, 422

Browser View Options limitations, 427

creating surveys, 428-429

creating view-only folders, 420-422

editing simultaneously, 424-425

removing co-owners, 423-424

removing sharing, 422-424

links, 319

themes, 173

workbooks, 289-290

via email, 316-317

limitations, 289

saving to OneDrive, 318-319

version compatibility, 313

sheet-level protection, 308

editing specific ranges, 310-311

unlocking cells, 309

sheets, 6, 37

cells. See cells

charts. See charts

chart sheets, 347

clearing, 74

clearing data, 73

Convert to Number option, 80

data entry. See data entry

deleting, 38-39

editing data, 72

formulas. See formulas

Freeze Panes option

first column, 293

multiple rows/columns, 294

top row, 293

unfreezing rows/columns, 294

functions. See functions

grouping, 40

headers/footers, 300-301

images in, 301-302

page numbering, 303-304

hiding, 291

hyperlinks. See hyperlinks

inserting, 38


between workbooks, 42

linked formulas in, 43

within workbooks, 41

navigating, 20-21, 39

number formats. See numbers

page setup, 295

page breaks, 297-298

paper size/margins/orientation, 295

print area, 296

repeating rows/columns, 300

scaling data to fit, 299

Paste Special dialog box, converting text to numbers, 81-83


corrections/color/artistic effects, 407-408

inserting, 404-405

reducing file size, 409

resizing/cropping, 405-407

PivotTables, placing, 373


configuring print options, 304-305

specific sheets, 305


file-level protection, 306-307

filters on, 264-265

marking files as final, 312

sheet-level protection, 308

workbook-level protection, 307-308

ranges, selecting, 21-22

referencing in formulas, 176

renaming, 43

rows/columns. See columns; rows

searching, 84

refining search, 85

replacing data, 87-89

troubleshooting, 85

wildcard searches, 86-87

selecting, 37

multiple sheets, 40

SmartArt. See SmartArt

spell checking, 83

subtotals. See subtotals

tables. See tables

tabs, 37

themes, 169-173

applying, 169-170

creating, 170-172

sharing, 173

ungrouping, 40

unhiding, 292

viewing multiple, 16-18

Synchronous Scrolling, 18

window arrangements, 17

visibility in Excel Web App, 425

creating online forms, 425-427

WordArt, 403

inserting, 403-404

zoom level, 19-20

sheet tab, 8

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts

showing. See viewing

simultaneously editing workbooks, 424-425

single-column data, importing, 64-67

delimited text, 64-66

fixed-width text, 67

single words, formatting, 114


creating, 392

faded slicers, 393

usage, 393

small slices in pie charts, troubleshooting, 360-362

SmartArt, 395

changing layout, 402

changing shape, 402-403

Excel Web App and, 395

images in, 398-399

inserting, 396-397

moving/resizing, 399-401

reordering text placeholders, 401-402

Social Security numbers, formatting, 134-135

Sort dialog box, 239

color, sorting by, 242-243

columns, sorting left to right, 249-250

icons, sorting by, 242-243

selecting datasets, 241

values, sorting by, 240-241

sorting, 239

by custom sequence, 247-248

PivotTables, 378-379

with Quick Sort buttons, 244-246

random sorts, 246-247

shortcuts, 243

with Sort dialog box, 239

by color, 242-243

columns left to right, 249-250

by icon, 242-243

selecting datasets, 241

by values, 240-241

subtotals, 326-327

total rows, 327

troubleshooting, 251

source data, linking when merging datasets, 277

source workbook, changing, 197

spacebar, clearing cells, 73

sparklines, 341, 364

date ranges in, 366-367

deleting, 367

highlighting points, 365-366

inserting, 365

special number format, 134-135

specific sheets, printing, 305

