Chapter 13. Refactoring to microservices

This chapter covers

  • When to migrate a monolithic application to a microservice architecture
  • Why using an incremental approach is essential when refactoring a monolithic application to microservices
  • Implementing new features as services
  • Extracting services from the monolith
  • Integrating a service and the monolith

I hope that this book has given you a good understanding of the microservice architecture, its benefits and drawbacks, and when to use it. There is, however, a fairly good chance you’re working on a large, complex monolithic application. Your daily experience of developing and deploying your application is slow and painful. Microservices, which appear like a good fit for your application, seem like distant nirvana. Like Mary and the rest of the FTGO development team, you’re wondering how on earth you can adopt the microservice architecture?

Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to escape from monolithic hell without having to rewrite your application from scratch. You incrementally convert your monolith into microservices by developing what’s known as a strangler application. The idea of a strangler application comes from strangler vines, which grow in rain forests by enveloping and sometimes killing trees. A strangler application is a new application consisting of microservices that you develop by implementing new functionality as services and extracting services from the monolith. Over time, as the strangler application implements more and more functionality, it shrinks and ultimately kills the monolith. An important benefit of developing a strangler application is that, unlike a big bang rewrite, it delivers value to the business early and often.

I begin this chapter by describing the motivations for refactoring a monolith to a microservice architecture. I then describe how to develop the strangler application by implementing new functionality as services and extracting services from the monolith. Next, I cover various design topics, including how to integrate the monolith and services, how to maintain database consistency across the monolith and services, and how to handle security. I end the chapter by describing a couple of example services. One service is Delayed Order Service, which implements brand new functionality. The other service is Delivery Service, which is extracted from the monolith. Let’s start by taking a look at the concept of refactoring to a microservice architecture.

13.1. Overview of refactoring to microservices

Put yourself in Mary’s shoes. You’re responsible for the FTGO application, a large and old monolithic application. The business is extremely frustrated with engineering’s inability to deliver features rapidly and reliably. FTGO appears to be suffering from a classic case of monolithic hell. Microservices seem, at least on the surface, to be the answer. Should you propose diverting development resources away from feature development to migrating to a microservice architecture?

I start this section by discussing why you should consider refactoring to microservices. I also discuss why it’s important to be sure that your software development problems are because you’re in monolithic hell rather than in, for example, a poor software development process. I then describe strategies for incrementally refactoring your monolith to a microservice architecture. Next, I discuss the importance of delivering improvements earlier and often in order to maintain the support of the business. I then describe why you should avoid investing in a sophisticated deployment infrastructure until you’ve developed a few services. Finally, I describe the various strategies you can use to introduce services into your architecture, including implementing new features as services and extracting services from the monolith.

13.1.1. Why refactor a monolith?

The microservice architecture has, as described in chapter 1, numerous benefits. It has much better maintainability, testability, and deployability, so it accelerates development. The microservice architecture is more scalable and improves fault isolation. It’s also much easier to evolve your technology stack. But refactoring a monolith to microservices is a significant undertaking. It will divert resources away from new feature development. As a result, it’s likely that the business will only support the adoption of microservices if it solves a significant business problem.

If you’re in monolithic hell, it’s likely that you already have at least one business problem. Here are some examples of business problems caused by monolithic hell:

  • Slow deliveryThe application is difficult to understand, maintain, and test, so developer productivity is low. As a result, the organization is unable to compete effectively and risks being overtaken by competitors.
  • Buggy software releasesThe lack of testability means that software releases are often buggy. This makes customers unhappy, which results in losing customers and reduced revenue.
  • Poor scalabilityScaling a monolithic application is difficult because it combines modules with very different resource requirements into one executable component. The lack of scalability means that it’s either impossible or prohibitively expensive to scale the application beyond a certain point. As a result, the application can’t support the current or predicted needs of the business.

It’s important to be sure that these problems are there because you’ve outgrown your architecture. A common reason for slow delivery and buggy releases is a poor software development process. For example, if you’re still relying on manual testing, then adopting automated testing alone can significantly increase development velocity. Similarly, you can sometimes solve scalability problems without changing your architecture. You should first try simpler solutions. If, and only if, you still have software delivery problems should you then migrate to the microservice architecture. Let’s look at how to do that.

13.1.2. Strangling the monolith

The process of transforming a monolithic application into microservices is a form of application modernization ( Application modernization is the process of converting a legacy application to one having a modern architecture and technology stack. Developers have been modernizing applications for decades. As a result, there is wisdom accumulated through experience we can use when refactoring an application into a microservice architecture. The most important lesson learned over the years is to not do a big bang rewrite.

A big bang rewrite is when you develop a new application—in this case, a microservices-based application—from scratch. Although starting from scratch and leaving the legacy code base behind sounds appealing, it’s extremely risky and will likely end in failure. You will spend months, possibly years, duplicating the existing functionality, and only then can you implement the features that the business needs today! Also, you’ll need to develop the legacy application anyway, which diverts effort away from the rewrite and means that you have a constantly moving target. What’s more, it’s possible that you’ll waste time reimplementing features that are no longer needed. As Martin Fowler reportedly said, “the only thing a Big Bang rewrite guarantees is a Big Bang!” (

Instead of doing a big bang rewrite, you should, as figure 13.1 shows, incrementally refactor your monolithic application. You gradually build a new application, which is called a strangler application. It consists of microservices that runs in conjunction with your monolithic application. Over time, the amount of functionality implemented by the monolithic application shrinks until either it disappears entirely or it becomes just another microservice. This strategy is akin to servicing your car while driving down the highway at 70 mph. It’s challenging, but is far less risky that attempting a big bang rewrite.

Figure 13.1. The monolith is incrementally replaced by a strangler application comprised of services. Eventually, the monolith is replaced entirely by the strangler application or becomes another microservice.

Martin Fowler refers to this application modernization strategy as the Strangler application pattern ( The name comes from the strangler vine (or strangler fig—see that is found in rain forests. A strangler vine grows around a tree in order to reach the sunlight above the forest canopy. Often the tree dies, because either it’s killed by the vine or it dies of old age, leaving a tree-shaped vine.

Pattern: Strangler application

Modernize an application by incrementally developing a new (strangler) application around the legacy application. See

The refactoring process typically takes months, or years. For example, according to Steve Yegge ( it took a couple of years to refactor its monolith. In the case of a very large system, you may never complete the process. You could, for example, get to a point where you have tasks that are more important than breaking up the monolith, such as implementing revenue-generating features. If the monolith isn’t an obstacle to ongoing development, you may as well leave it alone.

Demonstrate value early and often

An important benefit of incrementally refactoring to a microservice architecture is that you get an immediate return on your investment. That’s very different than a big bang rewrite, which doesn’t deliver any benefit until it’s complete. When incrementally refactoring the monolith, you can develop each new service using a new technology stack and a modern, high-velocity, DevOps-style development and delivery process. As a result, your team’s delivery velocity steadily increases over time.

What’s more, you can migrate the high-value areas of your application to microservices first. For instance, imagine you’re working on the FTGO application. The business might, for example, decide that the delivery scheduling algorithm is a key competitive advantage. It’s likely that delivery management will be an area of constant, ongoing development. By extracting delivery management into a standalone service, the delivery management team will be able to work independently of the rest of the FTGO developers and significantly increase their development velocity. They’ll be able to frequently deploy new versions of the algorithm and evaluate their effectiveness.

Another benefit of being able to deliver value earlier is that it helps maintain the business’s support for the migration effort. Their ongoing support is essential, because the refactoring effort will mean that less time is spent on developing features. Some organizations have difficulty eliminating technical debt because past attempts were too ambitious and didn’t provide much benefit. As a result, the business becomes reluctant to invest in further cleanup efforts. The incremental nature of refactoring to microservices means that the development team is able to demonstrate value early and often.

Minimize changes to the monolith

A recurring theme in this chapter is that you should avoid making widespread changes to the monolith when migrating to a microservice architecture. It’s inevitable that you’ll need to make some changes in order to support migration to services. Section 13.3.2 talks about how the monolith often needs to be modified so that it can participate in sagas that maintain data consistency across the monolith and services. The problem with making widespread changes to the monolith is that it’s time consuming, costly, and risky. After all, that’s probably why you want to migrate to microservices in the first place.

Fortunately, there are strategies you can use for reducing the scope of the changes you need to make. For example, in section 13.2.3, I describe the strategy of replicating data from an extracted service back to the monolith’s database. And in section 13.3.2, I show how you can carefully sequence the extraction of services to reduce the impact on the monolith. By applying these strategies, you can reduce the amount of work required to refactor the monolith.

