Building Resilient Microservices

Coming off the heels of the Saga pattern, we can appreciate the value of having fail-safes built into our microservices application. We need to ensure that we adequately handle inevitable failures.

We can’t assume that our distributed microservices will always be up and running. We also can’t assume that our supporting infrastructure will be reliable. These considerations lead us down a path where we must anticipate the occurrence of failures, whether prolonged or transient.

A prolonged outage can be due to a downed server or service, some generally important part of the infrastructure. These tend to be easier to detect and mitigate since they have a more obvious impact on the runtime of the application. Transient failures are far more difficult to detect since they can last a few seconds to a few minutes at a time and aren’t usually tied to any obvious issue in the infrastructure. Something as simple as a service taking 5 seconds extra to respond can be seen as a transient failure.

It is very important that we not only write code that doesn’t break the application because of a transient issue but also know when to break that application when we have a more serious failure. This is an important part of gauging the user’s experience with our application.

In this chapter, we will look at various scenarios and countermeasures that we can implement when navigating possible failures in our microservices architecture.

After reading this chapter, we will understand how to do the following:

  • Build resilient microservice communication
  • Implement a caching layer
  • Implement retry and circuit breaker policies

Technical requirements

Code references used in this chapter can be found in the project repository, which is hosted on GitHub at this URL: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Microservices-Design-Patterns-in-.NET/tree/master/Ch09.

The importance of service resiliency

Before we get into technical explanations, let us try to understand what it means to be resilient. The word resilient is the base word for resiliency, and it refers to how impervious an entity is to negative factors. It refers to how well an entity reacts to an inevitable failure and how well an entity can resist future failures.

In the context of our microservices architecture, our entities are our services, and we know that failures will happen. A failure can be as simple as a timeout during an internal operation, a loss of communication, or an unexpected outage of an important resource for the service.

Possible failure scenarios and how to handle them

Using the example of our healthcare booking system, let us say that our appointments service needs to retrieve the details of the related patient. The appointments service will make a synchronous HTTP call to the patients service. The steps in this communication step may look like this:

  1. The appointments service makes an HTTP request to the patients service, passing the patient ID (AppointmentsController.cs).
  2. The patients service receives the HTTP request and executes a query to look up the patient’s record (PatientsController.cs).
  3. The patients service responds to the appointment booking service with the appropriate data.

So far, we have come to expect this from our synchronous service communication flow. This, however, is the ideal flow where everything works as expected, and based on your infrastructure, you can guarantee a certain degree of success each time. What we need to account for is the balance—the few times that the flow might get interrupted and not complete the chain of operations successfully. It could be because of a failure, or maybe we just need a little more time. It could also be that we need to cut the call short because it is taking too long.

Now, let us review the same kind of service call where something fails along the way:

  1. The patients service makes an HTTP request to the appointment booking service, passing the patient ID.
  2. The appointment booking service responds with a BAD GATEWAY (502) error code.
  3. The patients service throws an exception immediately when given the BAD GATEWAY response.
  4. The user receives an error message.

In this situation, we received a premature termination of the appointment booking service call. HTTP responses in the 5xx range indicate that there is an issue with the resource or server associated with the appointment booking service. These 5xx errors may be temporary, and an immediate follow-up request would work. A BAD GATEWAY error, specifically, can be due to poor server configuration, proxy server outage, or a simple response to one too many requests at that moment.

In addressing these issues, sometimes we can retry the requests, or have an alternative data source on standby. While we will be discussing retry logic later in the book, we explore using some form of caching layer that allows us to maintain a stable data layer from which we can pull the information we require.

Let us review how we can implement a caching layer to assist with this.

Implementing resiliency with caching and message brokers

We will be diving into how we can make our services resilient using retry policies and the circuit breaker pattern, but we are not limited to these methods in our microservices architecture. We can help to support service resiliency using caching and message broker mechanisms. Adding a caching layer allows us to create a temporary intermediary data store, which becomes useful when we are attempting to retrieve data from a service that is offline at the moment. Our message brokers help to ensure that messages will get delivered, which is mostly useful for write operations.