specifiers, inserting formulas into tables, 189-192

spell checking text, 83

spreadsheets. See sheets

square brackets ([ ]), 192

startup prompt for links, editing, 196

status bar, 8

quick calculations, 217-218

stock charts, 358-359

storing dates and times as serial numbers, 231

strikethrough text, applying, 111-112


cell styles, 166-168

applying, 166-167

creating custom, 167-168

charts, applying, 345

table styles, 167

subscript text, applying, 111-112

SUBTOTAL function, 78, 321-322


calculating, 323-324

copying, 327-329

expanding/collapsing, 325

formatting, 329

hiding in PivotTables, 386-387

multiple results

in multiple rows, 329-330

in single row, 331-332

removing, 325-326


for print, 333

for shared files, 334-336

sorting, 326-327

SUBTOTAL function, 321-322

Subtotal tool

calculating subtotals, 323-324

expanding/collapsing subtotals, 325

removing subtotals, 325-326

sorting subtotals, 326-327

tables and, 323

SUM function, 209, 215

AutoSum button, 214-217

SUMIFS function, 225-227

superscript text, applying, 111-112

surveys, creating in Excel Web App, 428-429

switching rows/columns in charts, 344

Synchronous Scrolling, 18


tables, 75

calculation options, 190

defining, 75-76

empty rows/columns, 76

expanding, 78-79

Freeze Panes option and, 292-293

inserting formulas in, 189-192

names, finding, 191

PivotTables. See PivotTables

returning values from

INDEX and MATCH functions, 223-224

VLOOKUP function, 221-222

sorting by color, 243

styles, 167

Subtotal tool and, 323

total row

changing function, 77-78

inserting, 77


ribbon, 7

adding commands, 12-14

adding groups, 14

minimizing, 11

usage, 10

viewing, 12

sheets, 8, 37

tabular layout (PivotTables), 377

telephone numbers, formatting, 134-135

templates, 30

changing location, 35

chart templates

saving, 363

usage, 364

editing, 34

online templates, 31

opening, 33

pinning, 31

saving, 32-33

templates window, 6


aligning in cells, 121

bold/italic/underline, applying, 111

centering across cells, 124

clearing data, 73

clearing sheets, 74

color, selecting, 113

custom list creation, 53-54

in custom number formats, 146-147

data validation, 69

editing data, 72

extending in series, 50

alternative methods, 52

formatting numbers as, 133-134

indenting, 127

mixed series, 51

numbers as, 79

converting via Paste Special, 81-83

Convert to Number option, 80

troubleshooting, 222

placeholders, reordering in SmartArt, 401-402

reflowing paragraph text, 126

resizing font for row height automatic adjustments, 118

searching, 84

refining search, 85

replacing data, 87-89

troubleshooting, 85

wildcard searches, 86-87

selecting in formula bar, 114

single words, formatting, 114

spell checking, 83

strikethrough/superscript/subscript, applying, 111-112


resizing, 110

selecting, 109-110

typing, 46

numbers as text, 47

in SmartArt, 397

WordArt, 403

inserting, 403-404

wrapping in cells, 125

text-delimited files, importing, 64-66

text filters, 260-261

Text Pane (SmartArt), viewing, 397

Text to Columns feature, 64-67

delimited text, 64-66

fixed-width text, 67

themes, 169-173

applying, 169-170

color palette and, 138

creating, 170-172

sharing, 173

thousands separators in custom number formats, 146-147

tilde (~)

in filter criteria, 271

wildcard searches, 87

time formats

date and time codes, 151

over 24 hours, 150


data validation, 69

formatting numbers, 131-140

storing as serial numbers, 231

typing, 48

titles, editing chart/axis titles, 349-350

toggling ribbon, 11

toolbars. See QAT (Quick Access Toolbar)