Technical deployment infrastructure: You don’t need all of it yet

Throughout this book I’ve discussed a lot of shiny new technology, including deployment platforms such as Kubernetes and AWS Lambda and service discovery mechanisms. You might be tempted to begin your migrating to microservices by selecting technologies and building out that infrastructure. You might even feel pressure from the business people and from your friendly PaaS vendor to start spending money on this kind of infrastructure.

As tempting as it seems to build out this infrastructure up front, I recommend only making a minimal up-front investment in developing it. The only thing you can’t live without is a deployment pipeline that performs automating testing. For example, if you only have a handful of services, you don’t need a sophisticated deployment and observability infrastructure. Initially, you can even get away with just using a hard-coded configuration file for service discovery. I suggest deferring any decisions about technical infrastructure that involve significant investment until you’ve gained real experience with the microservice architecture. It’s only once you have a few services running that you’ll have the experience to pick technologies.

Let’s now look at the strategies you can use for migrating to a microservice architecture.

13.2. Strategies for refactoring a monolith to microservices

There are three main strategies for strangling the monolith and incrementally replacing it with microservices:

  1. Implement new features as services.
  2. Separate the presentation tier and backend.
  3. Break up the monolith by extracting functionality into services.

The first strategy stops the monolith from growing. It’s typically a quick way to demonstrate the value of microservices, helping build support for the migration effort. The other two strategies break apart the monolith. When refactoring your monolith, you might sometimes use the second strategy, but you’ll definitely use the third strategy, because it’s how functionality is migrated from the monolith into the strangler application.

Let’s take a look at each of these strategies, starting with implementing new features as services.

13.2.1. Implement new features as services

The Law of Holes states that “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging” ( This is great advice to follow when your monolithic application has become unmanageable. In other words, if you have a large, complex monolithic application, don’t implement new features by adding code to the monolith. That will make your monolith even larger and more unmanageable. Instead, you should implement new features as services.

This is a great way to begin migrating your monolithic application to a microservice architecture. It reduces the growth rate of the monolith. It accelerates the development of the new features, because you’re doing development in a brand new code base. It also quickly demonstrates the value of adopting the microservice architecture.

Integrating the new service with the monolith

Figure 13.2 shows the application’s architecture after implementing a new feature as a service. Besides the new service and monolith, the architecture includes two other elements that integrate the service into the application:

  • API gatewayRoutes requests for new functionality to the new service and routes legacy requests to the monolith.
  • Integration glue codeIntegrates the service with the monolith. It enables the service to access data owned by the monolith and to invoke functionality implemented by the monolith.
Figure 13.2. A new feature is implemented as a service that’s part of the strangler application. The integration glue integrates the service with the monolith and consists of adapters that implement synchronous and asynchronous APIs. An API gateway routes requests that invoke new functionality to the service.

The integration glue code isn’t a standalone component. Instead, it consists of adapters in the monolith and the service that use one or more interprocess communication mechanisms. For example, integration glue for Delayed Delivery Service, described in section 13.4.1, uses both REST and domain events. The service retrieves customer contract information from the monolith by invoking a REST API. The monolith publishes Order domain events so that Delayed Delivery Service can track the state of Orders and respond to orders that won’t be delivered on time. Section 13.3.1 describes the integration glue code in more detail.

When to implement a new feature as a service

Ideally, you should implement every new feature in the strangler application rather than in the monolith. You’ll implement a new feature as either a new service or as part of an existing service. This way you’ll avoid ever having to touch the monolith code base. Unfortunately, though, not every new feature can be implemented as a service.

That’s because the essence of a microservice architecture is a set of loosely coupled services that are organized around business capabilities. A feature might, for instance, be too small to be a meaningful service. You might, for example, just need to add a few fields and methods to an existing class. Or the new feature might be too tightly coupled to the code in the monolith. If you attempted to implement this kind of feature as a service you would typically find that performance would suffer because of excessive interprocess communication. You might also have problems maintaining data consistency. If a new feature can’t be implemented as a service, the solution is often to initially implement the new feature in the monolith. Later on, you can then extract that feature along with other related features into their own service.

Implementing new features as services accelerates the development of those features. It’s a good way to quickly demonstrate the value of the microservice architecture. It also reduces the monolith’s growth rate. But ultimately, you need to break apart the monolith using the two other strategies. You need to migrate functionality to the strangler application by extracting functionality from the monolith into services. You might also be able to improve development velocity by splitting the monolith horizontally. Let’s look at how to do that.

13.2.2. Separate presentation tier from the backend

One strategy for shrinking a monolithic application is to split the presentation layer from the business logic and data access layers. A typical enterprise application consists of the following layers:

  • Presentation logicThis consists of modules that handle HTTP requests and generate HTML pages that implement a web UI. In an application that has a sophisticated user interface, the presentation tier is often a substantial body of code.
  • Business logicThis consists of modules that implement the business rules, which can be complex in an enterprise application.
  • Data access logicThis consists of modules that access infrastructure services such as databases and message brokers.

There is usually a clean separation between the presentation logic and the business and data access logic. The business tier has a coarse-grained API consisting of one or more facades that encapsulate the business logic. This API is a natural seam along which you can split the monolith into two smaller applications, as shown in figure 13.3. One application contains the presentation layer, and the other contains the business and data access logic. After the split, the presentation logic application makes remote calls to the business logic application.

Figure 13.3. Splitting the frontend from the backend enables each to be deployed independently. It also exposes an API for services to invoke.

Splitting the monolith in this way has two main benefits. It enables you to develop, deploy, and scale the two applications independently of one another. In particular, it allows the presentation layer developers to rapidly iterate on the user interface and easily perform A/B testing, for example, without having to deploy the backend. Another benefit of this approach is that it exposes a remote API that can be called by the microservices you develop later.

But this strategy is only a partial solution. It’s very likely that at least one or both of the resulting applications will still be an unmanageable monolith. You need to use the third strategy to replace the monolith with services.

13.2.3. Extract business capabilities into services

Implementing new features as services and splitting the frontend web application from the backend will only get you so far. You’ll still end up doing a lot of development in the monolithic code base. If you want to significantly improve your application’s architecture and increase your development velocity, you need to break apart the monolith by incrementally migrating business capabilities from the monolith to services. For example, section 13.5 describes how to extract delivery management from the FTGO monolith into a new Delivery Service. When you use this strategy, over time the number of business capabilities implemented by the services grows, and the monolith gradually shrinks.

The functionality you want extract into a service is a vertical slice through the monolith. The slice consists of the following:

  • Inbound adapters that implement API endpoints
  • Domain logic
  • Outbound adapters such as database access logic
  • The monolith’s database schema

As figure 13.4 shows, this code is extracted from the monolith and moved into a standalone service. An API gateway routes requests that invoke the extracted business capability to the service and routes the other requests to the monolith. The monolith and the service collaborate via the integration glue code. As described in section 13.3.1, the integration glue consists of adapters in the service and monolith that use one or more interprocess communication (IPC) mechanisms.

Figure 13.4. Break apart the monolith by extracting services. You identify a slice of functionality, which consists of business logic and adapters, to extract into a service. You move that code into the service. The newly extracted service and the monolith collaborate via the APIs provided by the integration glue.

Extracting services is challenging. You need to determine how to split the monolith’s domain model into two separate domain models, one of which becomes the service’s domain model. You need to break dependencies such as object references. You might even need to split classes in order to move functionality into the service. You also need to refactor the database.

Extracting a service is often time consuming, especially because the monolith’s code base is likely to be messy. Consequently, you need to carefully think about which services to extract. It’s important to focus on refactoring those parts of the application that provide a lot of value. Before extracting a service, ask yourself what the benefit is of doing that.

For example, it’s worthwhile to extract a service that implements functionality that’s critical to the business and constantly evolving. It’s not valuable to invest effort in extracting services when there’s not much benefit from doing so. Later in this section I describe some strategies for determining what to extract and when. But first, let’s look in more detail at some of the challenges you’ll face when extracting a service and how to address them.

You’ll encounter a couple of challenges when extracting a service:

  • Splitting the domain model
  • Refactoring the database

Let’s look at each one, starting with splitting the domain model.

Splitting the domain model

In order to extract a service, you need to extract its domain model out of the monolith’s domain model. You’ll need to perform major surgery to split the domain models. One challenge you’ll encounter is eliminating object references that would otherwise span service boundaries. It’s possible that classes that remain in the monolith will reference classes that have been moved to the service or vice versa. For example, imagine that, as figure 13.5 shows, you extract Order Service, and as a result its Order class references the monolith’s Restaurant class. Because a service instance is typically a process, it doesn’t make sense to have object references that cross service boundaries. Somehow you need to eliminate these types of object reference.