Let us discuss message brokers and how they help us with our resiliency.

Using a message broker

Message brokers have a higher guarantee of data delivery, which increases resiliency. This is built on the foundation that the message broker will not be unavailable for an extended period, but once a message is placed on the message bus, it will not matter if the listening service(s) is not online. As we discussed earlier, we can almost guarantee that data will be posted successfully through asynchronous communication, since message brokers are designed to retain the information until it is consumed.

Message brokers also support retry logic where if a message is not processed successfully for whatever reason, it is returned to the queue for processing later. We want to manage the number of message delivery retries, so we should configure our message broker to transfer a message to a dead-letter queue, where we store poisoned messages.

We also need to consider how we handle message duplications. This could happen if we send a message to the queue that does not get processed immediately for some reason, and then the message gets sent to the queue again from a retry. This would result in the same message in the queue twice and not necessarily in the correct order, or one behind the other. We must ensure that our messages contain enough information to allow us to adequately develop redundancy checks in our message consumers.

We explored integrating with message brokers in earlier chapters as we discussed asynchronous communication between services. Now, let us explore implementing a caching layer.

Using a caching layer

Caching can be a valuable part of the resiliency strategy. We can incorporate a caching strategy where we fall back on this cache if a service is offline. This means that we can use the caching layer as a fallback data source and create an illusion to the end user that all services are up and running. This cache would get periodically updated and maintained each time data is modified in the database of the source service. This will help with keeping the cached data fresh.

Of course, with this strategy, we need to accept the implications of having potentially stale data. If the source service is offline and the supporting database is being updated (possibly by other jobs), then the cache will eventually become a stale data source. The more measures we put in place to ensure its freshness, the more complexity we introduce to our application.

Notwithstanding the potential pros and cons of adding a caching layer, we can see where it will be a great addition to our microservices application and reduce the number of errors that a user might see, stemming from transient and even longer-term failures.

The most effective way to implement a caching layer is as a distributed cache. This means that all systems in the architecture will be able to access the central cache, which exists as an external and standalone service. This implementation can increase speed and support scaling. We can use Redis Cache as our distributed cache technology, and we will investigate how we can integrate this into an ASP.NET Core application.

Using Redis Cache

Redis Cache is a popular caching database technology. It is an open source in-memory data store that can also be used as a message broker. It can be implemented on a local machine for local development efforts but is also at times deployed on a central server for more distributed systems. Redis Cache is a key-value store that uses a unique key to index a value, and no two values can have the same key. This makes it very easy to store and retrieve data from this type of data store. In addition to that, values may be stored in very simple data types such as strings, numbers, and lists, but JSON format is popularly used for more complex object types. This way, we can serialize and deserialize this string in our code and proceed as needed.

There is also extensive support for Redis Cache on cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). For this exercise, you may install the Redis Cache locally, or use a Docker container. To start using Redis Cache in our project, we need to run the following command:

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Caching

We then need to register our cache in our Program.cs file, like this:

// Register the RedisCache service
services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
    options.Configuration = "Configuration.GetSection

You may configure your connection string in either the appsettings.json file or in application secrets. It will look something like this:

"Redis": {
  "ConnectionString": "CONNECTION_STRING_HERE"

These steps add caching support to our application. Now, we can read from and write to the cache as needed in our application. Generally, we want to write to the cache when data is augmented. New data should be written to the cache—we can remove the old version and create a new version for modified data; for deleted data, we also delete the data from the cache.

We can create a singular CacheProvider interface and implementation as a wrapper around our desired cache operations. Our interface will look like this:

public interface ICacheProvider
    Task ClearCache(string key);
    Task<T> GetFromCache<T>(string key) where T : class;
    Task SetCache<T>(string key, T value,
      DistributedCacheEntryOptions options) where T :

Our implementation looks like this:

public class CacheProvider : ICacheProvider
    private readonly IDistributedCache _cache;
    public CacheProvider(IDistributedCache cache)
        _cache = cache;
    public async Task<T> GetFromCache<T>(string key) where
        T : class
        var cachedResponse = await
        return cachedResponse == null ? null :
    public async Task SetCache<T>(string key, T value,
        DistributedCacheEntryOptions options) where T :
        var response = JsonSerializer.Serialize(value);
        await _cache.SetStringAsync(key, response,
    public async Task ClearCache(string key)
        await _cache.RemoveAsync(key);

This code allows us to interact with our distributed caching service and retrieve, set, or remove values based on their associated key. This service can be registered in our inversion of control (IoC) container and injected into our controllers and repositories as needed.

