Section 8: Performance

8.1 A Simple Process for Tuning Your First Deployment

Performance measurement and tuning could eat up an entire book by itself. Modern performance measurement involves statistical analysis, experimental design, and some simulation. It’s heavy stuff but usually you only need a few quick techniques to get started.

Zed Sez

image The recommendations in this section are not to be taken as rules you apply blindly. Computer geeks are notorious for hearing a rule and then processing it as “the truth” forever until the heat-death of the universe. I remember working with many Java programmers who would still convert all Strings to StringBuffers even years after Sun fixed the JVM so strings weren’t a performance problem. Convincing them this wasn’t necessary was impossible. They read it once and it was truth. Nobody could ever change that.

Always question and measure every new deployment. Don’t assume that the tricks you used yesterday or even for the last version give you the same performance. Without measurements backing up your assumptions, you might as well divine your server configuration from a coil of sheep entrails (

8.1. A Simple Process for Tuning Your First Deployment

You’ve built your application, created all your unit tests, and set up a staging server. After months of development, you’re now ready to put the thing out in the wild and watch it sink or swim.

To give your application a fighting chance, you’ll need to get it properly installed and working really well, then you’ll want to tune it. “Tuning” historically meant “apply a list of tips and it’ll be fast.” We’re changing tuning to mean “measuring and applying changes to make statistically significant improvements in measured performance.” Let’s break this definition down into its pieces to make it clearer:

  1. “Measuring” means using a tool to gather numeric metrics that are the simplest you can possibly collect.
  2. “Applying changes” means make a change after you measure so that you know if the change made a difference.
  3. “Statistically significant”—there’s a lot more to this, but basically, if you collect your metrics correctly, then you can use simple statistics calculations to figure out if this next measurement actually is better than the one before the change.
  4. “Measured performance” means an improvement in the numbers. There is also a whole other method where you can use visual tricks and psychology to just make people think it’s faster.

8.1.1. Setting Your Goals

Performance is to programmers what a room full of gold-coated slot machines is to gambling addicts. They will sit in front of a program tuning it to the complete detriment of the project. What’s worse is this happens to everyone. The second you start talking about performance, every programmer becomes interested. It’s a sickness.

You must have a goal to escape this trap. Without a target performance goal that is easily measurable, you can spend weeks working on a problem that is actually not possible to solve. Imagine if you spent a week working on tuning a deployment and only three people actually use it. Or worse, you tune it and only after spending a week on the problem you realize that it’ll never be fast enough.

There are a few key components to your goal, though:

  1. It must be measurable.
  2. It must be exactly defined.
  3. It must be based on an initial exploration of what’s possible.

“Measurable” means that you can equate the goal to some metric that you can collect. Requests per second (req/sec) is usually the best one. No matter what people tell you, it is not possible to measure “users” for performance. You can have 10 users that are massive porn hounds and download at 1,000 req/sec for weeks solid and you can have 10 million users that visit once a week each with 1 req/sec.

“Exactly defined” means that you have to use numbers. It has to be a goal that’s defined in terms of req/sec numbers, bytes/sec transfer, etc. Not using numbers means you have no idea whether your measurements are getting you to the goal.

Finally, you can’t just pull a goal out of nowhere. Management will typically do this, but you’ll have to be ready to do your own analysis and go back to them and tell them it’s not possible if their goals are unrealistic. Having solid metrics and numbers that are easily verified will help withthis.

A very simple example goal is to simply state the number of requests per second the site should service in the best and worst cases. For example, “The site should consistently serve 120 req/sec for best case (fastest) actions /foo and /bar, and serve 55 req/sec for worst case actions /lamz and /flarz.” With this kind of measurable goal, you can get started and then refine the goal as you go, adding more conditions or even reducing the expectations. It also means you can go back to management and tell them early on whether this is possible.

8.1.2. Gathering Your Tools

The preferred tool for many people is either httperf or Apache Bench (ab). The statistics and results of httperf are better defined and accurate, but ab uses much less resources during the test. We’ve found that ab is fine for quick pen tests (and it even aborts connections without you having to tell it), but that httperf is better for serious production measurement.

Tools to avoid are JMeter, Siege, or any tool that claims to test “users,” produces graphs (these are generally useless), or doesn’t include common statistical measurements like standard deviation or mean. In fact, if you run the tool once and don’t see the words “mean” and “standard deviation” then reject the tool immediately. Without these basic statistical elements you can’t even use the tool to see if one measurement is statistically better than a previous one.

8.1.3. Collect Baseline Data

Your next task is to simply collect a baseline of what you can expect for the very best possible performance. This is most easily done by taking your existing deployed application—deployed exactly how it will exist in production—and testing a simple “tester” action. I typically set up the following:

  1. A very small Mongrel handler that just returns the word “test.”
  2. A similar Rails handler that also returns “test.”
  3. A Rails handler that does one query to one small table and returns one result.

Hit each of these with httperf a few times and record that as the best possible performance you can get. The Mongrel handler is the top for possible performance; the Rails handlers are the tops for a plain action and an action with some database behind it.

It’s also good to make sure this is what you expect, and then investigate any possible configuration problems that make these slow.

8.1.4. The Tuning Process

After you have your baseline your process is very simple for getting your application faster:

  1. Start with a small example action and measure it, recording the measurement.
  2. Change your configuration (number of Mongrel processes, network configuration, OS configuration, etc.).
  3. Measure this new configuration and compare with the previous measurement. If it isn’t faster then remove the change and try something else.
  4. Once you’ve tuned the configuration to the fastest you possibly can, you can start using a tool like ruby-prof[16] to analyze your code and improve it in the same way.

It’s also important to re-run this process after each deployment to make sure that nothing broke during development or the last configuration change.

Zed Sez

image What’s all this insistence on “statistically significant differences”? Humans are really bad at figuring out whether two things actually differ, especially when presented with large amounts of information. Statisticians have figured out clever ways to summarize the distributions of large sets of numbers and then use these “summaries” to determine if there actually was a difference worth mentioning. In science this is important because you can’t claim to have found a new cure for cancer unless you have some significant results showing the drug actually makes a difference.

Most performance-tuning books never mention this part of statistics. A very few even mention standard deviation let alone mean, but I haven’t found any that actually use common statistics significance tests to determine if one measurement is different from another. The main reason (besides stupidity and ignorance) is that talking about significance testing alone can eat up entire books, so we can’t even cover it in this one.

If you use a tool like httperf and aren’t inclined to learn the math needed to do a real significance test, then just look for changes that move the mean measurement consistently in the right direction. If a change is only a few percentages different, then it is probably not worth the effort and most likely isn’t really creating a difference.

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