Figure 13.5. The Order domain class has a reference to a Restaurant class. If we extract Order into a separate service, we need to do something about its reference to Restaurant, because object references between processes don’t make sense.

One good way to solve this problem is to think in terms of DDD aggregates, described in chapter 5. Aggregates reference each other using primary keys rather than object references. You would, therefore, think of the Order and Restaurant classes as aggregates and, as figure 13.6 shows, replace the reference to Restaurant in the Order class with a restaurantId field that stores the primary key value.

Figure 13.6. The Order class’s reference to Restaurant is replaced with the Restaurant’s primary key in order to eliminate an object that would span process boundaries.

One issue with replacing object references with primary keys is that although this is a minor change to the class, it can potentially have a large impact on the clients of the class, which expect an object reference. Later in this section, I describe how to reduce the scope of the change by replicating data between the service and monolith. Delivery Service, for example, could define a Restaurant class that’s a replica of the monolith’s Restaurant class.

Extracting a service is often much more involved than moving entire classes into a service. An even greater challenge with splitting a domain model is extracting functionality that’s embedded in a class that has other responsibilities. This problem often occurs in god classes, described in chapter 2, that have an excessive number of responsibilities. For example, the Order class is one of the god classes in the FTGO application. It implements multiple business capabilities, including order management, delivery management, and so on. Later in section 13.5, I discuss how extracting the delivery management into a service involves extracting a Delivery class from the Order class. The Delivery entity implements the delivery management functionality that was previously bundled with other functionality in the Order class.

Refactoring the database

Splitting a domain model involves more than just changing code. Many classes in a domain model are persistent. Their fields are mapped to a database schema. Consequently, when you extract a service from the monolith, you’re also moving data. You need to move tables from the monolith’s database to the service’s database.

Also, when you split an entity you need to split the corresponding database table and move the new table to the service. For example, when extracting delivery management into a service, you split the Order entity and extract a Delivery entity. At the database level, you split the ORDERS table and define a new DELIVERY table. You then move the DELIVERY table to the service.

The book Refactoring Databases by Scott W. Ambler and Pramod J. Sadalage (Addison-Wesley, 2011) describes a set of refactorings for a database schema. For example, it describes the Split Table refactoring, which splits a table into two or more tables. Many of the technique in that book are useful when extracting services from the monolith. One such technique is the idea of replicating data in order to allow you to incrementally update clients of the database to use the new schema. We can adapt that idea to reduce the scope of the changes you must make to the monolith when extracting a service.

Replicate data to avoid widespread changes

As mentioned, extracting a service requires you to change to the monolith’s domain model. For example, you replace object references with primary keys and split classes. These types of changes can ripple through the code base and require you to make widespread changes to the monolith. For example, if you split the Order entity and extract a Delivery entity, you’ll have to change every place in the code that references the fields that have been moved. Making these kinds of changes can be extremely time consuming and can become a huge barrier to breaking up the monolith.

A great way to delay and possibly avoid making these kinds of expensive changes is to use an approach that’s similar to the one described in Refactoring Databases. A major obstacle to refactoring a database is changing all the clients of that database to use the new schema. The solution proposed in the book is to preserve the original schema for a transition period and use triggers to synchronize the original and new schemas. You then migrate clients from the old schema to the new schema over time.

We can use a similar approach when extracting services from the monolith. For example, when extracting the Delivery entity, we leave the Order entity mostly unchanged for a transition period. As figure 13.7 shows, we make the delivery-related fields read-only and keep them up-to-date by replicating data from Delivery Service back to the monolith. As a result, we only need to find the places in the monolith’s code that update those fields and change them to invoke the new Delivery Service.

Figure 13.7. Minimize the scope of the changes to the FTGO monolith by replicating delivery-related data from the newly extracted Delivery Service back to the monolith’s database.

Preserving the structure of the Order entity by replicating data from Delivery Service significantly reduces the amount of work we need to do immediately. Over time, we can migrate code that uses the delivery-related Order entity fields or ORDERS table columns to Delivery Service. What’s more, it’s possible that we never need to make that change in the monolith. If that code is subsequently extracted into a service, then the service can access Delivery Service.

What services to extract and when

As I mentioned, breaking apart the monolith is time consuming. It diverts effort away from implementing features. As a result, you must carefully decide the sequence in which you extract services. You need to focus on extracting services that give the largest benefit. What’s more, you want to continually demonstrate to the business that there’s value in migrating to a microservice architecture.

On any journey, it’s essential to know where you’re going. A good way to start the migration to microservices is with a time-boxed architecture definition effort. You should spend a short amount of time, such as a couple of weeks, brainstorming your ideal architecture and defining a set of services. This gives you a destination to aim for. It’s important, though, to remember that this architecture isn’t set in stone. As you break apart the monolith and gain experience, you should revise the architecture to take into account what you’ve learned.

Once you’ve determined the approximate destination, the next step is to start breaking apart the monolith. There are a couple of different strategies you can use to determine the sequence in which you extract services.

One strategy is to effectively freeze development of the monolith and extract services on demand. Instead of implementing features or fixing bugs in the monolith, you extract the necessary service or service(s) and change those. One benefit of this approach is that it forces you to break up the monolith. One drawback is that the extraction of services is driven by short-term requirements rather than long-term needs. For instance, it requires you to extract services even if you’re making a small change to a relatively stable part of the system. As a result, you risk doing a lot of work for minimal benefit.

An alternative strategy is a more planned approach, where you rank the modules of an application by the benefit you anticipate getting from extracting them. There are a few reasons why extracting a service is beneficial:

  • Accelerates developmentIf your application’s roadmap suggests that a particular part of your application will undergo a lot of development over the next year, then converting it to a service accelerates development.
  • Solves a performance, scaling, or reliability problemIf a particular part of your application has a performance or scalability problem or is unreliable, then it’s valuable to convert it to a service.
  • Enables the extraction of some other servicesSometimes extracting one service simplifies the extraction of another service, due to dependencies between modules.

You can use these criteria to add refactoring tasks to your application’s backlog, ranked by expected benefit. The benefit of this approach is that it’s more strategic and much more closely aligned with the needs of the business. During sprint planning, you decide whether it’s more valuable to implement features or extract services.

13.3. Designing how the service and the monolith collaborate

A service is rarely standalone. It usually needs to collaborate with the monolith. Sometimes a service needs to access data owned by the monolith or invoke its operations. For example, Delayed Delivery Service, described in detail in section 13.4.1, requires access to the monolith’s orders and customer contact info. The monolith might also need to access data owned by the service or invoke its operations. For example, later in section 13.5, when discussing how to extract delivery management into a service, I describe how the monolith needs to invoke Delivery Service.

One important concern is maintaining data consistency between the service and monolith. In particular, when you extract a service from the monolith, you invariably split what were originally ACID transactions. You must be careful to ensure that data consistency is still maintained. As described later in this section, sometimes you use sagas to maintain data consistency.

The interaction between a service and the monolith is, as described earlier, facilitated by integration glue code. Figure 13.8 shows the structure of the integration glue. It consists of adapters in the service and monolith that communicate using some kind of IPC mechanism. Depending on the requirements, the service and monolith might interact over REST or they might use messaging. They might even communicate using multiple IPC mechanisms.

Figure 13.8. When migrating a monolith to microservices, the services and monolith often need to access each other’s data. This interaction is facilitated by the integration glue, which consists of adapters that implement APIs. Some APIs are messaging based. Other APIs are RPI based.

For example, Delayed Delivery Service uses both REST and domain events. It retrieves customer contact info from the monolith using REST. It tracks the state of Orders by subscribing to domain events published by the monolith.

In this section, I first describe the design of the integration glue. I talk about the problems it solves and the different implementation options. After that I describe transaction management strategies, including the use of sagas. I discuss how sometimes the requirement to maintain data consistency changes the order in which you extract services.

Let’s first look at the design of the integration glue.

13.3.1. Designing the integration glue

When implementing a feature as a service or extracting a service from the monolith, you must develop the integration glue that enables a service to collaborate with the monolith. It consists of code in both the service and monolith that uses some kind of IPC mechanism. The structure of the integration glue depends on the type of IPC mechanism that is used. If, for example, the service invokes the monolith using REST, then the integration glue consists of a REST client in the service and web controllers in the monolith. Alternatively, if the monolith subscribes to domain events published by the service, then the integration glue consists of an event-publishing adapter in the service and event handlers in the monolith.

