PART 14: Intelligence Analysis

Intelligence Analysis Patterns

Being deep into studying intelligence analysis119 while preparing for cyber warfare memory dump analysis presentation we came to an idea of intelligence analysis patterns based on software trace analysis patterns120 and software Narratology (Volume 3, page 342). Basically we consider intelligence data as pseudo-software trace messages with an additional probability field (column). Most of the patterns can be transferred and used immediately in intelligence analysis and we are working on such a map. Because real software trace messages are quite certain (deterministic) where their sequences sometimes not (see, for example, Impossible Trace pattern, page 249) there are some unique patterns applicable only in intelligence analysis domain.

The Birth of Memory Intelligence Agency

A few years ago when searching for interdisciplinary ideas via metaphorical bijections (Volume 4, page 241) we found many parallels between memory dump analysis and intelligence analysis. At that time we started reading a book “Intelligence Analysis: A Target-Centric Approach”, 2nd Edition (currently in the 3rd edition). Now looking at the cover of that book (2nd edition) we think it might have later unconsciously influenced the picture of RADII process121.

After some break with studying intelligence we now resume it after we found that tapping (trace analysis patterns122 for general memory traces with extra uncertainty attribute) could be a good basis for intelligence analysis patterns (page 289). Our recent jump into cyber warfare also contributed to that. As a fictional continuation from MIx line (MI5, MI6123) we feel the need to create MIA to promote such ideas (it is a well-known fact that MI6 initially started as an amateurish organization124).





123 MI5 and MI6 both look to me as pool tags and GCHQ sounds like related to Garbage Collector

124 Strategic Intelligence, Volume 1

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