
I would like to thank Loretta Yates for trusting me with this huge responsibility. These books would not have been possible without your confidence in me and I will be forever grateful for that. I would like to thank Charvi Arora and the entire Microsoft Press/Pearson team for their constant support and guidance on this project. I would especially like to thank Kate Shoup for editing and reviewing this book and for all her guidance and attention to detail throughout these series of books. Kate, it has been a wonderful experience writing these four books with you and I could not have asked for a better collaborator. Thanks to Thomas Palathra for his thoughtful technical edits, Sarah Kearns for the amazing copy editing and Tracey Croom for adding the final touches to bring this to fruition. This book is the fruit of all our labor, and I am extremely happy we worked together on it.

I would also like to thank my family with gratitude, especially my brother Junaid and uncle Chandru on this effort. Your assistance in helping me organize my life and ensuring I could stay on track while wearing multiple hats was invaluable. This has been the biggest reason I managed to get this mammoth series of books out and it would not have been possible without all your support during this process. I would like to thank my mom for all her strength and belief throughout the years even when things were not going well and for believing in me throughout. Love you all.

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