Designing the integration glue API

The first step in designing the integration glue is to decide what APIs it provides to the domain logic. There are a couple of different styles of interface to choose from, depending on whether you’re querying data or updating data. Let’s say you’re working on Delayed Delivery Service, which needs to retrieve customer contact info from the monolith. The service’s business logic doesn’t need to know the IPC mechanism that the integration glue uses to retrieve the information. Therefore, that mechanism should be encapsulated by an interface. Because Delayed Delivery Service is querying data, it makes sense to define a CustomerContactInfoRepository:

interface CustomerContactInfoRepository {
  CustomerContactInfo findCustomerContactInfo(long customerId)

The service’s business logic can invoke this API without knowing how the integration glue retrieves the data.

Let’s consider a different service. Imagine that you’re extracting delivery management from the FTGO monolith. The monolith needs to invoke Delivery Service to schedule, reschedule, and cancel deliveries. Once again, the details of the underlying IPC mechanism aren’t important to the business logic and should be encapsulated by an interface. In this scenario, the monolith must invoke a service operation, so using a repository doesn’t make sense. A better approach is to define a service interface, such as the following:

interface DeliveryService {
  void scheduleDelivery(...);
  void rescheduleDelivery(...);
  void cancelDelivery(...);

The monolith’s business logic invokes this API without knowing how it’s implemented by the integration glue.

Now that we’ve seen interface design, let’s look at interaction styles and IPC mechanisms.

Picking an interaction style and IPC mechanism

An important design decision you must make when designing the integration glue is selecting the interaction styles and IPC mechanisms that enable the service and the monolith to collaborate. As described in chapter 3, there are several interaction styles and IPC mechanisms to choose from. Which one you should use depends on what one party—the service or monolith—needs in order to query or update the other party.

If one party needs to query data owned by the other party, there are several options. One option is, as figure 13.9 shows, for the adapter that implements the repository interface to invoke an API of the data provider. This API will typically use a request/response interaction style, such as REST or gRPC. For example, Delayed Delivery Service might retrieve the customer contact info by invoking a REST API implemented by the FTGO monolith.

Figure 13.9. The adapter that implements the CustomerContactInfoRepository interface invokes the monolith’s REST API to retrieve the customer information.

In this example, the Delayed Delivery Service’s domain logic retrieves the customer contact info by invoking the CustomerContactInfoRepository interface. The implementation of this interface invokes the monolith’s REST API.

An important benefit of querying data by invoking a query API is its simplicity. The main drawback is that it’s potentially inefficient. A consumer might need to make a large number of requests. A provider might return a large amount of data. Another drawback is that it reduces availability because it’s synchronous IPC. As a result, it might not be practical to use a query API.

An alternative approach is for the data consumer to maintain a replica of the data, as shown in figure 13.10. The replica is essentially a CQRS view. The data consumer keeps the replica up-to-date by subscribing to domain events published by the data provider.

Figure 13.10. The integration glue replicates data from the monolith to the service. The monolith publishes domain events, and an event handler implemented by the service updates the service’s database.

Using a replica has several benefits. It avoids the overhead of repeatedly querying the data provider. Instead, as discussed when describing CQRS in chapter 7, you can design the replica to support efficient queries. One drawback of using a replica, though, is the complexity of maintaining it. A potential challenge, as described later in this section, is the need to modify the monolith to publish domain events.

Now that we’ve discussed how to do queries, let’s consider how to do updates. One challenge with performing updates is the need to maintain data consistency across the service and monolith. The party making the update request (the requestor) has updated or needs to update its database. So it’s essential that both updates happen. The solution is for the service and monolith to communicate using transactional messaging implemented by a framework, such as Eventuate Tram. In simple scenarios, the requestor can send a notification message or publish an event to trigger an update. In more complex scenarios, the requestor must use a saga to maintain data consistency. Section 13.3.2 discusses the implications of using sagas.

Implementing an anti-corruption layer

Imagine you’re implementing a new feature as a brand new service. You’re not constrained by the monolith’s code base, so you can use modern development techniques such as DDD and develop a pristine new domain model. Also, because the FTGO monolith’s domain is poorly defined and somewhat out-of-date, you’ll probably model concepts differently. As a result, your service’s domain model will have different class names, field names, and field values. For example, Delayed Delivery Service has a Delivery entity with narrowly focused responsibilities, whereas the FTGO monolith has an Order entity with an excessive number of responsibilities. Because the two domain models are different, you must implement what DDD calls an anti-corruption layer (ACL) in order for the service to communicate with the monolith.

Pattern: Anti-corruption layer

A software layer that translates between two different domain models in order to prevent concepts from one model polluting another. See

The goal of an ACL is to prevent a legacy monolith’s domain model from polluting a service’s domain model. It’s a layer of code that translates between the different domain models. For example, as figure 13.11 shows, Delayed Delivery Service has a CustomerContactInfoRepository interface, which defines a findCustomerContactInfo() method that returns CustomerContactInfo. The class that implements the CustomerContactInfoRepository interface must translate between the ubiquitous language of Delayed Delivery Service and that of the FTGO monolith.

Figure 13.11. A service adapter that invokes the monolith must translate between the service’s domain model and the monolith’s domain model.

The implementation of findCustomerContactInfo() invokes the FTGO monolith to retrieve the customer information and translates the response to CustomerContactInfo. In this example, the translation is quite simple, but in other scenarios it could be quite complex and involve, for example, mapping values such as status codes.

An event subscriber, which consumes domain events, also has an ACL. Domain events are part of the publisher’s domain model. An event handler must translate domain events to the subscriber’s domain model. For example, as figure 13.12 shows, the FTGO monolith publishes Order domain events. Delivery Service has an event handler that subscribes to those events.

Figure 13.12. An event handler must translate from the event publisher’s domain model to the subscriber’s domain model.

The event handler must translate domain events from the monolith’s domain language to that of Delivery Service. It might need to map class and attribute names and potentially attribute values.

It’s not just services that use an anti-corruption layer. A monolith also uses an ACL when invoking the service and when subscribing to domain events published by a service. For example, the FTGO monolith schedules a delivery by sending a notification message to Delivery Service. It sends the notification by invoking a method on the DeliveryService interface. The implementation class translates its parameters into a message that Delivery Service understands.

How the monolith publishes and subscribes to domain events

Domain events are an important collaboration mechanism. It’s straightforward for a newly developed service to publish and consume events. It can use one of the mechanisms described in chapter 3, such as the Eventuate Tram framework. A service might even publish events using event sourcing, described in chapter 6. It’s potentially challenging, though, to change the monolith to publish and consume events. Let’s look at why.

There are a couple of different ways that a monolith can publish domain events. One approach is to use the same domain event publishing mechanism used by the services. You find all the places in the code that change a particular entity and insert a call to an event publishing API. The problem with this approach is that changing a monolith isn’t always easy. It might be time consuming and error prone to locate all the places and insert calls to publish events. To make matters worse, some of the monolith’s business logic might consist of stored procedures that can’t easily publish domain events.

Another approach is to publish domain events at the database level. You can, for example, use either transaction logic tailing or polling, described in chapter 3. A key benefit of using transaction tailing is that you don’t have to change the monolith. The main drawback of publishing events at the database level is that it’s often difficult to identify the reason for the update and publish the appropriate high-level business event. As a result, the service will typically publish events representing changes to tables rather than business entities.

Fortunately, it’s usually easier for the monolith to subscribe to domain events published as services. Quite often, you can write event handlers using a framework, such as Eventuate Tram. But sometimes it’s even challenging for the monolith to subscribe to events. For example, the monolith might be written in a language that doesn’t have a message broker client. In that situation, you need to write a small “helper” application that subscribes to events and updates the monolith’s database directly.

Now that we’ve looked at how to design the integration glue that enables a service and the monolith to collaborate, let’s look at another challenge you might face when migrating to microservices: maintaining data consistency across a service and a monolith.

13.3.2. Maintaining data consistency across a service and a monolith

When you develop a service, you might find it challenging to maintain data consistency across the service and the monolith. A service operation might need to update data in the monolith, or a monolith operation might need to update data in the service. For example, imagine you extracted Kitchen Service from the monolith. You would need to change the monolith’s order-management operations, such as createOrder() and cancelOrder(), to use sagas in order to keep the Ticket consistent with the Order.

The problem with using sagas, however, is that the monolith might not be a willing participant. As described in chapter 4, sagas must use compensating transactions to undo changes. Create Order Saga, for example, includes a compensating transaction that marks an Order as rejected if it’s rejected by Kitchen Service. The problem with compensating transactions in the monolith is that you might need to make numerous and time-consuming changes to the monolith in order to support them. The monolith might also need to implement countermeasures to handle the lack of isolation between sagas. The cost of these code changes can be a huge obstacle to extracting a service.