The idea here is that we can use the GetFromCache method when we need to read the values from the cache. The key allows us to narrow down to the entry we are interested in, and the T generic parameter allows us to define the desired data type. If we need to update the data in the cache, we can clear the cache record associated with the appropriate key and then use SetCache to place new data with an associated key. We will parse the new data to JSON to ensure that we do not violate the supported data types while maintaining the ability to store complex data. When we are adding new data, we simply need to call SetCache and add the new data.

We also want to ensure that we maintain the freshness of the data as much as possible. A popular pattern involves clearing the cache and making a fresh entry each time data is entered or updated.

We can use these bits of code in our application and implement a caching layer to improve not only performance but resiliency and stability. We still have the issue of retrying operations when they fail the initial call. In the next section, we will look at how we can implement our retry logic.

Implementing retry and circuit breaker policies

Services fail for various reasons. A typical response to a service failure is an HTTP response in the 5xx range. These typically highlight an issue with the hosting server or a temporary outage in the network hosting the service. Without trying to pinpoint the exact cause of the failure at the time it happens, we need to add some fail-safes to ensure the continuity of the application when these types of errors occur.

For this reason, we should use retry logic in our service calls. These will automatically resubmit the initial request if an error code is returned, which might be enough time for a transient error to resolve itself and reduce the effects that the initial error might have on the entire system and operation. In this policy, we generally allow for some time to pass between each request attempt. This sums up our retry policy.

What we don’t want to do with our retries is to continue to execute them without some form of exit condition. This would be like implementing an infinite loop if the target service remains unresponsive and inadvertently executing a denial-of-service (DoS) attack on our own service. For this reason, we implement the circuit breaker pattern, which acts as an orchestrator for our service calls.

We will need to implement a retry policy to at least make the call several times before concluding a definite failure. This will make our service more resilient to a potentially fleeting error and allow the application to ensure that the user’s experience isn’t directly affected by such an issue. Now, retries are not always the answer. A retry here makes sense since the service is responding with a clear-cut failure, and we are deciding to try again. We need to decide how many retries are too many and stop accordingly.

We can use the circuit breaker pattern to control the number of retries and set parameters that will govern how long a connection should stay open and listen for a response. This simple technique helps to reduce the number of retries and provides better control over how retries occur.

A circuit breaker sits in between the client and the server. In our microservices application, the service making the call is the client, and the target service is the server receiving the request. Initially, it allows all calls to go through. We call this the closed state. If an error is detected, which can be in the form of an error response or a delayed response, the circuit breaker opens. Once the circuit breaker is open, subsequent calls will fail faster. This will shorten the time spent waiting for a response. It will wait for a configured timeout period and then allow the calls again, in case the target service has recovered. If there is no improvement, then the circuit breaker will break the transmission.

Using these two techniques, we can both counter transient failures and ensure that longer-term failures do not surface in the form of a poor user experience. In .NET Core, we have the benefit of Polly, which is a package that allows us to almost support natively both retry and circuit break policies and implement resilient web service calls. We will explore integrating Polly into our app next.

Retry policy with Polly

Polly is a framework that allows us to add a new layer of resilience to our applications. It acts as a layer between two services that stores the details of an initiated request and monitors the response time and/or the response code. It can be configured with parameters that it uses to determine what a failure looks like, and we can further configure the type of action we would like to take. This action can be in the form of a retry or a cancellation of the request.

Polly is conveniently available in .NET Core and is widely used and trusted around the world. Let us review the steps needed to implement this framework in our application and monitor the calls the Patients API will make to the Documents API.

