Chapter 6. System Design and Operations

Having introduced a system-level view of the microservice architecture and architectural perspective of the value proposition, as well as design considerations, it’s time to discuss aspects of runtime, operational management of a microservice architecture. The benefits of adopting a microservice architecture don’t necessarily come free—they can shift complexity into operations. Generally speaking, teams adopting a microservice architecture are expected to have a certain level of infrastructure automation and operational maturity to be successful. Let’s see what this means in practical terms.

In this chapter we will review key concepts of microservice operations such as independent deployability, the role of containers in cost-efficient deployments, and specifically, what role Docker can play in microservices, service discovery, security, routing, transformation, and orchestration. Taken together, discussions of these topics, in the context, will give you a solid foundation for understanding, designing, and executing on microservice architecture’s operational needs.

Independent Deployability

One of the core principles of the microservice architectural style is the principle of independent deployability—i.e., each microservice must be deployable completely independent of any other microservice. Some of the most important benefits of the architectural style rely on faithful adherence to this principle.

Independent deployability allows us to perform selective or on-demand scaling; if a part of the system (e.g., a single microservice) experiences high load we can re-deploy or move that microservice to an environment with more resources, without having to scale up hardware capacity for the entire, typically large, enterprise system. For many organizations, the operational ability of selective scaling can save large amounts of money and provide essential flexibility.

Remember the imaginary package-shipment startup Shipping, Inc. we introduced in Chapter 5? As a parcel-delivery company, they need to accept packages, route them through various sorting warehouses (hops on the route), and eventually deliver them to their destinations.

Let’s consider an example of selective scaling for Shipping, Inc. This company stores and operates sensitive customer information including demographic and financial data for its customers. In particular, Shipping, Inc. collects credit card information and, as such, falls under the auditing requirements of strict government regulation. For security reasons, Shipping, Inc. deploys sensitive parts of the implementation at an on-premise data center, but its CTO would still like to utilize “cloud computing,” for cost and scalability reasons, when possible.

Scaling hardware resources on-premise can be extremely costly—we have to buy expensive hardware in anticipation of the usage rather than in response to actual usage. At the same time, the part of the application that gets hammered under load and needs scaling may not contain any sensitive client or financial data. It can be something as trivial as an API returning a list of US states or an API capable of converting various currency rates. The chief architect of Shipping, Inc. is confident that their security team will easily allow deployment of such safe microservices to a public/private cloud, where scaling of resources is significantly cheaper. The question is—could they deploy part of an application to a separate data center, a cloud-based one, in this case? The way most, typically monolithic, enterprise systems are architected, deploying selective parts of the application independently is either very hard or practically impossible. Microservices, in contrast, emphasize the requirement of independent deployability to the level of core principle, thus giving us much needed operational flexibility.

On top of operational cost saving and flexibility, another significant benefit of the independent deployability is an organizational one. Generally speaking, two different teams would be responsible for the development of separate microservices (e.g., Customer Management and Shipment Management). If the first team, which is responsible for the Customer Management microservice, needs to make a change and re-release, but Customer Management cannot be released independent of the Shipment Management microservice, we now need to coordinate Customer Management’s release with the team that owns Shipment Management. Such coordination can be costly and complicated, since the latter team may have completely different priorities from the team responsible for Customer Management. More often than not the necessity of such coordination will delay a release. Now imagine that instead of just a handful we potentially have hundreds of microservices maintained by dozens of teams. Release coordination overhead can be devastating for such organizations, leading to products that ship with significant delays or sometimes get obsolete by the time they can be shipped. Eliminating costly cross-team coordination challenges is indeed a significant motivation for microservice adopters.

More Servers, More Servers! My Kingdom for a Server!

To ensure independent deployability, we need to develop, package, and release every microservice using an autonomous, isolated unit of environment. But what does “autonomous, isolated unit of environment” mean in this context? What are some examples of such units of environment?

Let’s assume we are developing a Java/JEE application. At first glance, something like a WAR or EAR file may seem like an appropriate unit of encapsulation and isolation. After all, that’s what these packaging formats were designed for—to distribute a collection of executable code and related resources that together form an independent application, within the context of an application server.