Key saga terminology

I cover sagas in chapter 4. Here are some key terms:

  • SagaA sequence of local transactions coordinated through asynchronous messaging.
  • Compensating transactionA transaction that undoes the updates made by a local transaction.
  • CountermeasureA design technique used to handle the lack of isolation between sagas.
  • Semantic lockA countermeasure that sets a flag in a record that is being updated by a saga.
  • Compensatable transactionA transaction that needs a compensating transaction because one of the transactions that follows it in the saga can fail.
  • Pivot transactionA transaction that is the saga’s go/no-go point. If it succeeds, then the saga will run to completion.
  • Retriable transactionA transaction that follows the pivot transaction and is guaranteed to succeed.

Fortunately, many sagas are straightforward to implement. As covered in chapter 4, if the monolith’s transactions are either pivot transactions or retriable transactions, then implementing sagas should be straightforward. You may even be able to simplify implementation by carefully ordering the sequence of service extractions so that the monolith’s transactions never need to be compensatable. Or it may be relatively difficult to change the monolith to support compensating transactions. To understand why implementing compensating transactions in the monolith is sometimes challenging, let’s look at some examples, beginning with a particularly troublesome one.

The challenge of changing the monolith to support compensatable transactions

Let’s dig into the problem of compensating transactions that you’ll need to solve when extracting Kitchen Service from the monolith. This refactoring involves splitting the Order entity and creating a Ticket entity in Kitchen Service. It impacts numerous commands implemented by the monolith, including createOrder().

The monolith implements the createOrder() command as a single ACID transaction consisting of the following steps:

  1. Validate order details.
  2. Verify that the consumer can place an order.
  3. Authorize consumer’s credit card.
  4. Create an Order.

You need to replace this ACID transaction with a saga consisting of the following steps:

  1. In the monolith

    • Create an Order in an APPROVAL_PENDING state.
    • Verify that the consumer can place an order.
  2. In the Kitchen Service

    • Validate order details.
    • Create a Ticket in the CREATE_PENDING state.
  3. In the monolith

    • Authorize consumer’s credit card.
    • Change state of Order to APPROVED.
  4. In Kitchen Service

    • Change the state of the Ticket to AWAITING_ACCEPTANCE.

This saga is similar to CreateOrderSaga described in chapter 4. It consists of four local transactions, two in the monolith and two in Kitchen Service. The first transaction creates an Order in the APPROVAL_PENDING state. The second transaction creates a Ticket in the CREATE_PENDING state. The third transaction authorizes the Consumer credit card and changes the state of the order to APPROVED. The fourth and final transaction changes the state of the Ticket to AWAITING_ACCEPTANCE.

The challenge with implementing this saga is that the first step, which creates the Order, must be compensatable. That’s because the second local transaction, which occurs in Kitchen Service, might fail and require the monolith to undo the updates performed by the first local transaction. As a result, the Order entity needs to have an APPROVAL_PENDING, a semantic lock countermeasure, described in chapter 4, that indicates an Order is in the process of being created.

The problem with introducing a new Order entity state is that it potentially requires widespread changes to the monolith. You might need to change every place in the code that touches an Order entity. Making these kinds of widespread changes to the monolith is time consuming and not the best investment of development resources. It’s also potentially risky, because the monolith is often difficult to test.

Sagas don’t always require the monolith to support compensatable transactions

Sagas are highly domain-specific. Some, such as the one we just looked at, require the monolith to support compensating transactions. But it’s quite possible that when you extract a service, you may be able to design sagas that don’t require the monolith to implement compensating transactions. That’s because a monolith only needs to support compensating transactions if the transactions that follow the monolith’s transaction can fail. If each of the monolith’s transactions is either a pivot transaction or a retriable transaction, then the monolith never needs to execute a compensating transaction. As a result, you only need to make minimal changes to the monolith to support sagas.

For example, imagine that instead of extracting Kitchen Service, you extract Order Service. This refactoring involves splitting the Order entity and creating a slimmed-down Order entity in Order Service. It also impacts numerous commands, including createOrder(), which is moved from the monolith to Order Service. In order to extract Order Service, you need to change the createOrder() command to use a saga, using the following steps:

  1. Order Service

    • Create an Order in an APPROVAL_PENDING state.
  2. Monolith

    • Verify that the consumer can place an order.
    • Validate order details and create a Ticket.
    • Authorize consumer’s credit card.
  3. Order Service

    • Change state of Order to APPROVED.

This saga consists of three local transactions, one in the monolith and two in Order Service. The first transaction, which is in Order Service, creates an Order in the APPROVAL_PENDING state. The second transaction, which is in the monolith, verifies that the consumer can place orders, authorizes their credit card, and creates a Ticket. The third transaction, which is in Order Service, changes the state of the Order to APPROVED.

The monolith’s transaction is the saga’s pivot transaction—the point of no return for the saga. If the monolith’s transaction completes, then the saga will run until completion. Only the first and second steps of this saga can fail. The third transaction can’t fail, so the second transaction in the monolith never needs to be rolled back. As a result, all the complexity of supporting compensatable transactions is in Order Service, which is much more testable than the monolith.

If all the sagas that you need to write when extracting a service have this structure, you’ll need to make far fewer changes to the monolith. What’s more, it’s possible to carefully sequence the extraction of services to ensure that the monolith’s transactions are either pivot transactions or retriable transactions. Let’s look at how to do that.

Sequencing the extraction of services to avoid implementing compe- ensating transactions in the monolith

As we just saw, extracting Kitchen Service requires the monolith to implement compensating transactions, whereas extracting Order Service doesn’t. This suggests that the order in which you extract services matters. By carefully ordering the extraction of services, you can potentially avoid having to make widespread modifications to the monolith to support compensatable transactions. We can ensure that the monolith’s transactions are either pivot transactions or retriable transactions. For example, if we first extract Order Service from the FTGO monolith and then extract Consumer Service, extracting Kitchen Service will be straightforward. Let’s take a closer look at how to do that.

Once we have extracted Consumer Service, the createOrder() command uses the following saga:

  1. Order Service: create an Order in an APPROVAL_PENDING state.
  2. Consumer Service: verify that the consumer can place an order.
  3. Monolith

    • Validate order details and create a Ticket.
    • Authorize consumer’s credit card.
  4. Order Service: change state of Order to APPROVED.

In this saga, the monolith’s transaction is the pivot transaction. Order Service implements the compensatable transaction.

Now that we’ve extracted Consumer Service, we can extract Kitchen Service. If we extract this service, the createOrder() command uses the following saga:

  1. Order Service: create an Order in an APPROVAL_PENDING state.
  2. Consumer Service: verify that the consumer can place an order.
  3. Kitchen Service: validate order details and create a PENDING Ticket.
  4. Monolith: authorize consumer’s credit card.
  5. Kitchen Service: change state of Ticket to APPROVED.
  6. Order Service: change state of Order to APPROVED.

In this saga, the monolith’s transaction is still the pivot transaction. Order Service and Kitchen Service implement the compensatable transactions.

We can even continue to refactor the monolith by extracting Accounting Service. If we extract this service, the createOrder() command uses the following saga:

  1. Order Service: create an Order in an APPROVAL_PENDING state.
  2. Consumer Service: verify that the consumer can place an order.
  3. Kitchen Service: validate order details and create a PENDING Ticket.
  4. Accounting Service: authorize consumer’s credit card.
  5. Kitchen Service: change state of Ticket to APPROVED.
  6. Order Service: change state of Order to APPROVED.

As you can see, by carefully sequencing the extractions, you can avoid using sagas that require making complex changes to the monolith. Let’s now look at how to handle security when migrating to a microservice architecture.

13.3.3. Handling authentication and authorization

Another design issue you need to tackle when refactoring a monolithic application to a microservice architecture is adapting the monolith’s security mechanism to support the services. Chapter 11 describes how to handle security in a microservice architecture. A microservices-based application uses tokens, such as JSON Web tokens (JWT), to pass around user identity. That’s quite different than a typical traditional, monolithic application that uses in-memory session state and passes around the user identity using a thread local. The challenge when transforming a monolithic application to a microservice architecture is that you need to support both the monolithic and JWT-based security mechanisms simultaneously.

Fortunately, there’s a straightforward way to solve this problem that only requires you to make one small change to the monolith’s login request handler. Figure 13.13 shows how this works. The login handler returns an additional cookie, which in this example I call USERINFO, that contains user information, such as the user ID and roles. The browser includes that cookie in every request. The API gateway extracts the information from the cookie and includes it in the HTTP requests that it makes to a service. As a result, each service has access to the needed user information.