To add it to our .NET Core application and allow us to write extension code for our HttpClient objects, we start by adding these packages via NuGet:

Install-Package Polly
Install-Package Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly

Now, in our Program.cs file, we can configure our typed HTTP client for our Documents API to use our extension code for its Polly-defined policies. In the Program.cs file, we can define the registration of our typed client like this:


We have added a policy handler to our HTTP client, so it will automatically be invoked for all calls made using this client. We now need to define a method called GetRetryPolicy() that will build our policy:

static IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage> GetRetryPolicy()
            return HttpPolicyExtensions
                .OrResult(r => !r.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                .WaitAndRetryAsync(5, retryAttempt =>
                     retryAttempt)), (exception, timeSpan,
                         context) => {
                    // Add logic to be executed before each
                    retry, such as logging or

It may seem complicated because of the use of the builder pattern, but it is simple to understand and flexible enough to customize to your needs. Firstly, we define the return type or the method to be IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage>, which corresponds with the return type of our calls from our HTTP client. We then allow the policy to observe for transient HTTP errors, which the framework can determine by default, and we can extend that logic with more conditions such as observing the value of IsSuccessStatusCode, which returns true or false for the success of an operation, or even if HttpRequestException has been returned.

These few parameters cover the general worst-case scenarios of an HTTP response. We then set the parameters for our retries. We want to retry at most 5 more times, and each retry should be done at a rolling interval starting at 2 seconds from the previous call. This way, we allow a little time between each retry. This is the concept of a backoff.

Finally, we can define what action would like to take between each retry. This could include some error handling or reauthentication logic.

Retry policies can have negative effects on your system where we might have high concurrency and high contention for resources. We need to ensure that we have a solid policy and define our delays and retries efficiently. Recall that a carelessly configured retry policy may well result in a DoS attack on your own service, opening the application to significant performance issues.

Given the possibility of implementing something that could have negative effects in this manner, we now need a defense barrier that will mitigate this risk and break the retry cycle if the errors never stop. The best defense strategy comes in the form of the circuit breaker, which we will configure using Polly next.

Circuit breaker policy with Polly

As we have discussed for this chapter, we should handle faults that take a bit longer to resolve and define a policy that abandons retry calls to a service when we have concluded that it is unresponsive for a longer term than hoped for.

We can continue from our code that added the retry policy using Polly by defining a circuit breaker policy and adding it as an HTTP handler to our client. We modify the client’s registration in the Program.cs file, like this:


Now, we can add the GetCircuitBreakerPolicy() method as this:

static IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage>
    return HttpPolicyExtensions
        .CircuitBreakerAsync(5, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

This policy defines a circuit breaker that opens the circuit when there have been 5 consecutive retry failures. Once that threshold is reached, the circuit will break for 30 seconds and automatically fail all subsequent calls, which will be interpreted as HTTP failure responses.

With these two policies in place, you can orchestrate your service retries and significantly reduce the effects that unplanned outages might have on your application and the end user’s experience. The circuit breaker policy also adds a layer of protection from any potential adverse effects of the retry policy.

Now, let us summarize what we have learned about implementing resilient web services.


The contents of this chapter help us to be more mindful of the potential for failures in our microservices application. These concepts help us not only construct powerful and stable web services but also supercharge the communication mechanisms that exist between them.

We see that service outages are not always due to faulty code or the database and server of the initial web service, but we are facilitating inter-service communication as well, which leads to greater dependence on the network, third-party service, and general infrastructure uptime. This leads down a path where we implement contingencies that assist in ensuring that our application gives our users as good an experience as possible.

We looked at several techniques for increasing service reliability, such as using a caching layer with technology such as Redis Cache for our GET operations, a message broker for our write operations, and writing more foolproof code using frameworks such as Polly. With Polly, we looked at how we can automatically retry service calls and use a circuit breaker to prevent these retries from being too liberal and causing other problems.

Since services fail and we need a retry method, we also need a way to monitor the health of the services so that we can be aware of why the retries are not effective. This means that we need to introduce health checks that alert us to outages in a service’s infrastructure. We will explore this in the next chapter.

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