


The first author gratefully thanks the second author for our terrific discussions across the various issues. The exchanges were among the best in my professional career and I gratefully acknowledge the substantive revisions, enhancements and extensions of my original remarks. I also want to thank my friend and colleague Joseph Cipolla. In our numerous joint lectures to our various MBA classes Joe has never let me forget that when speaking with executives, you must use their language and that this ultimately involves numbers and usually money!The second author returns thanks to the first for the many opportunities to collaborate over the years and especially for the continual mentoring that has been her pleasure to share with her clients throughout her professional career.

We both thank profoundly Linda Bevolo who jumped in with her contribution just as this book was going through its final revisions and John Bottega who took time out of his very busy schedule to both review the book and write the foreword.

We both acknowledge the hundreds of data managers with whom we have worked over the past two decades. Your stories and success have been a constant source of ideas for us. Here’s hoping you will find some inspiration to create your own monetizing data management stories and, in the process, help your bosses better understand the importance of what you do for them and their organizations.

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