Figure 13.13. The login handler is enhanced to set a USERINFO cookie, which is a JWT containing user information. API Gateway transfers the USERINFO cookie to an authorization header when it invokes a service.

The sequence of events is as follows:

  1. The client makes a login request containing the user’s credentials.
  2. API Gateway routes the login request to the FTGO monolith.
  3. The monolith returns a response containing the JSESSIONID session cookie and the USERINFO cookie, which contains the user information, such as ID and roles.
  4. The client makes a request, which includes the USERINFO cookie, in order to invoke an operation.
  5. API Gateway validates the USERINFO cookie and includes it in the Authorization header of the request that it makes to the service. The service validates the USERINFO token and extracts the user information.

Let’s look at LoginHandler and API Gateway in more detail.

The monolith’s LoginHandler sets the USERINFO cookie

LoginHandler processes the POST of the user’s credentials. It authenticates the user and stores information about the user in the session. It’s often implemented by a security framework, such as Spring Security or Passport for NodeJS. If the application is configured to use the default in-memory session, the HTTP response sets a session cookie, such as JSESSIONID. In order to support the migration to microservices, LoginHandler must also set the USERINFO cookie containing the JWT that describes the user.

The API gateway maps the USERINFO cookie to the Authorization header

The API gateway, as described in chapter 8, is responsible for request routing and API composition. It handles each request by making one or more requests to the monolith and the services. When the API gateway invokes a service, it validates the USERINFO cookie and passes it to the service in the HTTP request’s Authorization header. By mapping the cookie to the Authorization header, the API gateway ensures that it passes the user identity to the service in a standard way that’s independent of the type of client.

Eventually, we’ll most likely extract login and user management into services. But as you can see, by only making one small change to the monolith’s login handler, it’s now possible for services to access user information. This enables you focus on developing services that provide the greatest value to the business and delay extracting less valuable services, such as user management.

Now that we’ve looked at how to handle security when refactoring to microservices, let’s see an example of implementing a new feature as a service.

13.4. Implementing a new feature as a service: handling misdelivered orders

Let’s say you’ve been tasked with improving how FTGO handles misdelivered orders. A growing number of customers have been complaining about how customer service handles orders not being delivered. The majority of orders are delivered on time, but from time to time orders are either delivered late or not at all. For example, the courier gets delayed by unexpectedly bad traffic, so the order is picked up and delivered late. Or perhaps by the time the courier arrives at the restaurant, it’s closed, and the delivery can’t be made. To make matters worse, the first time customer service hears about the misdelivery is when they receive an angry email from an unhappy customer.

A true story: My missing ice cream

One Saturday night I was feeling lazy and placed an order using a well-known food delivery app to have ice cream delivered from Smitten. It never showed up. The only communication from the company was an email the next morning saying my order had been canceled. I also got a voicemail from a very confused customer service agent who clearly didn’t know what she was calling about. Perhaps the call was prompted by one of my tweets describing what happened. Clearly, the delivery company had not established any mechanisms for properly handling inevitable mistakes.

The root cause for many of these delivery problems is the primitive delivery scheduling algorithm used by the FTGO application. A more sophisticated scheduler is under development but won’t be finished for a few months. The interim solution is for FTGO to proactively handle delayed or canceled orders by apologizing to the customer, and in some cases offering compensation before the customer complains.

Your job is to implement a new feature that will do the following:

  1. Notify the customer when their order won’t be delivered on time.
  2. Notify the customer when their order can’t be delivered because it can’t be picked up before the restaurant closes.
  3. Notify customer service when an order can’t be delivered on time so that they can proactively rectify the situation by compensating the customer.
  4. Track delivery statistics.

This new feature is fairly simple. The new code must track the state of each Order, and if an Order can’t be delivered as promised, the code must notify the customer and customer support, by, for example, sending an email.

But how—or perhaps more precisely, where—should you implement this new feature? One approach is to implement a new module in the monolith. The problem there is that developing and testing this code will be difficult. What’s more, this approach increases the size of the monolith and thereby makes monolith hell even worse. Remember the Law of Holes from earlier: when you’re in a hole, it’s best to stop digging. Rather than make the monolith larger, a much better approach is to implement these new features as a service.

13.4.1. The design of Delayed Delivery Service

We’ll implement this feature as a service called Delayed Order Service. Figure 13.14 shows the FTGO application’s architecture after implementing this service. The application consists of the FTGO monolith, the new Delayed Delivery Service, and an API Gateway. Delayed Delivery Service has an API that defines a single query operation called getDelayedOrders(), which returns the currently delayed or undeliverable orders. API Gateway routes the getDelayedOrders() request to the service and all other requests to the monolith. The integration glue provides Delayed Order Service with access to the monolith’s data.

Figure 13.14. The design of Delayed Delivery Service. The integration glue provides Delayed Delivery Service access to data owned by the monolith, such as the Order and Restaurant entities, and the customer contact information.

The Delayed Order Service’s domain model consists of various entities, including DelayedOrderNotification, Order, and Restaurant. The core logic is implemented by the DelayedOrderService class. It’s periodically invoked by a timer to find orders that won’t be delivered on time. It does that by querying Orders and Restaurants. If an Order can’t be delivered on time, DelayedOrderService notifies the consumer and customer service.

Delayed Order Service doesn’t own the Order and Restaurant entities. Instead, this data is replicated from the FTGO monolith. What’s more, the service doesn’t store the customer contact information, but instead retrieves it from the monolith. Let’s look at the design of the integration glue that provides Delayed Order Service access to the monolith’s data.

13.4.2. Designing the integration glue for Delayed Delivery Service

Even though a service that implements a new feature defines its own entity classes, it usually accesses data that’s owned by the monolith. Delayed Delivery Service is no exception. It has a DelayedOrderNotification entity, which represents a notification that it has sent to the consumer. But as I just mentioned, its Order and Restaurant entities replicate data from the FTGO monolith. It also needs to query user contact information in order to notify the user. Consequently, we need to implement integration glue that enables Delivery Service to access the monolith’s data.

Figure 13.15 shows the design of the integration glue. The FTGO monolith publishes Order and Restaurant domain events. Delivery Service consumes these events and updates its replicas of those entities. The FTGO monolith implements a REST endpoint for querying the customer contact information. Delivery Service calls this endpoint when it needs to notify a user that their order cannot be delivered on time.

Figure 13.15. The integration glue provides Delayed Delivery Service with access to the data owned by the monolith.

Let’s look at the design of each part of the integration, starting with the REST API for retrieving customer contact information.

Querying customer contact information using CustomerContactInfoRepository

As described in section 13.3.1, there are a couple of different ways that a service such as Delayed Delivery Service could read the monolith’s data. The simplest option is for Delayed Order Service to retrieve data using the monolith’s query API. This approach makes sense when retrieving the User contact information. There aren’t any latency or performance, issues because Delayed Delivery Service rarely needs to retrieve a user’s contact information, and the amount of data is quite small.

CustomerContactInfoRepository is an interface that enables Delayed Delivery Service to retrieve a consumer’s contact info. It’s implemented by a CustomerContactInfoProxy, which retrieves the user information by invoking the monolith’s getCustomerContactInfo() REST endpoint.

Publishing and consuming Order and Restaurant domain events

Unfortunately, it isn’t practical for Delayed Delivery Service to query the monolith for the state of all open Orders and Restaurant hours. That’s because it’s inefficient to repeatedly transfer a large amount of data over the network. Consequently, Delayed Delivery Service must use the second, more complex option and maintain a replica of Orders and Restaurants by subscribing to events published by the monolith. It’s important to remember that the replica isn’t a complete copy of the data from the monolith—it just stores a small subset of the attributes of Order and Restaurant entities.

As described earlier in section 13.3.1, there are a couple of different ways that we can change the FTGO monolith so that it publishes Order and Restaurant domain events. One option is to modify all the places in the monolith that update Orders and Restaurants to publish high-level domain events. The second option is to tail the transaction log to replicate the changes as events. In this particular scenario, we need to synchronize the two databases. We don’t require the FTGO monolith to publish high-level domain events, so either approach is fine.

Delayed Order Service implements event handlers that subscribe to events from the monolith and update its Order and Restaurant entities. The details of the event handlers depend on whether the monolith publishes specific high-level events or low-level change events. In either case, you can think of an event handler as translating an event in the monolith’s bounded context to the update of an entity in the service’s bounded context.