In reality, lightweight packaging solutions, such as JAR, WAR, and EAR archives in Java, Gem files (for Ruby), NPM modules (for Node), or PIP packages (for Python) don’t provide sufficient modularity and the level of isolation required for microservices. WAR files and Gem files still share system resources like disk, memory, shared libraries, the operating system, etc. Case in point: a WAR or EAR file will typically expect a specific version of Java SDK and application server (JBoss, WebSphere, Weblogic, etc.) to be present in the environment. They may also expect specific versions of OS libraries in the environment. As any experienced sysadmin or DevOps engineer knows, one application’s environmental expectations can be drastically different from another’s, leading to version and dependency conflicts if we need to install both applications on the same server. One of the core motivations of adopting a microservice architecture is to avoid the need for complex coordination and conflict resolution, thus packaging solutions that are incapable of avoiding such interdependencies are not suitable for microservices. We need a higher level of component isolation to guarantee independent deployability.

What if we deployed a microservice per physical server or per virtual machine? Well, that would certainly meet the high bar of isolation demanded by microservices, but what would be the financial cost of such a solution?

For companies that have been using microservice architecture for a number of years, it is not uncommon to develop and maintain hundreds of microservices. Let’s assume you are a mature microservices company with about 500 microservices. To deploy these microservices in a reliable, redundant manner you will need at least three servers/VMs per each microservice, resulting in 1,500 servers just for the production system. Typically, most companies run more than one environment (QA, stage, integration, etc.), which quickly multiplies the number of required servers.

Here comes the bad news: thousands of servers cost a lot. Even if we use VMs and not physical servers, even in the “cheapest” cloud-hosting environment the budget for a setup utilizing thousands of servers would be significantly high, probably higher than what most companies can afford or would like to spend. And then there’s that important question of development environments. Most developers like to have a working, complete, if scaled down, model of the production environment on their workstations. How many VMs can we realistically launch on a single laptop or desktop computer? Maybe five or ten, at most? Definitely not hundreds or thousands.

So, what does this quick, on-a-napkin-style calculation of microservices hosting costs mean? Is a microservice architecture simply unrealistic and unattainable, from an operational perspective? It probably was, for most companies, some number of years ago. And that’s why you see larger companies, such as Amazon and Netflix, being the pioneers of the architectural style—they were the few who could justify the costs. Things, however, have changed significantly in recent years.

Microservice Architecture is a Product of Its Time

We often get asked—what is the fundamental difference between microservice architecture and service-oriented architecture, especially given that so many underlying principles seem similar? We believe that the two architectural styles are creations of their respective eras, roughly a decade apart. In those 10 years we, as an industry, have gotten significantly more skilled in effective ways of automating infrastructure operations. Microservice architecture is leveraging the most advanced achievements in DevOps and continuous delivery, making the benefits of the architectural style available and cost-effective to much wider audiences than just a handful of large early adopters like Amazon or Netflix.

The reason microservice architecture is financially and operationally feasible has a lot to do with containers.

The deployment unit universally used for releasing and shipping microservices is a container. If you have never used containers before, you can think of a container as of an extremely lightweight “virtual machine.” The technology is very different from that of conventional VMs. It is based on a Linux kernel extension (LXC) that allows running many isolated Linux environments (containers) on a single Linux host sharing the operating system kernel, which means we can run hundreds of containers on a single server or VM and still achieve the environment isolation and autonomy that is on par with running independent servers, and is therefore entirely acceptable for our microservices needs.

Containers will not be limited to just Linux in the future. Microsoft is actively working on supporting similar technology on the Windows platform.

Containers provide a modern isolation solution with practically zero overhead. While we cannot run more than a handful of conventional VMs on a single host, it is completely possible to run hundreds of containers on a single host. Currently the most widely deployed container toolset is Docker, so in practice Docker and containers have become somewhat synonymous. In reality, there are other up-and-coming container solutions, which may gain more prominence in the future.

Docker and Microservices

In this section we discuss Docker as it is the container toolset most widely deployed in production today. However, as we already mentioned, alternative container solutions exist in varying stages of production readiness. Therefore, most things in this section should be understood as relevant to containers in general, not just Docker specifically.

At the beginning of 2016 (the time of writing of this book), most microservices deployments are practically unthinkable without utilizing Docker containers. We have discussed some of the practical reasons for this. That said, we shouldn’t think of Docker or containers as tools designed just for the microservice architecture.

Containers in general, and Docker specifically, certainly exist outside microservice architecture. As a matter of fact, if we look at the current systems operations landscape we can see that the number of individuals and companies using containers many times exceeds those implementing microservice architecture. Docker in and of itself is significantly more common than the microservice architecture.