top 10 values, highlighting in conditional formatting, 157-158

Top # filters, 262

top row, locking, 293

total row

changing function, 77-78

expanding tables, 79

inserting, 77


grand totals, viewing in PivotTables, 386

hiding in PivotTables, 386

rows, sorting, 327


calculating, 323-324

copying, 327-329

expanding/collapsing, 325

formatting, 329

hiding in PivotTables, 386-387

multiple results in single row, 331-332

multiple results on multiple rows, 329-330

removing, 325-326

separating for print, 333

separating for shared files, 334-336

sorting, 326-327

SUBTOTAL function, 321-322

tracing precedents/dependents, 201-203

trailing spaces, filling in custom number formats, 149

triangles, green, 47, 79, 80


faded slicers, 393

filters, selecting datasets, 256

formulas, 198-206

error types, 199-201

Evaluate Formula dialog box, 204-206

F9 key (evaluating highlighted portion), 206

Function Arguments dialog box, 235-237

###### in cell, 199

tracing precedents/dependents, 201-203

Watch Window, 203-204

functions, 199

AutoSum function, 216

Group Dates option, 259

grouping dates in PivotTables, 381

hiding sheets, 292

images in headers/footers, 302

numbers as text, 222

pie charts, small slices, 360-362

PivotTable number fields, 375

row height adjustments, 125

searches, 85

selecting datasets for sorting, 241

sorting, 251

VLOOKUP function, 222

turning on/off. See enabling


resizing, 110

for row height automatic adjustments, 118

selecting, 109-110

typing. See also data entry

apostrophe (‘), 47

array formulas, 193-194

column width adjustments, 120-121

formulas, 175-178

functions with formula tips, 214

multicell array formulas, 194

numbers, 46

as dates and times, 48

as fractions, 49

as text, 47

row height adjustments, 117

text, 46

numbers as text, 47

in SmartArt, 397

undoing/redoing actions, 49


underlined text, applying, 111

underscore (_), custom number formats, 148


actions, 49

deleted workbooks, 416

overwriting data, 98

unfreezing rows/columns, 294


dates in PivotTables, 373

sheets, 40


rows/columns, 96

sheets, 292

unique lists, creating, 268-269

unique values, highlighting in conditional formatting, 159-160

units, changing axis display units, 351

unlinking PivotTables, 388-389


aspect ratio, 406

cells, 309

unmerging cells, 123

unsaved files, recovering, 316

unsharing workbooks, 290


chart data, 356-358

data source for PivotTables, 390-391

link data, 196

PivotTables, 389

adding new data, 390-391

editing data source, 391

on file open, 390

uploading workbooks

via Excel desktop version, 414-415

via OneDrive, 413-414

username, changing, 281


validation, data entry, 67-69

value filters, 261-262


comparing, 228

converting formulas to, 184-185

sorting by, 240-241

Values option (Paste Special dialog box), 55-56

version compatibility, sharing workbooks, 313

vertical alignment in cells, 121


calculation records for PivotTables, 387-388

cell comments, 287-288

fill handle, 181

formulas on sheet, 177

grand totals in PivotTables, 386

hidden sheets, 292

multiple sheets, 16-18

Synchronous Scrolling, 18

window arrangements, 17

ribbon tabs, 12

sheets, zoom level, 19-20

subtotals in PivotTables, 387

Text Pane (SmartArt), 397

view-only folders

allowing editing, 422

creating, 420-422

visibility of sheets in Excel Web App, 425

creating online forms, 425-427

visible cells, selecting, 328

VLOOKUP function, 221-222


Watch Window, 203-204

web app. See Excel Web App

web pages, hyperlinks to, 154

web queries, inserting, 70-72

weeks, grouping dates by, 381-382

whole numbers, data validation, 69

width of columns, adjusting, 119-120

by dragging, 119-120

by typing, 120-121

wildcard searches, 86-87

wildcards in filter criteria, 271

window, parts of, 6-8

WordArt, 403

Excel Web App and, 403

inserting, 403-404

words, formatting, 114

workbook-level protection, 307-308

workbooks, 25


automatic backups, 314

configuring, 314

disabling AutoRecover, 315

recovering, 315

unsaved file recovery, 316

changing number in Recent Workbooks list, 27

closed workbooks, referencing, 275

closing, 30

copying formulas between without links, 183

creating, 26

in Excel Web App, 419

current workbook, customizing QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 16

deleting via OneDrive, 415-416

downloading, 417-418

editing simultaneously, 424-425

moving/copying sheets

between workbooks, 42

linked formulas in, 43

within workbooks, 41

multiple sheets, window arrangements, 17

opening, 26-27

in Excel Web App, 417

in Outlook, 317

Recent Workbooks list, 27

refreshing PivotTables, 390

pinning to Recent Workbooks list, 28


in Excel Web App, 414

file-level protection, 306-307

marking files as final, 312

sheet-level protection, 308

workbook-level protection, 307-308

Reading View (Excel Web App), 416

removing from Recent Workbooks list, 27

renaming in Excel Web App, 419-420

saving, 28-29

default file type, 30

in Excel Web App, 419-420

file types, 29-30

to OneDrive, 414-415

sharing, 289-290

allowing editing, 422

Browser View Options limitations, 427

creating surveys, 428-429

creating view-only folders, 420-422

editing simultaneously, 424-425

via email, 316-317

limitations, 289

removing co-owners, 423-424

removing sharing, 422-424

saving to OneDrive, 318-319

version compatibility, 313

source workbook, changing, 197

templates, 30

changing location, 35

editing, 34

online templates, 31

opening, 33

pinning, 31

saving, 32-33

unsharing, 290


via Excel desktop version, 414-415

via OneDrive, 413-414

WORKDAY function, 231-232

worksheets. See sheets

wrapping text in cells, 125


.xlsm file type, 29

.xlsx file type, 29

.xltm file type, 32

.xltx file type, 32

year and month, grouping dates by, 382-383


custom number formats, 145

leading zeros, preserving, 146

ZIP codes, formatting, 134-135

zoom level, changing, 19-20

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