An important benefit of using a replica is that it enables Delayed Order Service to efficiently query the orders and the restaurant opening hours. One drawback, however, is that it’s more complex. Another drawback is that it requires the monolith to publish the necessary Order and Restaurant events. Fortunately, because Delayed Delivery Service only needs what’s essentially a subset of the columns of the ORDERS and RESTAURANT tables, we shouldn’t encounter the problems described in section 13.3.1.

Implementing a new feature such as delayed order management as a standalone service accelerates its development, testing, and deployment. What’s more, it enables you to implement the feature using a brand new technology stack instead of the monolith’s older one. It also stops the monolith from growing. Delayed order management is just one of many new features planned for the FTGO application. The FTGO team can implement many of these features as separate services.

Unfortunately, you can’t implement all changes as new services. Quite often you must make extensive changes to the monolith to implement new features or change existing features. Any development involving the monolith will mostly likely be slow and painful. If you want to accelerate the delivery of these features, you must break up the monolith by migrating functionality from the monolith into services. Let’s look at how to do that.

13.5. Breaking apart the monolith: extracting delivery management

To accelerate the delivery of features that are implemented by a monolith, you need to break up the monolith into services. For example, let’s imagine that you want to enhance FTGO delivery management by implementing a new routing algorithm. A major obstacle to developing delivery management is that it’s entangled with order management and is part of the monolithic code base. Developing, testing, and deploying delivery management is likely to be slow. In order to accelerate its development, you need to extract delivery management into a Delivery Service.

I start this section by describing delivery management and how it’s currently embedded within the monolith. Next I discuss the design of the new, standalone Delivery Service and its API. I then describe how Delivery Service and the FTGO monolith collaborate. Finally I talk about some of the changes we need to make to the monolith to support Delivery Service.

Let’s begin by reviewing the existing design.

13.5.1. Overview of existing delivery management functionality

Delivery management is responsible for scheduling the couriers that pick up orders at restaurants and deliver them to consumers. Each courier has a plan that is a schedule of pickup and deliver actions. A pickup action tells the Courier to pick up an order from a restaurant at a particular time. A deliver action tells the Courier to deliver an order to a consumer. The plans are revised whenever orders are placed, canceled, or revised, and as the location and availability of couriers changes.

Delivery management is one of the oldest parts of the FTGO application. As figure 13.16 shows, it’s embedded within order management. Much of the code for managing deliveries is in OrderService. What’s more, there’s no explicit representation of a Delivery. It’s embedded within the Order entity, which has various delivery-related fields, such as scheduledPickupTime and scheduledDeliveryTime.

Figure 13.16. Delivery management is entangled with order management within the FTGO monolith.

Numerous commands implemented by the monolith invoke delivery management, including the following:

  • acceptOrder()Invoked when a restaurant accepts an order and commits to preparing it by a certain time. This operation invokes delivery management to schedule a delivery.
  • cancelOrder()Invoked when a consumer cancels an order. If necessary, it cancels the delivery.
  • noteCourierLocationUpdated()Invoked by the courier’s mobile application to update the courier’s location. It triggers the rescheduling of deliveries.
  • noteCourierAvailabilityChanged()Invoked by the courier’s mobile application to update the courier’s availability. It triggers the rescheduling of deliveries.

Also, various queries retrieve data maintained by delivery management, including the following:

  • getCourierPlan()Invoked by the courier’s mobile application and returns the courier’s plan
  • getOrderStatus()Returns the order’s status, which includes delivery-related information such as the assigned courier and the ETA
  • getOrderHistory()Returns similar information as getOrderStatus() except about multiple orders

Quite often what’s extracted into a service is, as mentioned in section 13.2.3, an entire vertical slice, with controllers at the top and database tables at the bottom. We could consider the Courier-related commands and queries to be part of delivery management. After all, delivery management creates the courier plans and is the primary consumer of the Courier location and availability information. But in order to minimize the development effort, we’ll leave those operations in the monolith and just extract the core of the algorithm. Consequently, the first iteration of Delivery Service won’t expose a publicly accessible API. Instead, it will only be invoked by the monolith. Next, let’s explore the design of Delivery Service.

13.5.2. Overview of Delivery Service

The proposed new Delivery Service is responsible for scheduling, rescheduling, and canceling deliveries. Figure 13.17 shows a high-level view of the architecture of the FTGO application after extracting Delivery Service. The architecture consists of the FTGO monolith and Delivery Service. They collaborate using the integration glue, which consists of APIs in both the service and monolith. Delivery Service has its own domain model and database.

Figure 13.17. The high-level view of the FTGO application after extracting Delivery Service. The FTGO monolith and Delivery Service collaborate using the integration glue, which consists of APIs in each of them. The two key decisions that need to be made are which functionality and data are moved to Delivery Service and how do the monolith and Delivery Service collaborate via APIs?

In order to flesh out this architecture and determine the service’s domain model, we need to answer the following questions:

  • Which behavior and data are moved to Delivery Service?
  • What API does Delivery Service expose to the monolith?
  • What API does the monolith expose to Delivery Service?

These issues are interrelated because the distribution of responsibilities between the monolith and the service affects the APIs. For instance, Delivery Service will need to invoke an API provided by the monolith to access the data in the monolith’s database and vice versa. Later, I’ll describe the design of the integration glue that enables Delivery Service and the FTGO monolith to collaborate. But first, let’s look at the design of Delivery Service’s domain model.

13.5.3. Designing the Delivery Service domain model

To be able to extract delivery management, we first need to identify the classes that implement it. Once we’ve done that, we can decide which classes to move to Delivery Service to form its domain logic. In some cases, we’ll need to split classes. We’ll also need to decide which data to replicate between the service and the monolith.

Let’s start by identifying the classes that implement delivery management.

Identifying which entities and their fields are part of delivery management

The first step in the process of designing Delivery Service is to carefully review the delivery management code and identify the participating entities and their fields. Figure 13.18 shows the entities and fields that are part of delivery management. Some fields are inputs to the delivery-scheduling algorithm, and others are the outputs. The figure shows which of those fields are also used by other functionality implemented by the monolith.

Figure 13.18. The entities and fields that are accessed by delivery management and other functionality implemented by the monolith. A field can be read or written or both. It can be accessed by delivery management, the monolith, or both.

The delivery scheduling algorithm reads various attributes including the Order’s restaurant, promisedDeliveryTime, and deliveryAddress, and the Courier’s location, availability, and current plans. It updates the Courier’s plans, the Order’s scheduledPickupTime, and scheduledDeliveryTime. As you can see, the fields used by delivery management are also used by the monolith.

Deciding which data to migrate to Delivery Service

Now that we’ve identified which entities and fields participate in delivery management, the next step is to decide which of them we should move to the service. In an ideal scenario, the data accessed by the service is used exclusively by the service, so we could simply move that data to the service and be done. Sadly, it’s rarely that simple, and this situation is no exception. All the entities and fields used by the delivery management are also used by other functionality implemented by the monolith.

As a result, when determining which data to move to the service, we need to keep in mind two issues. The first is: how does the service access the data that remains in the monolith? The second is: how does the monolith access data that’s moved to the service? Also, as described earlier in section 13.3, we need to carefully consider how to maintain data consistency between the service and the monolith.

The essential responsibility of Delivery Service is managing courier plans and updating the Order’s scheduledPickupTime and scheduledDeliveryTime fields. It makes sense, therefore, for it to own those fields. We could also move the Courier.location and Courier.availability fields to Delivery Service. But because we’re trying to make the smallest possible change, we’ll leave those fields in the monolith for now.

The design of the Delivery Service domain logic

Figure 13.19 shows the design of the Delivery Service’s domain model. The core of the service consists of domain classes such as Delivery and Courier. The DeliveryServiceImpl class is the entry point into the delivery management business logic. It implements the DeliveryService and CourierService interfaces, which are invoked by DeliveryServiceEventsHandler and DeliveryServiceNotificationsHandlers, described later in this section.

Figure 13.19. The design of the Delivery Service’s domain model

The delivery management business logic is mostly code copied from the monolith. For example, we’ll copy the Order entity from the monolith to Delivery Service, rename it to Delivery, and delete all fields except those used by delivery management. We’ll also copy the Courier entity and delete most of its fields. In order to develop the domain logic for Delivery Service, we will need to untangle the code from the monolith. We’ll need to break numerous dependencies, which is likely to be time consuming. Once again, it’s a lot easier to refactor code when using a statically typed language, because the compiler will be your friend.

Delivery Service is not a standalone service. Let’s look at the design of the integration glue that enables Delivery Service and the FTGO monolith to collaborate.