Containers were not created for microservices. They emerged as a powerful response to a practical need: technology teams needed a capable toolset for universal and predictable deployment of complex applications. Indeed, by packaging our application as a Docker container, which assumes prebundling all the required dependencies at the correct version numbers, we can enable others to reliably deploy it to any cloud or on-premise hosting facility, without worrying about target environment and compatibility. The only remaining deployment requirement is that the servers should be Docker-enabled—a pretty low bar, in most cases. In comparison, if we just gave somebody our application as an executable, without prebundled environmental dependencies we would be setting them up for a load of dependency pain. Alternatively if we wanted to package the same software as a VM image, we would have to create multiple VM images for several major platforms, since there is no single, dominant VM standard currently adopted by major players.

But compatibility is not the only win; there’s another benefit that is equally, if not more, important when we consider containers versus VM images. Linux containers use a layered filesystem architecture known as union mounting. This allows a great extensibility and reusability not found in conventional VM architectures. With containers, it is trivial to extend your image from the “base image.” If the base image updates, your container will inherit the changes at the next rebuild. Such a layered, inheritable build process promotes a collaborative development, multiplying the efforts of many teams. Centralized registries, discovery services, and community-oriented platforms such as Docker Hub and GitHub further facilitate quick adoption and education in the space.

As a matter of fact, we could easily turn the tables and claim that it is Docker that will be driving the adoption of microservices instead of vice versa. One of the reasons for this claim is that Docker puts significant emphasis on the “Unix philosophy” of shipping containers, i.e., “do one thing, and do it well.” Indeed, this core principle is prominently outlined in the Docker documentation itself:

Run only one process per container. In almost all cases, you should only run a single process in a single container. Decoupling applications into multiple containers makes it much easier to scale horizontally and reuse containers.

Docker documentation

It is clear that with such principles at its core Docker philosophy is much closer to the microservice architecture than a conventional, large monolithic architecture. When you are shooting for “doing one thing” it makes little sense to containerize your entire, huge, enterprise application as a single Docker container. Most certainly you would want to first modularize the application into loosely coupled components that communicate via standard network protocols, which, in essence, is what the microservice architecture delivers. As such, if you start with a goal of containerizing your large and complex application you will likely need a certain level of microservice design in your complex application.

The way we like to look at it, Docker containers and microservice architecture are two ends of the road that lead to the same ultimate goal of continuous delivery and operational efficiency. You may start at either end, as long as the desired goals are achieved.

If you are new to Docker and would like a quick sneak peek at Docker for microservices, you can find one in a blog post Irakli recently published.

The Role of Service Discovery

If you are using Docker containers to package and deploy your microservices, you can use a simple Docker Compose configuration to orchestrate multiple microservices (and their containers) into a coherent application. As long as you are on a single host (server) this configuration will allow multiple microservices to “discover” and communicate with each other. This approach is commonly used in local development and for quick prototyping.

But in production environments, things can get significantly more complicated. Due to reliability and redundancy needs, it is very unlikely that you will be using just one Docker host in production. Instead, you will probably deploy at least three or more Docker hosts, with a number of containers on each one of them.

Furthermore, if your services get significantly different levels of load, you may decide to not deploy all services on all hosts but end up deploying high-load services on a select number of hosts (let’s say ten of them), while low-load services may only be deployed on three servers, and not necessarily the same ones. Additionally, there may be security- and business-related reasons that may cause you to deploy some services on certain hosts and other services on different ones.

In general, how you distribute your services across your available hosts will depend on your business and technical needs and very likely may change over time. Hosts are just servers, they are not guaranteed to last forever.

Figure 6-1 shows what the nonuniform distribution of your services may look like at some point in time if you have four hosts with four containers.

msar 0601
Figure 6-1. Microservice deployment topology with nonuniform service distribution

Each instance of the microservice container in Figure 6-1 is depicted with a different number, shape, and color. In this example, we have Microservice 1 deployed on all four hosts, but Microservice 2 is only on hosts 1–3. Keep in mind that the deployment topology may change at any time, based on load, business rules, which host is available, and whether an instance of your microservice suddenly crashes or not.