13.5.4. The design of the Delivery Service integration glue

The FTGO monolith needs to invoke Delivery Service to manage deliveries. The monolith also needs to exchange data with Delivery Service. This collaboration is enabled by the integration glue. Figure 13.20 shows the design of the Delivery Service integration glue. Delivery Service has a delivery management API. It also publishes Delivery and Courier domain events. The FTGO monolith publishes Courier domain events.

Figure 13.20. The design of the Delivery Service integration glue. Delivery Service has a delivery management API. The service and the FTGO monolith synchronize data by exchanging domain events.

Let’s look at the design of each part of the integration glue, starting with Delivery Service’s API for managing deliveries.

The design of the Delivery Service API

Delivery Service must provide an API that enables the monolith to schedule, revise, and cancel deliveries. As you’ve seen throughout this book, the preferred approach is to use asynchronous messaging, because it promotes loose coupling and increases availability. One approach is for Delivery Service to subscribe to Order domain events published by the monolith. Depending on the type of the event, it creates, revises, and cancels a Delivery. A benefit of this approach is that the monolith doesn’t need to explicitly invoke Delivery Service. The drawback of relying on domain events is that it requires Delivery Service to know how each Order event impacts the corresponding Delivery.

A better approach is for Delivery Service to implement a notification-based API that enables the monolith to explicitly tell Delivery Service to create, revise, and cancel deliveries. Delivery Service’s API consists of a message notification channel and three message types: ScheduleDelivery, ReviseDelivery, or CancelDelivery. A notification message contains Order information needed by Delivery Service. For example, a ScheduleDelivery notification contains the pickup time and location and the delivery time and location. An important benefit of this approach is that Delivery Service doesn’t have detailed knowledge of the Order lifecycle. It’s entirely focused on managing deliveries and has no knowledge of orders.

This API isn’t the only way that Delivery Service and the FTGO monolith collaborate. They also need to exchange data.

How the Delivery Service accesses the FTGO monolith’s data

Delivery Service needs to access the Courier location and availability data, which is owned by the monolith. Because that’s potentially a large amount of data, it’s not practical for the service to repeatedly query the monolith. Instead, a better approach is for the monolith to replicate the data to Delivery Service by publishing Courier domain events, CourierLocationUpdated and CourierAvailabilityUpdated. Delivery Service has a CourierEventSubscriber that subscribes to the domain events and updates its version of the Courier. It might also trigger the rescheduling of deliveries.

How the FTGO monolith accesses the Delivery Service data

The FTGO monolith needs to read the data that’s been moved to Delivery Service, such as the Courier plans. In theory, the monolith could query the service, but that requires extensive changes to the monolith. For the time being, it’s easier to leave the monolith’s domain model and database schema unchanged and replicate data from the service back to the monolith.

The easiest way to accomplish that is for Delivery Service to publish Courier and Delivery domain events. The service publishes a CourierPlanUpdated event when it updates a Courier’s plan, and a DeliveryScheduleUpdate event when it updates a Delivery. The monolith consumes these domain events and updates its database.

Now that we’ve looked at how the FTGO monolith and Delivery Service interact, let’s see how to change the monolith.

13.5.5. Changing the FTGO monolith to interact with Delivery Service

In many ways, implementing Delivery Service is the easier part of the extraction process. Modifying the FTGO monolith is much more difficult. Fortunately, replicating data from the service back to the monolith reduces the size of the change. But we still need to change the monolith to manage deliveries by invoking Delivery Service. Let’s look at how to do that.

Defining a DeliveryService interface

The first step is to encapsulate the delivery management code with a Java interface corresponding to the messaging-based API defined earlier. This interface, shown in figure 13.21, defines methods for scheduling, rescheduling, and canceling deliveries. Eventually, we’ll implement this interface with a proxy that sends messages to the delivery service. But initially, we’ll implement this API with a class that calls the delivery management code.

Figure 13.21. The first step is to define DeliveryService, which is a coarse-grained, remotable API for invoking the delivery management logic.

The DeliveryService interface is a coarse-grained interface that’s well suited to being implemented by an IPC mechanism. It defines schedule(), reschedule(), and cancel() methods, which correspond to the notification message types defined earlier.

Refactoring the monolith to call the DeliveryService interface

Next, as figure 13.22 shows, we need to identify all the places in the FTGO monolith that invoke delivery management and change them to use the DeliveryService interface. This may take some time and is one of the most challenging aspects of extracting a service from the monolith.

Figure 13.22. The second step is to change the FTGO monolith to invoke delivery management via the DeliveryService interface.

It certainly helps if the monolith is written in a statically typed language, such as Java, because the tools do a better job of identifying dependencies. If not, then hopefully you have some automated tests with sufficient coverage of the parts of the code that need to be changed.

Implementing the DeliveryService interface

The final step is to replace the DeliveryServiceImpl class with a proxy that sends notification messages to the standalone Delivery Service. But rather than discard the existing implementation right away, we’ll use a design, shown in figure 13.23, that enables the monolith to dynamically switch between the existing implementation and Delivery Service. We’ll implement the DeliveryService interface with a class that uses a dynamic feature toggle to determine whether to invoke the existing implementation or Delivery Service.

Figure 13.23. The final step is to implement DeliveryService with a proxy class that sends messages Delivery Service. A feature toggle controls whether the FTGO monolith uses the old implementation or the new Delivery Service.

Using a feature toggle significantly reduces the risk of rolling out Delivery Service. We can deploy Delivery Service and test it. And then, once we’re sure it works, we can flip the toggle to route traffic to it. If we then discover that Delivery Service isn’t working as expected, we can switch back to the old implementation.

About feature toggles

Feature toggles, or feature flags, let you deploy code changes without necessarily releasing them to users. They also enable you to dynamically change the behavior of the application by deploying new code. This article by Martin Fowler provides an excellent overview of the topic:

Once we’re sure that Delivery Service is working as expected, we can then remove the delivery management code from the monolith.

Delivery Service and Delayed Order Service are examples of the services that the FTGO team will develop during their journey to the microservice architecture. Where they go next after implementing these services depends on the priorities of the business. One possible path is to extract Order History Service, described in chapter 7. Extracting this service partially eliminates the need for Delivery Service to replicate data back to the monolith.

After implementing Order History Service, the FTGO team can then extract the services in the order described in section 13.3.2: Order Service, Consumer Service, Kitchen Service, and so on. As the FTGO team extracts each service, the maintainability and testability of their application gradually improves, and their development velocity increases.


  • Before migrating to a microservice architecture, it’s important to be sure that your software delivery problems are a result of having outgrown your monolithic architecture. You might be able to accelerate delivery by improving your software development process.
  • It’s important to migrate to microservices by incrementally developing a strangler application. A strangler application is a new application consisting of microservices that you build around the existing monolithic application. You should demonstrate value early and often in order to ensure that the business supports the migration effort.
  • A great way to introduce microservices into your architecture is to implement new features as services. Doing so enables you to quickly and easily develop a feature using a modern technology and development process. It’s a good way to quickly demonstrate the value of migrating to microservices.
  • One way to break up the monolith is to separate the presentation tier from the backend, which results in two smaller monoliths. Although it’s not a huge improvement, it does mean that you can deploy each monolith independently. This allows, for example, the UI team to iterate more easily on the UI design without impacting the backend.
  • The main way to break up the monolith is by incrementally migrating functionality from the monolith into services. It’s important to focus on extracting the services that provide the most benefit. For example, you’ll accelerate development if you extract a service that implements functionality that’s being actively developed.
  • Newly developed services almost always have to interact with the monolith. A service often needs to access a monolith’s data and invoke its functionality. The monolith sometimes needs to access a service’s data and invoke its functionality. To implement this collaboration, develop integration glue, which consists of inbound and outbound adapters in the monolith.
  • To prevent the monolith’s domain model from polluting the service’s domain model, the integration glue should use an anti-corruption layer, which is a layer of software that translates between domain models.
  • One way to minimize the impact on the monolith of extracting a service is to replicate the data that was moved to the service back to the monolith’s database. Because the monolith’s schema is left unchanged, this eliminates the need to make potentially widespread changes to the monolith code base.
  • Developing a service often requires you to implement sagas that involve the monolith. But it can be challenging to implement a compensatable transaction that requires making widespread changes to the monolith. Consequently, you sometimes need to carefully sequence the extraction of services to avoid implementing compensatable transactions in the monolith.
  • When refactoring to a microservice architecture, you need to simultaneously support the monolithic application’s existing security mechanism, which is often based on an in-memory session, and the token-based security mechanism used by the services. Fortunately, a simple solution is to modify the monolith’s login handler to generate a cookie containing a security token, which is then forwarded to the services by the API gateway.
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