Note that since typically many services are deployed on the same host, we cannot address a microservice by just an IP address. There are usually too many microservices, and the instances of those can go up and down at any time. If we allocated an IP per microservice, the IP address allocation + assignment would become too complicated. Instead, we allocate an IP per host (server) and the microservice is fully addressed with a combination of:

  1. IP address (of the host)

  2. Port number(s) the service is available at on the host

We already noted that the IPs a microservice is available at are ever-changing, but what about the port? You might assume that we can assign fixed ports to individual microservices, in essence saying, “our account management microservice always launches on port 5555.” But this would not be a good idea. Generally speaking, many different teams will need to independently launch microservices on, likely, a shared pool of hosts. If we assumed that a specific microservice always launches on a specific port of a host, we would require a high level of cross-team coordination to ensure that multiple teams don’t accidentally claim the same port. But one of the main motivations of using a microservice architecture is eliminating the need for costly cross-team coordination. Such coordination is untenable, in general. It is also unnecessary since there are better ways to achieve the same goal.

This is where service discovery enters the microservices scene. We need some system that will keep an eye on all services at all times and keep track of which service is deployed on which IP/port combination at any given time, so that the clients of microservices can be seamlessly routed accordingly.

As mentioned in previous chapters, there are several established solutions in the open source space for service discovery. On one side of the spectrum we have tools such as Etcd from CoreOs and Consul by HashiCorp. They are “low-level” tools providing a high degree of control and visibility to an architect. On the other side of the spectrum are tools that provide “container-scheduling” capabilities, alongside the service discovery. Kubernetes from Google is probably the most well-known in this category, Docker Swarm being another, more recent player. With container-scheduling solutions, we get a high degree of automation and abstraction. In this scenario, instead of deciding which container is launched on which servers, we just tell the system how much of the host pool’s resources should be devoted to a particular service and Kubernetes or Swarm takes care of balancing/rebalancing containers on the hosts, based on these criteria. Another important technology utilizing containers is Mesosphere. Mesosphere is even more abstracted than Kubernetes or Swarm, currently marketed as “a data center operating system” that allows a higher degree of automation, without having to worry about the many nodes deployed, and operating the entire server cluster almost as if it were a single superserver.

There are no “better” tools when considering service discovery. As an architect, we need to decide how much automation “magic” we want from our tools versus how much control we need to retain for ourselves. Even within the same enterprise application, it is very likely that you may find Kubernetes a great fit for a certain batch of microservices, whereas architects may decide that another class of microservices can be better deployed if directly managed using something like Consul.

The Need for an API Gateway

A common pattern observed in virtually all microservice implementations is teams securing API endpoints, provided by microservices, with an API gateway. Modern API gateways provide an additional, critical feature required by microservices: transformation and orchestration. Last but not least, in most mature implementations, API gateways cooperate with service discovery tools to route requests from the clients of microservices. In this section of the chapter, we will look into each one of the API gateway features and clarify their role in the overall architecture of the operations layer for microservices.


Microservice architecture is an architecture with a significantly high degree of freedom. Or in other words, there are a lot more moving parts than in a monolithic application. As we mentioned earlier, in mature microservices organizations where the architecture is implemented for complex enterprise applications, it is common to have hundreds of microservices deployed. Things can go horribly wrong security-wise when there are many moving parts. We certainly need some law and order to keep everything in control and safe. Which is why, in virtually all microservice implementations, we see API endpoints provided by various microservices secured using a capable API gateway.

APIs provided by microservices may call each other, may be called by “frontend,” i.e., public-facing APIs, or they may be directly called by API clients such as mobile applications, web applications, and partner systems. Depending on the microservice itself, the business needs of the organization, and the industry, market, or application context—all scenarios are fair game. To make sure we never compromise the security of the overall system, the widely recommended approach is to secure invocation of “public-facing” API endpoints of the microservices-enabled system using a capable API gateway.

Based on our experience building microservices systems and helping a wide variety of organizations do the same, we recommend a more radical approach than just securing “public API endpoints.”

In reality the distinction between “public” and “private” APIs often ends up being arbitrary. How certain are we that the API we think is “only internal” will never be required by any outside system? As soon as we try to use an API over the public Web, from our own web application or from a mobile application, as far as security is concerned, that endpoint is “public” and needs to be secured. We have mentioned Amazon multiple times in this book. Let’s remember what the big picture was for Amazon, with Amazon Web Services: they in essence exposed the lowest level of the technical stack possible—hardware resources such as disk, CPU, networking etc., used by their ecommerce website—for anybody in the world to use and they made billions out of it. So, why would we ever assume that we have some APIs that will forever be “internal only”?

Sometimes, certain microservices are deemed “internal” and excluded from the security provided by an API Gateway, as we assume that they can never be reached by external clients. This is dangerous since the assumption may, over time, become invalid. It’s better to always secure any API/microservice access with an API gateway. In most cases the negligible overhead of introducing an API gateway in between service calls is well worth the benefits.

Transformation and Orchestration

We have already mentioned that microservices are typically designed to provide a single capability. They are the Web’s version of embracing the Unix philosophy of “do one thing, and do it well.” However, as any Unix developer will tell you, the single-responsibility approach only works because Unix facilitates advanced orchestration of its highly specialized utilities, through universal piping of inputs and outputs. Using pipes, you can easily combine and chain Unix utilities to solve nontrivial problems involving sophisticated process workflows. A critical need for a similar solution exists in the space of APIs and microservices as well. Basically, to make microservices useful, we need an orchestration framework like Unix piping, but one geared to web APIs.

Microservices, due to their narrow specialization and typically small size, are very useful deployment units for the teams producing them. That said, they may or may not be as convenient for consumption, depending on the client. The Web is a distributed system. Due to its distributed nature, on the Web, so-called “chatty” interfaces are shunned. Those are interfaces where you need to make many calls to get the data required for a single task. This distaste for chatty interfaces is especially pronounced among mobile developers, since they often have to deal with unreliable, intermittent, and slow connections. There are a few things a mobile developer loathes more than an API interface that forces them to make multiple calls to retrieve something they consider a single piece of information.

Let’s imagine that after successful completion of the APIs required for the mobile application, the technical team behind Shipping, Inc.’s microservice architecture decided to embark on a new journey of developing an “intelligent” inventory management system. The purpose of the new system is to analyze properly anonymized data about millions of shipments passing through Shipping, Inc., combine this insight with all of the metadata that is available on the goods being shipped, determine behavioral patterns of the consumers, and utilizing human + machine algorithms design a “recommendation engine” capable of suggesting optimal inventory levels to Shipping, Inc.’s “platinum” customers. If everything works, those suggestions will be able to help customers achieve unparalleled efficiency in managing product stock, addressing one of the main concerns of any online retailer.

If the team is building this system using a microservice architecture, they could end up creating two microservices for the main functionality:

  1. Recommendations microservice, which takes user information in, and responds with the list containing the recommendations—i.e., suggested stock levels for various products that this customer typically ships.

  2. Product Metadata microservice, which takes in an ID of a product type and retrieves all kinds of useful metadata about it.

Such separation of concerns, into specialized microservices, makes complete sense from the perspective of the API publisher, or as we may call them, the server-side team. However, for the team that is actually implementing the end-user interface, calling the preceding microservices is nothing but a headache. More likely than not, the mobile team is working on a user screen where they are trying to display several upcoming suggestions. Let’s say the page size is 20, so 20 suggestions at a time. With the current, verbatim design of the microservices, the user-interface team will have to make 21 HTTP calls: one to retrieve the recommendations list and then one for each recommendation to retrieve the details, such as product name, dimensions, size, price, etc.

At this point, the user-interface team is not happy. They wanted a single list; but instead are forced to make multiple calls (the infamous “N+1 queries” problem, resurfaced in APIs). Additionally, the calls to the Product Metadata microservice return too much information (large payload problem), which is an issue for, say, mobile devices on slow connections. And the end result is that the rendering of the all-important mobile screen is slow and sluggish, leading to poor user experience.

Scenarios like the one just described are all too common. As a matter of fact, they existed even before the dawn of the microservice architecture. For instance, the REST API style has been criticized a lot for “chatty interface.” We do not have to build our microservice APIs in the RESTful style, but a similar problem still exists, since we decided that our microservices need to do “one thing,” which can lead to chattiness. Fortunately, since the “chattiness” problem in the APIs is not new, mature API gateways are perfectly equipped to deal with the problem. A capable API gateway will allow you to declaratively, through configuration, create API interfaces that can orchestrate backend microservices and “hide” their granularity behind a much more developer-friendly interface and eliminate chattiness. In our example scenario, we can quickly aggregate the N+1 calls into a single API call and optimize the response payload. This gives mobile developers exactly what they need: a list of recommendations via a single query, with exactly the metadata they required. The calls to back-end microservices will be made by the API gateway. Good API gateways can also parallelize the twenty calls to the Product Metadata microservice, making the aggregate call very fast and efficient.


We already mentioned that in order to properly discover microservices we need to use a service discovery system. Service discovery systems such as Consul and etcd will monitor your microservice instances and track metadata about what IPs and ports each one of your microservices is available at, at any given time. However, directly providing tuples of the IP/port combinations to route an API client is not an adequate solution. A proper solution needs to abstract implementation details from the client. An API client still expects to retrieve an API at a specific URI, regardless of whether there’s a microservice architecture behind it and independent of how many servers, Docker containers, or anything else is serving the request.

Some of the service discovery solutions (e.g., Consul, and etcd using SkyDNS) provide a DNS-based interface to discovery. This can be very useful for debugging, but still falls short of production needs because normal DNS queries only look up domain/IP mapping, whereas for microservices we need domain mapping with an IP+port combination. In both Consul and SkyDNS, you can actually use DNS to look up both IP and port number, via an RFC 2782 SRV query, but realistically no API client expects or will appreciate having to make SRV requests before calling your API. This is not the norm. Instead, what we should do is let an API gateway hide the complexities of routing to a microservice from the client apps. An API gateway can interface with either HTTP or DNS interfaces of a service discovery system and route an API client to the correct service when an external URI associated with the microservice is requested. You can also use a load balancer or smart-reverse proxy to achieve the same goal, but since we already use API gateways to secure routes to microservices, it makes a lot of sense for the routing requirement to also be implemented on the gateway.

Monitoring and Alerting

As we have already mentioned, while microservice architecture delivers significant benefits, it is also a system with a lot more moving parts than the alternative—monolith. As such, when implementing a microservice architecture, it becomes very important to have extensive system-wide monitoring and to avoid cascading failures.

The same tools that we mentioned for service discovery can also provide powerful monitoring and failover capabilities. Let’s take Consul as an example. Not only does Consul know how many active containers exist for a specific service, marking a service broken if that number is zero, but Consul also allows us to deploy customized health-check monitors for any service. This can be very useful. Indeed, just because a container instance for a microservice is up and running doesn’t always mean the microservice itself is healthy. We may want to additionally check that the microservice is responding on a specific port or a specific URL, possibly even checking that the health ping returns predetermined response data.

In addition to the “pull” workflow in which Consul agents query a service, we can also configure “push”-oriented health checks, where the microservice itself is responsible for periodically checking in, i.e., push predetermined payload to Consul. If Consul doesn’t receive such a “check-in,” the instance of the service will be marked “broken.” This alternative workflow is very valuable for scheduled services that must run on predetermined schedules. It is often hard to verify that scheduled jobs do run as expected, but the “push”-based health-check workflow can give us exactly what we need.

Once we set up health checks we can install an open source plug-in called Consul Alerts, which can send service failure and recovery notifications to incident management services such as PagerDuty or OpsGenie. These are powerful services that allow you to set up sophisticated incident-notification phone trees and/or notify your tech team via email, SMS, and push notifications through their mobile apps. Since it is 2016 and everybody seems to be using Slack or HipChat, Consul Alerts also has support for notifying these chat/communication systems, so that you can be alerted about a service interruption even as you are sending your coworkers that day’s funny animated .gif, or are, say, discussing product priorities for the upcoming cycle. I personally use Slack for both, so no judging.


In this chapter we clarified the relationship between containers (such as Docker) and microservices. While simply containerizing your application doesn’t lead you to a microservice architecture, most microservices implementations do use containers as they bring unparalleled cost savings and portability for autonomous deployment. Further, we noted that containers were not created for microservices—they have their own purpose and are actually much more widely adopted than microservice architecture. We also predicted that container adoption may, in effect, lead to increased popularity of microservices, since it is the architecture that best fits the container-based deployment philosophy.

We also reviewed what is possibly the most important topic of microservices operations—service discovery—explaining the various options currently available in open source, the similarities and differences between them, and what choices systems architects make when picking a particular solution.

We discussed the role of the API gateway and the core capabilities it provides for the architectural style: security, routing, and transformation/orchestration. We also looked at an example of an intelligent recommendation engine to explain the key role of transformation/orchestration in the architectural style.

At the end of the chapter we discussed the role of monitoring for microservice architecture, alternative workflow approaches of push-based health-checks versus pull-based ones, and provided some example tools that can help teams set up sophisticated monitoring and alerting workflows.

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